Open-access Generalized tetanus: a pediatric case report and literature review


Pediatric tetanus is a rare and forgotten disease in countries with high childhood tetanus toxoid vaccination rates. Therefore, the clinical manifestations, treatment and management of this potentially life-threatening disease are not well known. With a literature review and discussion of tetanus management in pediatric patients, we describe a clinical course of a rare and fatal but vaccine-preventable disease, the generalized tetanus, in an adolescent who was successfully treated.

Tetanus; Children; Vaccine


Tetanus is one of the diseases prevented by vaccines and is not transmitted from person to person1. As a result of higher childhood tetanus toxoid vaccination rates, tetanus incidence has significantly decreased in recent years. There were 264 tetanus patients and 19 deaths reported in the US between 2009–2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2. In the European Union, in 2018, 92 tetanus cases were documented and 48 were confirmed3. Nine cases of tetanus were reported in Turkey, in 20204. But in countries where vaccination is insufficient, deaths from tetanus still occur. Tetanus-related deaths were estimated at 56,000 deaths worldwide each year5. The disease develops with the penetration of the anaerobe Clostridium tetani, common in the soil, into the traumatically injured tissue, producing a neurotoxin1. The clinical forms of tetanus are generalized, localized, cephalic, and neonatal6. Generalized tetanus is the most frequent and fatal clinical form of tetanus1. Herein, we describe an unimmunized patient, a 16-year-old boy, diagnosed with generalized tetanus who was successfully treated.


A previously healthy 16-year-old boy injured his right hand while carrying building construction materials made of iron. Ten days after the injury, he arrived at the emergency room with generalized spasms. Upon arrival, he developed a sore throat that progressed to trismus, rigidity of the jaw muscles, and sustained generalized muscle spasms. As the patient was unimmunized, tetanus infection was suspected based on clinical signs and symptoms. Tetanus toxoid vaccine was administered intramuscularly. Since tetanus immune globulin (TIG) was not available in the city, intramuscular equine antitoxin was administered after an intradermal test had been performed. Sufficient doses of equine antitoxin could not be obtained, so human TIG was procured from other hospitals. The patient was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of our hospital, and informed consent was given by the patient’s parents.

Upon admission to our PICU, his vital signs were normal, and oxygen saturation was 98% on room air. He had tonic contraction and muscular spasms, dysphagia, trismus, muscular rigidity, and tachycardia. Laboratory studies showed the values for white blood cell count (12,070/μL), hemoglobin (11.5 g/dL), urea (31 mg/dL), creatinine (0.86 mg/dL), c-reactive protein (6.6 mg/L), sodium (138 mEq/L), potassium (4.3 mEq/L), creatine kinase (CK) (1,363 IU/L), calcium (9.7 mg/dL), phosphorus (4 mg/dL), magnesium (1.92 mg/dL), alanine aminotransferase (60.6 U/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (88.2 U/L).

He was given intravenous penicillin G (3 million units intravenously (IV) every six h), and metronidazole (500 mg IV every eight h) when he was admitted to our PICU. Human tetanus immune globulin (HTIG) was administered to the patient at the appropriate dose. He was monitored in a room in which reduced light and silence were provided in order to avoid triggering his symptoms. Because his muscle rigidity and spasms continued, diazepam (10 mg/dose in six doses), and baclofen (10 mg three times daily) were initiated. To suppress autonomic dysfunction and control spasms, a magnesium sulfate infusion was started. His clinical signs and laboratory results improved during follow-up. His muscle rigidity and spasms decreased and oral intake was increased. Serum levels of CK were normal. When his clinical signs improved, he was transferred from the PICU to the pediatric infectious disease ward.

After the patient’s contractions decreased and his tachycardia regressed in the follow-up, magnesium sulfate infusion and diazepam were gradually discontinued. The dose of baclofen was reduced based on the recommendations of a pediatric neurologist. Penicillin and metronidazole therapy was completed in 14 days. He was discharged with a recommendation to be admitted to hospital for a follow-up.

The patient came for a reexamination after discharge, he had no health problems during the follow-up, and the physical examination was normal. A program for tetanus toxoid vaccination was arranged for the completion of a total of three doses.


To find the most comprehensive and updated recommendations for the prevention and treatment of tetanus, a targeted literature study was carried out. We looked for English-language articles published in the last ten years using the keywords “Tetanus” and “Pediatrics” in the databases of PubMed and Medline. Original studies and case reports were included. 22 articles comprising 146 pediatric cases are listed in Table 1-. The SPSS software (version 20, IBM, Armonk, New York, USA) was utilized for the statistical analysis of the studies included in the review. Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the data. According to the information provided, except for 12 patients diagnosed with otogenic tetanus, all 134 patients were unvaccinated or partially immunized. A total of 56 of the patients were diagnosed with neonatal tetanus. The neonate patients had history of unhealthy umbilical stump, lower abdominal septic skin infection, and post-circumcision infection. The other pediatric patients had history of trauma, lacerations, punctured injuries, and otogenic tetanus. All patients had typical symptoms of tetanus, such as lock-jaw, facial, abdominal muscle rigidity, painful neck stiffness, trismus, labile heart rate, tachypnea, hyperpyrexia, generalized spasms, risus sardonicus and opisthotonus. According to the data presented, among 146 pediatric patients with tetanus reported in the case series and studies in the literature, 41 (28%) of them died-. Our research has limitations such as the small sample size because it only covers the articles published in PubMed.

Table 1
Neonatal and pediatric cases diagnosed with tetanus in the literature.


Generalized tetanus has become one of the forgotten infectious diseases thanks to universal vaccination with the tetanus toxoid5. Our case report and literature review is a reminder of this neglected disease and underline the significance of early clinical suspicion for tetanus, which has a fatal clinical picture among unvaccinated children. This case report may raise awareness of this vaccine-preventable illness, and it should be noted that early diagnosis can be vitally important.

Symptoms of tetanus can appear days to weeks after a wound7. This disease is typically accompanied by symptoms such as dysphagia, muscular spasms, and trismus of the head and neck8. Generalized tetanus may evolve to broad muscle stiffness and opisthotonus23. Muscle spasms can be very painful and are frequently triggered by stimulation26. Tachycardia, bradycardia, blood pressure changes and arrhythmias can all be symptoms of autonomic instability17. The spasms last for three to four weeks. A full recovery can take months5,26.

Generalized tetanus should be considered in patients with a history of injury, painful muscle spasms and tonic contractions, trismus, opisthotonus, dysphagia, apnea due to upper airway obstruction, stiff neck, and symptoms of autonomic hyperactivity, who live in areas with low vaccination rates1,5. It’s important to rule out other causes of spasms, such as hypocalcemia and drug or toxin intake5. Tetanus is more likely to spread to those with diabetes, dirt-contaminated wounds, older people, and injectable drug users12.

Similarly to our patient, people who have never had an immunization are obviously at a greater risk for infection, but as anti-tetanus toxin antibody concentration declines with age, older adults are also at a higher risk of infection12. Tetanus in children is uncommon in developed countries. An anti-tetanus toxin antibody concentration of >0.01 IU/mL is typically regarded as the minimum protective threshold in modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests12,28. The degree of protective anti-tetanus toxin antibodies remains debatable12. Because tetanus immunity cannot be obtained spontaneously, it’s crucial to receive all recommended vaccinations in pediatrics and maintain antibody levels throughout the course of life by receiving booster shots every 10 years28. Our patient’s wounds were contaminated with dirt and we were unable to detect his antitoxin antibody concentration.

Conversely, some other reports in the literature claim that people with minor or subtle wounds may potentially contract a tetanus infection12. According to our literature review in Table 1, one pediatric patient who developed tetanus did not report an injury or wound17.

Tetanus is treated by neutralizing residual tetanus toxoid antibodies, eliminating pathogens in the injured area, supportive care for respiratory failure, and controlling muscular spasm symptoms29. If left untreated, the case fatality rate is very high, almost 100%. Case mortality rates can decrease between 10% to 20% with appropriate therapy5. Pediatric intensive care is the cornerstone of management for generalized tetanus. To prevent triggering spasms, patients should be kept in quiet rooms with reduced light8.

Benzodiazepines are preferred as therapies because they help to control rigidity and spasms, and provide a sedative effect5. An additional antispasmodic medication that reduces autonomic hyperactivity, and is also effective on spasms, is intravenous magnesium sulfate29. Other measures of tetanus management are active immunization and intramuscular injection of human TIG immediately after the diagnosis to prevent the worsening of the disease5. Human TIG neutralizes the unbound toxin5,12. Intramuscular or intravenous equine antitoxin is a suitable alternative if HTIG is not provided17. If equine antitoxin is used, skin testing should be done before giving the full dose to exclude hypersensitivity effects29. In a randomized controlled trial of 215 patients aged >16 years old, no advantage to using intramuscular human TIG (3,000 international units) in tetanus therapy versus intramuscular equine antitoxin (21,000 international units) was detected30. Intravenous immune globulin can be given if HTIG or equine antitoxin are not available28. To eliminate tetanus bacilli, antibiotics such as penicillin and metronidazole are recommended29. While C. tetani is often susceptible to penicillin, it has a weak infiltration into abscesses and can be neutralized by other microbial pathogens. Metronidazole was demonstrated to have excellent results in a controlled trial26. In several cases, surgical debridement is needed to eliminate spores and necrotic tissue that can provide a suitable environment for the further growth of spores9.

Long-term functional results of the recovered patients from tetanus may be compromised and functional disabilities have been reported in the literature31. Tetanus-infected neonates may have neurological impairment, cognitive disability and cerebral palsy in long period follow-up32.

It should be kept in mind that completing the full tetanus vaccination series during childhood, and maintaining immunity with tetanus booster shots during adulthood is essential and life-saving28. As seen in our review, this fatal disease (neonatal tetanus) still exists in areas where vaccination is not sufficient22. It is essential to vaccinate previously unvaccinated mothers in the prenatal period to prevent neonatal tetanus33. But even though the vaccine can be given at any stage during pregnancy, it is preferable for pregnant women to have the tetanus toxoid vaccination between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy28. Pregnant women who are partially immunized or unimmunized should take 3 vaccines containing tetanus toxoid within the indicated period28,33. If a previously unvaccinated pregnant woman takes at least two doses of the tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines at the recommended intervals, the probability of neonatal tetanus is minimal28.


In conclusion, we described tetanus disease as observed in an unvaccinated adolescent. To enable early diagnosis of generalized tetanus because of its high fatality, it is crucial to obtain a detailed patient medical history and a comprehensive physical examination. Treatment of punctured, crushed, and traumatic injuries should be enhanced carefully to prevent tetanus5. Based on the fact that tetanus bacteria are always in the soil, this fatal disease cannot be eradicated but it can be reduced with increased tetanus vaccination worldwide1,5. Complete immunization is crucial because tetanus infection does not provide lifetime immunity to individuals who have had the disease5.


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  • 3 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Tetanus: annual epidemiologic report for 2018. [cited 2023 May 4]. Available from:
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  • FUNDING: None

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    15 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    3 May 2023
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