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BOOK REVIEW* * This book is available at the Library of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo

BALOWS, Albert & DUERDEN, Brian I ¾ Systematic Bacteriology. London, Arnold, 1998.
1501p. ilus.
ISBN 0 340 663170 (Volume 2). ISBN 0 340 614706 (Set).

The period since publication of the first edition in 1929 has seen various modifications in the form and content of Topley and Wilson, perhaps the most important of which was the change with the 7th edition to a multi-author work in four volumes. This, the 9th edition marks spectacular departures from past policy.

The 9th edition is designed to make the volumes more self-contained and descriptions of the immune response as it relates respectively to viruses, bacteria and the eukaryotic parasites are provided in the appropriate volumes.

The standard of the illustrations, many of which are now in colour, is considerably higher than in previous editions. The quality of the references has been greatly improved by providing the titles of papers and both first and last pages.

Change in a work of this nature is inevitable and this edition of the volume on SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY is a dramatic departure from its predecessors in many ways. Each chapter has been rewritten in its entirety to present new information on the biotechnical and molecular aspects of bacteria while retaining the fundamentals of bacteriology. Students of medical microbiology and infectious diseases should benefit from this fresh approach in presenting the basic facts of bacteriology and in describing the various genera of bacteria responsible for infectious diseases.

This volume consists of 64 chapters. These reflect a combination of the chapters dealing with general bacteriology and with specific genera of pathogens in volumes 1 and 2 of the 8th edition respectively.

The first 19 chapters cover fundamentals of bacteriology with a strong leaning to those topics that are of interest to students, research workers and teachers of microbiology. Following an historical introduction by M.T. Parker, the next 6 chapters deal with how bacteria are built, grow and become part of the biosphere, and comprise topics such as structure, morphology, metabolism and diversity. The next 4 chapters address the ways in which bacteria compete in their environment: viz., bacteriocins and bacteriophages, the effects of antibiotics, bacterial genetics, human microflora and bacterial diversity. These are followed by chapters covering the role of bacteria in our environment: soil, air, water, dairy products and foodstuffs. An additional segment of fundamentals is contained in 4 chapters dealing with classification and taxonomy, isolation and identification, and immuno-serology. The last 45 chapters contain comprehensive descriptions and discussions of bacterial genera or groups of bacterial pathogens with coverage extending to new, emerging or re-emerging pathogens as well as current information on established pathogens.

From the Editor-in-chief Preface and

Volume Editors' Preface

Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group

338 Euston Road,

London, NW1 3BH ¾ England

Co-published in the United States of America by:

Oxford University Press, Inc.

198 Madison Avenue,

New York, NY 10016 - USA

GODDARD, Jerome ¾ Infectious diseases and Arthropods. Totowa, New Jersey, Humana Presss, 1999.
231p. ilus.
ISBN 0-89603-825-4

In Infectious diseases and Arthropods, Jerome Goddard (Mississippi Department of Health, and University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS) summarizes the latest thinking about the biological, entomological, and clinical aspects of the major vector-borne diseases around the world. His book covers mosquito-, tick-, and flea-borne diseases, and a variety of other miscellaneous vector-borne diseases, including Chagas' disease, African sleeping sickness, onchocerciasis, scrub typhus, and louse-borne infections. The author provides for each disease a description of the vector involved, notes on its biology and ecology, distribution maps, and general clinical guidelines for treatment and control. Among the diseases fully discussed are malaria, dengue and yellow fevers, lymphatic filariasis, spotted fevers, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, tularemia, and plague. Other arthropod-caused or-related problems ¾ such as myiasis, imaginary insect or mite infestations, and arthropod stings and bites ¾ are also treated.

At a time when vector-borne diseases are spreading ever more widely, Infectious diseases and Arthropods provides physicians, infectious disease specialists, medical entomologists, and public health officials with an up-to-date, readily accessible, gold-standard reference source.

Contents: Part I: Arthropods and Human Health; Part II: Major Arthropod-borne diseases; Part III: Other Arthropod-caused or-related problems; Appendix A: Signs and symptoms of Arthropod-borne diseases; Appendix B: Diagnostic tests used in Arthropod-born diseases; Index.


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LA SALUD Y EL AMBIENTE EN EL DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE. Washington, Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2000.
283p. ilus. (Publicación Científica No. 572).
ISBN 92 75 31572 8.

La calidad del ambiente es un factor determinante de la salud de enorme importancia. El deterioro ambiental produce efectos negativos directos e indirectos sobre la salud de las personas y compromete el desarrollo sustenible. Por el contrario, un medio ambiente protegido se expresa en equidad ambiental, lo que significa, entre otras cosas, agua, aire y suelo no contaminados, alimentos inocuos, lugares de trabajo apropriados y formas de vida saludables. Asimismo, un medio ambiente protegido potencia las posibilidades del hombre de preservar y maximizar su salud.

La mala calidad del ambiente es responsable en forma directa del 25% de la morbilidad evitable actualmente en el mundo. Las enfermedades diarreicas y las infecciones respiratorias encabezan la lista. Diversas afecciones, como la malaria, la esquistosomiasis y otras enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias, y muchas infecciones de la infancia están igualmente ligadas a las condiciones ambientales deficientes. El 5% de los cánceres podrían deberse a exposiciones ocupacionales y el 2% a la calidad del aire. Muchas de las exposiciones asociadas son evitables.

De estos temas trata el presente informe, que es una contribución de la OMS al seguimiento de la Cumbre de la Tierra y una evaluación actualizada del impacto de los riesgos ambientales sobre la salud, en los niveles local, nacional y mundial. Se abordan en forma concisa otras amenazas para la salud, como el tabaquismo y las dietas deficitarias, se analizan las tendencias de salud y medio ambiente desde los años setenta en adelante y se emplean estas tendencias como base para las proyecciones.

Asimismo, el informe describe la forma en que un medio ambiente adecuado puede favorecer la salud y demuestra que la calidad del ambiente es indispensable para el bienestar humano. En particular, se calcula la proporción de la carga mundial de enfermedad atribuible a la mala calidad del ambiente y se describen los factores ambientales que contribuyen a ciertas categorías de enfermedad. Se analizan también los problemas de salud ambiental que están comenzando a surgir. Por último, el informe pone de relieve que las políticas y acciones integradaas de salud y medio ambiente contribuyen de manera significativa a los esfuerzos en favor del desarrollo sostenible.

El mensaje fundamental del informe es que la salud de las generaciones futuras y las imágenes positivas sobre la salud y el medio ambiente que aparecen en los dibujos que ilustran el libro solo serán posibles si actuamos sin delación.


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AMATO NETO, V.; LEVI, G.C.; LOPES, H.V.; MENDONÇA, J.S. de & BALDY, J.L. da S. ¾ Antibióticos na prática médica. 5.ed. São Paulo, Roca, 2000.
304p. ilus.
ISBN 85-7241-299-9

Nesta 5ª edição de Antibióticos na Prática Médica, os autores, Vicente Amato Neto, Hélio Vasconcellos Lopes, José Luis da Silveira Baldy, Guido Carlos Levi, João Silva de Mendonça ¾ adotaram o mesmo modelo das edições anteriores, atualizando e ampliando o texto dos 13 capítulos, com base em completa revisão da literatura e na própria experiência pessoal, adquirida ao longo de várias décadas no atendimento diário de enfermos com doenças infecciosas, em hospitais e no consultório: 1. Princípios práticos gerais para o uso de antibióticos; 2. Mecanismos de ação; 3. Efeitos adversos; 4. Resistência bacteriana; 5. Testes de sensibilidade; 6. Antibióticos clássicos; 7. Associação de antibióticos; 8. Emprego profilático; 9. Emprego de antibióticos em insuficiência renal e insuficiência hepática; 10. Emprego de antibióticos durante o ciclo grávido-puerperal; 11. Novos antibióticos: progressos e perspectivas; 12. Terapêutica antimicrobiana das principais doenças infecciosas; 13. Apresentações comerciais dos antimicrobianos.

Conservando as mesmas características didáticas que lhe deram o conceito de que usufrui há quase 30 anos, desde o lançamento de sua primeira edição, em 1972, Antibióticos na Prática Médica continua a ser de leitura e consulta obrigatória por parte de Infectologistas Clínicos, Pediatras e Cirurgiões, e de todos os médicos e dentistas que prescrevem esses medicamentos. Com esta nova edição, de livro que já se tornou clássico na literatura nacional, os acadêmicos de Medicina, Odontologia, Enfermagem e Farmácia e Bioquímica manterão sua preferência por Antibióticos na Prática Médica, na aquisição de conhecimentos básicos e aplicados sobre os antimicrobianos.

(Copiado da Capa do Livro)

Editora Roca Ltda

Rua Dr. Cesário Mota Jr., 73

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Tel.: (011) 221-8609 Fax.: (011) 220-8653 ¾

HAUSLER JR, William J. & SUSSMAN, Max ¾ Bacterial Infections. London, Arnold, 1998.
ISBN 0 340 663189 (Volume 3). ISBN 0 340 614706 (Set).

This volume deals with the fascinating world between the basic and systematic aspects of bacteriology on the one hand and clinical infectious diseases on the other. This broad area of study has never acquired its own name, probably because it is a compound of many independent sciences, including epidemiology, immunology and pathology, amongst others. In addition, continuing awareness of the history of infectious diseases often affords an important retrospective, particularly at a time when the prospect of emerging infections increasingly occupies our attention.

Readers familiar with recent editions of this work will note that the structure and arrangement of this volume have changed. The early chapters dealing with immunity and disease transmission were previously in the volume devoted to general microbiology and immunity. The sequence of the later chapters, which deal with infections due to individual or groups of pathogenic bacteria has as far as possible been rearranged on a «system» basis. The object is to bring closer together discussions of the different infections of single body systems, such as the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. The intriguing ability of some pathogens to cause disease in many body systems means that such an arrangement cannot be applied with absolute rigour. At the same time, the recruitment of a large number of new authors has occasioned new titles for a number of the chapters and the inclusion of new topics, including the emergence and resurgence of bacterial infectious disease, oral infections, bartonellosis and cat scratch disease. For the first time a separate chapter is devoted to the non-sporing anaerobic bacteria.

Many chapters have undergone binary fission. The mycobacterioses other than tuberculosis have been given a separate chapter, and increasing knowledge about helicobacter infections has made it desirable to consider these separately from campylobacter infections. Similarly, plague and other yersinial infections are each dealt with in separate chapters; pasteurellosis and tularemia are now separated from the chapter on melioidosis and glanders.

As in past, animal diseases other than zoonoses are addressed briefly or not at all, unless they are in some special way important in the context of human disease.

The explosion of knowledge about bacterial infections in recent years is so great that some older knowlegde has had to be omitted from this edition. Readers should therefore be reminded that previous editions of Topley and Wilson continue to be valuable sources of record and reference. This volume is an attempt to present the present state of knowledge about the bacteriology of infectious diseases together with pointers to future developments.

Many new authors have joined for this edition which is now for the first time truly international. Although this has meant a farewell to many past contributors, it has also meant a welcome to many new ones.

From Volume Editors' Preface

Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group

338 Euston Road,

London, NW1 3BH ¾ England

Co-published in the United States of America by:

Oxford University Press, Inc.

198 Madison Avenue,

New York, NY 10016 - USA

MAHY, Brian WJ & COLLIER, Leslie - Virology. London, Arnold, 1998.
ISBN 0 340 663162 (Volume 1). ISBN 0 340 614706 (Set).

The profound influence of molecular technique on all branches of biomedical science is nowhere more apparent than in virology. The rate of accretion of knowledge within the lifetime of the last two editions has been exponential, and has had profound effects not only on our understanding of the basic properties of viruses, but of the pathogenesis, immunology and epidemiology of viral infections. These considerations are reflected in the size, scope and arrangement of this volume. The 34 chapters in the 8th edition have been increased to 47 and are now arranged in five parts: l. General characteristics of viruses; 2. General characteristics of viral infections; 3. Specific viruses and viral infections; 4. Syndromes caused by a Range of Viruses; and 5. Principles of Diagnosis and Control.

Readers familiar with the 8th edition of Topley and Wilson will recognize a number of previous contributors to the Virology volume and will appreciate how thoroughly it has been updated, both by them and by the many new authors recruited for this edition.

As might be expected, a number of topics are new, or have been considerably expanded since the last edition. In parts 1 and 2, there are now chapters on the origin and evolution of viruses, virus-host cell interactions and the role of cytokines in viral infections. Whereas the herpesviruses were previously considered in one chapter, there are now four, dealing respectively with their general properties and with the three subfamilies individually. Likewise, the single monograph on the hepatitis viruses has also been expanded to four, the previous umbrella group «non-a non-B» viruses now being differentiated into hepatitis C, E and G viruses. Part 3 also contains new articles on the corona- and reoviruses. The increase in our understanding of prions and their aetiological role in the spongiform encephalopathies of animals and humans is well reflected in another important contribution; and for the first time there is a chapter on safety in the virology laboratory. The final article, on the emergence and re-emergence of virus infections, opens a vista of future trends in the study of viruses and their infections, ranging widely from the molecular basis for the emergence of new variants to the influence of increased day care facilities on the spread of viruses.

The editorial policies are similar to those for the 8th edition. Inevitably, there are some overlaps in subject matter within this volume and occasionally between this and the bacteriological volumes. The latitude permitted was a matter of editorial judgement; we hope that, within individual chapters, we have struck a reasonable balance between the tedium of repetition and the benefit of self-sufficiency.

In general, little prominence is given to infections of non-human species, except where they bear upon human infections in terms of, for example, zoonoses, models of pathogenesis or economic importance.

As in the 8th edition, we have preferred anglicized to latinized names of viruses, and for nomenclature have relied heavily on the Sixth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (Murphy et al. 1995).

With the increasingly rapid move from morphological to genetic descriptions of viruses, we shall continue to define new virus species, genera and families. Many newly identified viruses now known to cause significant disease are being diagnosed using molecular techniques, even though they have not been characterized by the traditional methods of cell culture and infection of animal host. As a consequence, the inestimable value of research on viruses in the treatment and prevention of many human diseases will continue to be recognized; we hope that, not least among its functions, this volume will provide a valuable guide to those who become involved in these developments.

From Volume Editors' Preface

Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group

338 Euston Road,

London, NW1 3BH ¾ England

Co-published in the United States of America by:

Oxford University Press, Inc.

198 Madison Avenue,

New York, NY 10016 - USA

  • *
    This book is available at the Library of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      24 July 2000
    • Date of issue
      June 2000
    Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470, 05403-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil, Tel. +55 11 3061-7005 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil