Objective To identify and to describe the legal provisions that regulate the sale of food in Brazilian schools.
Method Documentary analysis carried out in 2019, on the websites of the State, capital and Federal District Legislative Assemblies, via e-mail and/or telephone contact and publications on the subject review. The data were grouped by geographic region and a descriptive analysis was carried out.
Results Data were obtained from 96% of the federative units (25 States and the Federal District). 62 legal provisions were found: 60% current, 11% revoked and 29% draft bills. Current legislation was found in 67% of States: 100% of the States in the South, Southeast and Center-West regions, 56% in the Northeast and 43% in the North. Most of the legal provisions prohibit the sale of ultra-processed foods and encourage the sale of fruits and fresh foods in the public and private school network.
Conclusion Progress is observed in the school food regulatory process in this country, considering its coverage in the States and in the public and private school network, but still restricted to the South, Southeast and Midwest regions.
Keywords Food legislation; Health policies; Legal standards; Nutrition
Objetivo Identificar e descrever os dispositivos legais que regulamentam a comercialização de alimentos em escolas brasileiras.
Método Análise documental realizada em 2019, nos sites das Assembleias Legislativas dos Estados, Capitais e Distrito Federal, via e-mail e/ou contato telefônico e publicações sobre o tema. Os dados foram agrupados por região geográfica e procedeu-se análise descritiva.
Resultados Obteve-se dados de 96% das unidades federativas (25 Estados/Capitais e Distrito Federal). Foram encontrados 62 dispositivos legais: 60% vigentes, 11% revogados e 29% projetos de lei. Regulamentação vigente foi encontrada em 67% dos Estados brasileiros: 100% dos Estados das Regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste, 56% no Nordeste e 43% no Norte. A maioria dos dispositivos legais proíbe a comercialização de alimentos ultraprocessados e incentiva a venda de frutas e alimentos in natura, na rede pública e privada.
Conclusão Constata-se avanço no processo de regulamentação no país, considerando abrangência nos estados/capitais e na rede pública e privada, porém ainda restrito às Regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste.
Palavras-chave Legislação de alimentos; Políticas de saúde; Normas jurídicas; Nutrição
School is considered as an important influencing factor of eating habits and a strategic place for the development of actions to promote food and nutrition education and to prevent future diseases [1,2].
In this context, the relevance of environments that favor the choice of healthy foods is highlighted [3]. Especially given the high consumption of ultra-processed foods, soft drinks and sugary drinks by adolescents and schoolchildren in the school setting and the debate around the implementation of legislative, regulatory and fiscal policies on the food sale in schools [3]. This measure has been recommended as a priority action in order to provide environments that favor the choice of healthy foods and to control the growing trend of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents [3-5].
In Brazil, the Interministerial Ordinance nº 1,010, published in 2006 by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Ministry of Education, established guidelines for the fostering of healthy eating in public and private schools including kindergarten, elementary and high schools, throughout the national territory. Besides ratifying school as a favorable space for the development of healthy habits, the Ordinance also includes normative rules, such as restricting trade and advertising of foods with a high content of saturated fat, trans fat, free sugar and salt [6].
Few studies have investigated the regulation of food marketing in schools in Brazil [7,8]. These publications cover the legal provisions issued only until 2010 and indicate that this is a recent process, still under construction, with a predominance in municipalities in the South and Southeast regions of the country [7,8].
In view of the above, this study aimed to identify and to describe the legal provisions that regulate the marketing of food in schools, at the State/capital level in Brazil, in order to enhance the understanding of the relevant policy and provide support actions to make it effective in Brazilian schools, in addition to contributing to the promotion of health and nutrition of schoolchildren.
This is an exploratory, descriptive, document review study. A survey was performed on the legal provisions, in force and revoked, related to the regulation of food marketing in the school environment.
The legal provisions included were: Ordinances (administrative act that details how a law should be executed and is exclusively intended for public sectors); Laws (general legal rule, binding for everyone); Decrees (secondary normative acts, which provide details of the laws); and Resolutions (legislative acts with internal effect) [9-11]. Legislation that referred only to school feeding was excluded.
Data collection was carried out by the actual surveyor, from June to December 2019 and updated in March 2020, through a search on the official websites of the Legislative Assemblies of the States, capitals and the Federal District, by sending e-mails and/or by telephone contact. We also used existing publications on the subject [7,8,12].
On the websites, the search was carried out with the Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo (Legislative Process Support System), using the words: “school”; “canteen”, “food”, “school food”, “caloric food” and “processed food”, without filters of year of publication or type of legal provision. An electronic form (Google Forms) was further distributed, via institutional email from the Universidade de São Paulo, to the Legislative Assemblies of all the federation States, with questions regarding the existence of legal provisions on the marketing of food in the school setting and its details, type (law, resolution, decree, ordinance), legislation number and access link. The Legislative Support, Laws Bank, and the Legislative Library sectors were contacted by telephone if information was not found on the websites of it there was no response, or the e-mails returned due to an invalid address or were not answered. Out of the 27 federative units, only information from Amapá (State/capital) was not obtained.
Legal provisions regulating food sold in the school environment and referring to the quality of food sold, advertisements and food and nutrition education actions were included. Those that did not address any aspect of food marketing or that only regulated the food offered by the National School Feeding Program were excluded.
For analysis, legal provisions were grouped by geographic region (States/capitals and Federal District), in decreasing hierarchy of the legal provision and in ascending order of year of publication. The content of the material was synthesized, presented in Tables and the results were described using absolute and relative numbers.
This study was approved by the Universidade de São Paulo Research Ethics Committee (Process nº 3,301,488/2019).
The search identified 62 legal acts related to the regulation of food sales in Brazilian schools, with 60% in force (n=37), 11% revoked (n=7) and 29% in the form of bills (n=18). Data were obtained from 96% of the country’s federative units (25 States/capital and Federal District).
Chart 1 to 5 present a description of the legal provisions, both in force and revoked, by geographic region, States and/or capitals and the Federal District, year of publication, amendment, prohibited and permitted foods and highlights. It was found that 67% of the 27 federative units in Brazil (n=18) had some type of legal provision in force, with 27 laws, 2 resolutions, 3 decrees and 5 ordinances.
Legal provisions on the sale of food and beverages in schools in the Southern Region (State/capital), year of publication and description. São Paulo, 2019-2020.
Legal provisions on the sale of food and beverages in schools in the Southeast Region (State/capital), year of publication and description. São Paulo, 2019-2020.
Legal provisions on the sale of food and beverages in schools in the Midwest Region (State/capital), year of publication and description. São Paulo, 2019-2020.
Legal provisions on food and beverage regulation in schools in the Northeast Region (State/capital), year of publication and description. São Paulo, 2019-2020.
Legal provisions on the sale of food and beverages in schools in the Northern Region (State/capital), year of publication and description. São Paulo, 2019-2020.
The regional distribution showed that all States/capitals in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions had legal provisions in place; however, the same was not true in the other regions, where legislation was present in 5 of the 9 States/capitals of the Northeast region (56%) and 3 out of 7 in the North region (43%).
More than half of the legal provisions in force were created in the first decade of the 2000s (n=21); however, until 2005 the laws instituted in the states and capitals of the South and Southeast regions stood out. As for coverage, 73% of the legislation referred to public and private educational institutions (n=27).
A general analysis shows that 57% (n=21) of current legal provisions prohibit the sale of a list of food, basically consisting of ultra-processed foods, such as candies, lollipops, chewing gum, chocolates, gum-based candies, caramels, artificial juices and soft drinks, cookies and stuffed biscuits, snacks and packaged popcorn and processed sausages. Some laws specify a maximum limit for nutrients such as fat, sugar and sodium in commercialized foods.
A quarter of the legal provisions highlights the offer of fresh season fruits and 16% prohibit food advertising. Only two mentioned the surroundings of the schools: Law nº 4,897, dated 1999, from Maceió (AL); this was the oldest date of a law issuance found in this study; the law prohibited the sale of food within a boundary of 100 meters from educational establishments [13]. However, despite the concern with the school environment in a broader way, the law was revoked in 2017; as well as the Federal District Law nº 3,695, dated 2005, which was repealed in 2007, but the new legislation dated 2013 continued to define the neighborhood of educational establishments as a school environment [14].
Regarding the Bills retrieved, two-thirds were issued by the State of São Paulo (n=12), dating back to 2002 (Bill nº 170) to 2016 [15]; four from the Northeast region, two in progress in Bahia (from 2003 and 2010) and two in Ceará (both from 2019); and two from the State of Mato Grosso, practically all with a list of prohibited foods, addressing the network of public and private schools for the fostering of healthy eating and prevention and control of obesity and other non-communicable chronic diseases.
The findings of the present study showed that in Brazil, the process of regulating food marketing in the school environment is still under construction and is heterogeneous, considering its distribution by geographic regions. Although the first law was created in 1999 in Maceió, most of the current legal provisions, issued in the following years, until 2005, are concentrated in the South and Southeast regions, where all States have issued a specific legislation (Charts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).
This result reiterates what the analysis of Brazilian experiences with food regulation in the school environment in 2006 and other surveys carried out on popular and official electronic search sites found: coverage in 100% in the Southern region States and all capitals in the South, Southeast and Center-West regions [7,8,62]. Thus, despite the advance found in the level of coverage of Brazilian States/capitals (67%), the regulation is still restricted to the most developed geographic regions, which concentrate the greatest prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents [62,63] and the highest consumption of sweets and soft drinks, which could partially justify the institution of legal provisions to regulate the sale of food in the school setting [64].
However, this reflection leads to the question that arises about the impact of school feeding and nutrition policies on improving nutrition and reducing obesity. A systematic literature review carried out over the past decade showed that some policies were effective in improving the food environment and food intake in schools, but there was little impact assessment on body mass index [65].
Regarding the general aspects of the legislation, there was no change during the 20 years of the issuance of the first legislation, that is, the legal provisions do not consider the changes in the way of life of students and families, highlighted in the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population, which reinforces the need to involve the academic community and scientific evidence in the development and revision of regulations [66].
The Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE, National School Feeding Program) has the Centros Colaboradores de Alimentação e Nutrição do Escolar (Collaborating Centers for School Feeding and Nutrition), which are linked to universities that carry out ongoing evaluations of the program and contribute to the regulatory process following recommendations and needs [67].
Besides the nutritional aspects of the food served in public schools, the PNAE encourages family farming and the use of organic food, being defined as a Healthy Public Policy that covers several areas that determine the health of the population, aspects that could be taken into account in the legislation that regulates the commercialization of food in the school setting [68,69].
Studies that assessed compliance with legislation show controversial results, but in general, they show that the laws do not prevent the sale of unhealthy foods. Only in Florianópolis, prohibited items were no longer sold or suffered a strong reduction in the 105 public and private schools that were evaluated five years after the institution of State Law nº 12,061 of 2001 [70]. In Belo Horizonte, the sale of foods with excess sugar, fat and sodium continued in 50% of schools, in an assessment carried out three years after the institution of Law nº 18,372, dated 2009, which prohibited the sale of low-nutritional snacks and beverages in State schools [71]. In Curitiba, practically all 111 canteens of public and private educational establishments sold foods prohibited by Law nº 14,855, dated 2005 [72]. In Porto Alegre, among the foods sold in canteens, the highest frequency was snacks, processed foods, stuffed biscuits, sweets, chocolate and soft drinks [73]. Thus, although 50% of the legal provisions establish a list of prohibited foods for sale, and two thirds of the country’s federative units have appropriate legislation in place, there is no evidence that such legislation is effective in regulating the marketing of unhealthy products in the school setting.
Some changes in legal provisions are noteworthy. In the State of Mato Grosso, for example, Law nº 8,681, dated 2007 [42] which prohibited the sale of different foods was amended in the same year and began to restrict only the sale of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes in school canteens [43]. In the capital Cuiabá, Law nº 4,382, dated 2003 followed the same line of regulation as in Florianópolis, with a wide list of foods and beverages which sale was prohibited in schools, but a year later it was revoked, allowing the sale of sugary drinks and packed snacks [44,45]. In the State of Minas Gerais, the regulatory process began in 2004 with Law nº 15,072 which prohibited the sale of products with high levels of calories, saturated fat, trans fat, free sugar and salt, or with few nutrients, but only in 2018 a Decree was issued to regulate the 2004 Law, which had expanded the list of prohibited foods, but the Decree was suspended in 2019 for study and analysis [24].
The search on official websites raises the hypothesis that food industry associations and trade federations exert successful pressure on the legislative and executive powers, yet also find resistance. The State of Mato Grosso do Sul had Law nº 4,320, dated 2013 [46] revoked in the same year, following a lawsuit filed by the Federation of Commerce of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, which also filed a lawsuit to revoke Law nº 4,992 of Campo Grande [47] which, however, was dismissed and the law remains in force. The same occurred in Florianópolis, where the Association of Food Industries filed a lawsuit in an attempt to suspend and revoke Law nº 5,853 [22], with the justification that it hinders the free trade guarantee. In Paraná, the Brazilian Soft Drinks and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industries Association, in addition to the claim that the law hinders the guarantee of free trade, claimed that there was no relationship between soft drink consumption and obesity and health risks for children and adolescents, but the lawsuits were not considered grounded in the different appeals filed.
In addition to having encouraged changes and repeals in legal provisions, with success in some places that made the sale of unhealthy food items more flexible, the pressure exerted by such entities may also explain the high number of bills. This is a common problem in many countries when it comes to regulatory policies aimed at changing food habits for health promotion and obesity prevention [75]. Due to the economic contribution and influence in the generation of jobs, the industry lobby exerts a strong pressure on the government, causing legislations to match their interests [75,76].
In fact, a qualitative study carried out with members of different government departments in Australia revealed the difficult dialogue between government and industry, especially in the economic aspects; however, it revealed that the decisions taken regarding the legislation did not always favor the interests of the food industries [75].
The role of the community in supporting legislation should also be considered, as the growing concern with obesity makes the population aware and concerned and can contribute to the acceptance of the legal provisions that seek alternatives to control this problem [76-77].
The diversity in the websites of the State’s legislative assemblies and the way in which legislation can be drafted and implemented in the different State and municipal secretariats made it difficult to search for existing legislation, which is a limitation of this study. Nevertheless, this study represents an advance in the information updating about existing legal provisions in the country.
In addition, the evidence found enhances the need to implement legislation at the national level, with a focus on the Escola Promotora da Saúde (Health Promoting School) to promote healthy eating and food and nutrition education.
The results showed that in Brazil, the process of regulating food sales in the school setting is still under construction. Despite the fact that regulating laws began to be issued in 1999, 20 years later, only three quarters of the Brazilian States had enforced legal provisions, all of them in the States/capitals of the South, Southeast and Center-West regions.
Even with such regional disparities, the scenario shows an advance with regard to the legislation aimed at improving the food conditions in schools, an essential measure for the promotion of healthy eating and for the prevention and control of obesity. However, it is essential that legal provisions be effectively implemented, monitored and evaluated.
Although the legislation is necessary to favor healthy food consumption in schools, food and nutrition education and the dissemination of healthy eating within society stand out as fundamental for the promotion of health and adequate and healthy eating.
The authors are grateful to Dr. Carolina Midori Kurihayashi Merguizo for her valuable guidance on the Brazilian legislative process for data collection and analysis.
Support: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).
Article based on the doctoral thesis of AY KURIHAYASHI, entitled “Regulation of food marketing in the school environment and the consumption of ultra-processed foods by Brazilian adolescents”. Universidade de São Paulo, 2020.
How to cite this article
Kurihayashi AY, Palombo CNT, Duarte LS, Fujimori E. Food commercialization in schools: analysis of the regulatory process in Brazil. Rev Nutr. 2022;35:e210094. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-9865202235e210094.
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14 Distrito Federal. Lei nº 3.695, 8 de novembro de 2005. Dispõe Sobre a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável nas Escolas da Rede de Ensino do Distrito Federal. Distrito Federal: Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/51622/Lei_3695.html
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15 São Paulo. Projeto de Lei nº 170, de Março de 2002. Dispõe Sobre Proibição de Venda de Alimentos com Elevado Teor de Calorias, nos Estabelecimentos de Ensino da Rede Pública e Privada. São Paulo: Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo; 2002 [cited 2020 march 20 ]. Available from: https://www.al.sp.gov.br/propositura/?id=140596
» https://www.al.sp.gov.br/propositura/?id=140596 -
16 Paraná. Lei n° 14.423, de 2 de junho de 2004. Dispõe que os serviços de lanches nas unidades educacionais públicas e privadas que atendam a educação básica, localizadas no Estado, deverão obedecer a padrões de qualidade nutricional e de vida, indispensáveis à saúde dos alunos.Curitiba: Diário Oficial do Estado do Paraná; 2004 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.documentador.pr.gov.br/documentador/pub.do?action=d&uuid=@gtf-escriba-sesa@086e378b-2d83-4c29-98b8-6f6cf38055aa&emPg=true
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17 Paraná. Lei n° 14.855, 20 de outubro de 2005. Dispõe sobre padrões técnicos de qualidade nutricional, a serem seguidos pelas lanchonetes e similares, instaladas nas escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio, particulares e da rede pública. Curitiba: Diário Oficial do Estado do Paraná; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.documentador.pr.gov.br/documentador/pub.do?action=d&uuid=@gtf-escriba-sesa@2c64f70c-da51-4af4-8e64-0bc71efc21cc&emPg=true
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18 Rio Grande do Sul. Lei nº 13.027, 16 de agosto de 2008. Dispõe sobre a comercialização de lanches e de bebidas em escolas no âmbito do estado do Rio Grande Do Sul e dá outras providências. Porto Alegre: Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul; 2008 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.al.rs.gov.br/filerepository/repLegis/arquivos/13.027.pdf
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19 Rio Grande do Sul. Lei nº 15.216, 30 de julho de 2018. Dispõe sobre a promoção da alimentação saudável e proíbe a comercialização de produtos que colaborem para a obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão, em cantinas e similares instalados em escolas públicas e privadas do estado do Rio Grande Do Sul. Porto Alegre: Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul; 2018 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.al.rs.gov.br/filerepository/repLegis/arquivos/LEI%2015.216.pdf
» http://www.al.rs.gov.br/filerepository/repLegis/arquivos/LEI%2015.216.pdf -
20 Porto Alegre. Lei nº 10.167, 24 de janeiro 2007. Estabelece, no município de Porto Alegre, normas para o controle da comercialização de produtos alimentícios e de bebidas nos bares e nas cantinas das escolas públicas e privadas e dá outras providências. Porto Alegre: Diário Oficial de Porto Alegre; 2007 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/jensg
» http://leismunicipa.is/jensg -
21 Santa Catarina. Lei nº 12.061, 18 de dezembro de 2001. Dispõe Sobre critérios de concessão de serviços de lanches e bebidas nas unidades educacionais, localizadas no estado de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis: Diário Oficial do Estado de Santa Catarina; 2001 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://leisestaduais.com.br/sc/lei-ordinaria-n-12061-2001-santa-catarina-dispoe-sobre-criterios-de-concessao-de-servicos-de-lanches-e-bebidas-nas-unidades-educacionais-localizadas-no-estado-de-santa-catarina
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22 Florianópolis. Lei nº 5.853, 4 de junho de 2001. Dispõe sobre os critérios de concessão de serviços de lanches e bebidas, nas unidades educacionais, localizadas no município de Florianópolis. Florianópolis: Diário Oficial de Florianópolis; 2001 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/iqdba
» http://leismunicipa.is/iqdba -
23 Espírito Santo. Portaria nº 038-R, 20 de março de 2020. Estabelece normas para o funcionamento das cantinas escolares dos estabelecimentos da rede estadual de ensino. Vitoria: Diário Oficial do Estado do Espírito Santo; 2010 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://saude.es.gov.br/Media/sesa/coronavirus/Portarias/PORTARIA%20038-R%20-DEFINIR%20AS%20REFER%C3%8ANCIAS%20HOSPITALARES.pdf
» https://saude.es.gov.br/Media/sesa/coronavirus/Portarias/PORTARIA%20038-R%20-DEFINIR%20AS%20REFER%C3%8ANCIAS%20HOSPITALARES.pdf -
24 Minas Gerais. Lei nº 15.072, 5 de abril de 2004. Dispõe sobre a promoção da educação alimentar e nutricional nas escolas públicas e privadas do sistema estadual de ensino. Belo Horizonte: Diário Oficial do Estado de Minas Gerais; 2004 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://leisestaduais.com.br/mg/lei-ordinaria-n-15072-2004-minas-gerais-dispoe-sobre-a-promocao-da-educacao-alimentar-e-nutricional-nas-escolas-publicas-e-privadas-do-sistema-estadual-de-ensino
» https://leisestaduais.com.br/mg/lei-ordinaria-n-15072-2004-minas-gerais-dispoe-sobre-a-promocao-da-educacao-alimentar-e-nutricional-nas-escolas-publicas-e-privadas-do-sistema-estadual-de-ensino -
25 Minas Gerais. Lei nº 18.372, 4 de setembro 2009. Acrescenta dispositivo à Lei nº 15.072, de 5 de abril de 2004, que dispõe sobre a promoção da educação alimentar e nutricional nas escolas públicas e privadas do sistema estadual de ensino. Belo Horizonte: Diário Oficial do Estado de Minas Gerais; 2009 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://leisestaduais.com.br/mg/lei-ordinaria-n-18372-2009-minas-gerais-acrescenta-dispositivo-a-lei-no-15-072-de-5-de-abril-de-2004-que-dispoe-sobre-a-promocao-da-educacao-alimentar-e-nutricional-nas-escolas-publicas-e-privadas-do-sistema-estadual-de-ensino?q=18372
» https://leisestaduais.com.br/mg/lei-ordinaria-n-18372-2009-minas-gerais-acrescenta-dispositivo-a-lei-no-15-072-de-5-de-abril-de-2004-que-dispoe-sobre-a-promocao-da-educacao-alimentar-e-nutricional-nas-escolas-publicas-e-privadas-do-sistema-estadual-de-ensino?q=18372 -
26 Minas Gerais. Resolução SEE nº 1.511, 26 de fevereiro de 2010. Orienta a aplicação da Lei nº 18.372/2009, no âmbito das escolas do sistema estadual de ensino. Belo Horizonte: Secretaria de de Estado de Educação; 2010 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www2.educacao.mg.gov.br/images/documentos/1511-10-r.pdf
» https://www2.educacao.mg.gov.br/images/documentos/1511-10-r.pdf -
27 Minas Gerais. Decreto nº 47.557 – Regulamenta a Lei nº 15.072, de 5 de abril de 2004, Que Dispõe Sobre a Promoção Da Educação Alimentar e Nutricional Nas Escolas Públicas e Privadas Do Sistema Estadual de Ensino. Belo Horizonte: Secretaria de de Estado de Educação; 2018 [cited 2020 march 20]. Avaliable from: https://www.almg.gov.br/consulte/legislacao/completa/completa.html?tipo=DEC#=47557∁=&ano=2018
» https://www.almg.gov.br/consulte/legislacao/completa/completa.html?tipo=DEC#=47557∁=&ano=2018 -
28 Belo Horizonte. Lei nº 8.650, 25 de setembro de 2003. Dispõe sobre a proibição, em escola da rede pública municipal de ensino, de adquirir, confeccionar, distribuir e comercializar os produtos que menciona e dá outras providências. Belo Horizonte: Diário Oficial de Belo Horizonte; 2003 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/lhmbd
» http://leismunicipa.is/lhmbd -
29 Belo Horizonte. Lei nº 9.530, 22 de fevereiro de 2008. Institui diretrizes para a promoção da saúde e da alimentação saudável em escola municipal de educação infantil, de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio, e dá outras providências. Belo Horizonte: Diário Oficial de Belo Horizonte; 2008 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/lgmhe
» http://leismunicipa.is/lgmhe -
30 Rio de Janeiro. Portaria nº 02/2004, 1 de março de 2004. Disciplina o consumo de alimentos nas escolas públicas e particulares no município do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: 1ª Vara da Infância e da Juventude; 2004 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www4.tjrj.jus.br/biblioteca/index.html
» http://www4.tjrj.jus.br/biblioteca/index.html -
31 Rio de Janeiro. Lei nº 4.508, 11 de janeiro de 2005. Proíbe a comercialização, aquisição, confecção e distribuição de produtos que colaborem para a obesidade infantil, em bares, cantinas e similares instalados em escolas públicas e privadas do estado do Rio de Janeiro, na forma que menciona. Rio de Janeiro: Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://gov-rj.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/88467/lei-4508-05
» https://gov-rj.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/88467/lei-4508-05 -
32 Rio de Janeiro. Decreto nº 21.217, 1 de abril de 2002. Proíbe no âmbito das unidades escolares da rede municipal de ensino adquirir, confeccionar, distribuir e consumir os produtos que menciona. Rio de Janeiro: Diário Oficial do Município do Rio de Janeiro; 2002 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/eokuq
» http://leismunicipa.is/eokuq -
33 São Paulo. Portaria Conjunta COGSP/CEI/DSE, de 23 de março de 2005. Normas para funcionamento de cantinas escolares. São Paulo: Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://siau.edunet.sp.gov.br/ItemLise/arquivos/notas/portconj_cogsp_cei_dse(doe230305).htm
» http://siau.edunet.sp.gov.br/ItemLise/arquivos/notas/portconj_cogsp_cei_dse(doe230305).htm -
34 São Paulo. Lei nº 12.283, 22 de fevereiro de 2006. Institui a Política de Combate à Obesidade e Ao Sobrepeso - “São Paulo Mais Leve.” São Paulo: Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo; 2006 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/lei/2006/lei-12283-22.02.2006.html
» https://www.al.sp.gov.br/repositorio/legislacao/lei/2006/lei-12283-22.02.2006.html -
35 São Paulo. Decreto nº 58.861, de 28 de janeiro de 2013. Institui, junto à Secretaria da Educação, o programa de alimentação saudável, e dá providências correlatas. São Paulo: Secretaria da Educação; 2013 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://governo-sp.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/1034017/decreto-58861-13
» https://governo-sp.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/1034017/decreto-58861-13 -
36 São Paulo. Portaria nº 11, 15 de fevereiro de 2001. Dispõe sobre a proibição de comércio e venda de alimentos aos alunos da Rede Municipal de Ensino, e dá outras providências. São Paulo: Diário Oficial da Cidade de São Paulo; 2001 [cited 2020 march 20] Available from: https://legislacao.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/leis/portaria-secretaria-municipal-da-educacao-supeme-11-de-16-de-fevereiro-de-2001
» https://legislacao.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/leis/portaria-secretaria-municipal-da-educacao-supeme-11-de-16-de-fevereiro-de-2001 -
37 Distrito Federal. Lei nº 3.695, 8 de novembro de 2005. Dispõe sobre a promoção da alimentação saudável nas escolas da rede de ensino do Distrito Federal. Distrito Federal: Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/51622/Lei_3695_08_11_2005.html
» http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/51622/Lei_3695_08_11_2005.html -
38 Distrito Federal. Lei nº 5.146, de 19 de agosto de 2013. Estabelece diretrizes para a promoção da alimentação saudável nas escolas da rede de ensino do Distrito Federal. Distrito Federal: Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal; 2013 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/74877/Lei_5146_19_08_2013.html
» http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/74877/Lei_5146_19_08_2013.html -
39 Distrito Federal. Lei nº 5.232, 5 de dezembro de 2013. Disciplina a atividade econômica das cantinas comerciais escolares na rede pública de ensino do Distrito Federal e dá outras providências. Distrito Federal: Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal; 2013 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/75931/Lei_5232.html
» http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/75931/Lei_5232.html -
40 Distrito Federal. Decreto nº 36.900, 23 de novembro de 2015. Regulamenta a Lei nº 5.146, de 19 de agosto de 2013, que estabelece diretrizes para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável nas escolas da rede de ensino do Distrito Federal. Distrito Federal: Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal; 2015 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/e3ce5c3e04924ae783b22ee02329415f/Decreto_36900_23_11_2015.html
» http://www.sinj.df.gov.br/sinj/Norma/e3ce5c3e04924ae783b22ee02329415f/Decreto_36900_23_11_2015.html -
41 Goiás. Portaria nº 1.606/2015, 10 de junho de 2015. Dispõe sobre o comércio alimenticio nas escolas. Goiânia: Diário Oficial da cidade de Goiânia; 2015 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://site.educacao.go.gov.br/files/Manuais/Portaria-1606.pdf
» https://site.educacao.go.gov.br/files/Manuais/Portaria-1606.pdf -
42 Mato Grosso. Lei nº 8.681, 13 de julho de 2007. Disciplina a alimentação oferecida nas unidades escolares, públicas e privadas, que atendam a educação infantil e básica do Estado de Mato Grosso. Cuiabá: Diário Oficial de Mato Grosso; 2007 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://leisestaduais.com.br/mt/lei-ordinaria-n-8681-2007-mato-grosso-disciplina-a-alimentacao-oferecida-nas-unidades-escolares-publicas-e-privadas-que-atendam-a-educacao-infantil-e-basica-do-estado-de-mato-grosso
» https://leisestaduais.com.br/mt/lei-ordinaria-n-8681-2007-mato-grosso-disciplina-a-alimentacao-oferecida-nas-unidades-escolares-publicas-e-privadas-que-atendam-a-educacao-infantil-e-basica-do-estado-de-mato-grosso -
43 Mato Grosso. Lei nº 8.944, 29 de julho de 2008. Altera a Redação do Art. 2º, da Lei nº 8.681, de 13 de julho de 2007. Cuiabá: Diário Oficial de Mato Grosso; 2008 [cited 2020 march 20]. Avaiable from: https://www.al.mt.gov.br/storage/webdisco/leis/lei-8944-2008.pdf
» https://www.al.mt.gov.br/storage/webdisco/leis/lei-8944-2008.pdf -
44 Cuiabá. Lei nº 4.382, 17 de julho de 2003. Dispõe sobre os critérios de concessão de serviços de lanches e bebidas, nas unidades educacionais, localizadas no Município de Cuiabá. Cuiabá: Diário oficial da cidade de Cuiabá; 2003 [cited cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/lephd
» http://leismunicipa.is/lephd -
45 Cuiabá. Lei nº 4.589, Diário oficial da cidade de Cuiabá. Revoga a redação dos incisos V e VI e dá nova redação aos incisos III e IV do parágrafo único do artigo 2º da Lei nº 4.382 de 17/07/03, e dá outras providências. Cuiabá: Diário oficial da cidade de Cuiabá; 2004 cited cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://leismunicipa.is/alpeh
» http://leismunicipa.is/alpeh -
46 Mato Grosso do Sul. Lei nº 4.320, 26 de fevereiro de 2013. Proíbe a comercialização, confecção e distribuição de produtos que colaborem para acarretar riscos à saúde ou à segurança alimentar, dos consumidores, em cantinas e similares instalados em escolas públicas situadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul; 2013 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://leisestaduais.com.br/ms/lei-ordinaria-n-4320-2013-mato-grosso-do-sul-proibe-a-comercializacao-confeccao-e-distribuicao-de-produtos-que-colaborem-para-acarretar-riscos-a-saude-ou-a-seguranca-alimentar-dos-consumidores-em-cantinas-e-similares-instalados-em-escolas-publicas-situadas-no-estado-de-mato-grosso-do-sul-e-da-outras-providencias?q=4320
» https://leisestaduais.com.br/ms/lei-ordinaria-n-4320-2013-mato-grosso-do-sul-proibe-a-comercializacao-confeccao-e-distribuicao-de-produtos-que-colaborem-para-acarretar-riscos-a-saude-ou-a-seguranca-alimentar-dos-consumidores-em-cantinas-e-similares-instalados-em-escolas-publicas-situadas-no-estado-de-mato-grosso-do-sul-e-da-outras-providencias?q=4320 -
47 Campo Grande. Lei nº 4.992, 30 de setembro de 2011. Define normas para a comercialização de alimentos nas cantinas comerciais da rede pública e instituições privadas de educação básica de Campo Grande-MS e dá outras providências. Campo Grande: Diário Oficial da cidade de Campo Grande; 2011 [cited cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.legisweb.com.br/legislacao/?id=173560
» https://www.legisweb.com.br/legislacao/?id=173560 -
48 Maranhão. Portaria nº 703 de 16/06/2014. Dispõe sobre os critérios de execução do Programa de Alimentação Escolar. São Luís: Diário Oficial do Maranhão; 2014 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://cpisp.org.br/portaria-n-o-703-de-16-de-junho-de-2014/
» https://cpisp.org.br/portaria-n-o-703-de-16-de-junho-de-2014/ -
49 Maranhão. Lei nº 11.196, 19 de dezembro de 2019. Dispõe sobre a promoção de alimentação saudável e determina a exclusão de alimentos ultra-processados e açucarados nas escolas públicas e particulares no âmbito do estado do Maranhão. São Luís: Diário Oficial do Estado do Maranhão 2019 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://arquivos.al.ma.leg.br:8080/ged/legislacao/LEI_11196
» http://arquivos.al.ma.leg.br:8080/ged/legislacao/LEI_11196 -
50 São Luís. Lei n° 378, 11 de novembro de 2014. Institui programa “Cantina Saudável” no âmbito das escolas de ensino fundamental da rede pública no município de São Luis, e dá outras providências. São Luiz: Diário Oficial do Município de São Luís; 2004 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://sistemas.semad.saoluis.ma.gov.br/easysearch/cachedownloader?collection=default&docId=b6e27a735788ac84c014a857475cc777f93b993a&fieldName=Visualizar&extension=bht.zip#q=ANO%20XXXIV
» http://sistemas.semad.saoluis.ma.gov.br/easysearch/cachedownloader?collection=default&docId=b6e27a735788ac84c014a857475cc777f93b993a&fieldName=Visualizar&extension=bht.zip#q=ANO%20XXXIV -
51 Paraíba. Lei nº 9.483, 24 de outubro de 2011. Institui a Campanha Saber Comer é Saber Viver, que promove a alimentação saudável nas escolas das redes públicas e privadas do Estado da Paraíba. João Pessoa: Diário Oficial da Paraíba; 2011 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://sapl.al.pb.leg.br/sapl/sapl_documentos/norma_juridica/10095_texto_integral
» http://sapl.al.pb.leg.br/sapl/sapl_documentos/norma_juridica/10095_texto_integral -
52 Paraíba. Lei nº 10.431, 20 de janeiro de 2015. Proíbe cantinas e lanchonetes instaladas em escolas públicas e privadas de educação infantil, fundamental e média, de venderem bebidas com baixo teor nutricional, como os refrigerantes. João Pessoa: Diário Oficial da Paraíba; 2015 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://sapl.al.pb.leg.br/sapl/sapl_documentos/norma_juridica/11612_texto_integral
» http://sapl.al.pb.leg.br/sapl/sapl_documentos/norma_juridica/11612_texto_integral -
53 Piauí. Lei nº 5.463, 11 de julho de 2005. Dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade dos estabelecimentos que comercializam merenda escolar, a disponibilizarem frutas e sucos naturais aos consumidores e dá outras providências. Teresina: Diário Oficial do Piauí; 2005 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://legislacao.pi.gov.br/legislacao/default/ato/12525
» http://legislacao.pi.gov.br/legislacao/default/ato/12525 -
54 Piauí. Lei nº 7.028, 22 de agosto de 2017. Dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade de informar aos consumidores sobre os ingredientes utilizados no preparo dos alimentos fornecidos por restaurantes, cantinas escolares, hospitais, confeitarias, padarias, sorveterias, hotéis e congêneres. Teresina: Diário Oficial de Piauí; 2017 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://sapl.al.pi.leg.br/media/sapl/public/normajuridica/2017/4188/4188_texto_integral.pdf
» https://sapl.al.pi.leg.br/media/sapl/public/normajuridica/2017/4188/4188_texto_integral.pdf -
55 Rio Grande do Norte. Lei nº 245, 16 de agosto de 2006. Dispõe sobre padrões técnicos de qualidade nutricional, a serem seguidos pelas lanchonetes e similares, instaladas nas escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, particulares e da rede pública e dá outras providências. Natal: Diário Oficial do Rio Grande do Norte; 2006 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://natal.rn.gov.br/storage/app/media/DOM/anexos/dom_20060817.pdf
» https://natal.rn.gov.br/storage/app/media/DOM/anexos/dom_20060817.pdf -
56 Aracajú. Lei nº 3.814, 14 de janeiro de 2010. Dispõe sobre a alimentação oferecida nas cantinas e lanchonetes localizadas nas instituições de ensino públicas e privadas dentro da circunscrição do município de Aracaju e dá Outras Providências. Aracajú: Diário Oficial da cidade de Aracajú; 2010. https://www.normasbrasil.com.br/norma/lei-3814-2010-aracaju_171538.html
» https://www.normasbrasil.com.br/norma/lei-3814-2010-aracaju_171538.html -
57 Maceió. Lei nº 6.622, 19 de abril de 2017. Revoga a lei que especifica e dá outras providências. Maceió: Câmara Municipal de Maceió; 2017 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.maceio.al.leg.br/documentos/docs/doc.php?filepath=leis&id=2509
» https://www.maceio.al.leg.br/documentos/docs/doc.php?filepath=leis&id=2509 -
58 Acre. Lei nº 3.134, 1 de junho de 2016. Institui a Campanha Saber Comer é Saber Viver, nas escolas da rede pública e privada do estado. Rio Branco: Diário Oficial do Acre; 2016 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: http://www.al.ac.leg.br/leis/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/3.134.pdf
» http://www.al.ac.leg.br/leis/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/3.134.pdf -
59 Amazonas. Lei nº 4.352, 5 de julho de 2016. Dispõe sobre a proibição de comercialização, aquisição e distribuição de produtos que colaborem para a obesidade infantil, em cantinas e similares instalados em escolas públicas e privadas do estado do Amazonas, na forma que menciona. Manaus: Diário Oficial do Amazonas; 2016 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.legisweb.com.br/legislacao/?id=325875
» https://www.legisweb.com.br/legislacao/?id=325875 -
60 Rondônia. Lei nº 1.132, 26 de novembro de 2002. Revoga a Lei nº 1.104, de 6 de agosto de 2002. Porto Velho: Diário Oficial de Rondônia; 2002 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://sapl.al.ro.leg.br/media/sapl/public/normajuridica/2002/3109/3109_texto_integral.pdf
» https://sapl.al.ro.leg.br/media/sapl/public/normajuridica/2002/3109/3109_texto_integral.pdf -
61 Roraima. Resolução nº 001/12/SECD/CEAE/RR, 30 de julho de 2012. Dispõe sobre os serviços de lanches nas unidades educacionais públicas que atendam a educação básica localizadas no estado, que deverão obedecer a padrões de qualidade alimentar e nutricional, indispensáveis à saúde. Boa Vista: Diário Oficial de Roraima; 2012 [cited 2020 march 20]. Available from: https://www.jusbrasil.com.br/diarios/39206772/doerr-01-08-2012-pg-24
» https://www.jusbrasil.com.br/diarios/39206772/doerr-01-08-2012-pg-24 -
62 Azeredo CM, Leite MA, Rauber F, Ricardo CZ, Levy RB. Are laws restricting soft drinks sales in Brazilian schools able to lower their availability? Rev Saude Publica. 2020;54:1-11. https://doi.org/10.11606/S1518-8787.2020054001227
» https://doi.org/10.11606/S1518-8787.2020054001227 -
63 Bloch KV, Klein CH, Szklo M, Kuschnir MCC, Abreu GA, Barufaldi LA, et al ERICA: prevalences of hypertension and obesity in Brazilian adolescents. Rev Saude Publica. 2016;50(Suppl 1):1s-12s. https://doi.org/10.1590/S01518-8787.2016050006685
» https://doi.org/10.1590/S01518-8787.2016050006685 -
64 Conde WL, Mazzeti CMS, Silva JC, Santos IKS, Santos AMR. Nutritional status of Brazilian schoolchildren: national adolescent school-based health survey 2015. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2018;21(Suppl 1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-549720180008.supl.1
» https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-549720180008.supl.1 -
65 Azeredo CM, Rezende LFM, Canella DS, Claro RM, Castro IRR, Luiz OC, et al Dietary intake of Brazilian adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18(7):1215-1224. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980014001463
» https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980014001463 -
66 Jaime PC, Lock K. Do school based food and nutrition policies improve diet and reduce obesity? Prev Med (Baltim). 2009;48(1):45-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.10.018
» https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.10.018 -
67 Ministério da Saúde (Brasil). Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Brasília: Ministério; 2014. https://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/guia_alimentar_populacao_brasileira_2ed.pdf
» https://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/guia_alimentar_populacao_brasileira_2ed.pdf - 68 Machado PMO, Schmitz BAS, González-Chica DA, Corso ACT, Vasconcelos FAG, Gabriel CG. Compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE): estudo transversal com o universo de municípios brasileiros. Cien Saude Colet. 2018; 23(12):4153-4164.
- 69 Saraiva EB, Silva APF, Sousa AA, Cerqueira GF, Chagas CMS, Toral N. Panorama da compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar para o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. Cien Saude Colet. 2013;18(4):927-935.
- 70 Kroth DC, Geremia DS, Mussio BR. Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar: uma política pública saudável. Cien Saude Colet. 2020;25(10):4065-4076.
71 Gabriel CG, Santos MV, Vasconcelos FAG, Milanez GHG, Hulse SB. Cantinas escolares de Florianópolis: existência e produtos comercializados após a instituição da Lei de Regulamentação. Rev Nutr. 2010;23(2):191-199. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-52732010000200002
» https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-52732010000200002 -
72 Lopes Filho JD, Mendes LL. Comercialização de lanches e bebidas em escolas públicas: análise de uma regulamentação estadual. Demetra. 2016;11(4):991-1000. https://doi.org/10.12957/demetra.2016.19641
» https://doi.org/10.12957/demetra.2016.19641 -
73 Wognski ACP, Ponchek VL, Schueda Dibas EE, Orso MR, Vieira LP, Ferreira BGCS, et al Comercialização de alimentos em cantinas no âmbito escolar. Brazilian J Food Technol. 2019;22:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1590/1981-6723.19818
» https://doi.org/10.1590/1981-6723.19818 - 74 Willhelm FF, Ruiz E, Oliveira AB. Cantina escolar: qualidade nutricional e adequação à legislação vigente. Rev HCPA. 2010;30(3):266-270.
75 Shill J, Mavoa H, Allender SM, Lawrence G, Sacks A, Peeters, et al Government regulation to promote healthy food environments - a view from inside state governments. Obes Rev. 2012;13(2):162-173. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00937.x
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76 Street JM, Sisnowski J, Tooher R, Farrell LC, Braunack-Mayer AJ. Community perspectives on the use of regulation and law for obesity prevention in children: a citizens’ jury. Health Policy. 2017;121(5):566-573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.03.001
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77 Pettigrew S, Talati Z, Sauzier M, Ferguson A. Short communication stakeholder perceptions of a school food policy ten years on. 2018;21(7):1370-1374. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980017003962
» https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980017003962
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