This article reviews the literature produced on the theme during the last decades, focusing on its effect on human metabolism, concerning coronary diseases and mother-child health. Trans fatty acids have been recently included among dietary risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Their relation with the child's growing and developing processes, since fetal phase and gestational period, has also been discussed. Trans fatty acids originate from unsaturated fatty acids, in hydrogenation and biohydrogenation processes, and their action is different from the latter. Many works emphasize their hypercholesterolemic effect and influence on blocking and inhibiting biosynthesis of essential fatty acids. These actions reflect on mother-child health and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The author recommends the consumption of food containing hydrogenated fat within the limits of 2-5% of trans fatty acids for total calories, as in other countries.
fatty acids; trans; cardiovascular diseases; pregnancy; maternal and child health; food consumption