The results presented here are part of a broader work dealing with the Vascular Plants of Pedra do Elefante, Nova Venécia, Espírito Santo. Fieldwork was carried out from March 2010 to July 2016, totaling 23 expeditions. Samples were mainly incorporated in CEPEC, MBML, RB, UPCB, VIC and VIES Herbaria. Sixty-three species, one subspecies, three varieties and two hybrids of ferns and lyophytes were recorded, which are distributed in 32 genera and 15 families. The most representative families were Pteridaceae (14 spp.), Polypodiaceae (11 spp.), Anemiaceae (9 spp.) and Selaginellaceae (5 spp.). The most representative genera were Anemia (9 spp), Sellaginella (5 spp.), Adiantum and Pteris with (4 spp) each. Among these, three species are new records for the state of Espírito Santo and eight taxa present coservation status. Identification keys at generic and specific level, comments, and geographic distribution for all taxa are also presented. Floristic inventories in Espírito Santo are important, mainly in areas that have rocky outcrops, because low sampling effort and high anthropic pressure, cause negative impacts on the preservation of native vegetation.
Key words: biodiversity; Atlantic Rain Forest; pteridophytes