The floristic composition and the horizontal structure of the semideciduous microphyll forest of the ecological reserve Siboney-Juticí, a protected area of the biosphere reserve Baconao in the southeastern Cuba, were characterized. The data corresponding to ten 20 × 50 m plots were processed, where to each individual the diameter to 1,30 m of the floor and the height were measured. The basal area, the abundances, the frequencies and absolute and relative dominances, were calculated, as was the Index of Value of Importance by species and family. The Principal Coordinates Analysis was applied to the matrix of data as ordination method. Data of 3206 individuals corresponding to 54 infrageneric taxa and 27 families were analyzed, besides another companion plants. The species with higher number of individuals were Coccoloba diversifolia, Bursera simaruba, Sideroxylon salicifolium, Gymnanthes lucida, Nectandra coriacea, Eugenia axillaris and E. monticola, the same with higher Index of Value of Importance and with tendency to associate to each other. Structural regularities and of diversity among the parcels were observed. The arboreal stratum is dense but low, with a few emergent trees.
Key words:
forest; protected area; conservation; Baconao; Cuba