Editorial Giumbelli, Emerson |
Making politics through the Spirits: multicultural scripts in contact-zones (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) Losonczy, Anne-Marie Rubiano, Juan Carlos Abstract in Spanish: Basado en una reciente investigacion etnografica entre los Embera-Chami de la région plurietnica del Valle del Cauca (Colombia) el examen de escenarios de encuentros interénicos encuadrados por la legislacion multicultural permite vislumbrar la paradojica interdependencia entre la institucionalizacion de un concepto culturalista singularizante de "la" cultura y la homogeneizacion politica de los grupos etnicos. La "estatizacion" de las relaciones inter-étnicas, concomitante a la competicion por la visibilidad, entre grupos de igual estatus en la legislacion nacional e internacional aparecen como dimensiones emergentes del campo interétnico, mientras que se confirma el papel performativo de la ritualizacion en la circulacion y la apropriacion de discursos y practicas. Los escenarios descritos que corresponden a múltiples situaciones semejantes evidencian también que la apropiación multidireccional y uso contextual de conceptos genéricos provenientes del espacio académico, nacional e internacional - como "médico tradicional", "derecho ancestral", "reforzamiento cultural", o "chamanismo" - construyen campos de paradojas. Permiten a los actores étnicos de construir y visibilizar una singularidad cultural aislacionista conforme al concepto oficializado de "cultura" pero al mismo tiempo empujan a una mayor apertura de las "zonas de contacto" interétnicas donde circulan una mayor variedad de prácticas y discursos que antes de la institucionalización del multiculturalismo.Abstract in English: Based on a recent ethnographic field-work among the Embera-Chami in the multi-ethnic region of the Cauca Valley (Colombia), the analysis of what occurs in interethnic meetings organized under the multicultural legislation will illuminate the paradoxical inerdependance between the institutionalized concept of "culture", a culturalist singular entity, and the political homogenization of ethnic groups. The state control of interethnic relations, along with the competition for visibility between groups of equal status under the national and international law appear as emerging dimensions of the interethnic field, while the performative role of ritualization of the circulation and appropriation of discourses and practices is confirmed. The sequence of events described, very common in other parts of Colombia, also demonstrate that the multi-directionnal appropriation and the contextual use of generic concepts issued in the academic milieu (national and international) such as "traditional physician", "ancestral rights", "cultural reinforcement", or "shamanism" construct a field of paradoxes. Thus, they allow the ethnic actors to build up and make visible an isolationist cultural singularity, conforming to the officialized notion of "culture", while forcing in the same time a broader opening of the interethnic "zones of contact", where a larger variety of practices and discourses circulate, much larger than before multiculturalism was instituted. |
Anthropology in mission: relations between confessional ethnology of Father Schmidt and academic anthropology Araújo, Melvina Afra Mendes de Abstract in Portuguese: Tomando como objeto de análise documentos e/ou textos missionários e observações feitas durante a realização de trabalho de campo, será discutida a noção de religião que perpassa esses escritos, ressaltando-se a influência de concepções veiculadas pelo padre Schmidt, um dos expoentes da Escola Histórica de Viena. Além disso, será feita uma pequena análise sobre as interconexões entre a chamada etnologia confessional do padre Schmidt e a antropologia acadêmica.Abstract in English: Considering as the object for the analysis the missionary documents and/or texts and observations made during the field work, the notion of religion that permeates these writings will be discussed, highlighting the influence of conceptions conveyed by Father Schmidt, one of the exponents of Viena's Historical School. Furthermore, a small analysis will be undertaken on the interconections between Father Schmidt's so called confessional etnology and the academic anthropology. |
The first contribution from the bishops of Brasil to 1917 Canon Law Code: Postulata by archbishops of San Salvador de Bahía and Rio de Janeiro Araneda, Carlos Salinas Abstract in Spanish: La redacción del primer Código de Derecho Canónico que tuvo la Iglesia latina fue ordenada por el Papa san Pío X en 1904. La tarea codificadora, empero, no fue obra de un grupo cerrado de expertos, sino que tuvo en cuenta el parecer del episcopado latino, el que fue consultado en dos momentos diferentes y en ambos fueron consultados los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil. En este trabajo se estudia, a partir de la documentación guardada en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, el aporte de los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil en el primero de dichos momentos.Abstract in English: In 1904, Pope Saint Pius X ordered the first draft for the Code of Canon Law that the Latin Church ever had. The codification task, however, was not only the work of a closed group of experts, but it also took into account the considerations of the Latin episcopate that was consulted in two different occasions and, in both times, the bishops of the ecclesiastics provinces of Brasil were consulted. Based on the documents kept at the Vatican Secret Archives, this article studies the contribution of the bishops of the ecclesiastics provinces of Brasil in their first request in 1904. |
The right to life in context of abortion and stem cell research: disputes of religious agents and values in a Secular State (Brazil) Luna, Naara Abstract in Portuguese: O artigo aborda o debate público sobre o direito à vida no contexto da autorização da pesquisa com células-tronco embrionárias e no debate sobre o aborto, enfocando a participação de atores religiosos e seus valores. Serão examinados o debate legislativo e judiciário da Lei de Biossegurança e a audiência pública da ADPF 54, referente à antecipação de parto de anencéfalo. Esta pesquisa documental analisa a transcrição da audiência pública da ADPF 54, e os registros do processo legislativo no Congresso Nacional e da ADI 3510 no Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os resultados revelam, além da centralidade do argumento do valor da vida, a diversidade na atuação dos agentes religiosos, com hegemonia da Igreja Católica e a emergência de evangélicos e espíritas.Abstract in English: The article analyses the public debate (in Brazil) about the right to life in the context of legal authorization for human embryonic stem cell research and the debate about abortion with focus on religious actors and values. The paper examines the legislative and judiciary debate about Biossecurity Law and the public hearing of ADPF 54 which dealt with abortion of anencephalus. This documental research analyses the transcription of public hearing of ADPF 54, and records of legislative process at National Congress and the action of unconstitutionality (ADI 3510) at the Federal Supreme Court. The results show the core value of life in the center of the argument, besides the diversity in the action of religious agents, the hegemony of Catholic Church, and the rise of Evangelical Protestants and Kardec Spiritualists. |
David Trumbull, between Freemasonry and Protestantism: the configuration of anticlerical Front in Chile in the late nineteenth century Arcos, Javier Castro Abstract in Spanish: El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar la figura del Pastor Protestante David Trumbull en la configuración del Frente anticlerical chileno de fines del siglo XIX. Se analizan los planteamientos fundamentales de Trumbull, respecto a la vinculación Política-Religión en temáticas críticas de época, como lo fueron la búsqueda de la Libertad de Culto y la participación de lo protestante en la construcción del Chile republicano. Es considerada la interrelación entre Masonería y Protestantismo a través de la figura de Trumbull, como un articulador de perspectivas doctrinalmente contradictorias, pero instrumentalmente posibles de ser ensambladas por causa de un objetivo común, la implementación del ideario liberal.Abstract in English: The aim of this paper is to characterize the figure of the Protestant Pastor David Trumbull in shaping the Chilean anticlerical Front late nineteenth century. It discusses the fundamental approaches Trumbull, on linking Religion in Politics-time thematic reviews as they were searching for Religious Freedom and the Protestant participation in the construction of Chile Republican. It is considered the relationship between Freemasonry and Protestantism through the figure of Trumbull, as an articulator of doctrinally conflicting perspectives, but instrumentally possible to be assembled because of a common goal, the implementation of liberal ideology. |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal: a movement to overcome the split between catholicism and pentecostalism? Oro, Ari Pedro Alves, Daniel Abstract in Portuguese: Se a Renovação Carismática Católica foi analisada, sobretudo em seu princípio, como um movimento de fortalecimento do catolicismo frente ao avanço pentecostal, na atualidade ela parece cumprir também novos sentidos: superar as barreiras institucionais entre o catolicismo e o pentecostalismo e fortalecer, por parte de membros de ambas as organizações religiosas, o sentimento de pertencimento a uma mesma identidade cristã. Trata-se, evidentemente, de uma tendência que atrai somente a parcela católica e pentecostal que compartilha uma produção teológica semelhante, independentemente de sua origem católica ou evangélica. Este artigo resulta de um trabalho de campo a respeito dos universos católico e evangélico do sul do Brasil e na Argentina, no período de 2008 a 2011.Abstract in English: Catholic Charismatic Renewal was analyzed, especially at its beginning, as a movement of Catholic strengthening in face of Pentecostal advancing. However, the Charismatic Renewal currently seems to fulfill a new sense: it has been surpassing institutional boundaries between Catholicism and Pentecostalism, in a broader sense, and it has been strengthening the feeling of membership of both religious organizations as a common Christian identity. Obviously, it is a tendency that attracts sections of Catholics and Pentecostals who share similar theological production, independently of its Catholical or Evangelical origin. This article results from fieldwork performed in both Catholic and Evangelical milieux in Southern Brazil and Argentina, between 2008 and 2011. |
The UCKG and its liturgical strategies in Europe: reflections from Rome, Madrid and Barcelona Silva, Marcos de Araújo Medeiros, Bartolomeu Tito Figueirôa de Rodrigues, Donizete Abstract in Portuguese: Com base em pesquisas de campo, este trabalho analisa as estratégias litúrgicas da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) nas cidades de Roma, Madri e Barcelona. O foco da análise se encontra nas formas como a instituição, em suas diversas atividades (que se definem como "curativas" e que prometem sanar qualquer tipo de problema - seja de ordem social, física ou espiritual), viabiliza a inteligibilidade de conceitos e práticas para grupos de fiéis que são compostos, majoritariamente, por imigrantes das mais diversas nacionalidades, e também por membros das sociedades locais. Os dados etnográficos sugerem que os sentidos terapêuticos e de eficácia simbólica que costumam ser atribuídos por tais grupos de fiéis às atividades da IURD devem-se, em especial, à capacidade desta instituição em dialogar com públicos heterogêneos (tanto em termos socioculturais, quanto de origens nacionais e de experiências religiosas prévias), porém que em diversos casos apresentam importantes semelhanças: concepções de sagrado que são vinculadas a elementos que provêm de crenças e ritos relacionados com esoterismo, xamanismo e "bricolagens religiosas individuais". As estratégias analisadas evidenciam não apenas a interculturalidade de uma igreja neopentecostal brasileira atuante na Europa, mas também a ocorrência de dinâmicas da esfera religiosa nesse continente, antes só exportador de instituições e doutrinas religiosas e hoje, também um território fértil para o trabalho missionário.Abstract in English: Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this paper analyzes liturgical strategies that are held by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in the cities of Rome, Madrid and Barcelona. The focus of the analysis lies on the ways how such institution, in their various activities (that are defined as "healing" and the promise to cure any kind of problem - social, physical or spiritual), enables the intelligibility of concepts and practices for believers that are constituted mostly by immigrants of various nationalities, and also by members of local societies. The ethnographic data suggest that the therapeutic senses and efficacy symbolic, usually assigned by these believers groups, are particularly due to the capability of the UCKG to dialogue with such heterogeneous public (in socio-cultural terms, and from national origins and previous religious experiences), but many cases presents important similarities: conceptions of the sacred that are linked with spiritual elements from beliefs and rites connected with esotericism, shamanism and "individual religious bricolages". The strategies analyzed evidence not only interculturality from a Brazilian neo-Pentecostal church active in Europe, but also some dynamics of the religious sphere in this continent, previously exporter of religious doctrines and institutions and now a fertile field for missionary work. |
Religion, media and music industry: disputes between the Universal Church and the worship group Before the Throne Rosas, Nina Abstract in Portuguese: Este artigo apresenta notas sobre a relação entre religião, mídia e produção fonográfica através da exposição de dados sobre o Diante do Trono (DT), a Igreja Universal (IURD) e uma controvérsia que envolve ambos. A narrativa mostra o sucesso do DT e recupera parte da trajetória da IURD a fim de compreender as acusações feitas por Edir Macedo contra a cantora da banda. Destaca-se a disputa de dois conglomerados empresariais: de um lado o da IURD, com a TV Record buscando audiência e a Line Records tentando se manter no mercado gospel; de outro, o das Organizações Globo, que vem se aproximando dos evangélicos através da música e conta com a Som Livre como distribuidora dos trabalhos do DT desde 2009.Abstract in English: This article presents notes on religion, media and music industry through the analysis of data about the worship group Before the Throne the Universal Church (UCKG), and a controversy involving both of them. The narrative shows the success of the band and recovers part of UCKG trajectory in order to help the understanding of the accusations of Edir Macedo against the band main singer. The text highlights the disputes between two business conglomerates. On the one hand, there is the UCKG that has Record TV looking for increasing its audience and the Line Records trying to remain in the Christian music market. On the other hand, there is the Globo Organization that has been approaching the evangelical people through music and has Som Livre distributing DT's material since 2009. |
Resenhas Música e Ayahuasca em duas religiões brasileiras Rehen, Lucas Kastrup F. |
Resenhas Poder e Medo: os evangélicos na política e o combate à agenda feminista no Brasil Pereira, Edilson |