From a total of 445 individuals. 17.1% had antibodies against L. monocytogenes detected by the agglutination tube test. They were separated in seven groups: bloods donnors (n = 50), Hospital visitors (n = 40), frigorific workers (n = 28), aviculture workers (n = 87). berdsman (n = 31), agriculture students (n = 60) and street-sweepers (n = 51). L1/2a serotype was predominant. Individuals from urban areas (19.5%) and those who had less contact witb animals (21.7%) had significantly positive serology when compared witb individuals from rural areas (9.4%) and those who had close contact witb animals ( 13.2%). The overall picture is individuals of more specialized occupations had more frequently (25.9%) anti listería antibodies similar to lhe results observed in developed countries where listeriosis is a public health problem in urban areas.
Antilistéria antibodies; Survey; Listeria monocytogenes; Seroepidemiology