An acute diarrhea outbreak, with 2170 cases, was described during January to July, 2004, in São Bento do Una, Pernambuco. 582 stools were examined and an enteric pathogen was recovered in 25% (145 patients). Aeromonas species were the most frequent (114-19.5%) and the main isolates were Aeromonas caviae (57-9.8%), Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria (23-3.9%), Aeromonas veronii biovar veronii (15-2.6%) and other species (19-3.2%). The other isolated enteropathogens were Vibrio cholerae O1-Ogawa toxigenic (18-3.1%), Salmonella spp (8-1.4%), Shigella spp (3-0.5%) and Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 (2-0.3%).
Outbreak; Acute diarrhea; Aeromonas