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Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, Volume: 1, Número: 2, Publicado: 1967
  • Biópsia per-oral do intestino delgado em 150 casos de diferentes enteroparasitoses

    Figueiredo, Norton de; Rubens, Júlio; Carvalho, Heleno Tinoco de; Silva, J. Rodrigues da

    Resumo em Português:

    Os autores fazem uma apresentação sumária de alguns tipos de instrumentos utilizados na realização da biópsia duodeno-jejunal através intubação oral, ao mesmo tempo que comentam a importância do método no estudo da patologia intestinal. Em seguida apresentam os resultados de sua experiência empregando 6 diferentes tipos de sondas e mostram os resultados histopatológicos observados em 150 casos de diversas parasitoses intestinais, submetidos a estudo. Entre os resultados chamam a atenção para a presença freqüente da Giardia lamblia, detectada em 16 dos 50 (32%) casos desta parasitose, contra 3 dos 27 (11,1%) de esquistossomose e apenas 2 dos 108 (1,8%) de estrongiloidíase. Relatam também o achado de numerosas leishmânias no córion da mucosa jejunal de um paciente parasitado pela Giardia lamblia, que era portador de Calazar. Apreciam, ainda, o significado de outras alterações, consideradas inespecíficas, sobre as quais aguardam estudos mais completos, para chegar a conclusões mais válidas. Entre estas, merece destaque o achado de atrofia das vilosidades intestinais em 27 pacientes infectados pelo Strongyloides stercoialis tendo que em 5 dêles havia parasitismo exclusivo pelo referido nematóide.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors describe some types of capsules used in their experiences and point out the value of small intestine biopsy to the study of intestinal pathology. Six different types of capsules were tried. Hystopathological findings in 150 patients infected with different enteroparasites are described. Giardia lamblia was found in the mucosa in 16 out of 50 cases of parasitism by the protozoa; in 11.1% of the cases of schistosomiasis and 1,8% of those of strongyloidiasis parasites were seen in the mucosa. A case is described of a patient with Giardia lamblia and kala-azar; leishmanias were seen in the corion. Some other hysthological changes, considered as non specific, need more detailed studies in order to give valuable conclusions; atrophy of villi, e.g., was found in 27 cases infected by Strongyloides stercoralis, 5 of them exclusively infected by this helminth.
  • Estudos sôbre reservatórios e vetores silvestres do Trypanosoma cruzi: XVII. Contribuição para o estudo dos focos naturais da tripanossomose americana, com especial referência à região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

    Barretto, M. P.

    Resumo em Português:

    Depois de acentuar que a tripanossomose americana é uma zoonose do tipo anfixenose, bem enquadrável no conceito de PAVLOVSKY de infecção com focos naturais, o Autor analisa o problema da multiplicidade e diversidade dêstes focos que são devidas ao grande número de hospedeiros e vetores naturais com hábitos variados. Descreve, em seguida, alguns focos naturais mais freqüentes e importantes, observados na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo e áreas limítrofes do Estado de Minas Gerais, focos êstes constituídos por buracos e cavidades no solo, ocos e anfractuosidades em troncos de árvores, tufos de vegetação herbácea, touceiras de piteira e copa de palmeiras, onde triatomíneos e mamíferos convivem.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    After pointing out that American trypanosomiasis is an amphixenose which fits very well the Pavlovsky's doctrine of diseases with natural foci, the Author analyses the problem of multiplicity and diversity of such foci, which are due to the great variety of natural mammalian hosts and triatomine vectors. Some of the most common and important types of natural foci observed in the Northeastern Region of the State of São Paulo and nearby localities of the State of Minas Gerais are described; such foci are represented chiefly by soil and rock cavities and cracks, tree holes, anfractuosities and buttresses, bushes, century plants, and palm-tree tops, where T. cruzi circulates among wild mammals and triatomines.
  • Novos esquistossomicidas

    Argento, Carlos A.; Neves, Paulo F.; Galvão, Fernando A.; Penna, Delvaux R.; Silva, J. Rodrigues da

    Resumo em Português:

    Os autores apresentam sua experiência com três novos esquistossomicidas - Ciba 32 644-Ba, Hycanthone e A 16 612, um derivado da piperazina, tecendo considerações sobre sua eficácia e tolerabilidade.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    I. The authors describe the preliminary results of therapeutical trials carried out with CIBA 32 644-Ba (1-(5-nitro-2thiazolil) 2-imidazolidinone), a new compound, which has been shown effective in animal experiments against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni. 221 patients found to be infected with Schistosoma mansoni (rectal biopsy and stool sedimentation) were submitted to the trials. From these, only 21 had splenomegaly while the 200 others were cases of the intestinal or intestino-hepatic form of the disease. Four different schedules were used: A) Constituted of 30 patients who were given 20-25 mg/kg/daily for 10 days; B) constituted of 40 patients who received 30-40 mg/kg/daily for 7 days; C) constituted of 15 patients who were given 30-40 mg/kg/daily for 10 days; D) constituted of 106 patients who were given 30-40 mg/kg/daily for 5 days. The tolerance to the drug was considered rather satisfactory, in spite of some side-effects (headache, nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain, vomiting and dizziness), which ocurred in 40-78% of the cases. In 15 cases ocurred mental symptoms and or convulsion, represented by hallucination and mental excitement. Even so, only in one case these side-effects were more conspicuous so as to require specialized treatment. Liver function tests, blood cells studies and urinalysis were carried out in most of the patients, before and after treatment and showed no significant ehanges. Spermatograms, carried out in some patients, before and after treatment, showed changes (decrease in number and in motility) in about half of the cases, but these returned to normal, later on. Needle biopsy of the liver failed to demonstrate evidence of hepatic damage in all six cases submitted to that study. The effect of therapy on the clinical picture cannot yet lead to conclusions, because of the difficulties in the observations regarding this angle, but the parasitological observations revealed that CIBA 32 644-Ba was more than 90% effective at least in suppressing oviposition, since all the patients submitted to follow-up between 80 and 180 days, in 131 patients, through stool examination (every 1 or 2 months) and at least one rectal biopsy, failed to eliminate viable Schistosoma eggs, during the period of observation. Only in a very small number of cases, rectal biopsy studies still showed dead eggs - a fact which deserves further investigation. II - HYCANTHONE - It was given to 17 patients with froom tolerance in higher doses (5 mg/kg/daily during 5 days) and acceptable tolerance with 3 mg/kg/daily during 5 days. Only 7 patients who completed treatment were submitted to control of cure for 40-120 days following treatment. 2 out of the seven patients continued to pass eggs 40-50 days after treatment. III - A-16 612, a piperazine compound, was given to 32 patients. Tolerance was poor with higher doses, which, even so, were not curative.
  • Mecanismo de ação dos sulfamídicos de ação retardada

    Ghione, Mario

    Resumo em Português:

    O autor apresenta uma revisão sôbre o mecanismo de ação dos sulfamídicos de ação prolongada, tecendo considerações sôbre a sua distribuição no organismo e sua atividade antibacteriana. Aprecia principalmente as características farmacodinâmicas da sulfametoxipirazina considerando-a superior aos demais sulfamídicos ensaiados, devido à sua lenta eliminação e à sua reduzida ligação às proteínas plasmáticas, características que, aliadas à sua pequena toxicidade e atividade bacteriana elevada, permitem o seu emprego terapêutico em doses baixas.

    Resumo em Italiano:

    L'A. riassume alcuni recenti acquisizioni sul meccanismo di azione dei suliamicidi long acting. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle caratteristiche farmacocinetiche della sulfametossipirazina. Questo sulfamidico è lentamente eliminato ed è scarsamente legato alle proteine plasmatiche. Data la bassa tossicità di questo prodotto e la sua elevata attività antibatterica è possibile ottenere un effetio terapeutico mediante la sommmistrazione di dosi mol o basse di sulfametossipirazina.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author summarizes some recent advances in the knowledge of the mecanism of action of the long acting sulfonamides. Particular attention was devoted to the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the sulfamethoxypyrazine. The low elimination rate and the reduced protein binding of this compound as well as its high antibacterial properties and low toxicity allow the achievement of the therapeutic result through the administration of very low doses.
  • Salmonelose septicêmica prolongada em face às doutrinas de Kiel e de Montevidéu

    Neves, Jayme

    Resumo em Português:

    Com a finalidade de caracterizar efetivamente a septicemia na salmonelose prolongada, em 6 pacientes, dos quais 2 com resistência antibiótica e quimioterápica, procedeu-se a hemoculturas seriadas, consecutivas ou não, durante um período que oscilou entre 25 e 113 dias. Em cada paciente, numa média de 7 hemoculturas, foram isoladas, respectivamente, as seguintes salmonelas: S. typhi, S. paratyphi C, S. panamá, S. cholerae-suis var. Kunzendorf e S. paratyphi A. No caso em que se isolou a S. paratyphi A, em uma das hemoculturas isolou-se, também, a S. montevideo. A duração média da septicemia nos 6 pacientes foi de 73 dias. A se considerarem procedentes os informes dos pacientes quanto ao início da doença, a septicemia, com tôda a probabilidade, deve ter tido a duração média de 4 meses. Por outro lado, tomando por base a identidade do quadro clínico e a coincidência fisiopatológica dos casos estudados, é possível admitir-se a ocorrência de septicemias de longa duração nos demais 31 casos pelas seguintes salmonelas: S. newport, S. dublin, S. cholerae-suis, S. typhimurium, S. anatum, S. derby, e Salmonellas sp (não sorològicamente identificadas). Com base nestes achados, o A. acredita não ser possível admitir-se, na salmonelose em estudo, a diferença fundamental entre salmonelas adaptadas ou não à espécie humana, conforme preceitua a Doutrina de Kiel; considera, também, limitadas as restrições preconizadas pela Doutrina de Montevidéu aos conceitos fisiopatogenéticos da escola alemã. De fato, salmonelas do grupo tifiparatifi e outras consideradas adaptadas aos animais têm produzido, indistintamente em crianças e em adultos, quadros clínicos indistinguíveis, nos quais transcende a septicemia de longa duração e tornam-se manifestas a disproteinemia marcante e a hiperplasia do S.R.E. Finalmente, discute-se no trabalho o papel representado por uma série de fatores que podem atuar, acarretando alterações no organismo parasitado e criando condições à multiplicação das salmonelas e à manutenção da infecção. Dentre êles foram ressaltados: a associação parasitária, especialmente a esquistossomose mansoni; a desnutrição crônica; a disproteinemia marcante, seja devida à deficiência de prótides, seja em decorrência ao estado reacional do S.R.E., seletivamente agredido pelas salmonelas; modificações do estado imunitário, quer por inibição da anticorpogênese e da fagocitose, quer devida à inadequada propriedade imunológica das globulinas, extraordinariamente aumentadas na doença.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In our previous paper on protracted course Salmonellosis we have tried to demonstrate that Salmonella organisms may be able to produce a reticuloendothelial-like infection with septicemia as one of its most striking characteristics. It has also been stated that this septicemia phase runs a long course and differs from those observed during typhoid fever. This has been affirmed based on the clinical manifestations of the disease. In the present paper it was tried to demonstrate the duration of the salmonellotic septicemia. Several blood cultures from four patients were performed over a period of time from 25 to 52 days before antibiotic therapy was started. Serial blood cultures were obtained of two other cases in which there was no antibiotic and chemotherapeutic response over a longer period of time (58 to 113 days). Table II shows these results. S. typhi was isolated in ali the blood cultures of two patients over a period from 52 to 113 days; S. paratyphi A was isolated in seven blood samples and S. montevideo in one sample from the same patient during 58 days of observation. Positive blood cultures for S. parathyphi C, S. cholerae.suis var. Kunzendorf and S. panama were found in three other patients before chloromycetin was started. The findings obtained from serial blood cultures and from the clinical manifestations of this infection provide the following informations on the involvement of the salmonellae in the protracted salmonellosis syndrome: a) The average duration of salmonellotic septicemia in the six studied cases was 73 days. If we consider the beginning of the disease as related by the patients it is to be supposed that this septicemia runs a longer period of time (about four months). b) These six studied cases have had the same clinical and physiopathological picture as that of 33 other patients from which a single blood culture has shown S. newport, S. dublin, S. choleraesuis, S. typhimurium, S. anatum, S. derby and Salmonella sp (not identified serologically). c) The clinical and physiopathological features of the chronic protracted salmonellosis do not reproduce the classic picture of either typhoid fever or of the so called "acute food poisoning" type. d) Based on the available data it is not possible to support in this Salmonellosis the fundamental differentiation of salmonella organisms in accordance with its capacity of adaptation to man and to other kind of animals as the Kiel doctrine postulates. The fact is that other salmonellae besides S. typhi and S. paratyphi group have been able to produce in adults as well as in children indistinguishable clinical pictures in which protracted septicemia, hyperplasy of reticuloendothelial system and severe dysproteinemia are the prominent features. e) Apart from the virulence of salmonellae other factors are note-worthy for the physiopathogenetic interpretation of this condition and need to be investigated. Some characteristics which may modify the bodily defensive mechanisms, allow condftions for the multiplication of salmonellae and sustains the infection, have to be emphasized, as associated parasitic infections, particularly the constant S. mansoni intercurrent infection, chronic malnutrition, severe dysproteinemia either due to protein deplefron or to a reactirnary staie of the reticuloendotheüal system triggered by the seletive salmonellotic agression, change in the immunological process due to an inhibition of antibody svnthesis and phagocytosis or to an insufficient immunological property of globulins, despite these serum proteins being highly increased in this disease. f) A number of reports have been published giving the proportion of different clinical aspects of typhoid lever with co-existence of S. haematobium and S. japonicum infections. Despite the constant finding of S. mansoni infection in our cases, the available data are not sufficient to evaluate the role it plays in the pathogenesis of protracted course salmonellosis and particularly to explain the possible links between Schistosomiasis and the alteration of human sensitivity to salmonellae adapted to other animals. Finally we would like to emphasize that considerable attention must be direct towards the possibility of a relationship between salmonellotic infection and nutritive states, schistosoma infections and the resistence-susceptibility reaction.
  • Cianose e morte durante a terapêutica antimonial em paciente com esquistossomose pulmonar e glomerulonefrite, e que apresentara púrpura e icterícia

    Salgado, João Amílcar; Veloso, Cid; Oliveira, Celso Affonso de; Elian, Arnaldo Antônio

    Resumo em Português:

    Relata-se um caso de paciente acometida de esquistossomose mansoni hepatoesplênica, com comprometimento pulmonar, a qual veio a falecer, após administração de pequena dose de antimonial, em intensa dispnéia e cianose, sem sinais de "fragmentatio cordis". Não havia sinais clínicos de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, embora os dados de necropsia sugerissem êste diagnóstico. Salienta-se o agravamento rápido da sobrecarga ventricular direita, após a anti-monioterapia, e a desproporção entre os quadros anatômico e clínico de acometimento pulmonar da parasitose. Comentam-se o diagnóstico diferencial da cianose em casos de pneumopatia esquistossomótica 2 a presença de púrpura trombocitopênica, de icterícia e de glomerulonefrite crônica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A case is reported of a female patient with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni, with commitment of the lungs, who died in severe dyspnea and cyanosis, without any sign of "fragmentatio cordis", after having taken a small dosis of antimonial. There were no clinical signs of congestive heart failure, although the data of the necropsy had suggested this diagnosis. The authors call attention to the quick aggravation of right ventricular hypertrophy, after the antimonial, and the disproportion between the clinical and anatomical picture of lungs commitment of the parasitosis. The differential diagnosis of cyanosis in cases of schistosomal lung disease, and the presence of thrombocytopenic purpura, jaundice and chronic glomerulonephritis in this case are discussed.
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil