INTRODUCTION: To determine the parity, ovarian development and survival rates of Anopheles albitarsis species, in order to estimate the potential of malaria transmission. METHODS: Two populations of Anopheles albitarsis A and B in an Experimental Farm of S. Paulo State, Brazil were captured during the crepuscular sunset, between 5PM and 8PM, using Shannon traps. Dissections were performed using Polovodova's technique, and the evaluation of follicular development was according to Christophers and Mer's criterion. The Vercruysse method was used to estimate daily survival and we applied Davidson method to determine the duration of the gonotrophic cycle. RESULTS: A total of 2,612 specimens was dissected, of these, 237 of population A and 2,375 of population B. The daily survival rates were 0.5339±0.047 and 0.5566±0.015, respectively, for the populations A and B. The duration of the gonotrophic cycle for population A was 1,990 days and for population B 2,046 days. CONCLUSIONS: The results help to estimate the malaria transmission potential in the region.
Anopheles; Parity; Survival analysis