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Satellite remote sensing as a tool for the analysis of the occurrence of american cutaneous leishmaniniasis in Brazil

INTRODUCTION: The occurrence of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the region of the Paraiba valley and the Northern shore of the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, is studied by remote sensing satellite imagery and maps of the region. METHOD: The places where infections might have occurred were plotted on a false color composition made up of Landsat TM-3,4 and 5 band images, the relevant vegetation (shrubs and trees) has been identified and correlations were sought for those areas seen as areas of risk for the disease and the environmental characteristics and their changes. The maps made it possible to add to the composite image the creeks and the contours of the tops of the large number of hills found in that region. RESULTS: An area is characterized which may prove to be a macro-habitat for vectors, reservoirs and etiological agents.The search for changes in the landscape and the evaluation of meteorological data has not yielded any possible additional risk factor. CONCLUSIONS: There is full correlation among the areas considered to present risk of infection and the presence of creeks and relevant vegetation (shrubs and trees).

Leishmaniasis; Leishmaniasis; Satellite communications; Ecology

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil