This study aimed to map the available evidence on technosociality in the daily lives of primary care professionals to promote the health of people/families. This is a scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute and Prisma-ScR. The PCC strategy (participants, concept and context) was used. The sample comprises 25 articles. The predominant language was English, the year, 2018, the strength of evidence, 5 and the quality of evidence, high and moderate. Technologies are part of the daily life of PHC professionals and include health control, curative and medication measures. They are sources of communication between professionals and professionals and users. For the use of technologies, it is essential that professionals are trained, using evidence-based practices to achieve the objectives in view of the needs of each one. The use of technologies to promote the health of people/families represents a technological innovation in Primary Health Care, with the possibility of impacting health conditions and promoting healthier life choices.
KEYWORDS Technology; Primary Health Care; Mobile applications; Social networking; Health promotion
Este estudo teve por objetivo mapear a evidência disponível sobre a tecnossocialidade no cotidiano de profissionais da atenção primária para a promoção da saúde de pessoas/famílias. Trata-se de uma scoping review fundamentada no Joanna Briggs Institute e no Prisma-ScR. Foi utilizada a estratégia PCC (participants, concept e context). A amostra compõe 25 artigos. O idioma predominante foi o inglês, o ano foi 2018, a força de evidência 5 e a qualidade de evidência alta e moderada. As tecnologias fazem parte do cotidiano dos profissionais da APS e abrangem medidas de controle da saúde, curativas e medicamentosas. São fontes de comunicação entre profissionais e profissionais e usuários. Para o uso de tecnologias, é imprescindível que os profissionais estejam capacitados, utilizando práticas baseadas em evidências para alcançar os objetivos perante as necessidades de cada um. O uso de tecnologias para a promoção da saúde de pessoas/ famílias representa uma inovação tecnológica na Atenção Primária à Saúde, com possibilidade de impacto nas condições de saúde e promoção de escolhas mais saudáveis de vida.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE Tecnologia; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Aplicativos móveis; Rede social; Promoção da saúde
Technosociality, according to Michel Maffesoli, is a way of socially communicating and interacting that postpone itself to technology, represented by the internet and its tools, which have become essential in everyday life in post-modern times1-2. Postmodern technology can be considered part of the re-enchantment of the world3 by the accelerated technosocial process of virtual approach to human interactions.
Communication in social media tends to favor listening and vocalization of the different groups involved4, contributing to the process of making public what was private1. In the health area, the use of technology-based tools in Primary Health Care (PHC) has become increasingly frequent5-6. Health professionals working in PHC can use digital technologies to promote actions to prevent risks and injuries and health education and promotion7.
Regarding health promotion, social networks such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter can be used to achieve unique strategies to optimize healthier life choices8, which contributes to the construction of actions that make it possible to respond to social needs in health9.
However, the introduction and use of digital technologies in PHC has caused changes and impacts in the daily work of health professionals that deserve to be investigated, considering that the various interactive means of communication, especially the internet, represent exceptional mechanisms3. This scoping review is justified due to the fact that technosociality in the daily life of PHC professionals for the promotion of people/families’ health is still little explored5,6,8. Therefore, the following question arises: what is the state of the art on the use of health technologies and virtual social networks by PHC health professionals to promote the health of people/families.
This study aimed to map the available evidence on the use of health technologies and virtual social networks in the daily lives of PHC professionals and the promotion of health for people/families.
Material and methods
It is a scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute and on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Prisma-ScR)10. The research protocol was registered in the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/hyv8b/) It shows a comprehensive and impartial synthesis of relevant studies that address the use of technosociality in the daily life of PHC professionals to promote the health of people/families in post-modernity.
This type of review is characterized by presenting a broad topic approach and very specific research questions, making it possible for researchers to carry out the quality assessment of the included studies. Thus, through scoping review, it is possible to map evidence on certain topics, enabling concepts, dimension, scope and nature of studies to be explored, condensing and publishing the synthesized results, as well as surveying gaps about the studies available in databases10-12.
This scoping review was developed following eight steps, starting with the formulation of the review question; definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria; location of studies through search in databases; selection of studies; evaluation of the quality of studies; data extraction; data analysis; synthesis of relevant data13. To classify the quality of evidence in the studies, the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (Grade) was considered, in order to obtain transparency and simplicity, considering four levels of evidence quality: high, moderate, low and very low14.
The research considered the time span from 2016 to 2019. The civil mark of the internet in Brazil was given by Law No. 12,965, of April 23, 2014, which establishes principles, guarantees, rights and duties for the use of the internet in Brazil4, and by Decree No. 8,771, of May 11, 2016, which rules for various topics dealt with in Law No. 12,965/2014 and which depended on regulation after two years of discussion15. The search was performed in PubMed (National Institutes of Health), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences), Cinahl (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and Cochrane (Cochrane Library).
Inclusion criteria were full articles available and empirical and theoretical studies, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Using the Participants, Concept and Context (PCC) strategy, this scoping review included studies that: a) refer to health professionals working in PHC; b) consider the concept and use of technologies; c) cover the context of impact on health promotion. Studies in project phases, which did not clearly present the results and whose focus did not correspond to the proposed theme, were excluded from the research.
The search was carried out from January to April 2020, using the following Boolean descriptors and operators: “Primary Health Care” AND “Technology” AND “Health Promotion”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Social Networking” AND “Health Promotion”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Mobile applications” AND “Health Promotion”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Technology” AND “Health Behavior”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Mobile applications”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Health Promotion”; “Primary Health Care” AND “Technology”; “Technology” AND “Health Behavior”.
Data selection was structured according to the following steps: in the 1st step, the Boolean descriptors and operators used in the study were defined, as well as the search databases: PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, Web of Science, Lilacs, Cinahl and Cochrane. In the 2nd stage, there was the application of filters: text available in a free and complete way; languages - English, Portuguese and Spanish; year - 2016 to 2019 on the defined bases. To find out if the articles corresponded to the research question, the titles and descriptors were read. In the 3rd stage, the abstract, introduction and conclusion of each article was read, in order to verify its relevance for the study and whether the inclusion and exclusion criteria were met. Finally, in the 4th stage, the pre-selected articles were read in full by the researchers, with the aim of verifying with greater precision their relevance to the study and whether the inclusion and exclusion criteria were met. We then proceeded to extract relevant data for further analysis, taking into account the previously established protocol.
The reading of the full articles and application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria enabled the data extraction. The articles were analyzed in terms of quality and categorized by degree of recommendation and level of evidence, according to the classification developed by the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP).
EBP and evidence-based health care embrace the same concepts and principles as evidence-based medicine and are employed by various professionals and in different health contexts. EBP has been conceptualized as the conscious, judicious and explicit use of the best and most current research evidence in making clinical decisions about individual patient care. This hierarchy guides the criteria for classifying evidence levels for different types of studies16-18.
Evidence can be characterized as something that provides proof for decision making, encompassing study results and consensus of recognized experts19.
The strength of evidence can be classified into five distinct levels: level 1, when it is strong evidence from, at least, a systematic review of multiple controlled, randomized, well-designed studies; level 2, when there is strong evidence from at least one randomized, controlled study, of appropriate design and adequate size; level 3, when it is referring to evidence from well-designed studies without randomization, single group pre and post-cohort, time series or paired case-control; level 4, when related to evidence from studies, of non-experimental orders, carried out in research centers or groups; and level 5, when it covers opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical evidence, reports from expert committees or descriptive studies20.
The process of identification, selection, eligibility and inclusion of studies in this scoping review can be seen in figure 1.
Process of identification, selection, eligibility and inclusion of scoping review studies, 2020
The search in the databases was refined through filters: free and complete text available; languages in English, Portuguese and Spanish; publication date between 2016 and 2019. A total of 5,029 studies were obtained, of which 283 were excluded because they were duplicates, resulting in 4,746 documents. After reading the abstract, introduction and conclusion of each article to identify its relevance for the research and if it met the inclusion or exclusion criteria, arriving at a total of 125 articles, from the PubMed (28), SciELO (18), Scopus (21), Web of Science (11), Cinahl (36) and Cochrane (11). Subsequently, the articles were read in full and, at this stage, studies with no consistency with the theme, different sample populations of PHC professionals, studies in the design phase or without clear results were excluded, obtaining, for this scoping review, a final sample of 25 articles.
The years of publication spanned from 2016 to 2019, with 2018 being the most representative year, with 11 articles. The predominant language was English (22), followed by Portuguese (02) and Spanish (01). These studies were carried out in Brazil (05), Spain (03), Sweden (03), Ireland (02), USA (02), Africa (01), China (01), Norway (01), United Kingdom (01), Australia (01), Poland (01), Netherlands (01) and Canada (01). Two studies did not report the location where they were carried out.
Considering the strength of evidence among the levels, the one with the highest prevalence was level 5 (10), subsequent to level 2 (05), level 3 (04), level 1 (04) and level 4 (02).
As for the quality of evidence from the Grade system, among its levels, the ones that presented the highest prevalence were high quality (09) and moderate quality (09), subsequent to low quality (05) and very low quality (02).
Considering the participants - health professionals working in PHC, the concept - the use of technologies, context - the impact on health promotion, the results obtained can be seen in table 1.
Presentation of articles according to title, year of publication, database, type of study, level of evidence, objective and final conclusions/recommendations, 2016 to 2019
The literature mapping in this scoping review presents a synthesis of studies that address the concept of the use of technologies by PHC professionals in the context of health promotion.
The introduction of technologies in the health system caused the emergence of new concepts, prompting reflection on the potential and limitations of the applicability of these technologies in the daily lives of health professionals and users21,22. Transversal knowledge in postmodern sociality, induced by the development of interactive media, is considered an original wisdom in which there is collective production of knowledge and common access to it23.
Information technologies, such as social networks, represent an increasingly important element of social life2,23,24, since “a technological culture tends to contaminate the whole of daily life”1(77). Social networks are increasingly being used by PHC health professionals, representing important tools that can be used in favor of health and for health promotion actions.
Social networks, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and others, are used for communication actions between professionals, clinical or drug consultations, professional development and health promotion8. In this scoping review, it was observed that health promotion appeared among the main motivations for the use of applications by professionals, representing 72% of the selected studies. Others addressed actions to monitor patients25, in addition to being a source of communication between professionals26,27 or professionals/users28, collection of data25,29,30 and records29.
WhatsApp is the application most used by health professionals, followed by Facebook, as a means of communicating and sharing clinical information, which can pose a risk to the security of patient data8. Facebook proved to be a powerful tool for communication and health promotion involving the community in general31.
Community sites of the internet testify to ethics. It is private and, at times, can be immoral, breaking laws, as well as what is socially admitted24.
The SmartMove mobile app is intended to promote physical activities. It is an easy-to-use application, which may have contributed positively to user adherence. Smartphone technology, widget, and stage count screen graphics are able to monitor the progress of users in overweight and obese conditions while exercising. The space provided by technology can help healthcare professionals deal with obesity and lifestyle sensitivities. It is necessary for a specific member of the service provider’s team to drive the use of the application by other team members32.
The DiaCert app can help professionals in the clinical follow-up of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, encourage patients to have healthier lifestyle habits and physical practices, allow patients to share their personal data with their professional, receive information related to hemoglobin glycated, directly from the health system to the smartphone33.
The use of cell phone applications or blood pressure monitors by patients may have the potential to increase the amount of blood pressure data available to healthcare professionals, provided that the quality of this data is ensured for clinical decision-making in the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension. This approach can also facilitate greater awareness and self-care on the part of patients, taking into account that technology allows the patient to be able to visualize, with greater clarity, the effect and importance of changing lifestyles and the antihypertensives drugs34.
The social mutation caused by post-modernity brings into force the need for a transmutation of language23. Carrying out health interventions, using a combination of nutritional counseling and a diet application, proved to be more efficient than when the health professional performs only isolated counseling. The complementary use of this tool proved to be able to improve users’ adherence to both healthier eating and physical activity practices35.
The use of technological bases such as the web, cell phones or computers, by health professionals, to promote change in behavior related to alcohol had a positive effect, considering that it can reduce its consumption and/or subsequent damage. The use of these technologies showed that the degree to which patients and professionals considered digital interventions acceptable, viable and sustainable can influence the effectiveness of interventions5.
WeChat, used to receive short-term training on dementia, such as lectures, video sharing and group discussions, has influenced changes in professionals’ behavior. The acquisition of knowledge about risk factors to which people are susceptible can increase early detection, referral to specialized centers, the quality of care and treatment offered to patients and caregivers, as well as encourage professionals to promote educational actions in health36.
The use of blogs was a qualitative leap in communication between health professionals working in PHC, as it allowed for debate and participation between them. The introduction of this technology can also improve the dialogue/interaction between professionals and patients, thus promoting person-centered care21. It is noted that, through the use of communication sites such as blogs, it is possible to share common emotions23, in addition to making it possible to carry out the dissemination of health information, covering other areas, such as case monitoring and health promotion37. By empowering patients through education, they can participate in decision-making regarding their health status and promoting it21.
Information technologies allow professional/user interaction outside of formal consultation, improve communication and information sharing between professionals in order to achieve better health outcomes, access to information to support education and interventions, as well as tracking digital. The use of the Nutritics app, by nutritionists, for tracking food intake, administrative technology, patient management and data analysis systems, electronic health records and consultations, proved to be effective in promoting diet control and healthy eating. Tracking food intake can help empower patients and achieve better results38.
The development and use of the DropSync mobile application allows the collection and management of data, optimizing the process of recording and storing, sending and analyzing selected information39.
The use of mobile technology (tablets) by Community Health Agents (ACS) in Brazil is aimed at recording data, filling out forms used in the daily life of the ACS, not evidencing health promotion actions. The low previous experience with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) does not represent an impediment to the use of the tablet. Weaknesses include the difficulty of simultaneous manual and computerized records and the relative delay in transmitting the collected data. Such weaknesses may result in the minimization of part of the expected benefits from the use of the tablet30.
Telemedicine for wound treatment optimizes communication between health professionals in PHC and outpatient clinics, enabling the use of images and their description, discussion and reflection on the treatment and improvement in the quality of records40.
Breast cancer prevention apps can be used for early detection and early treatment41. Support services for the self-management of people with chronic conditions, through the use of e-Health telemedicine, have been adopted in the daily lives of professionals42. In addition, they support and monitor changes in health behavior for better control of chronic disease and patients proactivity in self-care/self-management activities41.
The online consultation support technology, called e-consultation, has shown effectiveness. It allows adjustment notes, such as renewal of medication prescriptions and evaluation of test results, despite the possible work overload due to the use of the telephone for electronic consultations43. Nursing professionals show the difficulty of adapting to the use of e-Saúde technology, as they do not feel safe, in addition to the fear of not being able to interact with patients in a satisfactory manner42.
It is likely that the reluctance of health professionals to use new technologies is related to the nature and reliability of the data provided, in addition to the concern with the increased workload and responsibility over the data34. “Here is the existing difficulty in apprehending the nascent post-modernity. In reducing the dense and complex real to a measurable reality”23(4). This can be overcome with evidence that demonstrates efficacy and cost-effectiveness results. Health regulatory bodies can play an important role in quality control and in providing explicit guidelines regarding the implementation of new technologies in health34.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle is still a challenge, but it can be of positive coping. For professionals to be able to effectively achieve health promotion using tools and technologies, it is necessary that they are professionally trained and use evidence-based practices to achieve the goals in view of the needs of each one7. Thus, the renewed social forms need to respond to the rethought intellectual forms1. It is important to maintain a balanced view of digital interventions, so that these technologies are used as a complement, that is, they do not replace face-to-face meetings between health professionals and patients7.
It is noted that health promotion is a transversal articulation strategy, which aims to break with the excessive fragmentation in the approach of the health-illness process and reduce vulnerability, risks and damages that occur in it9. Technologies can be used by health professionals to achieve these ends41, as technologies represent the beating heart of postmodern society1.
All studies that are part of this review have their limitations. This scoping review had as a limitation the sample reduced by the temporal definition of collection, between 2016-2019, justified by the civil framework of the internet in Brazil and its regulation only in 2016. It presents as a contribution the synthesis of knowledge produced by a sample composed of studies from different geographic regions of the world, which address the use and the need to implement technologies in PHC to promote the health of people/families.
The mapping of available evidence regarding the concept ‘use of technologies’ by PHC professionals in the context of health promotion brought results that impact health conditions and promote healthier life choices.
Technologies are part of the daily lives of professionals, demonstrating effectiveness in actions to promote health and a healthier lifestyle, such as diet, physical activity and change of behaviors related to alcohol. Its use also includes health control measures, curatives and medications. In addition, it is a source of communication between professionals, professionals and users of PHC, contributing to professional development, characterized as innovative tools.
New strategies for implementing technologies in PHC are possible, with professional training and motivation, in order to ensure greater effectiveness and quality in care and health promotion for people/families.
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08 Dec 2021 -
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Oct-Dec 2021
14 Feb 2021 -
09 Oct 2021