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The global and the local in sociological research*** *** The author is grateful for the valuable suggestions of the two anonymous reviewers of Sociedade e Estado, who are exempt from any of the paper’s remaining deficiencies. The work was supported in part by CNPq under grant number 441749/2014-3.


This paper reflects on how sociological investigation articulates the construction of global theoretical objects and the study of local phenomena to develop explanations of a reality that has become increasingly complex with the globalization of social structures, relations and processes. I envision here approaches that consider that, although reality is more immediately apprehensible to us at the micro level of relations, it is in the social macroforces that we can find the explanation of this reality. This hypothesis does not dismiss the notion that, although theories can be constructed in global terms, it is locally that they confront the reality that they propose to explain. These approaches can profit from at least two means of investigation: the extended case method, which calls us to observe local phenomena to reconstruct global theories; and the sociological study of biography, whose objective is similar to that of the first method, although the cases used are individuals in their social existence.

Biography; Extended case method; Globalization; Marxism; Methodology

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil