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Aprendendo com a outsider within* * O termo outsider within não tem uma correspondência inquestionável em português, por isso optamos por manter o termo original. Possíveis traduções do termo poderiam ser "forasteiras de dentro", "estrangeiras de dentro". (n. da t.) : a significação sociológica do pensamento feminista negro** ** Texto original "Learning from the outsider within: the sociological significance of black feminist thought", publicado em Social Problems, v. 33, n. 6, "Special theory issue", p. 14-32, Oct.-Dec. 1986. A publicação desse artigo tem a permissão direta de Patricia Hill Collins e da Oxford University Press. Tradução: Juliana de Castro Galvão. Revisão: Joaze Bernardino-Costa.

Black women have long occupied marginal positions in academic settings. I argue that many Black female intellectuals have made creative use of their marginality - their "outsider within" status - to produce Black feminist thought that reflects a special standpoint on self, family, and society. I describe and explore the sociological significance of three characteristic themes in such thought: 1. Black women's self-definition and self-valuation; 2. the interlocking nature of oppression; and 3. the importance of Afro-American women's culture. After considering how Black women might draw upon these key themes as outsiders within to generate a distinctive standpoint on existing sociological paradigms, I conclude by suggesting that other sociologists would also benefit by placing greater trust in the creative potential of their own personal and cultural biographies.

outsider within; black feminist though; self-definition; self-valuation; interlocking nature of oppression

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil