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Rural actresses or rural workers? The theater and the facade to obtain special rural retirement


This article concerns about gender inequalities in the judicial discourse and practices under special federal courts. The trial of the lawsuits of rural special retirement is mainly held by special federal courts (Juizados Especiais Federais - JEFs). For the demarcation of the cases, the judges must decide whether the plaintiff is a special rural insured, a task that involves a lot of legal concepts and subjective interpretations in the microcosm of judicial practice. Based on Erving Goffman teatrology, interviews, hearings and rulings of Paraíba JEFs were analyzed for gender inequalities in the discourse of the actors involved in social interaction. Particularly, he understandings given to labor and rural individually or in a household system working were studied. It was observed that the ideas of "light" work and "heavy" work were used as "technologies of gender" for classifying and regulating who is the special rural insured, inserting it in a familiar and predictable social facade, which, on the other hand, is very restricted and may consequently generate potential injustices.

family farming; judicial discourse; theatrology; technologies of gender; female rural retirement

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil