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O kuduro como expressão da juventude em Portugal: estilos de vida e processos de identificação

This article is an ethnographic research made in Lisbon, in the year 2010. The kuduro is a style of dance and music that emerged in Luanda, in the 1990s, which came to Portugal soon after, through relations established between immigrants with their country of origin: Angola. The objective is to understand how, alongside other forms of cultural expression for youth, in Lisbon, kuduro, as well as hip-hop, rap and reggae, has become an integral part of cultural production and consumption of young people from periphery. Between music and dancing, as forms of entertainment, the universe of social, ethnic and generational tensions is present and make emerge social identification processes. The school, the street and the Internet became the main spaces for socialization of kuduro, running through a lifestyle that seems to build ties of affinity between immigrants and descendants, with references to the country of origin or even an imagined Africa by the relationship of solidarity among descendants of immigration from Portuguese-speaking African countries. The analysis of such issues is implicated by the new dynamics of the contemporary transnational flows of people, information and cultural products, and post-colonial and metropolitan contexts.

Kuduro; Youths; Identities; Lifestyles; Immigration; Africans in Portugal

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil