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Sao Paulo Medical Journal, Volume: 130, Número: 5, Publicado: 2012
  • Telemedicina: uma revolução tecnológica Editorial

    Mariani, Alessandro Wasum; Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel
  • Considerações sobre revisões sistemáticas de testes diagnósticos Editorial

    Atallah, Álvaro Najib; Puchnick, Andrea; Wu, Daniel; Shigueoka, David Carlos; Santos, Gianni Mara Silva dos; Lemos Júnior, Hernani Pinto de; Mourão, José Eduardo; Iared, Wagner
  • Síndrome de burnout e carga horária semanal de trabalho em médicos plantonistas: estudo transversal Original Article

    Barbosa, Fabiano Timbó; Leão, Bruna Acioly; Tavares, Gisélia Maria Sales; Santos, João Gustavo Rocha Peixoto dos

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de burnout (SB) caracteriza-se por três dimensões: exaustão emocional, despersonalização e redução da realização pessoal. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar uma possível associação entre SB e carga horária semanal de trabalho, descrever a prevalência de SB e o perfil sócio-demográfico e ocupacional em médicos plantonistas de Maceió. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitais públicos e privados de Maceió. MÉTODOS: Um formulário auto-aplicável foi usado para avaliar características sócio-demográficas e SB através do Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) com 67 médicos plantonistas de UTIs de Maceió. Foi realizado teste de correlação R de Pearson entre carga horária e exaustão emocional e, para as demais dimensões, foi utilizado o teste S de Spearman (P < 0,05). Demais variáveis foram representadas por frequência simples. Intervalo de confiança de 95% foi calculado para cada variável. RESULTADOS: Dos médicos estudados, 55,22% eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 43,9 ± 8,95 anos. A média da carga horária semanal de plantão foi de 43,85 ± 24,49 horas. A frequência de escores altos em pelo menos uma das dimensões do MBI foi de 70,14%. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da alta prevalência de SB, especialmente nos médicos que não praticam atividade física regular, nossos dados não indicaram qualquer correlação significativa entre carga horária e qualquer uma das dimensões da SB na amostra. A alta prevalência da SB chama atenção para a importância da pesquisa de outras possíveis causas, para a prevenir e tratar adequadamente.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Burnout syndrome (BS) is characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal fulfillment. The objectives of this study were to evaluate a possible association between BS and weekly workload, and to describe the prevalence of BS and the sociodemographic and occupational profile of on-call physicians in Maceió. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in intensive care units (ICU) at public and private hospitals in Maceió. METHODS: A self-administered form was used to evaluate sociodemographic characteristics and BS through the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) among 67 on-call physicians at ICUs in Maceió. Pearson's R correlation test was used to compare workload and emotional exhaustion. For other dimensions, Spearman's S test was used (P < 0.05). Other variables were represented by simple frequencies. The 95% confidence interval was calculated for each variable. RESULTS: Among the physicians studied, 55.22% were female and the mean age was 43.9 ± 8.95 years. The mean weekly workload on call was 43.85 ± 24.49 hours. The frequency of high scores in at least one of the three dimensions of MBI was 70.14%. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the high prevalence of BS, especially among physicians who did not practice regular physical activity, our data did not indicate any significant correlation between weekly workload and any of the three dimensions of BS in this sample. The high prevalence of BS draws attention to the importance of investigating other possible causes, in order to prevent and adequately treat it.
  • Avaliação da taxa de filtração glomerular em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca grave: comparação entre fórmulas baseadas na creatinina Original Article

    Libório, Alexandre; Uchoa, Russian; Neto, João; Valdivia, Juan; Daher, Elizabeth De Francesco; Mejia, Juan

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Insuficiência cardíaca grave tem elevada correlação com doença renal crônica. Creatinina sérica é um indicador pobre da função renal e a estimativa da taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) é um método acessível para avaliar a função renal. As fórmulas mais populares estimadoras da TFG são a Cockcroft-Gault (CG), a modificação de dieta simplificada em doença renal (Simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, sMDRD) com quatro variáveis, e a recentemente introduzida Colaboração Epidemiológica na Doença Renal Crônica (Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration, CKD-EPI). O objetivo foi analisar a correlação entre essas três equações estimadoras da TFG em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca grave. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal observacional em centro de referência universitário. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca grave em fila para transplante cardíaco tiveram a TFG estimada pelo CG, sMDRD e CKD-EPI. Essas estimativas foram analisadas pela correlação de Pearson e análise de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 157 pacientes: 32 (20,3%) mulheres. Creatinina sérica normal foi observada em 21,6%. TFG média de acordo com CG, sMDRD e CKD-EPI foi 70,1 ± 29,5, 70,7 ± 37,5 e 73,7 ± 30,1 ml/min/1.73 m²; P > 0,05. Coeficiente de Pearson mostrou boa correlação entre todas as fórmulas, assim como Bland-Altman. Entretanto, os pacientes apresentaram TFG < 60 ml/min mais frequentemente com a fórmula sMDRD (54,1% versus 40,2% para CG e 43,2% para CKD-EPI; P = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da boa correlação e concordância entre os três métodos, a fórmula do sMDRD classificou mais pacientes com TFG menor que 60 ml/min.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Severe heart failure is highly associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Serum creatinine is a poor indicator of renal function and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation is an accessible method for assessing renal function. The most popular formulas for GFR estimation are the Cockcroft-Gault (CG), the four-variable Simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (sMDRD) and the recently introduced CKD-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI). The objective of the study was to analyze the correlation between these three equations for estimating GFR in patients with severe heart failure. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional observational study at a university reference center. METHODS: GFR was estimated in patients with severe heart failure who were awaiting heart transplantation, using the CG, sMDRD and CKD-EPI formulas. These estimates were analyzed using Pearson's correlation and Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS: This study included 157 patients, of whom 32 (20.3%) were female. Normal serum creatinine concentration was observed in 21.6%. The mean GFR according to CG, sMDRD and CKD-EPI was 70.1 ± 29.5, 70.7 ± 37.5 and 73.7 ± 30.1 ml/min/1.73 m²; P > 0.05. Pearson's coefficient demonstrated good correlations between all the formulas, as did Bland-Altman. However, the patients presented GFR < 60 ml/min more frequently with the sMDRD formula (54.1% versus 40.2% for CG and 43.2% for CKD-EPI; P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: Despite the good correlation and agreement between the three methods, the sMDRD formula classified more patients as presenting GFR less than 60 ml/min.
  • Doença autoimune da tireoide como um fator de risco para angioedema em pacientes com urticária crônica idiopática: um estudo caso-controle Original Article

    Missaka, Ruy Felippe Brito Gonçalves; Penatti, Henrique Costa; Silvares, Maria Regina Cavariani; Nogueira, Célia Regina; Mazeto, Gláucia Maria Ferreira da Silva

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A associação de urticária crônica idiopática (UCI) com doença autoimune da tireoide (DAT) é relatada. Porém, não foram encontrados relatos se a DAT eleva o risco de angioedema, uma apresentação clínica mais grave da UCI. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se o risco de angioedema está aumentado em pacientes com UCI e DAT. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo caso-controle, incluindo 115 pacientes com UCI em uma instituição pública terciária. MÉTODOS: Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto à ocorrência de angioedema e à presença de DAT, hiper ou hipotireoidismo. RESULTADOS: Angioedema ocorreu em 70 pacientes (60,9%). Foram observados 22 (19,1%) casos de DAT, 19 (16,5%) de hipotireoidismo e 9 (7,8%) de hipertireoidismo. Os pacientes com DAT apresentaram risco 16,2 vezes maior de angioedema do que os sem a alteração tireoidiana (intervalo de confiança, IC = 2.07-126.86). O odds ratio, para hipotireoidismo, foi de 4,6 (IC = 1.00-21.54) e para hipertireoidismo foi de 3,3 (IC = 0.38-28.36). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com UCI e DAT apresentaram maior risco de angioedema, reforçando a ideia de existência de relação entre o quadro alérgico e autoimunidade tireoidiana. Este achado poderia implicar em um direcionamento terapêutico específico para tais pacientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: An association between chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) has been reported. However, there have not been any reports on whether ATD raises the risk of angioedema, which is a more severe clinical presentation of CIU. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the risk of angioedema is increased in patients with CIU and ATD. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case-control study including 115 patients with CIU at a tertiary public institution. METHODS: The patients were evaluated with regard to occurrence of angioedema and presence of ATD, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. RESULTS: Angioedema was detected in 70 patients (60.9%). There were 22 cases (19.1%) of ATD, 19 (16.5%) of hypothyroidism and nine (7.8%) of hyperthyroidism. The risk among patients with ATD was 16.2 times greater than among those without this thyroid abnormality (confidence interval, CI = 2.07-126.86). The odds ratio for hypothyroidism was 4.6 (CI = 1.00-21.54) and, for hyperthyroidism, 3.3 (CI = 0.38-28.36). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with CIU and ATD presented greater risk of angioedema, which reinforces the idea that a relationship exists between this allergic condition and thyroid autoimmunity. This finding could imply that such patients require specifically directed therapy.
  • Desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de lactentes pré-termo com 6 a 12 meses de vida Original Article

    Eickmann, Sophie Helena; Malkes, Natália Ferraz de Araújo; Lima, Marília de Carvalho

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A imaturidade dos sistemas orgânicos das crianças nascidas prematuras pode levar a dificuldades de adaptação a diferentes estímulos do ambiente. O objetivo foi comparar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de lactentes nascidos pré-termo (com idade corrigida) e no termo com idade entre 6 e 12 meses e investigar seus fatores associados.TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal analítico realizado no Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída de 135 crianças (45 pré-termo e 90 no termo) com idade entre 6 a 12 meses. O desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor foi avaliado pelas subescalas cognitiva, linguagem e motora da Bayley III. Dados biológicos, socioeconômicos e demográficos foram coletados de prontuários médicos e por entrevistas com as mães.RESULTADOS: A média dos índices cognitivo, de linguagem e motor estava dentro da faixa de normalidade para a amostra como um todo. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre o desenvolvimento de crianças nascidas pré-termo e no termo, com exceção para a comunicação expressiva, na qual os prematuros apresentaram menor índice. O desenvolvimento motor foi influenciado por fatores biológicos, e os piores desempenhos foram observados em crianças do sexo masculino, com peso ao nascer < 1500 g; índice de Apgar aos cinco minutos < 7; peso, comprimento e circunferência da cabeça-para-idade < -1 escore Z; e amamentação exclusiva por < dois meses.CONCLUSÕES: A prematuridade não influenciou o desenvolvimento psicomotor das crianças nessa população. O desenvolvimento motor foi o domínio mais afetado na amostra como um todo, especialmente devido a fatores biológicos. Investigações sobre o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor infantil devem tentar identificar inúmeros fatores determinantes devido a sua natureza multifatorial.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The immaturity of preterm infants' organ systems may lead to difficulties in adapting to different environmental stimuli. The aim was to compare the psychomotor development of preterm infants (with corrected age) and term infants aged 6 to 12 months and to investigate associated factors.DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional analytical study conducted at Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.METHODS: The sample consisted of 135 infants (45 preterm and 90 full-term) aged 6 to 12 months. Neuropsychomotor development was assessed using the Bayley III cognitive, language and motor subscales. Biological, socioeconomic and demographic data were gathered from medical records and through interviews with mothers.RESULTS: The mean cognitive, language and motor indices were within the range of normality for the sample as a whole. No significant difference in the development of infants born preterm and full-term was observed, except for expressive communication, in which preterm infants presented a lower index. Motor development was influenced by biological factors, and the poorest performances were observed in male infants; birth weight birth weight < 1500 g; Apgar score at five minutes < 7; weight-, length- and head circumference-for-age < -1 Z-score; and exclusively breastfeeding for < two months.CONCLUSIONS: Prematurity did not influence the psychomotor development of infants in this study population. Motor development was the most affected domain in the sample as a whole, especially due to biological factors. Investigations on child neuropsychomotor development should try to identify many determinant factors because of its multifactorial nature.
  • Características clínicas e epidemiológicas de pacientes do departamento de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço em um hospital universitário Original Article

    Ruback, Maurício José Cabral; Galbiatti, Ana Lívia; Arantes, Lidia Maria Rebolho Batista; Marucci, Gustavo Henrique; Russo, Anelise; Ruiz-Cintra, Mariangela Torreglosa; Raposo, Luiz Sérgio; Maniglia, José Victor; Pavarino, Érika Cristina; Goloni-Bertollo, Eny Maria

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVOS: O câncer de cabeça e pescoço é o quinto tipo mais comum entre todas as neoplasias no mundo. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros clínicos e epidemiológicos em um serviço de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal com coleta de dados de prontuários, realizado no departamento de otorrinolaringologia e cabeça e pescoço de um hospital universitário do noroeste do estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um total de 995 pacientes do serviço de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço foi avaliado entre janeiro de 2000 a maio de 2010. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, gênero, cor da pele, consumo de álcool e tabaco, sítio primário, estádio e tipo histológico do tumor, tratamento e número de mortes. RESULTADOS: A doença foi mais frequente entre homens (79,70%), tabagistas (75,15%) e etilistas (58,25%). Os locais mais representativos foram: cavidade oral (29,65%) e laringe (24,12%) para sítio primário; carcinoma espinocelular (84,92%) foi o tipo histológico mais frequente e cirurgia (29,04%) e radioterapia (14,19%) foram os tratamentos mais comuns. CONCLUSÃO: O câncer que afeta os pacientes assistidos pelo serviço de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço ocorre, em sua maioria, entre homens, tabagistas e etilistas, tendo a cavidade oral e a laringe maior incidência. A alta taxa de pacientes com estádios III e IV indica diagnóstico tardio pelos centros de tratamento, o que reflete a necessidade de campanhas de prevenção para o diagnóstico precoce da doença.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Head and neck cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological parameters in a head and neck surgery service. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study using patients' records, developed in otolaryngology and head and neck department of a university hospital in the northwest of the state of São Paulo. METHODS: A total of 995 patients in the head and neck surgery service between January 2000 and May 2010 were evaluated. The variables analyzed included: age, gender, skin color, tobacco and alcohol consumption, primary site, staging and histological tumor type, treatment and number of deaths. RESULTS: The disease was more frequent among men (79.70%), smokers (75.15%) and alcohol abusers (58.25%). The most representative sites were oral cavity (29.65%) and larynx (24.12%) for the primary site; squamous cell carcinoma (84.92%) was the most frequent histological type, and surgery (29.04%) and radiotherapy (14.19%) were the most common treatments. CONCLUSION: The cancer that affects patients assisted by the head and neck surgery service occurs mainly men, smokers and alcohol abusers, and the oral cavity and larynx are the sites with the highest incidence. The high rate of patients with stages III and IV indicates late diagnosis by the treatment centers, which reflects the need for prevention education campaigns for early diagnosis of the disease.
  • Perfil de distribuição de citações em jornais brasileiros de medicina geral Short Communication

    Lustosa, Luiggi Araujo; Chalco, Mario Edmundo Pastrana; Borba, Cecília de Melo; Higa, André Eizo; Almeida, Renan Moritz Varnier Rodrigues

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: O fator de impacto é atualmente o índice bibliométrico mais utilizado para a avaliação de revistas científicas. No entanto, as condições de seu uso, por exemplo, em relação ao tipo de estudos ou revistas analisadas, podem interferir significativamente com a confiabilidade de suas estimativas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o padrão de distribuição de citações em três periódicos brasileiros de medicina geral. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, baseado nos números de citações de trabalhos científicos publicados por três revistas brasileiras de Medicina Geral. MÉTODOS: As revistas analisadas foram São Paulo Medical Journal, Clinics e Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira. A pesquisa utilizou-se de dados disponibilizados pela plataforma do Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), da qual foram obtidos o total de publicações de cada revista no período de 2007-2008 e o número de citações a esses trabalhos em 2009. A distribuição de citações e os fatores de impacto (média do número de citações) para cada revista foram estimados a partir desses dados, e os fatores de impacto assim obtidos foram comparados aos fornecidos diretamente pelo ISI Journal of Citation Reports (JCR). RESULTADOS: No período, foram publicados respectivamente 134, 203 e 192 artigos pelas revistas analisadas. Observou-se que a distribuição das citações a esses artigos é altamente enviesada, com um grande número de trabalhos pouco citados e um pequeno percentual com muitas citações. Não foi possível identificar um padrão específico para os trabalhos mais citados ou reproduzir exatamente os fatores de impacto JCR. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de medidas como "fatores de impacto" que caracterizam citações por meio de médias não representa adequadamente a distribuição de citações nas revistas analisadas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Impact factors are currently the bibliometric index most used for evaluating scientific journals. However, the way in which they are used, for instance concerning the study or journal types analyzed, can markedly interfere with estimate reliability. This study aimed to analyze the citation distribution pattern in three Brazilian journals of general medicine. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a descriptive study based on numbers of citations of scientific studies published by three Brazilian journals of general medicine. METHODS: The journals analyzed were São Paulo Medical Journal, Clinics and Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira. This survey used data available from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) platform, from which the total number of papers published in each journal in 2007-2008 and the number of citations of these papers in 2009 were obtained. From these data, the citation distribution was derived and journal impact factors (average number of citations) were estimated. These factors were then compared with those directly available from the ISI Journal of Citation Reports (JCR). RESULTS: Respectively, 134, 203 and 192 papers were published by these journals during the period analyzed. The observed citation distributions were highly skewed, such that many papers had few citations and a small percentage had many citations. It was not possible to identify any specific pattern for the most cited papers or to exactly reproduce the JCR impact factors. CONCLUSION: Use of measures like "impact factors", which characterize citations through averages, does not adequately represent the citation distribution in the journals analyzed.
  • [ARTIGO RETRATADO] Uma revisão sobre a pesquisa em pediatria recentemente publicada em revistas indexadas brasileiras Review Article

    Rocha-e-Silva, Maurício; Gomes, Ariane Maris
  • Acrodermatite por deficiência de zinco após associação de gastroplastia vertical com derivação jejuno-ileal: relato de caso Case Report

    Cunha, Selma Freire de Carvalho; Gonçalves, Gilson Antônio Pereira; Marchini, Julio Sérgio; Roselino, Ana Maria Ferreira

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO: Complicações nutricionais podem ocorrer após cirurgia bariátrica, pela restrição no consumo de alimentos e por comprometimento do processo digestivo e absortivo. RELATO DO CASO: Após ter sido submetida a gastroplastia vertical e derivação jejuno-ileal, uma paciente apresentou acentuada perda de peso e desnutrição proteica. Sete meses após a cirurgia bariátrica, manifestou-se quadro dermatológico compatível com acrodermatite enteropática, verificado a partir dos níveis plasmáticos de zinco (34,4 mg%), que se situavam abaixo dos valores de referência. As lesões cutâneas melhoraram significativamente após 1.000 mg/dia de suplementação de sulfato de zinco, por uma semana. CONCLUSÕES: A evolução da paciente mostra que a equipe multiprofissional envolvida no tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade deve considerar as deficiências nutricionais no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças cutâneas, a fim de instituir precocemente o tratamento.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT: Nutritional complications may occur after bariatric surgery, due to restriction of food intake and impaired digestion or absorption of nutrients. CASE REPORT: After undergoing vertical gastroplasty and jejunoileal bypass, a female patient presented marked weight loss and protein deficiency. Seven months after the bariatric surgery, she presented dermatological features compatible with acrodermatitis enteropathica, as seen from the plasma zinc levels, which were below the reference values (34.4 mg%). The skin lesions improved significantly after 1,000 mg/day of zinc sulfate supplementation for one week. CONCLUSIONS: The patient's evolution shows that the multidisciplinary team involved in surgical treatment of obesity should take nutritional deficiencies into consideration in the differential diagnosis of skin diseases, in order to institute early treatment.
  • Afasia e herpes vírus: estudo de caso Case Report

    Soares-Ishigaki, Ellen Cristina Siqueira; Cera, Maysa Luchesi; Pieri, Alexandre; Ortiz, Karin Zazo

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO: Meningoencefalite em idade precoce, de qualquer etiologia, é fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de sequelas posteriores, que podem ser de origem física, psíquica, comportamental ou cognitiva. Anomia é uma manifestação linguística frequente nesses casos e outras alterações de linguagem raramente são descritas. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as manifestações linguísticas e cognitivas pós-meningoencefalite herpética de um paciente com 13 anos de idade e oito anos de escolaridade. RELATO DE CASO: O paciente passou por avaliação fonoaudiológica nove meses após o diagnóstico neurológico. A bateria de avaliação incluiu o Protocolo de Avaliação de Linguagem Montreal Toulouse (MT Beta-86 modificado), a descrição da prancha Roubo dos Biscoitos do Teste de Boston para o diagnóstico da afasia, avaliação informal do raciocínio lógico-matemático e os subtestes neuropsicológicos da escala WAIS-III que avaliam a memória de trabalho. O paciente apresentou afasia mista, alteração da memória de curto prazo e da memória de trabalho e discalculia. Apresentou também alterações cognitivas e linguísticas graves. O diagnóstico precoce tem fundamental importância para o tratamento oportuno e a reabilitação dessa infecção neurológica e também para minimizar as alterações cognitivas causadas pela doença.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT: Meningoencephalitis early in life, of any etiology, is a risk factor for development of subsequent sequelae, which may be of physical, psychiatric, behavioral or cognitive origin. Anomia is a language abnormality frequently found in such cases, and other language deficits are rarely described. The aim of this study was to describe the cognitive and linguistic manifestations following a case of herpetic meningoencephalitis in a 13-year-old patient with eight years of schooling. CASE REPORT: The patient underwent a speech-language audiology assessment nine months after the neurological diagnosis. The battery of tests included the Montreal-Toulouse Language Assessment test protocol (MT Beta-86, modified), the description from the Cookie Theft task of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE), an informal assessment of the patient's logical and mathematical reasoning, and the neuropsychological subtests from the WAIS-III scale, which assess working memory. The patient presented mixed aphasia, impairment of short-term memory and working memory, and dyscalculia. This case also presented severe cognitive and linguistic deficits. Prompt diagnosis is crucial, in order to enable timely treatment and rehabilitation of this neurological infection and minimize the cognitive deficits caused by the disease.
  • Ausência de associação entre fenótipos Lewis e doença isquêmica do coração Letter To The Editor

    Mansur, Antonio Padua; Novaretti, Márcia Cristina; Avakian, Solange Desiree; Ramires, José Antonio
  • Osteossarcoma do sacro após irradiação pélvica para carcinoma do colo do útero: questões de destaque Letter To The Editor

    De Mello, Ramon Andrade
  • Nicotine receptor partial agonists for smoking cessation Cochrane Highlights

    Cahill, Kate; Stead, Lindsay F.; Lancaster, Tim; Polonio, Igor Bastos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    BACKGROUND: Nicotine receptor partial agonists may help people to stop smoking by a combination of maintaining moderate levels of dopamine to counteract withdrawal symptoms (acting as an agonist) and reducing smoking satisfaction (acting as an antagonist). OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this review is to assess the efficacy and tolerability of nicotine receptor partial agonists, including cytisine, dianicline and varenicline for smoking cessation. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group's specialised register for trials, using the terms ('cytisine' or 'Tabex' or 'dianicline' or 'varenicline' or 'nicotine receptor partial agonist') in the title or abstract, or as keywords. The register is compiled from searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and Web of Science using MeSH terms and free text to identify controlled trials of interventions for smoking cessation and prevention. We contacted authors of trial reports for additional information where necessary. The latest update of the specialized register was in December 2011. We also searched online clinical trials registers. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomized controlled trials which compared the treatment drug with placebo. We also included comparisons with bupropion and nicotine patches where available. We excluded trials which did not report a minimum follow-up period of six months from start of treatment. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data on the type of participants, the dose and duration of treatment, the outcome measures, the randomization procedure, concealment of allocation, and completeness of follow-up. The main outcome measured was abstinence from smoking at longest follow-up. We used the most rigorous definition of abstinence, and preferred biochemically validated rates where they were reported. Where appropriate we pooled risk ratios (RRs), using the Mantel-Haenszel fixed-effect model. MAIN RESULTS: Two recent cytisine trials (937 people) found that more participants taking cytisine stopped smoking compared with placebo at longest follow-up, with a pooled RR of 3.98 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.01 to 7.87). One trial of dianicline (602 people) failed to find evidence that it was effective (RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.75). Fifteen trials compared varenicline with placebo for smoking cessation; three of these also included a bupropion treatment arm. We also found one open-label trial comparing varenicline plus counselling with counselling alone. We found one relapse prevention trial, comparing varenicline with placebo, and two open-label trials comparing varenicline with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). We also included one trial in which all the participants were given varenicline, but received behavioural support either online or by phone calls, or by both methods. This trial is not included in the analyses, but contributes to the data on safety and tolerability. The included studies covered 12,223 participants, 8100 of whom used varenicline. The pooled RR for continuous or sustained abstinence at six months or longer for varenicline at standard dosage versus placebo was 2.27 (95% CI 2.02 to 2.55; 14 trials, 6166 people, excluding one trial evaluating long term safety). Varenicline at lower or variable doses was also shown to be effective, with an RR of 2.09 (95% CI 1.56 to 2.78; 4 trials, 1272 people). The pooled RR for varenicline versus bupropion at one year was 1.52 (95% CI 1.22 to 1.88; 3 trials, 1622 people). The RR for varenicline versus NRT for point prevalence abstinence at 24 weeks was 1.13 (95% CI 0.94 to 1.35; 2 trials, 778 people). The two trials which tested the use of varenicline beyond the 12-week standard regimen found the drug to be well-tolerated during long-term use. The main adverse effect of varenicline was nausea, which was mostly at mild to moderate levels and usually subsided over time. A meta-analysis of reported serious adverse events occurring during or after active treatment and not necessarily considered attributable to treatment suggests there may be a one third increase in the chance of severe adverse effects among people using varenicline (RR 1.36; 95% CI 1.04 to 1.79; 17 trials, 7725 people), but this finding needs to be tested further. Post-marketing safety data have raised questions about a possible association between varenicline and depressed mood, agitation, and suicidal behaviour or ideation. The labelling of varenicline was amended in 2008, and the manufacturers produced a Medication Guide. Thus far, surveillance reports and secondary analyses of trial data are inconclusive, but the possibility of a link between varenicline and serious psychiatric or cardiovascular events cannot be ruled out. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Cytisine increases the chances of quitting, although absolute quit rates were modest in two recent trials. Varenicline at standard dose increased the chances of successful long-term smoking cessation between two- and threefold compared with pharmacologically unassisted quit attempts. Lower dose regimens also conferred benefits for cessation, while reducing the incidence of adverse events. More participants quit successfully with varenicline than with bupropion. Two open-label trials of varenicline versus NRT suggested a modest benefit of varenicline but confidence intervals did not rule out equivalence. Limited evidence suggests that varenicline may have a role to play in relapse prevention. The main adverse effect of varenicline is nausea, but mostly at mild to moderate levels and tending to subside over time. Possible links with serious adverse events, including serious psychiatric or cardiovascular events, cannot be ruled out. Future trials of cytisine may test extended regimens and more intensive behavioural support. There is a need for further trials of the efficacy of varenicline treatment extended beyond 12 weeks.
  • Cold-water immersion (cryotherapy) for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise Cochrane Highlights

    Bleakley, Chris; McDonough, Suzanne; Gardner, Evie; Baxter, David G.; Hopkins, Ty J.; Davison, Gareth W.; Costa, Marco Túlio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    BACKGROUND: Many strategies are in use with the intention of preventing or minimizing delayed onset muscle soreness and fatigue after exercise. Cold-water immersion, in water temperatures of less than 15 °C, is currently one of the most popular interventional strategies used after exercise. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of cold-water immersion in the management of muscle soreness after exercise. SEARCH METHODS: In February 2010, we searched the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library (2010, Issue 1), Medline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), British Nursing Index and archive (BNI), and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro). We also searched the reference lists of articles, handsearched journals and conference proceedings and contacted experts. In November 2011, we updated the searches of Central (2011, Issue 4), Medline (up to November Week 3 2011), Embase (to 2011 Week 46) and CINAHL (to 28 November 2011) to check for more recent publications. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized and quasi-randomized trials comparing the effect of using cold-water immersion after exercise with: passive intervention (rest/no intervention), contrast immersion, warm-water immersion, active recovery, compression, or a different duration/dosage of cold-water immersion. Primary outcomes were pain (muscle soreness) or tenderness (pain on palpation), and subjective recovery (return to previous activities without signs or symptoms). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Three authors independently evaluated study quality and extracted data. Some of the data were obtained following author correspondence or extracted from graphs in the trial reports. Where possible, data were pooled using the fixed-effect model. MAIN RESULTS: Seventeen small trials were included, involving a total of 366 participants. Study quality was low. The temperature, duration and frequency of cold-water immersion varied between the different trials as did the exercises and settings. The majority of studies failed to report active surveillance of pre-defined adverse events. Fourteen studies compared cold-water immersion with passive intervention. Pooled results for muscle soreness showed statistically significant effects in favour of cold-water immersion after exercise at 24 hour (standardized mean difference, SMD -0.55, 95% CI -0.84 to -0.27; 10 trials), 48 hour (SMD -0.66, 95% CI -0.97 to -0.35; 8 trials), 72 hour (SMD -0.93; 95% CI -1.36 to -0.51; 4 trials) and 96 hour (SMD -0.58; 95% CI -1.00 to -0.16; 5 trials) follow-ups. These results were heterogeneous. Exploratory subgroup analyses showed that studies using cross-over designs or running-based exercises showed significantly larger effects in favour of coldwater immersion. Pooled results from two studies found cold-water immersion groups had significantly lower ratings of fatigue (MD - 1.70; 95% CI -2.49 to -0.90; 10 units scale, best to worst), and potentially improved ratings of physical recovery (MD 0.97; 95% CI -0.10 to 2.05; 10 units scale, worst to best) immediately after the end of cold-water immersion. Five studies compared cold-water with contrast immersion. Pooled data for pain showed no evidence of differences between the two groups at four follow-up times (immediately, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment). Similar findings for pooled analyses at 24, 48 and 72 hour follow-ups applied to the four studies comparing cold-water with warm-water immersion. Single trials only compared coldwater immersion with respectively active recovery, compression and a second dose of cold water immersion at 24 hours. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There was some evidence that cold-water immersion reduces delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise compared with passive interventions involving rest or no intervention. There was insufficient evidence to conclude on other outcomes or for other comparisons. The majority of trials did not undertake active surveillance of pre-defined adverse events. High quality, well reported research in this area is required.
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