Original Articles Papers production in the database Web of Science and Scopus about physical education: Comparative study between Spain and Brazil Reverter-Masía, Joaquín Hernández-González, Vicenç Jove-Deltell, Carme Fonseca, Teresa Legaz-Arrese, Alejandro Abstract in Spanish: Existe un creciente interés y necesidad en la evaluación de la producción científica. Entre las mediciones más importantes, está el número de artículos, el factor de impacto de la revista en que se publica y el índice de h. El objetivo analizar la producción de losprofesores de las áreas de Educación Física de España y Brasil por medio de artículos en revistas en la base de datos Web of Science y Scopus. El método es un estudio descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional de análisis de documentos. La muestra la forman 373 profesores, de los cuales 108 corresponden a Brasil y 265 a España. Los resultados indican que los profesores en España tienen en Web of Science un Índice h 2.6 y 7.4 artículos por investigador y en Scopus una h 3.1 y 9.5 artículos. Los profesores brasileños en Web of Science tienen un Índice h de 6.05 y 30.91 artículos por autor y en Scopus una h 7.5 y 37.7 artículos. Las correlaciones entre número de artículos por profesor e Índice h son muy elevadas tanto en Web of Science como en Scopus. Las revistas en que más publican los profesores brasileños y españoles son Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise y Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. A modo de conclusión, el trabajo ha mostrado que existen notables diferencias de producción entre los profesores de los diferentes países. Los resultados muestran una mayor visibilidad de Scopus en relación a Web of Science.Abstract in English: There has been a growing interest and need in the evaluation of the quality and quantity of papers published by researchers. Therefore, the most important measurements are the number of items, the journal impact factor and the h-index. The aim of this paper is to analyze the publications of the professors in the field of Physical Education in Spain and Brazil published in journals in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The method used is a descriptive, comparative and correlational analysis of documents. The sample consisted of 373 publications of professors of which 108 are in the field of Physical Education in Brazil and 265 in the field of Physical Education in Spain. The results indicate that the professors in the field of Physical Education in Spain produced an h-index of 2.6 and 7.4 papers per researcher in Web of Science and an h-index of 3.1 and 9.5 papers per professor in Scopus. Brazilian professors obtained an h-index of 6.05 in Web of Science with a mean of 30.91 papers per researcher and h-index of 7.5 and 37.7 papers per professor in Scopus. Correlations between the number of papers per professor and h-index are high both in the Web of Science and Scopus. The majority of Brazilian and Spanish professors publish in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise and the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Significant differences among professors of different countries were found in the present research. |
Original Articles Threshold for the determination of the digital breach: comparative among developed regions Mendoza-Ruano, Juan-José Caldera-Serrano, Jorge Abstract in Spanish: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal establecer una escala porcentual que sirva de base metodológica para determinar la existencia o no de brecha digital entre regiones tecnológicamente desarrolladas. Una vez analizada la literatura científica observamos un claro déficit al no contar con una base estudiada que determine bajo qué parámetros se puede hablar de Brecha Digital al realizar la comparativas entre zonas. Además, contextualizamos el tema con una breve descripción de los conceptos básicos para el estudio, como son el de Sociedad de la Información, y en mucha mayor profundidad, la Brecha Digital. Las escalas planteadas son válidas para zonas geográficas de un nivel desarrollado en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, no siendo un trabajo válido para zonas subdesarrolladas o en vías de transformación tecnológica. Se plantea por tanto cuatro niveles de brecha digital que corresponden con las siguientes escalas porcentuales: 1%-5%, 6%-10%, 11%-15%, más de 16%, respectivamente.Abstract in English: This piece of work has a main goal: setting a percentage scale that serves as a methodological basis in order to determine the digital breach existence or not among regions technologically developed. Once the scientific literature is analysed we can observe a clear deficiency because we don not have a studied basis that can determine under which parameters we can talk about Digital Breach when we are comparing different regions. Moreover, we contextualize the issue with a brief description of the basic concepts for the study, such as the Information Society issue, and in a deeper way, the Digital Breach. The scales suggested are valid and acceptable for geographical zones with a high level on Information and Communication Technologies, not being an acceptable approach for underdeveloped regions or starter regions with the technological transformation. Hence, four levels of digital breach are suggested that are suitable with the percentage scales: 1%-5%, 6%-10%, 11%-15%, more than 16%, respectively. |
Original Articles Attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the process adopting innovation: The OpenCourseWare initiative at the University of Valencia, Spain Margaix-Fontestad, Lourdes González-Teruel, Aurora Abad-García, Maria Francisca Abstract in Spanish: El proyecto OpenCourseWare, repositorio de recursos educativos en abierto, se inició en la Universidad de Valencia en 2008 y en 2009, sólo incluía 10 asignaturas, ninguna de ellas del área de Ciencias de la Salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar las actitudes de los docentes de esta área así como sus percepciones con relación a este repositorio para determinar cuáles son las estrategias necesarias para extender su uso. Se parte de la teoría de la difusión de las innovaciones de Rogers y de un enfoque cualitativo a través del muestreo teórico, entrevistas semiestructuradas y codificación abierta. Los resultados indican la existencia de dos grandes grupos de profesores. Los adoptantes tempranos con una predisposición alta a participar en la iniciativa y con una percepción positiva de sus atributos y los mainstream o corriente principal más reacios a participar y con una percepción negativa respecto a alguno de sus atributos. La identificación de las características de estos dos grandes grupos marca las líneas de acción y de investigación futura en el ámbito del marketing y difusión, formación, sensibilización y motivación para extender el uso del OpenCourseWare.Abstract in English: The OpenCourseWare project, an open learning resource repository, was established at the University of Valencia between 2008 and 2009. It initially consisted of only 10 subjects, none of which was in the field of Health Sciences. The objective of this research was to investigate the attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the field of Health Sciences with regard to the project to identify strategies to increase its use and expand its coverage. We applied Rogers' innovation-diffusion theory along with a qualitative approach using theoretical sampling,semi-structured interviews and open coding. Theresults indicatetheexistenceof two categoriesof faculty members. Inthe first group, we findthose who adopt aninnovation early, have aninclination to participateinthe initiative,and a positive perception of the characteristics of the innovation. In the second, the largest category is composed of those who are more reluctant to participate and who have a negative perception of one or more of its characteristics. Identifying the nature of these two groups provides guidelines for further actions and research in marketing and distribution of such projects, training, awareness, and motivation required to increase the use of OpenCourseWare. |
Original Articles Bibliometric factors associated with h-index of Peruvian researchers with publications indexed on Web of Science and Scopus databases Vílchez-Román, Carlos Abstract in Portuguese: Os objetivos deste artigo são: a) identificar os pesquisadores peruanos com alto, médio e baixo impacto de acordo com as bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus; b) identificar o fator bibliométrico com maior influência sobre o índice h dos pesquisadores peruanos; c) comparar o índice h entre Web of Science e Scopus, em âmbito individual e institucional. Foram recuperados dados das bases Web of Science e Scopus entre 18 e 23 de setembro de 2013 (189 pesquisadores peruanos em Scopus, 28 instituições no Web of Science e 33 no Scopus). Foram criados registros individuais e institucionais e se realizada análise de regressão linear com procedimento passo a passo para identificar os fatores bibliométricos com maior influência no índice h de pesquisadores peruanos. As bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus mostraram similitudes interessantes no índice h das instituições peruanas. A nível individual, os documentos indexados na base de dados de citação tiveram maior influência sobre o índice h. O modelo de regressão identificou fatores bibliométricos com alta influência no índice h de pesquisadores peruanos, porém recomenda-se a realização de estudos de grande escala para melhorar a validade observada.Abstract in English: The objective of this article is: a) to identify Peruvian researchers with high, medium and low impact factor according to Web of Science and Scopus databases; b) to identify the bibliometric factor with the highest influence on h-index of Peruvian esearchers; c) to compare h-index between Web of Science and Scopus, at an individual and institutional level. Data were collected from Web of Science and Scopus (189 Peruvian researchers, 28 institutions on Web of Science and 33 on Scopus), between September 1823, 2013. Then, institutional registries were created and linear regression analysis with stepwise procedure was run to identify bibliometric factors with higher influence on the h-index of Peruvian researchers. Web of Science and Scopus showed interesting simmilarities in the h-index of Peruvian academic institutions. At individual level, documents indexed in citation database had the highest influence on the h-index. Regression model identified bibliometric factors with higher influence on the h-index of Peruvian researchers, however further large scale studies are needed to improve external validity. |
Original Articles Scholarly communication in Uruguay: Study of publications of active researchers from the National System of Researchers (2009-2010) Picco, Paola Aguirre-Ligüera, Natalia Maldini, Juan Simón, Lucía Petroccelli, Patricia Fontans, Exequiel Fager, José Gladys Ceretta, María Abstract in Spanish: Se estudia el fenómeno de la comunicación científica en Uruguay considerando las publicaciones declaradas en los Currícula Vitae por parte de los investigadores que integran el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay. Se construye una base de datos ad-hoc, en la que se registran los datos relativos a las siguientes variables: área de conocimiento, tipo de publicación, tipo de responsabilidad, idioma, lugar de publicación, soporte, arbitraje e indización. El análisis de los datos se realiza a partir de una aproximación cuantitativa, con métodos estadísticos descriptivos. Los datos se procesan mediante un software para análisis estadístico. En consonancia con la literatura se encuentra que los patrones de comunicación varían de acuerdo al área de conocimiento. Se concluye que los Currícula Vitae, a pesar de sus limitaciones, son una fuente rica para abordar el estudio de la producción científica en su conjunto, y que estos trabajos son complementarios a los estudios bibliométricos realizados a partir de bases de datos internacionales que permiten estudiar otros aspectos.Abstract in English: Scholarly communication in Uruguay was studied considering the publications reported in the researchers' curricula vitae from the National System of Researchers of the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay. An ad-hoc database was developed, where data relative to variables such as field of knowledge, kind of publication, type of responsibility, place of publication, support, language, peer review and indexing were registered. A quantitative data analysis was carried out with descriptive statistical methods, using a software for statistical analysis. In accordance to the literature, it has been found that communication patterns vary depending on the field of knowledge. It is concluded that the curricula vitae, regardless of their limitations, are a rich source to approach the study of scientific production globally and complement bibliometric studies through international databases which allow the study of other aspects. |
Communication Comparing the bibliographic management softwares: Mendeley, EndNote and Zotero Yamakawa, Eduardo Kazumi Kubota, Flávio Issao Beuren, Fernanda Hansch Scalvenzi, Lisiane Miguel, Paulo Augusto Cauchik Abstract in Portuguese: A elaboração de uma revisão bibliográfica confiável, a partir de trabalhos relevantes publicados anteriormente, é fundamental para evidenciar a originalidade e a contribuição científica dos trabalhos de pesquisa. Devido à grande quantidade de bases de dados e de publicações disponíveis, torna-se necessário utilizar ferramentas que auxiliem na gestão das referências bibliográficas de uma maneira fácil e padronizada. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar três softwares de gerenciamento bibliográfico utilizados com frequência por pesquisadores acadêmicos, são eles: Mendeley, EndNote e Zotero. Nesse sentido, buscou-se, em primeiro lugar, evidenciar seus principais benefícios e as possíveis dificuldades de utilização. Em segundo lugar, procurou-se comparar suas principais características por meio de uma pesquisa teórico-conceitual baseada em literatura especializada, o que permitiu utilizá-los e analisá-los de maneira crítica. Assim sendo, evidenciou-se as principais particularidades de cada software e foi elaborado um quadro comparativo entre os mesmos. Considerando as características analisadas nos três softwares, concluiu-se que todos, ao mesmo tempo em que facilitam o trabalho dos pesquisadores, possuem ferramentas que facilitam as buscas, a organização e a análise dos artigos.Abstract in English: The development of a reliable literature review from relevant previously published studies is imperative to highlight the originality and scientific contributions of research. Due to the large amount of databases and publications available, we need ease-to-use tools that assist reference management in a standardized way. The purpose of this article was to examine three of the most frequently used bibliographic management softwares by academic researchers: Mendeley, EndNote, and Zotero. The authors sought to highlight the main benefits and difficulties in using the softwares and compared their main features by using a theoretical-conceptual research-based literature as well as critically analyzing the softwares cited by the authors. As a result, it was possible to highlight the main features of each of the softwares and develop a comparative chart. Considering the characteristics of the three softwares analyzed, it was possible to conclude that all of them have tools that facilitate searching, organizing, and analyzing articles, which can facilitate the work of researchers who use these softwares. |
Communication Visibility of scientific journals: A study based on the Website of Scientific Journals at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Ferreira, Ana Gabriela Clipes Caregnato, Sônia Elisa Abstract in Portuguese: Esta pesquisa analisa a visibilidade e as características que promovem as revistas científicas eletrônicas, presentes no Portal de Periódicos Científicos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Avalia-se, também, o grau de presença dessas revistas nas fontes de informação da internet. Compreende-se, portanto, que este é um estudo descritivo e exploratório, que combina dadosqualitativos e quantitativos para analisar o corpus formado por 34 títulos. O mapeamento das fontes de informação permitiu-nos destacar a maior presença de periódicos na Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents, seguida pela Latindex. Apesar da presença pouco expressiva em fontes de informação internacionais, concluiu-se que as revistas pertencentes ao Portal de Periódicos Científicos buscam adaptar-se às características que promovem sua visibilidade. O trabalho também sugere uma série de novos estudos, que visariam aprofundar as análises de outros temas ligados à visibilidade e aos estudos bibliométricos.Abstract in English: The study addresses the visibility of electronic scientific journals, as well as the characteristics that promote, especially focusing on those hosted on the Portal of Scientific Journals of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The study assesses the degree of visibility of these journals on the Internetby means of their presence in information sources. The theoretical reference addresses the following themes: scientific communication; scientific journals; visibility and searchability; information sources on portal; bibliographic databases and open access. This is a descriptive and exploratory study that combines qualitative and quantitative data. The corpus of research was composed of 34 titles. Essential information about the journals was collected, giving emphasis to the characteristics that promote their visibility. It was found that Human Sciences is the area with the greatest number of journals at the University, 29.4% of all publications. Open access is adopted by all journals in the sample. Once the information sources had been mapped, it was found that the majority of journals appear in the information source Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents, followed by Latindex.Despite thelimitedpresence of the journals in international information sources, it was concluded that the journals hosted on the Website of Scientific Journals seek to adapt to characteristics that promote their visibility. The study suggests a number of new studies, deepens the analyses, and addresses other themes related to visibility and, especially, bibliometric studies. |
Communication Browsing taxonomies in e-commerce websites: Evaluation criteria Cavalcante, Raphael da Silva Bräscher, Marisa Abstract in Portuguese: Este artigo apresenta o resultado da pesquisa de mestrado que teve como objetivo propor e validar um conjunto de critérios para a avaliação de taxonomias navegacionais utilizadas em sítios de comércio eletrônico. A escolha do ambiente de aplicação considera o uso difundido das taxonomias nos sítios referidos. Em seu percurso metodológico, a pesquisa apresenta revisão de literatura, na qual se discutem aspectos teóricos acerca de taxonomias e comércio eletrônico. Dessa forma, são definidos dois critérios de avaliação: a Comunicabilidade e a Organização. A amostra selecionada para a aplicação dos critérios compõe-se de cinco lojas virtuais. O resultado da avaliação revela-se heterogêneo, com lojas classificadas com menções entre regular e excelente. Finalmente, os insumos obtidos são considerados consistentes e os critérios são validados. Reconhece-se a construção de taxonomias como uma atividade subjetiva, mas defende que recomendações mínimas devem ser consideradas.Abstract in English: This paper presents the result of a Master's thesis that aimed to develop and validate a set of evaluation criteria of browsing taxonomies used in e-commerce websites. The reason for choosing e-commerce websites is their widespread use of browsing taxonomies. The bibliographic review of the paper covers theoretical aspects about taxonomies and e-commerce. For this purpose, the following two evaluation criteria were established: Communicability and Organization. The sample selected for the application of the criteria consisted of five virtual stores. The result of the evaluation was heterogeneous and the virtual shops were classified as regular or excellent. Finally, the results were considered consistent and the criteria validated. The development of taxonomies is considered a subjective activity, but minimum recommendations should be followed. |
Communication Sources of information on the Web: Ownership, use and dissemination of racial and ethnic information in the Afro-Brazilian movement from the state of Paraíba, Brazil Silva, Leyde Klebia Rodrigues da Aquino, Mirian de Albuquerque Abstract in Portuguese: O artigo analisa como o Movimento Negro do Estado da Paraíba faz a apropriação das fontes de informação na Web e usa-as na perspectiva de disseminação da informação étnico-racial. As fontes de informação podem ser utilizadas como um canal de disseminação da informação étnico-racial para auxiliar os grupos sociais e etnicamente invisibilizados na atual sociedade da informação-conhecimento-aprendizagem-comunicação, em cujo local o preconceito, a discriminação e o racismo fazem parte do cotidiano dos sujeitos. O universo da pesquisa foi o Movimento Negro Organizado da Paraíba, e os participantes foram quatro ativistas desse movimento: o Núcleo de Estudantes Negras e Negros da Universidade Federal da Paraíba e a Organização de Mulheres Negras na Paraíba. Os resultados mostraram que a ferramenta mais utilizada para veicular a informação é o e-mail. Conclui-se que a apropriação das fontes de informação já utilizadas deve servir como um espaço virtual de armazenamento da informação produzida.Abstract in English: This article analyzes how the Afro-Brazilian Movement from the state of Paraíba uses information sources from the Web with the purpose of disseminating racial and ethnic information. The information sources can be used as a channel for the dissemination of racial and ethnic information to assist the socially and ethnically invisible groups in the current information-knowledge-learning-communication society, in which prejudice, discrimination and racism are part of the subjects' daily life. The research involved the Afro-Brazilian Movement from the State of Paraíba. The participants were four activists from the following groups: Center for Afro-Brazilian/women Students and Afro-Brazilian/men Students from the Federal University of Paraíba, Organization of Afro-Brazilian Women from the state of Paraíba. The results showed that the most common tool for disseminating information was via e-mail. We conclude that by using the information sources, the Afro-Brazilian Movement/blog will serve as a virtual space for storing the information collected. |