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Guidelines for the preparation and submission of manuscripts


The aim of Tropical Plant Pathology, an international, bimonthly journal of the Brazilian Phytopathological Society, is to publish results of research on fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. Contributions in the field of mycology, bacteriology, virology, nematology and other related fields, epidemiology, host-pathogen interactions, genetics of plant pathogens, physiological and molecular plant pathology, post-harvest and non-infectious diseases and about other topics or strategies promoting plant protection are welcome. Manuscripts on screening for synthetic or natural products and for resistance to pathogens can be accepted as research article only if they provide additional information on modes of action or mechanisms of resistance. TPP will not publish manuscripts based only on evaluation of plant protection products. Surveys for diseases or pathogens and first reports of plant diseases should be submitted as a "Short Communication". Manuscripts should report results originated from experiments that were repeated in time in order to assure the consistency of the findings. This should be particularly observed for field experiments.

Editorial Policy

Tropical Plant Pathology is an official publication of the Brazilian Phytopathological Society, but contributions from members and non-members of the Society are equally welcome. It is a fundamental condition that submitted manuscripts have not been and will not be published elsewhere. With the acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the publishers acquire full and exclusive copyright for all languages and countries. There is no page charge, except for color plates. Reprints will be provided to authors as a pdf-file free of charge on request.

Manuscripts should be written in English, but papers written in Portuguese or Spanish will also be accepted. Manuscripts considered in conformity with the scope of the journal will be reviewed by a Section Editor and at least two external reviewers. Acceptance by the Editor is based on the quality of the work as a substantial contribution to the field and on the overall presentation of the manuscript.

Submission of Papers

Manuscripts are submitted to TPP through the Submission Online system, free of charge.


Before submitting a manuscript, authors must have carefully prepared the following items.

a. A covering letter, which clearly states that (i) all authors have approved the submission of the manuscript; (ii) the findings have not been published or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere; (iii) authors transfer copyright to the Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia. A corresponding author must be clearly indicated and will be responsible for all correspondence between the Editorial Board and authors;

b. A file including the text, tables and figure captions, prepared in Word or RTF, on a Windows platform;

c. Supplementary files containing one Figure each, prepared in TIFF or JPEG, alignments or any other supplementary elements.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines can delay the handling of your contribution and manuscripts may be returned before being reviewed. The Editorial Board appreciates any effort that you make to ensure that the language is corrected before submission.

Research Article

Manuscripts should be written in double-spaced, 12-point type throughout, including the References Cited section, appendices, tables, and figure captions; printed on one side only of A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins and marked with consecutive page numbers, beginning with the cover page. The following elements must start on a new page and be ordered as they are listed below:

a) The title page must contain: a concise and informative title; the authors' names (first name in full); the authors' institutional affiliation or where the research has been executed, including department, institution, zip code, city, state or province and country; different affiliations indicated with superscript numbers; the corresponding author's name with e-mail address. The corresponding author is the person responsible for checking the page proofs, arranging for the payment of color illustrations and any other duty related to the correct processing of the manuscript.

b) The Abstract must be a single paragraph that does not exceed 200 words and summarizes the main results and conclusions of the study. It should not contain references. Up to six key words should be included, and these should differ from words mentioned in the title. Manuscripts in English may include also a title and an Abstract ("Resumo") in Portuguese. All manuscripts written in Portuguese or Spanish must also include a title and Abstract in English.

c) The text must be as succinct as possible and includes the following elements:

Introduction - Description of the background that led to the study.

Material and Methods - Details relevant to the conduct of the study. Statistical methods should be explained at the end of this section.

Results - Undue repetition in text and tables should be avoided. Comment on significance of results is appropriate but broader discussion should be part of the Discussion section.

Discussion - The findings of the study should be placed in the context of relevant published data. Ideas presented in other publications should not be discussed solely to make an exhaustive presentation. Some manuscripts may require different formats appropriate to their content.

Tables must start each on a new page and must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. A concise title should be provided above the table. Each column must have a title in the box head. Footnotes typed directly below the table should be indicated in lowercase superscript numbers. Place tables after the reference section.

Figures must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and may be sized to fit approximately within the columns of the journal. Legends should be typed on a separate sheet, after the reference section. Please insert keys and scale bars directly in the figure. Scanned figures should not be submitted. Images should be in TIFF or JPEG format and provided in separate files. Figures in Word format cannot be published. Journal quality reproduction will require grayscale and color at resolution yielding 300 dpi. Authors should submit bitmapped line art at resolution yielding 600-1200 dpi. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if it is anticipated that images will be enlarged or reduced, the resolutions should be adjusted accordingly.

Nomenclature of scientific names should adhere to current international standards as available for public access on the internet. Cultures and other reference material should be indicated. Authors are encouraged to deposit voucher cultures and specimens documenting their research at certified or recognized institutions and cite the place of deposit in the text. Sequences. Accession numbers cited from Genbank and other databases must be provided and released to the general public together with publication of the article.

Short Communication

Present brief observations or results that do not warrant full-length articles. They should not be considered preliminary communications. First reports of plant diseases should be submitted as "Short Communication". These manuscripts may include illustrations of the pathogen, indication of deposit of reference material with public access, including DNA sequences, and documentation as required by specific legislation, as applicable. They should be 12 or fewer typed pages in double spaced 12-point type, including literature cited. They should include an Abstract and "Resumo", no longer than 200 words each, and with no further subdivision: i.e. with introduction, material and methods, results and discussion in a single section. Up to two tables and two figures may be submitted. The title page and reference section format is that of a full-length article.


Those who submit papers to Tropical Plant Pathology should respect the value of the research of their peers by not devaluing authorship. Each author should have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the design, conduct, analysis, or interpretation of the study. Each author must approve the final version of the article to be published, and be willing to take public responsibility for their contribution to the paper. In addition, the first author and the corresponding author are expected to take public responsibility for the entire paper.

Please see the complete version at

  • Guidelines for the preparation and submission of manuscripts

    Scope of the Journal
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      06 Mar 2012
    • Date of issue
      Dec 2011
    Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, SGAS 902 Edifício Athenas - Bl. B, Salas 102/103, 70390-020 Brasília - DF Brasil, Tel: (55 61) 3225-2421 - Brasília - DF - Brazil