The text seeks to show how, within the scope of José Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy, reflection on technical activity is inseparable from the peculiar way in which the Spanish thinker resorts to the phenomenological method. Therefore, it is necessary to start with some references to the meaning of Ortega’s early contact with Phenomenology and the appropriation that he will make of the respective method as a way to access the radical reality, that is, according to the ortheguian thought, the Life of each human being, who, in his encounter with the world, experiences a drama or an adventure, due to his constant risk of ceasing to be. In order to understand the Spanish philosopher’s reading of the technical dimension of living, it will be necessary to follow, above all, the analysis he carried out in his Meditación de la Técnica, even though it is inevitable to refer to other texts deeply articulated with this university course presented in 1933.
Keywords: Ortega y Gasset; Phenomenology; Technique; Human life; Meditación de la técnica