Logomarca do periódico: Trans/Form/Ação

Open-access Trans/Form/Ação

Publicação de: Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia
Área: Ciências Humanas Versão impressa ISSN: 0101-3173
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-539X


Trans/Form/Ação, Volume: 47, Número: 4, Publicado: 2024

Trans/Form/Ação, Volume: 47, Número: 4, Publicado: 2024

Document list
Differences and integration of political thought between ancient Chinese Confucianism and legalism Liu, Dongwang

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: El confucianismo y el legalismo no sólo son las dos escuelas ideológicas más influyentes de la China anterior a Qin, sino también las principales escuelas de pensamiento de la historia intelectual de la antigua China. Esto se debe a su respectiva naturaleza social y a sus valores políticos contrapuestos. En el confucianismo anterior a Qin, arraigado en la creencia en la bondad innata de la naturaleza humana, se hace mucho hincapié en la importancia de las tradiciones históricas. Promueve valores como la benevolencia, la rectitud, el decoro y la sabiduría, y trata de redefinir el “rito” incorporando nuevos valores. Concede gran importancia al imperio de la virtud y aspira a alcanzar un estado de Armonía Universal. El Legalismo Pre-Qin, impulsado por la inherente inclinación humana hacia el interés propio y el beneficio personal, formula una filosofía de gobierno basada en el utilitarismo. Prioriza el presente y aboga por profundas transformaciones mediante la aplicación de una “ley” estricta para alcanzar la prosperidad nacional y la fuerza militar. Como resultado, la antigua China formó diferentes tradiciones del imperio de la virtud y la ley, sentando las bases de la naturaleza complementaria del confucianismo y el legalismo. Este artículo analiza los factores de diferenciación y el proceso de integración en la filosofía política confuciana y legalista, con el objetivo de aportar ideas para la construcción de los sistemas filosóficos políticos contemporáneos.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Confucianism and Legalism are not only the two most influential ideological schools in pre-Qin China but also the main schools of thought in ancient Chinese intellectual history. This is due to their respective social nature and contrasting political values. In Pre-Qin Confucianism, rooted in the belief in the innate goodness of human nature, there is a strong emphasis on the significance of historical traditions. It promotes values such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom, and seeks to redefine “Rite” by incorporating new values. It places great importance on the rule of virtue and aspires to achieve a state of Universal Harmony. Pre-Qin Legalism, driven by the inherent human inclination towards self-interest and personal gain, formulates a governance philosophy grounded in utilitarianism. It prioritizes the present and advocates for profound transformations through the implementation of strict “law” to attain national prosperity and military strength. As a result, ancient China formed different traditions of the rule of virtue and law, laying the foundation for the complementary nature of Confucianism and Legalism. This article analyzes the factors of differentiation and the process of integration in Confucian and legalist political philosophy, aiming to provide insights into the construction of contemporary political philosophical systems.
Perception of life rhythm - aesthetic philosophy in music education Xu, Hanmei

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Como educación estética, la educación musical no sólo necesita transmitir la belleza del arte, sino que también es una forma educativa de transmitir la belleza de la vida. Por lo tanto, con base en la estética de la vida y la connotación de la vida de la educación, la investigación discute la orientación de la vida de la educación musical de varios niveles desde múltiples perspectivas. La investigación analiza la estética vital de la música desde tres aspectos: lo limitado y lo infinito, la existencia cultural del espíritu humanista y el isomorfismo del estado de vida. La discusión sobre la connotación de la vida educativa parte de tres aspectos: sobrevivencia, vivir y vivir. Sobre esta base, la investigación integra las dos teorías anteriores y discute la experiencia subjetiva-comunicación, cogniy emoción cognitiva en la educación musical. A través de la elaboración básica de la visión de vida de la educación musical, se puede encontrar que la educación musical es ayudar a los estudiantes a seguir una vida llena de arte, ayudándoles a desarrollarse armoniosamente.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: As an aesthetic education, music education not only needs to convey the beauty of art, but also is an educational way to convey the beauty of life. Therefore, based on life aesthetics and life connotation of education, the research discusses the life orientation of multi-level music education from multiple perspectives. The research analyzes the life aesthetics of music from three aspects: the limited and the infinite, the cultural existence of the humanistic spirit and the isomorphism of the life state. The discussion on the connotation of educational life starts from three aspects: survival, living and life. On this basis, the research integrates the above two theories and discusses the subjective-communication, cognition and cognitive emotion-experience in music education. Through the basic elaboration of the life vision of music education, it can be found that music education is to help students to pursue a life full of art by helping them develop harmoniously.
Heresia confucionista e imaginação religiosa: um estudo das interpretações de Mozi por missionários do protestantismo no século XIX Lin, Jiaxin Yu, Zihan Hu, Honghui

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: Como uma heresia confucionista, Mozi inicialmente chamou a atenção do missionário inglês Joseph Edkins, em 1858. Posteriormente, o missionário holandês Johann Jakob Maria de Groot traduziu a Doutrina Funerária de Mozi, que tem fortes tonalidades religiosas. Joseph e Groot, que representavam os missionários do protestantismo, interpretaram Mozi em uma variedade de narrativas teológicas. Os dois missionários, que procuravam conexões entre Mozi e o cristianismo, consideravam Mozi um cânone teológico, contendo doutrina cristã. Eles também atacaram o confucionismo, a antítese do cristianismo, apontando que Mozi era um herege, na tradição confuciana. Através dessa imaginação religiosa sobre Mozi, mais missionários e sinologistas se juntaram à tradução de Mozi, e a jornada da transmissão do cânone para o Ocidente começou.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Mozi first came to the English missionary Joseph Edkins’ attention in 1858 as a Confucian heretic. Subsequently, the Dutch missionary Johann Jakob Maria de Groot translated Mozi’s Funerary Doctrine, which has strong religious overtones. Protestantism missionaries were represented by Joseph and Groot, whose renderings of Mozi were replete with theological interpretations. Mozi was imagined as a religious canon, containing Christian doctrine, by the two missionaries who were keen to find commonalities between Mozi and Christianity. They also used Mozi’s status as a Confucian heretic to criticize Confucianism, the archenemy of Christianity. Through this religious imagination of Mozi, more missionaries and sinologists joined Mozi’s translation, and the journey of the canon’s transmission to the West started.
Multiple reflections on the monarch-subject relationship of Confucianism during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Zong, Jinbei

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Las dinastías Ming y Qing marcaron un periodo de grandes cambios en el pensamiento político y cultural chino. Durante este periodo, la relación monarca-súbdito fue un tema central en el estudio del confucianismo y un componente central de la cultura tradicional china, que durante mucho tiempo ha sido objeto de interés entre estudiosos de diversos campos. Este artículo examina el desarrollo de las antiguas relaciones monarca-súbdito chinas desde la perspectiva de los factores históricos y el desarrollo del confucianismo. Además, se analiza y discute la relación monarca-súbdito en el confucianismo Ming y Qing a partir de las teorías de influyentes pensadores como Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi y Wang Fuzhi. Este análisis ofrece valiosas perspectivas sobre la innovación integral del confucianismo en el nuevo contexto histórico.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The Ming and Qing dynasties marked a period of great change in Chinese political and cultural thought. During this period, the monarch-subject relationship was a central theme in the study of Confucianism and a central component of traditional Chinese culture, which has long been the focus of interest among scholars in various fields. This paper examines the development of ancient Chinese monarch-subject relations from the perspective of historical factors and the development of Confucianism. In addition, the relationship of the monarch-subject relationship in Ming and Qing Confucianism is analyzed and discussed based on the influential thinkers’ theories, such as Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi and Wang Fuzhi. This analysis offers valuable insights into the comprehensive innovation of Confucianism in the new historical context.
Mudança na perspectiva do materialismo histórico de Marx e Engels Shen, Jirui

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: Marx e Engels não nasceram como materialistas históricos naturais, e o seu materialismo histórico surgiu com base na crítica ao idealismo hegeliano e ao materialismo humanista feuerbachiano. Em A Ideologia Alemã, eles expuseram pela primeira vez o conceito de materialismo histórico e discutiram sistemática e elaboradamente os seus princípios básicos, realizando assim uma grande transformação na história da filosofia. Este artigo selecionou as críticas de Marx e Engels ao materialismo humanista feuerbachiano para ilustrar a sua transcendência de Feuerbach e o nascimento do materialismo histórico, aprofundando assim a nossa compreensão desta questão.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Marx and Engels were not born as natural historical materialists, and their historical materialism arose on the basis of criticizing Hegelian idealism and Feuerbachian humanistic materialism. In The German Ideology, they first expounded the concept of historical materialism and systematically and elaborately discussed its basic principles, thereby realizing a great transformation in the history of philosophy. This paper selected Marx and Engels’ criticism of Feuerbachian humanistic materialism to illustrate their transcendence of Feuerbach and the birth of historical materialism, thus deepening our understanding of this issue.
On the inheritance and innovation in Chinese fashion trend: a case study of the rural folk design of the overlord temple, Hexian county of Anhui province, China Li, Lei Zhang, Haoting

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La ola creciente de la China-chic proporciona un nuevo modo de presentación para la excelente cultura tradicional, permitiendo a la gente volver a ser testigo de la vitalidad innovadora de la cultura local y brindando una nueva vía de creación para la cultura popular rural. En este contexto, el diseño con el tema de la cultura popular rural se enfrenta tanto a nuevas oportunidades como a nuevos retos. En este artículo, basado en el estudio de caso del diseño folclórico rural del Templo señorial del condado de Hexian, en la provincia de Anhui, se analizan brevemente la relación dialéctica y la práctica de la herencia y la innovación en el trabajo de diseño bajo el trasfondo del China-chic. Se propusieron estrategias de diseño innovador para revitalizar el énfasis de la gente en la cultura tradicional, reavivar la atención de la gente hacia la cultura tradicional y ampliar la vía de diseño innovador de una vía de comunicación de la cultura tradicional para promover la transformación creativa y el desarrollo innovador de la cultura tradicional china.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The rising tide of China-chic provides a new presentation mode for the excellent traditional culture, allowing people to re-witness the innovative vitality of the local culture and providing a new path to creation for the rural folk culture. In this context, the design with the theme of rural folk culture confronts both new opportunities and challenges. In this paper, based on the case study of the rural folk design of the Overlord Temple in Hexian County of Anhui Province, the dialectical relationship and practice of inheritance and innovation in design work under the background of China-chic were briefly discussed. Innovative design strategies were put forward to reinvigorate people’s emphasis on traditional culture, rekindle people’s attention to traditional culture and expand the innovative design path of a traditional culture communication path to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese traditional culture.
Fundação Marxista e desenvolvimento histórico: interpretação e prática na nova era da china Chen, Meixu

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: O curso obrigatório de Filosofia Marxista na nova era, ministrado pelo professor Chen Xianda, interpreta teoricamente a teoria do socialismo com características chinesas na nova era e nos informa, de forma simples, a base filosófica marxista da teoria do socialismo com características chinesas na nova era. Ele quer nos ensinar a compreender, de forma abrangente e profunda, a teoria do socialismo com características da nova era, com base na leitura do original, no aprendizado do original e na compreensão dos princípios, de modo a conduzir melhor a prática. Entre eles, “aprender a entender” exige que os líderes compreendam com precisão o sistema lógico e a origem teórica da teoria socialista, na nova era, e que entrem com a mente no coração e na ação. “Passar por isso” exige que os líderes compreendam com precisão a lógica teórica, a lógica histórica e a lógica prática do pensamento, na nova era, e que aprendam a examinar os problemas enfrentados no processo de construção socialista, a partir da perspectiva do todo e do desenvolvimento. “Ser realista” significa que é necessário que a teoria dos quadros dirigentes seja combinada com a prática, e que o pensamento socialista, com características chinesas, na nova era, deve ser realizado e implementado no trabalho específico dessa região e desse departamento.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Professor Chen Xianda’s required course of Marxist Philosophy in the new era interprets the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era theoretically, and tells people the Marxist philosophical basis of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era in a simple way. He wants to teach people to comprehensively and deeply understand the theory of socialism with new era characteristics on the basis of reading the original, learning it and understanding the principles, so as to better lead the practice. Among them, “learning to understand” requires leading cadres to accurately understand the logic system and theoretical origin of the socialist theory in the new era, and to enter the mind into the heart into the action. “Getting through” requires leading cadres to accurately grasp the theoretical logic, the historical one and practical logic of the thought in the new era, and to learn to examine the problems faced in the process of socialist construction from the perspective of the whole and development. “Being realistic” is required that the theory of leading cadres should be combined with practice, and the socialist thought, with Chinese characteristics in the new era, should be carried out and implemented in the specific work of this region and this department.
An aesthetic investigation of modern landscape design in light of postmodernism: pop doctrine Shen, Qing Wang, WeiLiang

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: El movimiento posmodernista se originó en la segunda mitad del siglo XX como una corriente filosófica, cultural y artística. Critica el pensamiento racional, normativo y lineal del modernismo y aboga por la aceptación del pluralismo, la fragmentación y el relativismo. Bajo esta corriente de pensamiento, el diseño estético de paisajes modernos también ha experimentado cambios significativos. Este trabajo discute la importancia del arte pop en el diseño de paisajes modernos desde la perspectiva del posmodernismo. Como forma de arte, el arte pop tiene una importancia histórica y social única y proporciona una nueva perspectiva y método creativo en el diseño de paisajes modernos. Combina elementos formales como colores y patrones con el diseño de paisajes, añadiendo valor estético al diseño de paisajes modernos. La sensación estética del arte pop es consistente con el tema del diseño de paisajes contemporáneos, como la protección ecológica y medioambiental. Al incorporar el arte pop en el diseño de paisajes modernos, no solo se conserva el estilo característico del arte pop, sino que también se evidencian las cualidades propias de la estética posmoderna. Mediante el análisis de la utilización del arte pop en el diseño de paisajes contemporáneos, este estudio revela la importancia y el valor que aporta a la creación de paisajes actuales.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Postmodernism is a philosophical, cultural and artistic trend of thought that emerged in the second half of the 20th century. It criticizes the rational, normative and linear thinking of modernism and calls for the acceptance of pluralism, fragmentation and relativism. Under this trend of thought, modern landscape design aesthetics has also undergone significant changes. This paper discussed the importance of Pop art in modern landscape design from the perspective of Postmodernism. As an art form, Pop art has unique historical and social significance and provides a new perspective and creative method in modern landscape design. It combines formal elements, such as colors and patterns with landscape design, adding aesthetic value to modern landscape design. The aesthetic feeling of Pop art is consistent with the theme of contemporary landscape design, such as ecological and environmental protection. The integration of Pop art into modern landscape design not only keeps the application of Pop art style, but also shows the characteristics of postmodern aesthetics. By studying the application of Pop art in modern landscape design, this paper revealed its significance and value in contemporary landscape design.
Exploring the data turn of philosophy of language in the era of big data Xu, Shasha Yang, Qian

Resumo em Italiano:

Abstract: La raccolta di dati nella nostra era dell’”Information Technology” ha generato una rivoluzione nella conoscenza. Nell’era dei “big data”, la conseguente crescita senza precedenti dei dati, ha reso necessari cambiamenti nella scala, nella natura e nello stato dei dati, portando quindi i ricercatori ad adottare nuovi paradigmi e metodologie nella ricerca filosofica. In particolare, l’attenzione teorica della filosofia del linguaggio si è spostata verso la conoscenza cognitiva, con un’enfasi sulla proposizione particolare del “data turn” nella cognizione cognitiva nell’era dei “big data”. Il paper esplora la potenziale portata della ricerca quantitativa del “data turn” nella filosofia del linguaggio, tramite l’analisi della necessità di trasformare i paradigmi della ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa, ricostruendo l’approccio quantitativo della filosofia del linguaggio ed ampliando l’analisi delle relazioni uomo-dati nella filosofia dei “big data”. Il paper conclude affermando che sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche per esaminare in modo ancor più approfondito la relazione tra linguaggio, dati e filosofia.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Collection of data in our Information Technology age caused a revolution in knowledge. The unprecedented growth of data in the big data era has necessitated changes in the scale, nature, and status of data, leading researchers to adopt new paradigms and methodologies in philosophical research. In particular, the theoretical focus of philosophy of language shifted towards cognitive knowledge, with an emphasis on the proposition of data turn in cognitive cognition in the era of big data. The paper explores the potential scope for quantitative research on the data turn of philosophy of language by examining the need for transforming qualitative and quantitative research paradigms, by reconstructing the quantitative approach to philosophy of language, and by expanding human-data relations in the philosophy of big data. The paper concludes that there is the necessity for further research to examine the relationship between language, data and philosophy.
A animação chinesa, sua evolução e antecedentes culturais Man, Shengchong

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: A filosofia é um sistema que analisa as crenças, os conceitos mais básicos e a calma de temperamento e julgamento próprios de um filósofo. Os filmes de animação chineses fizeram grandes incursões nos mercados mundiais, nos últimos anos, apesar do fato de o setor de animação da China ser apenas um adolescente em comparação com o seu homólogo de décadas, na filosofia japonesa. Embora alguns estúdios de animação criem conteúdos especificamente para o público internacional, a indústria de animação chinesa está principalmente preocupada com o mercado interno, porque acredita que a animação chinesa de alta qualidade tem potencial para se expandir. Artistas, filósofos e aqueles que trabalham nas indústrias criativas diretamente ligadas a isto têm um incentivo e um desafio para descobrir as histórias que podem ter sucesso nos mercados chinês e internacional. Neste artigo, analisam-se e se contrastam as características das filosofias de animação cinematográfica chinesas. Examinam-se tanto o contexto social quanto o cultural, o desenvolvimento econômico do mercado e o avanço tecnológico que moldaram o design filosófico da animação chinesa. As abordagens filosóficas avaliadas neste estudo são Donghua e Manhua, além da filosofia taoísta, exemplificada em Zhuangzi.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Philosophy is a system that analyzes the most basic beliefs, concepts and calmness of temper and judgement befitting a philosopher. Chinese animated features have made great inroads in worldwide markets in recent years, despite the fact that China’s animation sector is just a teenager compared to its decades-old counterpart in Japan’s philosophy. While some animation studios are creating content specifically for international audiences, the Chinese animation industry is primarily concerned with the domestic market because it believes that high-quality Chinese animation has the potential to travel. Artists, philosophers and those in the creative industries, directly tied to this, have an incentive and challenge to discover those stories that can succeed in Chinese and international markets. Therefore, this article analyzes and contrasts the characteristics of Chinese film animation philosophies. The social and cultural context, market economic development and technological advancement that have shaped the philosophical design of Chinese animation are examined. The philosophical approaches that are assessed in this study are Donghua and Manhua, and Daoist philosophy that exemplified from Zhuangzi.
Um estudo da filosofia de Paul Lengrand sobre educação física ao longo da vida Weng, Shiyang Li, Ang Li, Pengcheng

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: Paul Lengrand escreveu extensivamente sobre a filosofia da educação física, ao longo de sua vida. Esses trabalhos foram meticulosamente coletados, categorizados e sintetizados. De acordo com um estudo perceptivo, a postura vitalícia de Paul Lengrand sobre a filosofia da educação física foi significativamente influenciada por seu histórico singular, demandas sociais e interações interpessoais. Além disso, foi revelado que sua visão sobre a filosofia da educação física era uma extensão de seu profundo compromisso com a filosofia da educação, no decorrer da vida, ao mesmo tempo que a aprimorava e refinava. A educação física e o esporte são conteúdos importantes da educação física, ao longo da vida. O esporte não deve ser visto como uma atividade muscular, mas deve ser combinado com a situação atual, moral e arte, e o período deve ser integrado com a educação, durante a vida. Centrada inequivocamente em torno de abraçar o exercício físico em todos os momentos da existência humana, a educação física foi considerada como uma dimensão indispensável da vida que exemplifica a durabilidade, a progressão gradual e a abrangência da filosofia da educação física, ao longo da vida.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: By employing a combination of literature review and logical induction, Paul Lengrand’s lifelong writings regarding philosophy of physical education were methodically gathered, classified and synopsized. An astute analysis has indicated that Paul Lengrand’s lifelong perspective on philosophy of physical education was shaped, in no small measure, by his singular historical context, societal exigencies, and personal encounters. Moreover, it has been revealed that his outlook on philosophy of physical education was an extension of his ardent commitment to lifelong education philosophy, while simultaneously enhancing and refining it. Physical education and sports are important contents of lifelong physical education. Sports should not be seen as a muscle activity, but should be combined with the current situation, morality and art, and the period should be integrated with lifelong education. Centered unequivocally around embracing physical exercise across all junctures of human existence, physical education was regarded as an indispensable dimension of life that exemplifies the durability, gradual progression, and comprehensiveness of lifelong physical education philosophy.
What is the relationship between the body and sports? From Merleau-Ponty’s body phenomenology and philosophy perspective Deng, Xianshu

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Merleau-Ponty es el fundador de la fenomenología corporal moderna. Su obra maestra Phenomenology of Perception ha influido enormemente en la dirección del desarrollo de la ciencia cognitiva occidental contemporánea. La teoría del cuerpo recorre el principio y el final de su pensamiento filosófico, adopta el método fenomenológico para continuar con el panorama de la ontología de la teoría del cuerpo y convierte el cuerpo en el campo del sujeto cognitivo. A través de la literatura y el análisis lógico, este artículo intenta resumir la connotación y extensión de la teoría del cuerpo de Merleau-Ponty, describir e interpretar la dimensión ontológica del deporte desde la perspectiva fenomenológica, y acercar el deporte a la comprensión y comunicación del ejercicio mismo. De esta manera, se desea desencadenar el pensamiento para brindar múltiples referencias para el desarrollo del deporte en cada campo.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Merleau-Ponty is the founder of modern body phenomenology. His phenomenological masterpiece Phenomenology of Perception has greatly influenced the development direction of contemporary western cognitive science. The body theory runs through the beginning and the end of its philosophical thought, adopts phenomenological method to carry on the overview of the ontology of the body theory and turns the body into the cognitive subject’s field. By means of literature and logical analysis, this paper attempts to summarize the connotation and extension of Merleau-Ponty’s body theory, describe and interpret the ontological dimension of sports from the phenomenological perspective, bring sports back to the understanding and communication of exercise itself and, thus, trigger the thinking to provide multiple reference for the development of sports in each field.
Critical study from the enlightenment thought to the cultural industry: from Adorno’s perspective Chen, Yan

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: El negocio cultural proporciona a la gente productos culturales estandarizados y estilizados con fines políticos específicos, transformándose en un arma de gobierno ideológica falsa y engañosa que paraliza la conciencia pública y elimina la individualidad, así como en cómplice del gobierno centralizado. La industria cultural sofoca la creatividad cultural y la individualidad humana para apoyar la autoridad capitalista mediante la infiltración ideológica. El objetivo de este artículo es promover la cultura al tiempo que se critica la industria cultural. El papel del pensamiento ilustrado era principalmente cumplir una función de crítica cultural, logrando una transformación creativa de la supervivencia humana en la crítica y fomentando así la producción de un nuevo tema. En consecuencia, a la hora de analizar la crítica del pensamiento ilustrado sobre el negocio cultural, es crucial establecer el significado esencial de la teoría crítica de Adorno sobre la industria cultural. Este artículo intenta reinterpretar la crítica de la industria cultural introduciendo ideas ilustradas. El pensamiento ilustrado es inicialmente discordante, aunque engloba métodos de comprensión totalmente distintos. Estas dos perspectivas y tensiones opuestas surgirán sin duda dialécticamente en el futuro proceso de desarrollo histórico, y la crítica de la industria cultural puede desempeñar un papel esencial en el fomento de la construcción cultural.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The purpose of this article has been to promote culture by criticizing the cultural industry. Enlightenment thought played an essential role in performing the function of cultural criticism and promoting the creative transformation of human survival through criticism towards the generation of a new subject. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the essential significance of Adorno’s critical theory of the cultural industry when discussing the criticism of Enlightenment thought towards the cultural industry. This article attempted to reinterpret the criticism of the cultural industry by introducing Enlightenment thoughts, recognizing that Enlightenment thought was not entirely harmonious but contained completely different ways of understanding. These two distinct understandings and their contradictions can dialectically co-exist in future historical development processes, and the criticism of the cultural industry can play an important role in promoting cultural construction.
Avaliação da interação entre a cultura filosófica tradicional chinesa e as ideias de ensino superior Zhang, Yan

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: O conceito de ensino superior é o acúmulo e a implicação filosófica da excelente cultura tradicional da China, bem como o espírito humanístico e o pensamento filosófico com características chinesas. No entanto, o conceito atual de ensino superior tem problemas, como o posicionamento de metas imprecisas, a ênfase no ensino teórico, a negligência da prática e a dificuldade de adaptação às necessidades sociais e do mercado. Como resolver esses problemas e promover o conceito de ensino superior, para que brilhe com nova vitalidade, na nova era, é uma questão urgente a ser resolvida neste momento. Portanto, este artigo se concentrou na cultura filosófica tradicional chinesa e explorou a relação interativa entre a cultura filosófica tradicional chinesa e os conceitos de ensino superior. O texto procurou analisar a relação entre a cultura filosófica tradicional chinesa e os conceitos de ensino superior, a partir da perspectiva de sua interação, importância e formas de alcançar a interação. O estudo constatou que a interação entre a cultura filosófica tradicional chinesa e os conceitos de ensino superior é de grande importância, e foi um importante ponto de partida para a reforma educacional demonstrar novas conquistas, na nova era. Com este artigo, espera-se que o estudo da relação interativa entre ambos possa ajudar as pessoas a entenderem melhor o conceito de ensino superior, compreender melhor a importância dos conceitos de ensino superior, na nova era, tanto do ponto de vista do conhecimento quanto do comportamento, e fornecer mais base teórica para a reforma do ensino superior.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The concept of higher education is the accumulation and philosophical implication of China’s excellent traditional culture, as well as the humanistic spirit and philosophical thought with Chinese characteristics. However, the current concept of higher education has problems, such as inaccurate target positioning, emphasizing theoretical teaching, neglecting practice and being difficult to adapt to market and social needs. How to solve these problems and promote the concept of higher education to glow with new vitality in the new era is currently an urgent issue to be solved. Therefore, this article focused on traditional Chinese philosophical culture and explored the interactive relationship between traditional Chinese philosophical culture and higher education concepts. This article attempted to analyze the relationship between traditional Chinese philosophical culture and higher education concepts from the perspective of their interaction, significance and ways to achieve interaction. The study found that the interaction between traditional Chinese philosophical culture and higher education concepts is of great significance, and it was an important starting point for educational reform to demonstrate new achievements in the new era. This article hoped that the study of the interactive relationship between the two can help people better understand the concept of higher education, better grasp the significance of higher education concepts in the new era from both knowledge and behavior, and provide more theoretical basis for higher education reform.
Dissociation and re-imagination: the publicity of Chinese marriage law and divorce narrative in the 1950s Luo, Yingyu Han, Chao

Resumo em Francês:

Résumé: Après la promulgation de la loi sur le mariage de la République populaire de Chine en 1950, les œuvres littéraires dérivées du besoin de publicité ont des implications politiques et une signification disciplinaire distinctes. Parce que le problème du divorce a la rationalité des “droits libres” et la sensibilité de l’agitation sociale, le récit du “divorce” à cette époque se situe dans une certaine mesure entre la politique et la réalité. D’une part, les œuvres littéraires doivent promouvoir positivement le concept juridique de “liberté de divorce” et, d’autre part, elles doivent être soumises à un traitement narratif insensible. Les récits de divorce sont donc vagues et capricieux. Toutefois, la littérature a comblé dans une certaine mesure le fossé entre la loi et la réalité en réimaginant les problèmes réels causés par le divorce.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: After the promulgation of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1950, literary works engendered from the exigencies of publicity held distinct policy implications and disciplinary significance. Given that the issue of divorce encapsulates both the rationale of “free rights” and the sensibility of social disorder, the narrative of “divorce” during this period is, to some extent, situated between politics and reality. On the one hand, literary works must positively advocate the legal concept of “divorce freedom”, while, on the other hand, they must also undergo a delicately nuanced narrative processing to circumvent sensitivities. Consequently, the depiction of divorce narratives is characterized by ambiguity and capriciousness. Nonetheless, literature has to some extent bridged the gap between law and reality by reimagining the genuine predicaments triggered by divorce.
The ideological background of ancient Chinese clothing culture Zhang, Bin Yang, Ping

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: China es conocida desde la antigüedad como un país de indumentaria, y su cultura indumentaria es deslumbrante. El arte y la cultura de cualquier nación tienen su trasfondo específico de pensamiento filosófico. Detrás de la cultura indumentaria china, también se encuentra la connotación ideológica del antiguo pueblo chino. La antigua sociedad china abarcó cinco mil años, la tendencia social del pensamiento cambiaba constantemente, y el sistema de vestimenta también se actualizaba constantemente. A través del estudio del trasfondo histórico ideológico de la cultura del traje de la antigua China, podemos ampliar el ángulo de investigación de la filosofía de la antigua China y comprender más ampliamente la cultura del traje tradicional.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: China has been known as a country of clothing since ancient times, and its clothing culture is dazzling. Any nation’s art and culture have their specific philosophical thought background. Behind the Chinese costume culture, it also contains the ancient Chinese people’s ideological connotation. Ancient Chinese society spanned five thousand years, the social trend of thought was constantly changing, and the clothing system was also constantly updated. Through the study of the ideological history background of ancient Chinese clothing culture, we can broaden the research angle of ancient Chinese philosophy and more comprehensively understand the traditional clothing culture.
Contraste entre os valores culturais chineses e ocidentais e seus efeitos na aprendizagem de inglês na China Zhang, Fuhua

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: Com o aumento do intercâmbio cultural entre a China e o Ocidente, o inglês tem se tornado cada vez mais um curso obrigatório. Embora uma grande proporção de estudantes chineses tenha boa proficiência em inglês, suas habilidades comunicativas são muito pobres. Eles podem lutar para expressar-se efetivamente em inglês, devido às diferenças culturais entre a China e os países ocidentais. Como o ambiente de vida dos chineses é muito diferente do ambiente dos países ocidentais, os estudantes chineses geralmente seguem sua própria cultura, enquanto aprendem inglês, ignorando a compreensão e a pesquisa das culturas de outros países. Como resultado, surgiu o chamado chinglês, no aprendizado do inglês. Superar essas dificuldades e aprender inglês mais preciso tornaram-se um desafio significativo na aprendizagem do inglês de hoje. Portanto, este artigo fornece uma análise detalhada das disparidades morais e culturais tradicionais entre a China e o mundo ocidental, explorando suas respectivas influências, positivas e negativas, na aquisição da língua inglesa. Além disso, o artigo conclui, sugerindo medidas adequadas para aumentar o impacto positivo das culturas chinesa e ocidental na aprendizagem de inglês.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: With the increasing cultural exchanges between China and the West, English has increasingly become a compulsory course. Although a large proportion of Chinese students have good English proficiency, their communicative abilities are very poor. They may struggle with expressing themselves effectively in English due to cultural differences between China and Western countries. Because the Chinese people’s living environment is greatly different from the Western countries’ one, Chinese students often follow their own culture while learning English, ignoring the understanding and research of other countries’ cultures. As a result, so-called Chinglish has emerged in English learning. Overcoming these difficulties and learning more accurate English have become a significant challenge in today’s English learning. Therefore, this article provided a detailed analysis of the traditional moral and cultural disparities between China and the Western world, and explored their respective influences, both positive and negative ones, on English language acquisition. Additionally, the article concluded by suggesting appropriate measures to enhance the positive impact of both Chinese and Western cultures on English learning.
Philosophical spirit in traditional Chinese drama Liu, Rong

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: El teatro chino tiene sus orígenes en formas primitivas de canto y danza, y desde entonces ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una forma artística integral con una rica historia. Se considera una de las tres culturas dramáticas más antiguas, junto con la griega y la sánscrita de la India. Las distintas naciones tienen culturas diferentes con características nacionales únicas, mientras que los conceptos filosóficos personalizados desempeñan un papel destacado en la formación de la cultura. La ciencia, la literatura, el arte, la educación, etc. que pertenecen a la categoría cultural están todos guiados e influenciados por pensamientos filosóficos, y el arte dramático es igual. Este artículo discute y analiza los pensamientos filosóficos que subyacen a la cultura dramática tradicional china.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Chinese drama has its origins in primitive forms of singing and dancing, and has since evolved into a comprehensive art form with a rich history. It is considered one of the three ancient drama cultures, alongside ancient Greek drama and Indian Sanskrit drama. Different nations have different cultures with unique national characteristics, while personalized philosophical concepts play a leading role in the formation of culture. Science, literature, art, education, etc., that belong to the cultural category, are all guided and influenced by philosophical thoughts, and drama art is the same. This article discusses and analyzes the philosophical thoughts behind traditional Chinese drama culture.
The relationship between Tang-Song poetry and Zen Buddhism thought Tian, Tian

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Las dinastías Tang y Song fueron una época en la que prevaleció el budismo zen, y también fue un periodo crítico para el rápido desarrollo de la literatura china antigua. En esta época, las ideas literarias eran omnicomprensivas y ricas en estratos. Se introdujeron poemas en la gāthā budista para explicar los principios budistas. La infiltración del budismo zen dio a la poesía un ámbito zen claro y significativo, por lo que brilla en la historia de la literatura china antigua. Este artículo partirá de los antecedentes de la época y del análisis de los textos, y se centrará en la relación entre el pensamiento del budismo zen y la poesía en las dinastías Tang y Song para explorar cómo ambos se combinan e influyen mutuamente.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The Tang and Song Dynasties were a time when Zen Buddhism was prevalent, and it was also a critical period for the rapid development of ancient Chinese literature. The literati at this time were generally influenced by Zen Buddhism thoughts, and their literary ideas were all-encompassing and rich in layers. Poetry was introduced into Buddhist gatha to explain Buddhist principles, and the infiltration of Zen made poetry have a pure and distant Zen state. Poetry and Zen merged with each other in the literati’s works, thus shining brilliantly in the history of ancient Chinese literature. This paper will start with the times’ background and specific poetic texts, focusing on the relationship between Zen Buddhism thoughts and poetic works in the Tang and Song Dynasties, in order to explore how the two combine and influence each other.
Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity Liang, Tianzhu

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La cuestión hoy en día de la identidad cultural es una manifestación inevitable del progreso económico y social de China en el ámbito de la cultura. Sus raíces se encuentran en el lento desarrollo social de la China moderna y en la invasión de la cultura extranjera, que se manifiesta en la apatía hacia la gran cultura tradicional. El inglés es una lengua internacional de uso común que se habla en todo el mundo. Con la creciente popularidad del inglés, la enseñanza universitaria de este idioma ha acaparado una mayor atención en los últimos años. La filosofía es muy teórica, hipotética y difícil de entender, por lo que los profesores de inglés deben ser hábiles a la hora de movilizar la subjetividad y la creatividad de los alumnos mediante el uso de numerosos y beneficiosos recursos. El inglés es un recurso valioso, y su uso correcto en la identificación cultural puede tener implicaciones educativas imprevistas. En consecuencia, la forma de emplear las ideas de la enseñanza universitaria del inglés para fortalecer la identidad cultural nacional es fundamental para avanzar en el crecimiento general de la enseñanza universitaria del inglés y la construcción de la cultura nacional.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The current issue of cultural identity is an inevitable manifestation of the contradictions and dilemmas of China’s economic and social development in the cultural field. Its root lies in modern China’s backward social development and the invasion of foreign culture, which is manifested by indifference to excellent traditional culture. English is a widely used international language, which is used worldwide. In recent years, with the popularity of English, college English teaching has also received more and more attention. Philosophy is highly theoretical, speculative and difficult to understand, which requires English teachers to be good at utilizing various beneficial resources to mobilize students’ subjectivity and creativity. English is one of the beneficial resources, and proper use of English in cultural identity can have unexpected teaching effects. Therefore, how to use college English education thoughts to enhance national cultural identity is of great significance for promoting the overall development of college English education and promoting national cultural construction. This article discusses how to cultivate national cultural awareness and cultivate national cultural one in the process of English teaching. On this basis, this paper puts forward new ideas to promote the overall development of English teaching in colleges and universities and build national culture. In addition, it emphasized that English knowledge must be integrated with the one learned in order to enable students to better understand different cultures, enhance students’ interest in various countries’ philosophy and culture, and enhance students’ own sense of cultural identity.
Aesthetic conceptions and cultural symbols in traditional Chinese painting Guan, Yan

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La concepción estética en la pintura tradicional china es un concepto esencial en el antiguo pensamiento estético chino y sirve como criterio estético supremo perseguido en la creación pictórica clásica. Los artistas utilizan obras únicas para mostrar la concepción estética en la pintura tradicional china, destacando así los rasgos distintivos de la pintura china. Este artículo realiza un análisis genealógico de la concepción artística en la pintura tradicional china y lo combina con símbolos culturales específicos para su interpretación, con el objetivo de desvelar las ideas filosóficas y los conceptos culturales concentrados en la pintura tradicional china.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The aesthetic conception in traditional Chinese painting is an essential concept in ancient Chinese aesthetic thought and serves as the supreme aesthetic criterion pursued in classic painting creation. Artists use unique works to showcase the aesthetic conception in traditional Chinese painting, thereby highlighting the distinctive features of Chinese painting. This article conducts a genealogical analysis of artistic conception in traditional Chinese painting. It combines it with specific cultural symbols for interpretation to unveil the philosophical ideas and cultural concepts concentrated in traditional Chinese painting.
Chinese cultural landscapes: from the ideal of a balanced bond between humans and nature to ecological forms of life Xu, Yan

Resumo em Francês:

Résumé: Jusqu’à présent, le développement humain a eu pour corolaire la destruction des paysages culturels. Avec le développement de la civilisation industrielle, les gens ne profitent pas seulement du bonheur qu’elle leur apporte, mais sont également confrontés à divers problèmes liés aux paysages culturels. La philosophie de l’environnement est une philosophie moderne qui considère la relation entre l’homme et la nature comme une question fondamentale, et qui met l’accent sur la protection des paysages culturels. L’analyse de la philosophie environnementale de la Chine ancienne montre que les anciens penseurs se souciaient de tout ce qui se trouve au ciel et sur la terre et qu’ils exploraient en profondeur des questions telles que le développement harmonieux entre l’homme et la nature, offrant ainsi une nouvelle approche de la protection des paysages culturels chinois. Prenant l’exemple de la philosophie environnementale taoïste, cet article propose une analyse préliminaire de la définition des paysages culturels, du développement de la philosophie environnementale et de la philosophie environnementale taoïste. Partant de là, il explore le rôle de la philosophie environnementale telle que “l’unité du ciel et de l’homme” dans la construction de la civilisation écologique, apportant ainsi de nouvelles idées pour la protection des paysages culturels.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Thus far, human development has been achieved at the cost of the destruction of cultural landscapes. With advent of industrial civilization, people have gained happiness and conveniences, but also confronted various cultural landscape predicaments. Environmental philosophy, a contemporary philosophy that regards the relationship between humans and nature as a fundamental issue, has focused on the protection of cultural landscapes. An analysis of ancient Chinese environmental philosophy demonstrates that ancient thinkers cared about everything in heaven and earth, and explored issues, such as a harmonious development between humans and nature, offering a novel approach to the preservation of Chinese cultural landscapes. Using Taoist environmental philosophy as an exemplar, this article provides a preliminary analysis of the definition of cultural landscapes, development of environmental philosophy and Taoist environmental philosophy. Building upon this foundation, it explores the role of environmental philosophies, such as “unity of heaven and man” in construction of ecological civilization, providing fresh perspectives for cultural landscape conservation.
Confucian thought of “Harmony between man and nature” and contemporary society construction Liu, Yanling Wu, Yan

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: En la antigua filosofía confuciana, el pensamiento de la “Armonía entre el Hombre y la Naturaleza” ocupa un lugar primordial. La noción confuciana tiene una arraigada y extensa historia, evolucionando y profundizándose a lo largo de sucesivas generaciones. Su contenido es profundo e intrincado, y abarca una perspectiva armoniosa e integrada de la naturaleza, una priorización de la rectitud sobre el interés personal y una perspectiva de desarrollo sostenible. Estas ideas tienen un valor significativo como punto de referencia para el establecimiento y avance de los sistemas sociales contemporáneos. Este artículo pretende explorar los orígenes y el desarrollo del concepto de “Armonía entre el Hombre y la Naturaleza”, al tiempo que analiza y reflexiona sobre cómo influye esta ideología en la construcción de la sociedad actual.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: In the ancient Confucian philosophy, the thought of “Harmony between Man and Nature” occupies a paramount position. The Confucian notion has a deep-rooted and extensive history, evolving and deepening over successive generations. Its contents are profound and intricate, encompassing a harmonious and integrated perspective on nature, a prioritization of righteousness over personal interest, and a sustainable development outlook. These ideas hold significant value as a point of reference for the establishment and advancement of contemporary social systems. This article aims to explore the origins and development of the concept of “Harmony between Man and Nature” while analyzing and reflecting on how this ideology influences the construction of present-day society.
Philosophical speculation in traditional Chinese music Fan, Yifan

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La civilización China siempre ha sido conocida como la civilización de los rituales y la música, con la música jugando un papel importante a lo largo de las dinastías. El desarrollo de la música tradicional China no puede separarse de la inyección de varias ideas filosóficas y conciencia social. Ya sea el sistema de música ritual de la dinastía Zhou, las cien escuelas de pensamiento durante el período de los reinos combatientes, las discusiones metafísicas de las dinast Wei y Jin, o la filosofía budista de las dinast Han y Tang, cada era ha jugado un importante papel catalizador en la formación de la teoría estética de la música tradicional China. Este artículo resume el proceso de desarrollo histórico de la cultura musical tradicional China. También analiza el proceso de construcción de la filosofía estética de la música tradicional China desde las perspectivas de las tres principales escuelas filosóficas: confucianismo, budismo y taoísmo. Estas tres escuelas han tenido el impacto más profundo en la música tradicional China.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Chinese civilization has always been known as the civilization of rituals and music, with music playing a significant role throughout the dynasties. The development of Chinese traditional music cannot be separated from the injection of various philosophical ideas and social consciousness. Whether it is the ritual music system of the Zhou Dynasty, the Hundred Schools of Thought during the Warring States period, the metaphysical discussions of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, or the Buddhist philosophy of the Han and Tang Dynasties, each era has played an important catalytic role in the formation of the aesthetic theory of Chinese traditional music. This article summarizes the historical developmental process of Chinese traditional music culture. It also analyzes the construction process of the aesthetic philosophy of Chinese traditional music from the perspectives of the three major philosophical schools: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. These three schools have had the most profound impact on Chinese traditional music.
The enlightenment of Chinese philosophy to the construction of contemporary ecological civilization Zhang, Ziyu Xu, Xinyue

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La filosofía China es una filosofía de la ecología. El problema fundamental de la filosofía China es la relación entre el cielo y el hombre, es decir, la relación entre la naturaleza y el hombre. Esto es evidente en las principales escuelas de la filosofía China, como el confucianismo y el taoísmo. Una correcta comprensión y evaluación de la filosofía ecológica China tiene un importante significado práctico para nosotros para reflexionar sobre el desequilibrio ecológico y el deterioro ambiental causado por la civilización industrial creada bajo la guía del concepto mecánico de naturaleza y antropocentrismo, y para reexaminar la forma de la existencia humana, el desarrollo, el pensamiento y los valores. Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar los elementos de la eco-filosofía en la filosofía China y analizar su influencia en el concepto, el valor y la práctica de la civilización ecológica.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Chinese philosophy is a philosophy of ecology. The basic problem of Chinese philosophy is the relationship between heaven and man, that is, the relationship between nature and man. This is evident in the main schools of Chinese philosophy, such as Confucianism and Taoism. A correct understanding and evaluation of Chinese ecological philosophy has important practical significance for us to reflect on the ecological imbalance and environmental deterioration caused by the industrial civilization, created under the guidance of the mechanical concept of nature and anthropocentrism, and to re-examine the way of human existence, development, thinking and values. This paper aims to explore the elements of eco-philosophy in Chinese philosophy and analyze its influence on the concept, value and practice of ecological civilization.
Reconceitualizando uma China antiga idealista: refração e transcriação nas traduções inglesas de Chuang Tzu Lin, Jiaxin Yu, Xinbing

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: O clássico cultural chinês Chuang Tzu foi amplamente traduzido para versões em inglês, durante o século passado. Como resultado, essas traduções em inglês refletem, parcialmente, a conceituação da China antiga que mudou, ao longo do tempo, entre os falantes de inglês de outras nações. Desse modo, o presente artigo investiga as imagens reconstruídas da China antiga, tal como se manifestam nas refrações e transcriações das traduções inglesas de Chuang Tzu, as quais foram interpretadas por tradutores estrangeiros, a partir da perspectiva da imagologia na literatura comparada. Todos esses fatos contribuíram para a descoberta de inúmeras imagens nacionais, através da exploração de Chuang Tzu do mundo anglófono, incluindo uma China antiga mestiça, uma China antiga misteriosa, uma China antiga ecológica e uma China antiga multifacetada. O mecanismo operacional da comunicação translacional sino-estrangeira foi elucidado através de um exame cuidadoso das variações das imagens, a fim de melhor compreender como os ocidentais constroem sua percepção geral sobre a nação oriental.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Chuang Tzu, one of ancient China’s cultural canons, has been translated into massive English versions in the past century. Consequently, these English renderings, to some extent, reflect the chronological change of reconceptualization of ancient China’s image from the people’s perspective from English-spoken countries. Thus, from the angle of imagology in comparative literature, this paper probes into the recreated ancient China’s images manifested through the refractions and transcreations in the English translations of Chuang Tzu interpreted by overseas translators. As a result, different national images have been found in Chung Tzu’s expedition into the English world, which respectively are a gospel-graced ancient China, a mysterious ancient China, an ecological ancient China and a multi-faceted ancient China. Through a meticulous study of the image variations, the operational mechanism of Sino-foreign translational communication has been clarified to better burrow into the formation of the Westerns’ general impression on the Eastern nation.
Analyzing literary emptiness and substance: a perspective informed by Tang Junyi’s neo-Confucian philosophy Hongqin, Yu

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar e interpretar sistemáticamente los pensamientos de Tang Junyi sobre el vacío y la sustancia en la literatura y el arte. Para garantizar una comprensión profunda y completa de las opiniones de Tang Junyi durante el proceso de investigación, primero adoptamos un enfoque de “lectura detallada” para estudiar sus obras recopiladas. Además, empleamos un “método de análisis conceptual”, centrándonos en refinar y elucidar conceptos clave dentro de sus pensamientos literarios. Al mismo tiempo, utilizando un “método de revisión de literatura”, comparamos las ideas de Tang Junyi con los hallazgos de investigación relacionados de otros académicos. A través de un análisis sistemático, el autor cree que la perspectiva de Tang Junyi sobre el vacío y la sustancia en literatura y arte no es una construcción conceptual aislada, sino una perspectiva única formada contra la cultura y filosofía tradicional china. Este concepto está en el corazón de su teoría literaria y es un nodo brillante en su sistema filosófico. Al profundizar en el “vacío y sustancia” dentro de los pensamientos literarios de Tang Junyi, podemos comprender mejor sus contribuciones a la literatura y la filosofía, proporcionando una nueva perspectiva de investigación y marco para estudiar la teoría y cultura literaria china.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The objective of this study is to thoroughly analyze and interpret Tang Junyi’s ideas about emptiness and substance in literature and art in a systematic manner. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of Tang Junyi’s viewpoints, we initially employed the “close reading method” to carefully examine all of his works. Additionally, we utilized the “conceptual analysis method” to focus on identifying and explaining key concepts in his literary ideas. At the same time, we compared Tang Junyi’s ideas with other scholars’ research findings, using the “literature comparison method”. After conducting a thorough examination, the author concludes that Tang Junyi’s perspective on emptiness and substance in literature and art is not an independent intellectual construct, but rather a unique viewpoint formed within the backdrop of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy. This concept is central to his literary theory and serves as a prominent element within his philosophical framework. By exploring the realm of “emptiness and substance” within Tang Junyi’s literary ideas, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for his impact on literature and philosophy. This exploration also presents fresh perspectives and conceptual structures for the examination of Chinese literary theory and culture.
The Influence of Mencius’ Humanism and Benevolent Government on Contemporary Society Yang, Qiong

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Mencio heredó el camino de la “benevolencia” de Confucio y formó una teoría política de la benevolencia relativamente completa. El concepto de “gobierno benévolo” es también un “camino real”. Su contenido principal es controlar la propiedad de las personas, tomar posesión de las personas, no violar las temporadas agrícolas y dar importancia a la educación moral. El núcleo del gobierno benévolo es la ideología orientada a las personas de Mencius. La concentración de su ideología orientada al pueblo se refleja en los siguientes tres aspectos: aquellos que ganen los corazones del pueblo ganarán el mundo, la relación entre el pueblo y el monarca, y la forma de servir al monarca y servir al ministro. La teoría política de Mencius esbozó el modelo para gobernar el país en la antigua sociedad china y tuvo un profundo impacto en la política tradicional china. Comenzando desde la perspectiva del “gobierno benévolo” y la ideología orientada a las personas de Mencius, este documento analiza sistemáticamente la ideología de gobierno de Mencius, destacando así el significado especial y el encanto de la filosofía política de Mencius. La ideología orientada a las personas en la teoría política de Mencius ha inspirado la construcción de una sociedad armoniosa orientada a las personas en la sociedad contemporánea. Mencius valora el concepto central de la educación moral en el gobierno del país, proporcionando inspiración para la construcción de la civilización política y espiritual en la sociedad actual.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Mencius inherited Confucius’ path of “benevolence” and formed a relatively complete political theory of benevolence. The concept of “benevolent governance” is also a “royal way”. Its main content is to control the people’s property, take people’s ownership, do not violate agricultural seasons and attach importance to moral education. The core of benevolent governance is Mencius’ people-oriented ideology. The concentration of his people-oriented ideology is reflected in the following three aspects: those who win the people’s hearts will win the world, the relationship between the people and the monarch, and the way of serving the monarch and the minister. Mencius’ political theory outlined the blueprint for governing the country in ancient Chinese society and had a profound impact on traditional Chinese politics. Starting from the perspective of Mencius’ “benevolent governance” and people-oriented ideology, this paper systematically discusses Mencius’ governance ideology, thereby highlighting the special significance and charm of Mencius’ political philosophy. The people-oriented ideology in Mencius’ political theory has inspired a people-oriented harmonious society’s construction in contemporary society. Mencius attaches great importance to the core concept of moral education and provides guidance for the construction of political and spiritual civilization in today’s society.
Tragic prototypes and their evolution in classical Chinese works Zhang, Yunpeng

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La tragedia clásica en China, como forma literaria única, encarna el espíritu cultural de la nación y posee un profundo patrimonio histórico y un valor estético distintivo. Desde tiempos antiguos, la tragedia ha ocupado un lugar importante en la historia de la literatura China, reflejlas preocupaciones públicas sobre la realidad social y su contemplación del destino humano. Como método de investigación interdisciplin, el análisis de prototipos proporciona nuevas perspectivas y herramientas teóricas para profundizar en las connode la tragedia. El estudio de los prototipos de la tragedia clásica en China ayuda a revelar la trayectoria de desarrollo y las leyes inherentes de la tragedia clásica en la historia. Este artículo toma el marco de la teoría de prototipos para analizar los prototipos de la tragedia clásica en China, con el objetivo de proporcionar la base teórica para la investigación relacionada.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Classical tragedy in China, as a unique literary form, embodies the nation’s cultural spirit and possesses profound historical heritages and distinctive aesthetic value. As an interdisciplinary research method, prototype analysis provides new perspectives and theoretical tools to delve into the connotations of tragedy. Studying the prototypes of classical tragedy in China helps reveal the development trajectory and inherent laws of classical tragedy in history. This article aims to analyze typical prototypes in Chinese classical tragedy within the framework of prototype theory, revealing the cultural characteristics of Chinese classical tragedy and its differences from Western tragedy. The goal is to provide a theoretical basis for related research.
Evaluation of English intercultural adaptability and teaching realization from the perspective of philosophical deconstruction Li, Huijun

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: Desde su aparición, el deconstruccionismo filosófico ha sido considerado como una ideología no convencional y anti dogmática, que tiene un fuerte significado de referencia para la reforma de los cursos de inglés en las universidades chinas. China se encuentra en un periodo crítico de transformación, que exige que la enseñanza universitaria del inglés cambie radicalmente los conceptos educativos tradicionales y lleve a cabo reformas integrales de la enseñanza del inglés. Al mismo tiempo, cuestiones como la adaptabilidad transcultural y la comunicación en la enseñanza del inglés en China han atraído gradualmente la atención de la gente. La comunidad académica de China lleva muchos años debatiendo cuestiones relacionadas con la enseñanza del inglés, pero son pocos los que han situado la enseñanza del inglés desde una perspectiva filosófica. En respuesta a los problemas de comprensión insuficiente de las diferencias culturales y de sistemas incompletos de evaluación cognitiva en la enseñanza intercultural del inglés actual, este artículo pretende mejorar las capacidades interculturales de las personas mediante una perspectiva deconstructiva, comprendiendo así mejor las diferencias culturales, respetando el multiculturalismo, promoviendo el desarrollo diverso de los estudiantes y profundizando en la enseñanza del inglés. Por lo tanto, este artículo intenta explorar la adaptabilidad transcultural del inglés desde la perspectiva de la deconstrucción filosófica y cómo lograr la reforma de la enseñanza del inglés en China, lo que tiene un importante significado práctico para los campos relacionados. Mediante el estudio de la comunicación intercultural en inglés desde la perspectiva de la estructura filosófica, se puede concluir que aplicar el estructuralismo a la enseñanza intercultural del inglés ayuda a comprender mejor las diferencias culturales, respetar el multiculturalismo, abogar por el diálogo y la comunicación, y reconstruir un nuevo sistema cognitivo.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Since its emergence, philosophical deconstructionism has been regarded as an unconventional and anti-dogmatic ideology, which has strong reference significance for the reform of English courses in Chinese universities. China is in a critical period of transformation, which requires university English education to fundamentally change traditional educational concepts and carry out comprehensive English teaching reforms. At the same time, issues, such as cross-cultural adaptability and communication in Chinese English teaching, have gradually attracted people’s attention. The academic community in China has been discussing issues related to English education for many years, but few people have placed English education from a philosophical perspective. In response to the issues of insufficient understanding of cultural differences and incomplete cognitive evaluation systems in current English cross-cultural teaching, this article aims to improve people’s cross-cultural abilities through a deconstructive perspective, thereby better understanding cultural differences, respecting multiculturalism, promoting students’ diverse development and deepening English education. Therefore, this article attempts to explore the cross-cultural adaptability of English from the perspective of philosophical deconstruction and how to achieve English teaching reform in China, which has important practical significance for related fields. Through the study of English cross-cultural communication from the perspective of philosophical structure, it can be concluded that applying structuralism to English cross-cultural teaching helps to better understand cultural differences, respect multiculturalism, advocate dialogue and communication, and rebuild a new cognitive system.
The civilizational return of Eastern “Rites and Music” and Western “Ethics” in modern music education Li, Li

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La civilización es un símbolo de la cultura, y sólo la educación musical con espíritu de civilización tiene el núcleo de la cultura. Para responder a las necesidades de la época y promover la reforma del sistema educativo, este estudio analiza la civilización oriental de “ritos y música” y la civilización occidental de “ética”. Se compararon las similitudes y diferencias entre ambas. Se constató que ambas afirman el valor moral-emocional-estético de la música, pero consideran diferente la naturaleza interna y externa de su función. Se analizan los fundamentos filosóficos del sistema de educación musical en la sociedad moderna y se refleja el estado actual de la educación musical. Con el objetivo de abordar los problemas de la falta de subjetividad, la falta de comprensión y la falta de identidad musical en la educación musical, el estudio propone una vía innovadora para la educación musical moderna por la vía del retorno de las civilizaciones de los “ritos y la música” orientales y la “ética” occidental, es decir, reajustando las normas del comportamiento gramatical musical, penetrando en las connotaciones humanísticas y definiendo la posición de la subjetividad.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Civilization is a symbol of culture, and only music education with the spirit of civilization has the core of culture. To meet the needs of the times and promote the reform of the educational system, this study analyzes the Eastern rites and music civilization, and Western ethical civilization. The similarities and differences between them were compared. It was found that both affirm the moral-emotional-aesthetic value of music, but they consider the internal and external nature of its role different. The philosophical foundations of the music education system in modern society are analyzed, and the current state of music education is reflected. Aiming at the problems of lack of subjectivity, lack of understanding and lack of musical identity in music education, the study proposes an innovative path for modern music education in the way of the return of the civilizations of oriental “rites and music” and western “ethics,” i.e., resetting the norms of the musical grammatical behavior, penetrating the humanistic connotations and defining the position of subjectivity.
Resolvendo a relação entre o desempenho do figurino e o corpo a partir da perspectiva da filosofia do corpo Xie, Xiaona Ge, Zhibin

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: O setor de vestuário trouxe novas chances de desenvolvimento ao mercado, como resultado do avanço da sociedade e da expansão da cultura e da arte. Além de ter alto valor decorativo, como sua extensão e ampliação, o desempenho do vestuário também pode existir, independentemente, como uma arte. No entanto, ao moldar a imagem artística do desempenho do vestuário, o foco principal concentra-se na apresentação de imagens externas, sem a expressão das características rítmicas e conotativas dos movimentos corporais, o que não apenas enfraquece o efeito visual do desempenho, mas também afeta sua integridade e continuidade. Portanto, compreender a relação entre o desempenho do vestuário e o corpo e promover sua integração e penetração mútuas são de grande valor e importância, para o desenvolvimento atual da arte visual. A filosofia do corpo é uma disciplina filosófica que explora o corpo e as experiências corporais. Ela preocupa-se com a maneira como o corpo percebe e existe. Isso pode encorajar atores e figurinistas a considerarem como as roupas moldam e comunicam a identidade social e pessoal, além de observarem como a performance do figurino pode explorar a diversidade e a mudança de identidade. O presente artigo explica a relação entre o corpo e a estética, com base na história do desenvolvimento, na função e no valor do desempenho das roupas, combinados com a teoria da filosofia do corpo, a fim de estudar mais profundamente a relação entre o desempenho do vestuário e o corpo, de sorte a aumentar a eficácia do desempenho do vestuário. Do ponto de vista da filosofia do corpo, trata-se de um fator indispensável no desempenho do figurino. Este, por sua vez, pode alcançar a expressão artística do corpo, sendo que ambos interagem e se promovem. A íntima relação entre os dois tem importância significativa para o alcance de níveis mais elevados de representação visual, no desenvolvimento das atividades estéticas.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: With the times’ progress and the growth of culture and art, the clothing industry has ushered in new development opportunities in the market. As its expansion and extension, clothing performance not only has high ornamental value, but also can exist independently as an art. However, in shaping the artistic image of clothing performance, the main focus is on the presentation of external images, lacking the expression of the rhythmic and connotative characteristics of body movements, which not only weakens the visual effect of the performance, but also has an impact on its integrity and continuity. Therefore, understanding the relationship between clothing performance and the body, and promoting their mutual integration and penetration are of great value and significance for the current development of visual art. Body philosophy is a philosophical discipline that explores the body and bodily experiences. It is concerned with the way the body perceives and exists. This can help performers and designers think about how clothing shapes and expresses personal and social identity, and how the diversity and change of identity can be explored through costume performance. In order to deeply study the relationship between clothing performance and body, and improve the effectiveness of clothing performance, this article explains the relationship between body and aesthetics based on the development history, function and value of clothing performance, combined with body philosophy theory. From the perspective of body philosophy, the body is an indispensable factor in costume performance, and costume performance can achieve artistic expression of the body, both of which interact and promote each other. In the development of aesthetic activities, the connection of the two closely has important value for achieving higher levels of visual representation.
Contemporary ecotourism development from the perspective of traditional Taoist philosophy Ma, Zhiluan Li, Fang

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La esencia del desarrollo del ecoturismo moderno reside en la coexistencia armónica y armoniosa de la relación entre el hombre y la naturaleza, que es la práctica ecológica del turismo bajo el trasfondo del desarrollo sostenible moderno. El desarrollo del turismo tradicional se centra en los intereses económicos y descuida la protección sostenible de la ecología turística, y el ecoturismo se ha convertido gradualmente en la dirección de desarrollo y reforma del turismo contemporáneo. El taoísmo hace hincapié en seguir a la naturaleza, lo que tiene evidentes tendencias naturalistas, proporciona diferentes perspectivas filosóficas clásicas tradicionales para comprender la relación entre la naturaleza y el desarrollo humano, y tiene un importante significado esclarecedor para promover el desarrollo común del hombre y la naturaleza. El taoísmo aboga por respetar e imitar las leyes del desarrollo natural, persiguiendo la armonía general entre el hombre y la naturaleza, y es coherente con la naturaleza intrínseca del ecoturismo moderno. Por lo tanto, basándose en el pensamiento ecológico taoísta, la investigación explora la vía de desarrollo de la cultura ecoturística sostenible contemporánea y proporciona orientación teórica para el desarrollo armonioso y la unidad del hombre y la naturaleza.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: The development of modern ecotourism cannot do without the support of the cultural industry. Placing China’s ecotourism industry within the traditional Taoist ideology and culture of China can effectively establish a systematic cultural and tourism theory, enrich the methods of ecotourism construction and promote the development of the tourism industry. Therefore, this study is based on Taoist ecological ideology and analyzes the impact of traditional ideological connotations on the development of ecotourism from the perspectives of natural harmony and spiritual balance in Taoist ideology. At the same time, the study explores the modern value of Taoist philosophy and its advantages in integrating with tourism at three levels: sustainable development, social ecological civilization and human spiritual needs. The purpose of this study is to explore the development path of contemporary sustainable ecotourism culture and provide theoretical guidance for achieving harmonious development and unity between humans and nature.
Estética na arquitetura: unidade de forma, função e significado Cheng, Fangyu

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: No projeto arquitetônico moderno, a “Beleza Formal” e a “Beleza Funcional” tornaram-se um novo conceito. Atualmente, os arquitetos têm gradualmente dado importância aos aspectos funcionais e estéticos da arquitetura, no projeto arquitetônico contemporâneo, e têm buscado uma abordagem abrangente. O presente artigo ofereceu soluções correspondentes para aprimorar a estética do projeto arquitetônico, tanto formal quanto funcional. Para atender às necessidades da sociedade moderna, é importante debater e enfatizar o papel crucial que a estética arquitetônica desempenha, no projeto arquitetônico moderno. Ao explorar a conotação da estética arquitetônica, este texto resumiu e explorou brevemente os significados da beleza funcional e da beleza formal, no projeto arquitetônico, enfatizando a aplicação da beleza formal arquitetônica, no projeto arquitetônico moderno. No mundo real, a estética arquitetônica, por meio da incorporação abrangente da beleza formal, da beleza funcional e da beleza simbólica, não apenas oferece às pessoas um lugar para morar, mas também enriquece suas vidas com sua aparência, conotação e significado simbólico; ela ajuda ainda a moldar o caráter da cidade e da sociedade e se torna parte da cultura e da história. Em diferentes períodos históricos, a estética arquitetônica tem características diferentes, próprias da época. Na sociedade moderna, houve mais novos desenvolvimentos e mudanças, na estética arquitetônica. Entre elas, a unidade de função e forma é uma das características mais importantes da estética arquitetônica. Além disso, quando a história social e as ideias culturais mudam, certas características específicas da época podem ser vistas na estética arquitetônica. Este artigo explorou a integração da beleza funcional, da beleza formal e da beleza significativa, na arquitetura moderna a partir da perspectiva da arquitetura moderna, e promoveu o desenvolvimento da arte arquitetônica moderna, por meio de métodos científicos. O texto enfatizou a importância de se buscar a unidade de forma e função, no projeto arquitetônico. Isso significa que o edifício não deve ser apenas atraente na aparência, mas também atender às necessidades reais e aos requisitos funcionais. Essa unidade pode criar obras arquitetônicas bonitas e práticas.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: In modern architectural design, “formal beauty” and “functional beauty” have become a new concept. At present, architects have gradually attached importance to the functional and aesthetic aspects of architecture in contemporary architectural design, and have pursued a comprehensive approach. This article provided corresponding countermeasures on how to enhance the functional and formal beauty in architectural design. By discussing and emphasizing the key role of architectural aesthetics in modern architectural design, the balance between aesthetics and practicality can be promoted to meet the contemporary society’s needs. By exploring the connotation of architectural aesthetics, this article briefly summarized and explored the meanings of functional beauty and formal beauty in architectural design, emphasizing the application of architectural formal beauty in modern architectural design. In real life, architectural aesthetics, through the comprehensive embodiment of formal beauty, functional beauty and symbolic beauty, not only provides people with actual living space, but also enriches people’s life experience through its appearance, connotation and symbolic significance, shapes the city’s and society’s face, and becomes a part of culture and history. In different historical periods, architectural aesthetics have the times’ different characteristics. In modern society, there have been more new developments and changes in architectural aesthetics. Among them, the unity of function and form is one of the most important features in architectural aesthetics. At the same time, with the changes of social history and cultural concepts, architectural aesthetics also reflects the times’ certain characteristics. This article explored the integration of functional beauty, formal beauty, and meaningful beauty in modern architecture from the perspective of modern architecture, and promoted the development of modern architectural art through scientific methods. This paper emphasized the importance of pursuing the unity of form and function in architectural design. This means that the building should not only be attractive in appearance, but also meet the actual needs and functional requirements. This unity can create beautiful and practical architectural works.
Arte contemporânea: cultivando os ensinamentos de Feng Zikai Xie, Jiangyang Chen, Xiaomin

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: Em resposta à atual falta de habilidades inovadoras e estéticas na arte, este artigo explorou profundamente o pensamento artístico de Feng Zikai e seu valor contemporâneo. Como um grande artista com várias identidades, as ideias artísticas de Feng Zikai não são apenas um recurso valioso, no campo da arte, mas também são de grande importância para promover o desenvolvimento da arte contemporânea. Este texto abordou os pensamentos artísticos, os princípios e as teorias educacionais de Feng Zikai, e analisou o valor contemporâneo de seus pensamentos artísticos, sob quatro perspectivas: cuidado humanístico, inovação cultural, nível de serviço e harmonia social. Por meio de pesquisas, descobriu-se que os pensamentos artísticos de Feng Zikai são profundamente humanistas, compatíveis e sustentáveis, tanto com o antigo como com o novo, e melhoram os níveis de serviço, tendo as pessoas como base. Os pensamentos de Qu Gao e das massas desempenham um papel importante na formação da personalidade e do caráter das crianças, aprimorando as habilidades de inovação estética e cultural, e também têm certo significado orientador para o socialismo atual. Espera-se, com este artigo, fornecer uma experiência mais confiável e uma base teórica para o cultivo e o desenvolvimento da arte, através do estudo dos pensamentos artísticos de Feng Zikai e do valor da época.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: In response to the current lack of innovative and aesthetic abilities in art, this article deeply explored Feng Zikai’s art thought and its contemporary value. As a great artist with multiple identities, Feng Zikai’s artistic ideas are not only a valuable asset in the field of art, but also of great significance in promoting the development of contemporary art. This article elaborated on Feng Zikai’s art thoughts, principles and education theories, and on the contemporary value of his art thoughts, from four perspectives: humanistic care, cultural innovation, service level and social harmony. Through research, it has been found that Feng Zikai’s art thoughts are deeply humanistic, compatible and sustainable, with the ancient as the new and improving service levels, with the people as the foundation. Qu Gao’s and the masses’ thoughts play an important role in shaping children’s personality and character, enhancing aesthetic and cultural innovation abilities, and also have certain guiding significance for today’s socialism. This article hoped to provide more reliable experience and theoretical basis for the cultivation and development of art through the study of Feng Zikai’s art thoughts and the times’ value.
Valores chineses em traduções para o inglês: questões sobre precisão e compatibilidade cultural e seu impacto na comunicação Xie, Lin

Resumo em Português:

Resumo: As ideias filosóficas incorporadas à cultura tradicional chinesa aperfeiçoam a precisão e a compatibilidade das traduções para o inglês. “Compatibilidade” é um conceito muito importante, na tradução para o inglês. Os padrões de uso do idioma e as variações culturais tornam a compatibilidade do idioma uma consideração crucial. Portanto, o presente artigo expõe um estudo sobre a precisão e a compatibilidade do pensamento filosófico e cultural com a tradução para o inglês. A fim de apresentar algumas soluções, o presente artigo integra os problemas e as deficiências atuais com uma análise da precisão e da compatibilidade das ideias filosóficas e culturais com a tradução para o inglês. O artigo busca aperfeiçoar o nível da tradução para o inglês, promover a comunicação entre diferentes culturas e aprimorar o poder cultural geral da China. De acordo com o presente artigo, manter a compatibilidade cultural e adotar abordagens adequadas, adaptáveis e constantes, para liderar várias culturas, possuem um efeito favorável no incentivo à interação cultural.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Philosophical ideas infused with traditional Chinese culture improve the accuracy and compatibility of English translations. “Compatibility” is a very important concept in English translation. Cultural compatibility of language is a factor that cannot be ignored due to language habits and cultural differences. Therefore, this paper presented a study of the accuracy and compatibility of philosophical and cultural thought to English translation. This article mainly analyzed the accuracy and compatibility of philosophical and cultural thoughts to English translation, and combined the existing problems and shortcomings to propose some solutions. The paper aimed to improve the level of English translation, promote communication between different cultures and enhance China’s overall cultural soft power. This article found that adhering to cultural compatibility and adopting both stable and appropriate flexible methods to guide different cultures have a positive impact on promoting cultural exchange.
Interpretation of the ethical turn of contemporary Western literary theory from the perspective of “New Aristotelism” Zhang, Qiaozhu

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: En la década de 1980, la crítica ética del nuevo humanismo volvió gradualmente a la corriente principal de la academia occidental de teoría y crítica literarias, materializando el giro ético de la crítica de la teoría literaria. Con el trasfondo histórico de la contención del pensamiento entre varias escuelas, el Nuevo Aristotelismo y el Deconstruccionismo han formado dos grandes campos del giro ético en la crítica literaria. Entre ellos, el Nuevo Aristotelismo está representado por Wayne Booth y Martha Nussbaum, herederos de la teoría aristotélica de la ética de la virtud. Desde la perspectiva de la ética y la moral, se llevan a cabo la investigación y la crítica literarias, y se establece la estructura de la crítica ética del nuevo humanismo. La investigación, combinada con los antecedentes de la época, hace una interpretación histórica del giro ético de la teoría literaria occidental contemporánea, y analiza las razones y características básicas del giro ético de la crítica literaria. Basándose en las teorías de Wayne Booth y Martha Nussbaum, este trabajo explora el giro ético y el desarrollo de la crítica literaria en la perspectiva neoaristotélica.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: In the 1980s, the new humanism ethical criticism gradually returned to the mainstream of Western literary theory and criticism academia, realizing the ethical turn of literary theory criticism. The New Aristotelian camp is represented by Wayne Booth and Martha Nussbaum, who inherit Aristotelian virtue ethics theory. From the perspective of ethics and morality, literary research and criticism are conducted, and the structure of new humanism ethical criticism is established. The research, combined with the background of the times, makes a historical interpretation of the ethical turn of contemporary Western literary theory and analyzes the reasons and basic characteristics of the ethical turn of literary criticism. Based on Wayne Booth’s and Martha Nussbaum’s theories, this paper explores the ethical turn and development of literary criticism from the New Aristotelian perspective. The New Aristotelian doctrine emphasizes the moral significance of literature, explores the ethical issues and promotes the more in-depth and systematic analysis and discussion of Western literary criticism on the ethical level. The research makes an in-depth analysis of the promoting role of the new Aristotelianism behind the ethical turn of contemporary Western literary theory and provides a new perspective for the interpretation of the ethical turn of contemporary Western literary theory.
Theoretical evaluation of art education from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy Zheng, Xueda

Resumo em Espanhol:

Resumen: La filosofía tradicional china es la piedra angular de la civilización china, mientras que la teoría de la educación artística es la piedra angular de la civilización china. En la filosofía tradicional china, el núcleo de la educación artística es mejorar las cualidades humanísticas de los estudiantes y convertirlos en individuos con talento que puedan aplicarse al país y a la sociedad. La filosofía tradicional china puede proporcionar una guía útil para la educación artística moderna, y también reflejar los valores fundamentales de la sociedad china. La filosofía tradicional china tiene un significado orientador y una función de guía concreta para la teoría de la educación artística. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis exhaustivo de la influencia de la filosofía tradicional china en la teoría de la educación artística. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar cómo la filosofía tradicional china guía e influye en la teoría de la educación artística y su adaptabilidad a la sociedad china. Sin embargo, la teoría de la educación artística desde la perspectiva de la filosofía tradicional china tiene tanto factores históricos como los requisitos del desarrollo social moderno, y ambos están hasta cierto punto separados. La filosofía y la cultura tradicionales chinas tienen un gran impacto en la teoría de la educación artística contemporánea. La educación artística contemporánea en China debería combinar orgánicamente tradición y modernidad, y conceder importancia al uso de ideas filosóficas tradicionales para inspirar la educación artística contemporánea con el fin de lograr un desarrollo integral de la educación artística contemporánea. En este contexto, este artículo utiliza la filosofía tradicional china para vincular orgánicamente su connotación con las características de la educación artística, intentando guiar el desarrollo de la teoría de la educación artística desde la perspectiva de la filosofía tradicional china.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract: Traditional Chinese philosophy is the cornerstone of Chinese civilization, while the theory of art education is its cornerstone. In traditional Chinese philosophy, the core of art education is to improve students’ humanistic qualities and make them talented individuals who can be applied to the country and society. China’s traditional philosophy can provide useful guidance for modern art education, and also reflect the Chinese society’s core values. Chinese traditional philosophy has guiding significance and concrete guiding function to art education theory. This paper made a comprehensive analysis of the influence of China’s traditional philosophy on art education theory. The goal of this study is to explore how China’s traditional philosophy guides and influences the theory of art education and its adaptability to China society. However, the theory of art education from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy has both historical factors and the requirements of modern social development, and the two are, to some extent, separate. Traditional Chinese philosophy and culture have a great impact on contemporary art education theory. Contemporary art education in China should organically combine tradition and modernity, and attach importance to using traditional philosophical ideas to inspire contemporary art education to achieve comprehensive development of contemporary art education. In this context, this article utilized traditional Chinese philosophy to organically link its connotation with the characteristics of art education, attempting to guide the development of art education theory from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy.
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Comment on “The relationship between Tang-Song poetry and Zen Buddhism thought” Wang, Guolin
Comment on “Tragic prototypes and their evolution in classical Chinese works” Jia, Jing
Comment on “Philosophical spirit in traditional Chinese drama” Luo, Jiaqi
Comment on “The Enlightenment of Chinese Philosophy to the Construction of Contemporary Ecological Civilization” Huang, Yaomin
Comment on “The relationship between Tang-Song poetry and zen buddhism thought” Zhang, Meiping
Comment on “Chinese cultural landscapes: from the ideal of a balanced bond between humans and nature to ecological forms of life” Zhang, Le
Comment on “Chinese values in English translations: issues on cultural accuracy and compatibility and their impact on communication” Gao, Hui
Comment on “Contrast Between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China” Gao, Rui
Comment on “Critical study form the enlightenment thought to the cultural industry: from Adorno’s perspective” Zhang, Xinguang
Comment on “Evaluation on the interaction between Chinese traditional philosophical culture and higher education ideas” Zhao, Jing
Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity” Wang, Ning
Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity” Hui, Wang
Comment on “Shift in Marx and Engels’ historical materialism perspective” Li, Lingyun
Comment on “Theoretical evaluation of art education from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy” Zhang, Ximei
Comment on “Theoretical evaluation of art education from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy” Su, Zichen
Comment on “Contemporary art: cultivating Feng Zikai’s teachings” Chen, Hanying
Comment on “Theoretical evaluation of art education from the perspective of traditional Chinese philosophy” Cao, Yanling
Comment on “Contemporary Art: cultivating Feng Zikai's Teachings” Li, Yang
Comment on “ Evaluation on the interaction between Chinese traditional philosophical culture and higher education ideas ” Cheng, Liu
Comment on “Feng Zikai’s art thought and its contemporary value” Yan, Yan
Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity” Tan, Yanyu
Comment on “Interpretation of the ethical turn of contemporary western literary theory from the perspective of “new Aristoteles” Ding, Xiaoyue
Comment on “Perception of life rhythm - aesthetic philosophy in music education” Xiao, Xiao
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil
E-mail: transformacao@marilia.unesp.br
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