Introduction Recently, evidence has been accumulating that both smoking and mental health disorders are continuously increasing among adolescents. This systematic review elucidates the research into evidence of the direction of the association and risk factors influencing the relationship between smoking and depression. We also highlight recent studies on the effects of electronic cigarettes and developments on the association between depression and smoking.
Methods A literature search was conducted on databases including PubMed, Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and PsycINFO and in relevant neurology and psychiatry journals. Terms used for electronic searches included smoking, tobacco, cigarettes; depression; adolescent, youth; direction. Relevant information was then utilized to synthesize findings on the association between smoking and depression among adolescent population.
Results The initial database searches yielded 2,738 related articles. After screening and cross-referencing, duplicate articles, articles published in languages other than English, and studies on animals, social and lifestyle factors, mood disorders, and substance use were excluded. Of these, a total of 122 publications only focusing on smoking and depression in the adolescent population were selected for synthesis in this qualitative systemic review. These include 110 original research articles, eight meta-analyses and reviews, and four reports and websites.
Conclusion The relationship between smoking and depression in the literature does not reflect the cause-effect relationship. The lack of evidence on the direction of the association may reflect futile study designs, confounding factors and/or use of indirect measures of depression and quantification of smoking. Future prospective randomized studies should target elucidation of the causal association.
Smoking; depression; adolescents; mental health; depressive disorder
Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 480,000 Americans die of cigarette smoking each year and smoking related illnesses cost about 300 billion dollars every year.1 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report Health consequences of smoking states that tobacco use and addiction mostly begins in early youth or adulthood.2 About 87% of smokers begin smoking in their teens and become regular smokers in adulthood.2 According to the 2012 surgeon general’s report The health consequences of smoking-50 years of progress , there were approximately 1.2 million adolescent smokers in the United States.2 While in 2015, the CDC reported an estimated 4.7 million middle and high school adolescent students were current tobacco product users.3 Each day more than 3,000 teenagers start smoking and around 2,000 adolescents and young adults who are occasional smokers become daily smokers.2 , 3 It is estimated that with the current national smoking trends around 5.6 million current adolescent smokers will die prematurely due to smoking.2
Mental health of adolescents has been a growing concern in the U.S. population. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in 2017, an estimated 3.2 million adolescents aged 12-17 in the United States had had at least one major depressive episode in the past year.4 This represents 13.3% of the U.S. population aged 12-17. Adolescent females have a higher prevalence (20%) of depression than adolescent males (6.8%).4 In the United States, from 2009-2017, rates of depression increased by more than 60% while suicide rates due to depression including suicide ideation, attempt, and/or deaths doubled among young adolescents.5 An association between smoking and depression has been examined by researchers with emphasis on initiation and progression of smoking and its relationship with depression. The aim of this review is to explore these complex dynamics and discuss the associated factors influencing the relationship with depression among smokers in the adolescent population.
An extensive review was conducted of the literature published since 1990 using biomedical databases (PubMed, Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and PsycINFO) to seek peer-reviewed articles using the following keywords: smoking, tobacco, cigarettes; depression; adolescent, youth; direction. Cross-checking of references enabled identification of additional relevant articles. Articles related to the keywords were thoroughly searched to exclude studies on animals, social and lifestyle factors, mood disorders, and substance use, selecting only articles focusing on smoking and depression in the adolescent population. Duplicate articles in these databases and full-text articles in languages other than English were also screened and excluded. The authors took all decisions on whether to include or eliminate relevant articles and performed all data extraction and any controversies or disagreements were settled by discussion. The qualitative results are reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.
The initial search of the databases yielded 2,738 related articles. After cross-referencing, duplicates were excluded and articles were screened for availability of full text in English. Studies on animals, social and lifestyle factors, mood disorders, and substance use were then excluded from among the 2,323 full-text articles available. Screening of the titles and abstracts yielded 434 pertinent articles. Irrelevant articles and narrative reviews were then excluded, leaving a total of 122 pertinent publications that were used in the synthesis of this qualitative systematic review. These articles comprise 110 original research articles, eight meta-analyses and reviews, and four reports and websites. The relevant available information from these articles was then used to describe the clinical characteristics of depression, risk factors, and the relationship between smoking and depression in the adolescent population ( Figure 1 ).
Article eligibility flowchart. Exclusion criteria: 1) duplicate articles; 2) articles not in English; 3) opinion letter or short review; 4) animal studies; and 5) articles on mood disorders, and social and lifestyle factors.
Clinical characteristics of depression
The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) describes depression as a serious mental health disorder. Individuals with depression may feel sad, tired, or worthless and lack motivation to do anything. Some may also have difficulty thinking clearly and may have suicidal thoughts. Diagnostic criteria are met if the symptoms have been present for at least 2 weeks, but the severity of the disorder is based upon the number of symptoms present at the time of presentation6 ( Table 1 ).
Risk factors for depression
Studies have demonstrated genetic variance of 40-80% as a risk factor for the development of depressive disorder.7 , 8 Twins have an overall significantly higher rate of depression than the general population with greater concordance among monozygotic than dizygotic twins.9 The heritability of brain size, various characteristics of brain shape, and regional brain volume as related to the development of depression is still under scrutiny, but functional and structural imaging studies have identified specific brain circuits which are involved in the development of this disorder.10
Depressive symptoms at an early age are a risk factor for development of depression and incapacitated social behavior at a later period in life.11 Stressful life, adverse events, and negativity in emotions and lifestyle contribute significantly to development of depression in adolescence.12 These stressful events in life are linked to serotonin transporter gene polymorphism, resulting in initiation and exacerbation of depressive symptoms; thus demonstrating an interaction between genetic sequences and the development of depression.13
Social factors
Parental depression, family disintegration, and parent-children conflicts strongly contribute to development of depressive psychopathology.14 Social factors like academic performance and relationships with peers can be important triggers of the development of depression at an early stage in life.15 - 18 Traumatic upbringing, sexual, emotional, or physical abuse and the experience of losing loved ones also play an important part in the development of depression later in life. Individuals with a history of sexual abuse, specially involving intercourse, pose one of the greatest risks for the development of depression.18 - 20 Adolescent victims are at an increased risk of developing a depressive disorder.21 , 22 Emotional abuse and/or excessive criticism from parents is also associated with depressive symptoms in adolescents.23
Risk factors for smoking
Sociodemographic factors
Factors like age, socioeconomic status, sex, and ethnicity were found to be associated with smoking initiation and continuation. Sex is a significant contributor, although some studies found that females were prone to smoking initiation, whereas others report male sex to have an increased risk.24 , 25 Similarly, ethnicity has also been significantly associated with smoking behavior; some researchers suggest whites are more at risk while others identify Hispanics and blacks.26 , 27 These relationships between race and ethnicity and smoking behavior are intertwined with and influenced by social and environmental factors like poverty, family environment and smoking status, peer attitudes, school and lifestyle exposure, and other psychological factors.28 - 30
Psychological factors
Researchers have implicated personality traits like impulsivity, sensation seeking, risk taking, and/or rebelliousness as being associated with smoking onset.31 - 33 Others report that negative characteristics including academic performance, self-esteem, depression or distress, and coping behavior (including anger and anxiety) impact the relationship of smoking initiation in young adolescents.34 - 36
Personal and environmental factors
The social environment, including smoking by parents, siblings, family members, friends, and peers, has been strongly implicated in smoking initiation among young adolescents.37 - 39 Some studies concluded that parental smoking has an increased effect on girls compared to boys, while others report that poor relationship among parents significantly affects the prevalence of smoking initiation.40 , 41 Dose dependent relationships and attitude to smoking behavior of parents, siblings, and friends have also been shown to influence smoking initiation among young adolescents.42 , 43 On the other hand, parental monitoring/supervision was observed to protect children from smoking behavior.44 Other social factors like physical activity, receptivity to tobacco promotions, marketing, and advertising were also reported to influence smoking initiation.44 , 45
Researchers have postulated various mechanisms to elucidate the complex relationship between smoking and depression. Some argue in support of the “self-medication” theory, suggesting that depressed individuals initiate smoking to control or alleviate their mood symptoms.46 , 47 It is postulated that nicotine acts as an antidepressant in these cases by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine.46 Other researchers suggested that smoking increases stress levels which in turn contribute to development of depression over time.48 Many researchers propose that the relationship is bidirectional; stress or adverse events trigger initiation of smoking, resulting in development of depression, which leads to neurochemical changes in the brain, influencing smoking behavior.49 The association is further complicated by risk factors like genetics and social stressors which may also influence the development of both depression and smoking simultaneously.50 , 51
Smoking causing depression
Many studies support smoking as a potential precursor for the development of depression. In their prospective cohort studies, Wu et al.52 and Goodman et al.53 observed that cigarette smoking leads to depressive symptoms over time (hazard ratio [HR] 1.66 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.28-2.16 and odds ratio [OR] 3.90 95%CI 1.85-8.20, respectively, when compared to non-smokers). Similarly, Martini et al.54 reported a gradient association between smoking and the severity of depressive symptoms; where depressive symptoms were more pronounced in current smokers, followed by former smokers, compared to non-smokers, while female smokers were observed to have more depressive symptoms than male smokers. Steuber et al.55 investigated the direction of the relationship between smoking and depression in adolescents and also reported an increase in depressive symptoms in females during the period of smoking initiation. They reported increases in the likelihood of depressive symptoms in three groups of adolescents including starters (1.5 times), quitters (1.4 times), and maintainers (2.0 times), compared to their contemporaries who had never smoked. Moreover, Boden et al.51 observed that an increase in the level of nicotine dependence (based on nicotine dependence symptoms) was positively associated with increased depressive symptoms (p < 0.005). Adolescents who reported at least five symptoms of nicotine dependence were found to have the highest rates of depressive symptoms (2.13 times, 95%CI 1.98-2.31) when compared with non-nicotine dependent adolescents with no symptoms. Although these studies were able to demonstrate an association between smoking and depressive symptoms, some of them were unable to establish the reverse association of depression being the antecedent to smoking behavior among adolescent populations52 , 54 - 68 ( Table 2 ).
Studies have also explored this relationship while observing the effects of substance abuse. Schuler et al.72 estimated age-related trends to observe the association between behavior and depression using time varying models. They concluded that daily smoking and substance use is strongly related to depressive symptoms, during both the adolescent and adult phases, from ages 12 to 31 years, whereas drinking behavior was only associated during adolescence. However, another longitudinal study by Gage et al.73 was not able to ascertain the presence of depression and smoking at the age of 18 years among adolescents smokers recruited at the age of 16 years, while controlling for substance abuse.
Researchers have also found that second-hand smoke (SHS) is also associated with development of depressive symptoms among adolescents. In their cross sectional study, Lee et al.74 reported that SHS exposure is associated with depression (OR: 1.27) in both males (OR: 1.52) and females (OR: 1.72). Bandiera et al.75 used National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data to observe that SHS is significantly associated with major depressive disorder (b = 0.22) among adolescents. Similarly, in their study of data from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, Bang et al.76 observed that SHS significantly increased the odds of depression (OR: 1.339) among adolescents aged 12-18 years. A recent global study by Jacob et al.77 using Global School-Based Student Health Survey data from 22 countries reported a dose-dependent increase in depressive symptoms (1-2 days: OR: 1.06; 3-6 days: OR:1.38; 7 days: OR: 1.63) among school-going adolescents aged 13-15 years.
Depression causing smoking
Individuals with mental health disorders usually start smoking at a younger age and are more dependent on nicotine than the general population.78 McKenzie et al.79 estimated a two-fold increase in the odds of nicotine dependence in adolescent individuals with high levels of depression and anxiety. Similarly, Lenz et al.80 observed that adolescents with some existing depressive symptoms are more prone to use tobacco. Khaled et al.64 conducted a study to determine the impact of depression on smoking. They observed that depressed adolescents have an increased risk of smoking under stress (HR of time to first cigarette smoked after waking: 1.7, 95%CI 1.1-2.5). Although, some studies have reported depression and its association with smoking,81 - 86 Redner et al.87 were not able to ascertain the association between depression and smokeless tobacco use (OR: 0.90, 95%CI 0.54-1.49) among adolescent smokeless tobacco users.
A longitudinal study by Bares et al.88 observed a positive association between depressive symptoms and subsequent increase in cigarette use in adolescents. However, the authors were not able to establish the reverse relationship among the male population. Moreover, a study by Morrell et al.89 investigating college students found that young females with depressive vulnerability smoked to relieve their mood symptoms. Although some of these longitudinal and cross-sectional studies were able to establish strong associations with depressive symptoms leading to smoking behavior, other studies were not able to observe findings to support this hypothesis.52 , 53
Researchers have also studied the influence of societal and environmental factors on smoking initiation and depression among adolescents. In a prospective cohort of adolescents aged 14-15, Patton et al.,68 evaluated depression and anxiety and reported peer smoking as a strong predictor for smoking initiation (HR 6.7, 95%CI 3.4-13). Bullying and hostility among young individuals is also seen to increase risk of developing depression and smoking behavior.90 - 92 Whalen et al.93 also observed that aggression, anger, and/or sadness are often linked with initiation of smoking in adolescence. Smoking initiation was observed to be a coping mechanism for stress, frustration, depression, and anxiety.93 , 94 Moreover, Tercyak et al.95 reported that depressed adolescents were more responsive to tobacco advertising (OR 1.25, 95%CI 1.02-1.53) and therefore were more likely to start smoking. Adolescent smokers also tend to show behavior disorders like conduct disorder and attention deficit conduct disorder (ADHD) along with depression and are prone to use other substances of abuse later in life80 , 96 , 97 ( Table 3 ).
Although several of the studies above have discussed the relationship of smoking and depression as antecedents of one another, this complex association is multifaceted and many researchers have tried to explore the idea of bidirectionality. Windle et al.67 studied 1,218 school teenagers, concluding that regular heavy smoking significantly increases depressive episodes while persistently elevated depressive symptoms results in increased smoking behavior. Similarly, a study that Orlando et al.99 conducted with school-going adolescents observed that emotional distress in grade 10 was associated with an increase in smoking behavior in grade 12 and smoking in grade 12 subsequently resulted in an increase in the emotional distress during young adulthood. They observed a similar pattern among boys and girls; but smoking initiation during young adulthood was increased among boys compared to girls. Conversely, in a longitudinal study of healthy girls aged between 11 and 17, Beal et al.71 concluded that an increased prevalence of cigarette smoking was associated with an increase in depressive symptoms in young girls across time. However, they were not able to conclude the reverse association of depressive symptoms leading to an increase in smoking.
The bidirectional relationship was also explored by McGovern et al.,47 who followed an adolescent cohort of 1,093 students for 4 years to assess the relationship between smoking and depression across time. They reported that depressive symptoms in early adolescence are a precursor to smoking behavior during late adolescence, whereas an increase in smoking predicts suppression of these depressive symptoms. These effects were mediated by peer smoking. In contrast, Brook et al.100 followed 688 teenagers for 13 years and reported that early cigarette smoking during adolescence is a predictor of depressive symptoms in adulthood, but the reciprocal association with history of depressive symptoms was not statistically significant as a precursor for smoking behavior ( Table 4 ).
Bidirectionality and social factors
The relation between smoking and depression is very complex. Much research has been done to determine the direction of association. However, this intricate connection remains obscure due to its multifactorial effects. Researchers have investigated the social factors that influence this relationship, especially in adolescents. Horton et al.102 observed an increased effect of smoking on depressive symptoms in adolescent females with either negative or high level of positive religious coping behavior, whereas moderate religious coping decreased the likelihood of smoking. Romantic breakups, interpersonal stress and family disruption, and decreased church attendance were also found to be associated with mental health issues including depressive episodes, along with substance abuse and smoking among adolescents.103 , 104
Peer pressure significantly mediates the association between smoking and depression, especially in adolescent females compared to males.105 Hostility and rebelliousness were also found to be associated with smoking behavior and the latter was also reported to be a significant predictor of development of depression in adolescents.66 , 106 Parental attitude including smoking by either parent or living with a single parent or guardian, low self-esteem, difficulty coping with stress, low grades in school, social isolation and withdrawal, sense of helplessness, and friends with smoking behavior have also been instrumental in the development of the relationship between smoking and depression in adolescents.107 , 108
Smoking in adolescence is also associated with both internalizing and externalizing problems; the observation that young smokers may use smoking behavior to improve the mood symptoms and self-medicate themselves with nicotine to rescue higher functioning has been proposed as a plausible interpretation of the behavior rationale among the adolescent population109 , 110 ( Table 5 ).
Electronic cigarettes and depression
There has been an exponential increase in the utilization of e-cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery systems) among adolescents, escalating from around 7.5% in 2007 to 20.8% in 2018.113 , 114 In 2018, these active users increased to 3.62 million, making e-cigarettes the most common tobacco source amongst adolescents.114 Moreover, e-cigarette use is also implicated in an estimated six times increased risk of initiation of conventional cigarette use among adolescent populations.115
E-cigarettes were introduced onto the market in 2007 and since then researchers have investigated their use and health risks. Leventhal and Zvolensky116 reported insufficient development of coping mechanisms and decreased problem solving and strategizing skills in adolescents with prolonged e-cigarette use. Progressive increase in depressive symptoms is also associated with unremitting e-cigarette consumption for more than a year.117 In their study based on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), Chadi et al.118 reported increased odds of depressive symptoms (adjusted OR: 1.37, 95%CI 1.19-1.57) among adolescents who were current e-cigarette users. Similarly, Lechner et al.101 explored the bidirectionality of e-cigarette use and depression among adolescents, observing that depressive symptoms were associated with e-cigarette initiation (OR: 1.015, 95%CI 1.003-1.023), while persistent use of e-cigarettes predicted increase in depressive symptoms over time. Many e-cigarette consumers are also found to have an increased prevalence of internalizing disorders including depression, anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorder compared to non-users, but less than was observed in dual and conventional cigarette users.119 Riehm et al.112 used Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study survey data to observe that adolescents with high externalizing and internalizing symptoms were more likely to initiate e-cigarette usage (adjusted relative risk ratio [aRRR]: 2.78; 95%CI 1.760-4.40 and aRRR: 1.61; 95%CI 1.12-2.33, respectively). However, the longitudinal study by Bandiera et al.98 examining the relationship between e-cigarettes use and depression observed that depressive symptoms predicted use of e-cigarettes at 6 months and 1 year, whereas use of e-cigarettes was not associated with development of depressive symptoms over time. Research on e-cigarette use and depression is mostly cross-sectional and/or of short duration, therefore, further long-term research is required to preclude any causal inferences and to investigate the individual characteristics associated with e-cigarette use and depression among the adolescent population.69 , 70 , 120 - 122
Current evidence and future directions
There is much evidence in the current literature elucidating the intricate relationship between smoking and depression in the adolescent population. However, despite various studies reporting significant associations, the evidence on the causal relationship is still ambiguous. The heterogeneous observations in the literature lack concrete evidence on the directionality and the cause-effect relationships of smoking preceding depression or depression preceding smoking. Additionally, the relationship is made more complex by various external factors confounding the chronological order. Moreover, with the continuous rise in mental health conditions and smoking behavior, especially with recent rapid indulgence in newer smoking products among young adolescents, it is imperative to understand the causal link between the two conditions and untangle the influencing determinants.
Although many studies have explored this relationship using both cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs, substantial evidence on preceding associations has been reported by studies employing longitudinal data. Cross-sectional studies provide a snapshot at one point, whereas longitudinal study designs provide information over time. Moreover, sample selection in cross-sectional studies is limited by the presence of existing conditions. Therefore, longitudinal study designs involving individuals without diagnoses of depression and/or smoking behavior should be considered when investigating a causal association between the two conditions. Moreover, the literature also provides information on various biological and social confounders like genetics and family and peer influence, which significantly obscure this causal pathway and it is therefore important to recognize and control these factors when examining the association. It is also important to acknowledge that multiple studies used surrogate measures like sadness and affect change to evaluate depression instead of using validated scales based on DSM criteria. Therefore, the results of these studies should be interpreted with caution even when they report a significant association, as they may not reflect a true condition.
While it is essential to understand the limitations, it is also important to realize that there is a need for much research in this area. Of importance is to define a study population, which represents a homogenous sample of adolescents in the community to examine and control for the influencing mediators in the cause-effect pathway. It is also imperative to use validated instruments to measure depression and standardize metrics to quantify smoking behavior. Longitudinal data collection and serial sampling will represent the optimal strategy to ascertain the level of evidence for this causal relationship.
Finally, given the rises in both smoking behavior and depressive symptoms among adolescents, it is important to understand this association between smoking and depression. To do so will not only help educate young individuals to better understand the health consequences, but, more importantly, is also critical for designing effective treatment interventions, targeted clinical and behavioral therapies, and preventative public health strategies and policies.
Although, the relation between smoking and depression is well established, the literature does not reflect the cause-effect relationship. Additionally, researchers have not yet been able to demonstrate concrete evidence on the direction of the association. This is a reflection of futile study designs, exclusion of confounding factors, and/or use of indirect measure of depression and quantification of smoking. Therefore, the association between depression and smoking should be explored further with rigorous longitudinal studies controlling for influencing factors to identify the causal association between the two conditions.
The data presented here were retrieved with the help of Hardin Library at the University of Iowa.
1 CDC. Smoking and tobacco use. 2020 [cited 2020 09/21]. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fast_facts/index.htm
» https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fast_facts/index.htm - 2 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. The health consequences of smoking – 50 years of progress: a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2014.
- 3 Singh T. Tobacco use among middle and high school students – United States, 2011-2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;65:361-7.
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- 6 World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines: Geneva: WHO; 1992.
- 7 Glowinski AL, Madden PAF, Bucholz KK, Lynskey MT, Heath AC. Genetic epidemiology of self-reported lifetime DSM-IV major depressive disorder in a population-based twin sample of female adolescents. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2003;44:988-96.
- 8 Thapar A, McGuffin P. A twin study of depressive symptoms in childhood. Br J Psychiatry. 1994;165:259-65.
- 9 McGuffin P, Katz R, Rutherford J. Nature, nurture and depression: a twin study. Psychol Med. 1991;21:329-35.
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- 11 Nolen-Hoeksema S, Girgus JS, Seligman ME. Predictors and consequences of childhood depressive symptoms: A 5-year longitudinal study. J Abnorm Psychol. 1992;101:405.
- 12 Stange JP, Alloy LB, Flynn M, Abramson LY. Negative inferential style, emotional clarity, and life stress: Integrating vulnerabilities to depression in adolescence. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2013;42:508-18.
- 13 Caspi A, Sugden K, Moffitt TE, Taylor A, Craig IW, Harrington H, et al. Influence of life stress on depression: moderation by a polymorphism in the 5-HTT gene. Science. 2003;301:386-9.
- 14 Nomura Y, Wickramaratne PJ, Warner V, Mufson L, Weissman MM. Family discord, parental depression, and psychopathology in offspring: ten-year follow-up. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2002;41:402-9.
- 15 Hicks BM, DiRago AC, Iacono WG, McGue M. Gene-environment interplay in internalizing disorders: consistent findings across six environmental risk factors. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009;50:1309-17.
- 16 Brown J, Cohen P, Johnson JG, Smailes EM. Childhood abuse and neglect: specificity of effects on adolescent and young adult depression and suicidality. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999;38:1490-6.
- 17 Stroud CB, Davila J, Moyer A. The relationship between stress and depression in first onsets versus recurrences: a meta-analytic review. J Abnorm Psychol. 2008;117:206.
- 18 Monroe SM, Harkness KL. Life stress, the “kindling” hypothesis, and the recurrence of depression: considerations from a life stress perspective. Psychol Rev. 2005;112:417.
- 19 Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ, Lynskey MT. Childhood sexual abuse and psychiatric disorder in young adulthood: II. Psychiatric outcomes of childhood sexual abuse. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996;35:1365-74.
- 20 Slavich GM, Monroe SM, Gotlib IH. Early parental loss and depression history: Associations with recent life stress in major depressive disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 2011;45:1146-52.
- 21 Barbe RP, Bridge JA, Birmaher B, Kolko DJ, Brent DA. Lifetime history of sexual abuse, clinical presentation, and outcome in a clinical trial for adolescent depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2004;65:77-83.
- 22 Molnar BE, Buka SL, Kessler RC. Child sexual abuse and subsequent psychopathology: results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Public Health. 2001;91:753.
- 23 Frye AA, Garber J. The relations among maternal depression, maternal criticism, and adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2005;33:1-11.
- 24 Anderson C, Burns DM. Patterns of adolescent smoking initiation rates by ethnicity and sex. Tob Control. 2000;9:ii4-8.
- 25 Reidpath DD, Ling M-L, Wellington E, Al-Sadat N, Yasin S. The relationship between age of smoking initiation and current smoking: an analysis of school surveys in three European countries. Nicotine Tob Res. 2013;15:729-33.
- 26 Thompson AB, Mowery PD, Tebes JK, McKee SA. Time trends in smoking onset by sex and race/ethnicity among adolescents and young adults: findings from the 2006-2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018;20:312-20.
- 27 Wills TA, Cleary SD. The validity of self-reports of smoking: analyses by race/ethnicity in a school sample of urban adolescents. Am J Public Health. 1997;87:56-61.
- 28 Tyas SL, Pederson LL. Psychosocial factors related to adolescent smoking: a critical review of the literature. Tob control. 1998;7:409-20.
- 29 Hill KG, Hawkins JD, Catalano RF, Abbott RD, Guo J. Family influences on the risk of daily smoking initiation. J Adolesc Health. 2005;37:202-10.
- 30 Van Loon AJM, Tijhuis M, Surtees PG, Ormel J. Determinants of smoking status: cross-sectional data on smoking initiation and cessation. Eur J Public Health. 2005;15:256-61.
- 31 Park S. Smoking behavior and predictors of smoking initiation in childhood and early adolescence. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2009;39:376-85.
- 32 Burt RD, Dinh KT, Peterson Jr AV, Sarason IG. Predicting adolescent smoking: A prospective study of personality variables. Prev Med. 2000;30:115-25.
- 33 Azagba S, Baskerville NB, Minaker L. A comparison of adolescent smoking initiation measures on predicting future smoking behavior. Prev Med Rep. 2015;2:174-7.
- 34 Siqueira L, Diab M, Bodian C, Rolnitzky L. Adolescents becoming smokers: the roles of stress and coping methods. J Adolesc Health. 2000;27:399-408.
- 35 O’Loughlin J, O’Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre M-P, Dugas EN, Chagnon M, et al. Predictors of cigarette smoking initiation in early, middle, and late adolescence. J Adolesc Health. 2017;61:363-70.
- 36 Stone MD, Audrain-McGovern J, Leventhal AM. Association of anhedonia with adolescent smoking susceptibility and initiation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2017;19:738-42.
- 37 Mays D, Gilman SE, Rende R, Luta G, Tercyak KP, Niaura RS. Parental smoking exposure and adolescent smoking trajectories. Pediatrics. 2014;133:983-91.
- 38 Liu J, Zhao S, Chen X, Falk E, Albarracín D. The influence of peer behavior as a function of social and cultural closeness: A meta-analysis of normative influence on adolescent smoking initiation and continuation. Psychol Bull. 2017;143:1082.
- 39 Joung MJ, Han MA, Park J, Ryu SY. Association between family and friend smoking status and adolescent smoking behavior and e-cigarette use in Korea. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13:1183.
- 40 Iakunchykova OP, Andreeva TI, Nordstrom DL, Shkiryak-Nizhnyk ZA, Antipkin YG, Hryhorczuk DO, et al. The impact of early life stress on risk of tobacco smoking initiation by adolescents. Addict Behav. 2015;50:222-8.
- 41 Sylvestre M-P, Wellman RJ, O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin J. Gender differences in risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation in childhood. Addict Behav. 2017;72:144-50.
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- 43 Scalici F, Schulz PJ. Parents’ and peers’ normative influence on adolescents’ smoking: results from a Swiss-Italian sample of middle schools students. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2017;12:1-9.
- 44 Roberts ME, Colby SM, Jackson KM. What predicts early smoking milestones? J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2015;76:256-66.
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- 47 Audrain-McGovern J, Rodriguez D, Kassel JD. Adolescent smoking and depression: evidence for self-medication and peer smoking mediation. Addiction. 2009;104:1743-56.
- 48 Parrott AC. Does cigarette smoking cause stress? Am Psychol. 1999;54:817-20.
- 49 Chaiton MO, Cohen JE, O’Loughlin J, Rehm J. A systematic review of longitudinal studies on the association between depression and smoking in adolescents. BMC Public Health. 2009;9:1-11.
- 50 Tsuang MT, Francis T, Minor K, Thomas A, Stone WS. Genetics of smoking and depression. Hum Genet. 2012;131:905-15.
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