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Tensions between universality and equity in the access of racialised immigrants to the SUS in the metropolis of São Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic1 1 This work was funded by a CAPES-DS grant (funding code 001) and by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Grant no. 10496). It forms part of the project ‘A Covid-19 no Brasil: análise e resposta aos impactos sociais da pandemia entre profissionais de saúde e população em isolamento’ [COVID-19 in Brazil: analysis and response to the social impacts of the pandemic among health professionals and the population in isolation] (Agreement ref.: 0464/20 FINEP/UFRGS). The research is developed by the Rede Covid-19 Humanidades MCTI [MCTI COVID-19 Humanities Network] and forms part of a set of Rede Vírus MCTI [MCTI Virus Network] actions to combat the pandemic, financed by the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI) [Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations]. The research has been developed in dialogue with researchers linked to the Observatório Saúde e Migração (OSM-UFSCar) [Health and Migration Observatory], the Laboratório de Estudos Migratórios (LEM-UFSCar) [Migration Studies Laboratory] and PROMIGRAS - Migração e Saúde (UNIFESP) [PROMIGRAS - Migration and Health]. I am grateful for the close dialogue with my colleagues from the Rede de Cuidados em Saúde para Imigrantes e Refugiados [Healthcare Network for Immigrants and Refugees], the Frente Nacional pela Saúde de Migrantes [National Front for Migrant Health], the Associação de Mulheres Imigrantes Luz e Vida [Light and Life Immigrant Women’s Association] and the Fórum Internacional Fontié ki kwaze - Fronteiras Cruzadas [Fontié ki kwaze International Forum - Traversed Borders], without whom this work could not have been undertaken. I would also like to thank my partner, Juliana Maciel Machado, for the meticulous revisions made to this and other texts that compose the set of reflections that I have been developing, and to my son, Martin Maciel Pereira Machado Branco, for being so supportive from an early age.

Tensões entre universalidade e equidade no acesso de imigrantes racializados ao SUS na metrópole paulistana durante a pandemia de Covid-19


This article presents data from an engaged ethnography conducted on political movements of immigrants in the city of São Paulo between 2020 and 2023. I initially analyse the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 among immigrants living in the peripheries of São Paulo, seeking to demonstrate that undocumented status had a limited effect on difficulties in accessing the right to healthcare, highlighting that even immigrants who had documents - and who were, for all intents and purposes, legally Brazilian - were unable to get vaccinated. Thus, I argue that racialisation processes are more decisive than undocumented status in defining who is eligible to access to that which is considered universal. The second argumentative axis reflects on the guiding paradigms of Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS), and on the tensions observed in the discourses of certain actors involved in disputes in the field of healthcare, between the principles of universality and equity in the face of demands of certain specific health promotion actions for migrant populations. The paradigms of universality and equity are therefore considered mutually exclusive rather than complementary by these actors.

Key words:
SUS; immigrants; universality; equity; racialisation

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