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The weight of tradition and the fragility of modern values: analysis of a novel by Germano Almeida


This work takes a literary text from Cape Verdean writer Germano Almeida as anthropologists analyze cultural facts. I examine the complex plot developed in the novel Os Dois Irmãos, centered around a case of fratricide occurred on the island of Santiago, seeking to understand how the idea of tradition is locally experienced. Analyzing the tragic actions of the main characters of this novel, I seek to unveil some of the powerful tensions that permeate the practices of the Cape Verdean peasants as well as the primordial values that they experience as a kind of Oedipal fate.

Cape Verde; fratricide; family and kinship; tradition

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) Caixa Postal 04491, 70904-970 Brasília - DF / Brasil, Tel./ Fax 55 61 3307-3754 - Brasília - DF - Brazil