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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS1 1 The study was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


This article aims at the study of corporate social responsibility concerning the human rights of stakeholders. It analyses the relationship between public and private law and what has been done to ensure that the interests of stakeholders, in particular human rights, are protected in business transactions. Using the hypothetical-deductive method and bibliographic research, international covenants and domestic legislation are analyzed, and we found that there is a movement in the international community to regulate the subject, moving towards the creation of an international instrument that links transnational operations to human rights and that some countries have recently taken internal initiatives to make their implementation and protection more effective, whose purpose is to add universal values and principles to corporate responsibility.

human rights; development; corporate social responsibility; stakeholders

Editora Dom Helder Rua Álvares Maciel, 628, Bairro Santa Efigênia, , CEP: 30150-250, Tel. +55 (31) 2125-8836 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil