Open-access Errata

Errata for ZOOLOGIA VOLUme 27(6), 28(1), and 28(2)

Zoologia 27(6)

Page 1009, column 2, line 1:

Reads: Lumbriclymeninae Malmgren, 1867

Should read: Lumbriclymeninae Arwidsson, 1906.

Page 1009, column 2, Discussion, lines 2-3:

Reads: Nicomachinae Malmgren, 1967

Should read: Nicomachinae Arwidsson, 1906

Page 1009, column 2, Discussion, line 4:

Reads: Euclymeninae Malmgren, 1967

Should read: Euclymeninae Arwidsson, 1906

Page 1009, column 2, Discussion, line 5:

Reads: Notoproctinae Malmgren, 1967

Should read: Notoproctinae Detinova, 1985

Page 1011, column 1, line 5:

Reads: Rhodininae Malmgren, 1867

Should read: Rhodininae Arwidsson, 1906

Page 1011, column 1, line 6:

Reads: Bogueinae Malmgren, 1867

Should read: Bogueinae Wolf, 1984

Zoologia 28(1)

Page 41, legends above figures 3, 4, and 5:


Fish Crustacean Frog Rainfall

Should read:

Zoologia 28(2)

Page 219, Abstract, line 1:

Reads: characters

Should read: features

Page 219, Abstract, line 3:

Reads: larg

Should read: large

Page 219, Abstract, line 4:

Reads: altitudes

Should read: depths

Page 225, column 1, line 11:

Reads: Ameziane for their reading and suggestions to this manuscript.

Should read: Ameziane for their useful discussions and allowing us access to the collections from the London `Natural History Museum' and the Paris `Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle' respectively.

Page 230, numbers inside of figures:

Reads: 1 2 3

Should read: 2 3 4

Page 231, numbers inside of figures:

Reads: 4 5 6 7

Should read: 5 6 7 8

All changes are already incorporated in the online version of these articles available at

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 July 2011
  • Date of issue
    June 2011
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3266-6823 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil
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