Basic information
The Revista Bioética was designed by the Conselho Federal de Medicina - CFM (Federal Council of Medicine of Brazil) to foster multidisciplinary and pluralistic discussion of issues of bioethics and medical ethics. Its editorial line, as well as the composition and activities of the Editorial Board, are completely independent of the plenary session of the CFM. The authors are responsible for information in the articles, which do not necessarily express the official position of the Council. With quarterly circulation of 10,000 copies distributed free of charge, the journal Bioethics can also be accessed in full on the CFM site and SciELO, in Portuguese, English and Spanish as well as in the Virtual Library. The press version in portuguese is distributed free of charge to interested parties requesting, and federal institutions of specialty health care, regional medical councils, medical associations, research groups in ethics, bioethics and human rights, registered in the CNPq, stricto and lato sensu courses in bioethics, and the libraries of Brazilians universities. Revista Bioética’s general editor position is usually held by CFM’s 2nd secretary of the board, position now occupied by Dr. Helena Maria Carneiro Leão. CFM’s current president Dr. José Hiran da Silva Gallo is the scientific editor; renowned Dr. Rui Nunes occupies the honorary scientific editor position, and Dr. Natalia Oliva Teles contributes as assistant editor. Bioethics specialist Vanessa de Santana is the executive secretary, and journalist Lorna Weil is the administrative secretary; bibliographic normalization is done by librarians Eliane Medeiros and Rameque Beserra. The other indispensable services to the production of the journal are outsourced to contracted companies through electronic trading bidding duly authorized by SciELO and coordinated by CFM’s editorial team. Historical Revista Bioética, edited by the CFM (Federal Council of Medicine) since 1993, is a pioneer in its specialization in Brazil. As the first publication in the field of bioethics in our country, the Revista Bioética is recognized by scholars and researchers as the main vehicle for the dissemination of their works. Because it was indexed in LILACS (Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean) database, in years that followed its establishment, consolidated itself as streamlining media of bioethical reflection in Brazil. In recent years the journal Bioethics published hundreds of scientific articles as well editorials and various materials in different sections that were part of their format, in the previous step to the journal restructuring in mid-2007. Additionally, it is important to inform that the journal's electronic page has recorded continuous growth since its reformulation in June 2009. The journal’s graphic design was reformulated in 2021, marking a new step in its history. Progressive increase of works received from graduate studies, master and doctorate levels, students and advisors in Bioethics also testify the importance of Revista Bioetica for scholars and researchers. The fact that the periodical concentrates as articles evaluators the largest amount of experts with specific background in this field of study, among the other titles published in Health Sciences area. It should be considered still that, as it only publishes bioethics and medical bioethics, that is, concerning just a fraction of the broad range of Health Sciences disciplines, approved articles do not stay long in queue for publication in thematic issue or are presented as “special supplement”, denomination that, to a certain measure, disqualifies the editorial evaluation process that every article is subject in quality scientific journal. Thus, Revista Bioetica fosters the indispensable updating of topics in this field of knowledge among graduate programs emerging in the past decade. Editors and Board members' training in bioethics, crucial for full comprehension of works in peers evaluation, reveals its importance level when one thinks in the lagging that, to a certain way, “stigmatized” that it is a field of study, still governing among those that do not dedicated themselves exclusively to it. The flow of works toward Revista Bioetica denotes not just authors' trust related to editors, Editorial Board members' comprehension of their ideas, as well as the expectation to reach a reading public related (and interested) in the kind of reflection provided by it. Finally, regarding the specificity of been a pioneer in the field, it is crucial to point out that it is the sole publication that records the Brazilian bioethical reflection background. Detailed analysis of edited material reflects the path of Brazilian bioethics, revealing the progressive construction of autochthonous standards that mark our insertion in the world scene of the discipline. In order to reflect the state of art of our bioethics (without obviously losing the connection with the international panorama), Revista Bioetica editors and Editorial Editorial Board intend markedly, since mentioned restructuring of the periodical in 2007, to make an updated publication, whose article express our public interests. Thus, each edition seeks to consider their plurality, which aggregate multiple perspectives form Health and Health Science areas, as well as those of humanities nature (philosophical, legal, and theological), diversity that mirrors the locus in which the publication inserts itself - trans-disciplinary -, in addition to contemplate works targeted to epistemological deepening of bioethics itself. Its abbreviated title is Rev. bioét.(Impr.)., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Indexed in
Intellectual property
All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. |
The publication does not charge authors for submission or editing manuscripts or receive external funding. It is entirely funded by its publisher, the Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM).
Conselho Federal de Medicina |
Editorial board
Editorial production
Editorial norms
Revista Bioética is an open-access scientific journal that publishes double blind reviewed bioethics and medical ethics articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English in full. It is published quarterly on solstices and equinoxes. Conceived by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) to foster multidisciplinary and plural discussions, it focused on academic training and the continuous improvement of health professionals. The composition and work of its Editorial Board, as well as its editorial line are completely independent of the CFM plenary. The authors are responsible for the information disclosed in their articles, which do not necessarily express the council’s official position. Criteria for publication Revista Bioética does not charge for the submission, editing or publication of manuscripts. Unpublished manuscripts, only in their online version, of a conceptual, documentary nature resulting from research or experiences in the field of bioethics or medical ethics, as well as critical reviews related to these topics will be for publication. All manuscripts will be subject to the scrutiny of the editors, Editorial Board and ad hoc peer reviewers in a double blind review process and must receive two approval recommendations. Revista Bioética will refuse manuscripts that contradict the Fundamental Principles of the Brazilian Constitution, particularly articles 1, 3 and 4, which guarantee human rights and the repudiation of racism. After submission, the manuscript is checked for text (maximum of 6,000 words) and abstract size (up to 150 words), as well as formatted and checked for originality using the plagiarism detecting software Plagius (Professional Plagiarism Detector). The results indicated by Plagius are carefully analyzed to identify whether notes refer to citations or copies. At this stage, references are also checked, making sure that they are complete, correctly numbered and in Vancouver Style, in accordance with the editorial policies – which can be found at in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Editorial adequacy, orthographic and grammatical aspects are observed, and the keywords checked in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) database. The manuscript will return to the authors for adjustments and they will have 15 days to do them, otherwise the work will be removed from the editorial agenda. If the number or characteristic of the changes identified is considered significant, the manuscript may be refused with notice of possible resubmission by complying with the indicated specifications. After receiving the version revised by the authors, if no changes are needed at this stage, the manuscript enters the next editorial phase. At this stage, the reviewers – members of the Editorial Board and ad hoc reviewers – have 15 days to inform if they can review the article. If those initially designated cannot perform this voluntary task within the stipulated period, other reviewers will be selected from the registered collaborators and the peer-review process will restart. When three reviewers accept the task, each one will have 15 days to issue an opinion. The criteria used for evaluation are content, editorial adequacy, originality of the ideas, topicality, text clarity, language adequacy, relevance of the information, coherence and conceptual and methodological logic. Besides these aspects, the title, abstract, indication and name of the parts of the manuscript, indication of the objectives, method, presentation of results, discussion and final considerations are analyzed. We also check if references are adequate and up to date. The criterion for selecting reviewers seeks to contemplate the widest possible analytical diversity, in line with the interdisciplinarity of bioethics. Each article is sent to a reviewer with training in the specific area of the work (specialties in health and biology, law, philosophy, social sciences, etc.), or a reviewer who studies or has already discussed the topic (health inequities, human rights, abortion, dysthanasia, genetics, research ethics, etc.) and also to a bioethicist with bioethics training (either specialization or graduate degrees) to evaluate the use of ethical concepts and categories. Further revision or reformulation of parts of the article, title or references as recommended may be required for final approval, to which authors must respond within 20 days. At any stage, the editors reserve the right to perform normative, orthographic and grammatical changes in the texts, to maintain the standard language and the better understanding of the articles, respecting, however, the authors’ style. If the authors decide not to publish the manuscript after the initial revision, the version edited by Revista Bioética will belong to it and cannot be sent to another journal. The final edited version, with orthographic and grammatical revision will be submitted to the authors for approval. However, the final revision of the article in the three languages and the galley proofs will not be sent to the authors, as well as its English and Spanish translations, published online on the journal’s website and in SciELO. Requirements for submitting manuscripts
Identification of articles
Note: manuscripts lacking such information at the initial stage will not advance in the editorial process.
Article formatting
Research articles
Authorization to publish Revista Bioética considers that submitting the manuscript to the analysis of the editors and the Editorial Board characterizes acceptance for publication. All authors must send the authorization for publishing the final version by electronic means when their article is accepted; the main author must also do so in written form, by a signed letter addressed to Revista Bioética according to the model sent by the editors. Published articles will be under the care of Revista Bioética, which must be cited in case of total or partial reproduction in any medium, printed or electronic. Tables and illustrations Each article can be accompanied by only three tables or figures, formatted in the text, open for revision and not copied in image or PDF format. They must be numbered sequentially and indicate the source of the information presented at the bottom. In the tables, statistical measures of variations such as the standard deviation and standard error of the mean must be identified. References