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(Updated: 2024/08/15)


Brief Background


The journal Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy (Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional) (ISSN 2526-8910) is the continuation of the Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar (Print ISSN 0104-4931, Electronic ISSN 2238-2860), which began in 1990. Since volume 25, number 2, 2017, it has been called the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

The journal is dedicated to publishing original articles resulting from scientific research in the field of Occupational Therapy, in dialogue with the field of Health, Education, Culture, and Social Assistance, as well as Occupational Science. It emphasizes studies on physical, sensory, mental, psychological, and/or social issues related to everyday life (cotidiano) and human activity connected to the participation, autonomy, and inclusion of subjects (both individual and collective) in social life.

The journal accepts articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, uses a double-blind peer review process, and is aimed at researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners in occupational therapy and related fields, both nationally and internationally.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Cad.Bras.Ter.Ocup., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions.

Publication frequency: continuous publication.



Open Science Compliance


The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy follows the Open Science criteria and will gradually adopt its principles and practices.

Open Science is understood as a new way of formatting, designing, managing, communicating, and evaluating research and its communication, advocating for the transparency of processes and the availability of components that underpin its communication, such as methods, data, and computer programs. This openness includes and promotes significant changes in a journal’s editorial work, contributing to the acceleration of research publication through continuous publication and the use of preprint repositories, facilitating article assessment, research replicability, and the reuse of collected data.

The adoption and improvement of scientific communication practices in compliance with Open Science include open access; preprints as the beginning of the article production flow; transparent management of research data; availability of program codes and other materials underlying the articles; transparency and gradual opening of the manuscript evaluation process; public dissemination of research; interoperability with the global flow of scientific information and knowledge.

Preprints are manuscripts ready for submission to a journal, which are deposited on an open-access Web server beforehand by the author or in parallel with submission to the journal by the author or journal. The use of preprints as an option for the author implies that, when submitting an article to the journal, they must inform if the manuscript is deposited in a preprint server, including its name and URL. In addition to accelerating the communication of research results, this pre-publication allows the author(s) to receive feedback from readers and make any modifications deemed relevant.

Articles submitted for publication must be original, in print or electronic media, except for those available in preprint repositories, and simultaneous submission for evaluation to another journal is not permitted.

At the time of submission, the responsible author must complete and attach the Open Science Compliance Form, indicating: (a) if the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) if data, program codes, and other materials underlying the manuscript text are properly cited and referenced; (c) if they accept open options in the peer review process.



Ethics in Publication


During the submission, the author(s) must declare that all ethical guidelines concerning the integrity of scientific activities conducted during the research have been respected, and must also disclose funding sources, such as research agencies. Studies involving experiments with humans or animals must be approved by the ethics committees of their institution. The exclusive responsibility for adherence to good ethical research practices lies with the author.

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy adheres to: the principles of SciELO’s Codes of Ethics, as presented in the “Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication”, the “Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the principles of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

The Brazilian Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) document is the reference for research in virtual environments. Foreign researchers should consult an equivalent document or contact the editorial office.



Focus and Scope


The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy focuses on the dissemination of original works resulting from scientific research in the field of Occupational Therapy, in dialogue with the field of Health, Education, Culture, and Social Assistance, as well as Occupational Science. It emphasizes studies on physical, sensory, mental, psychological, and/or social issues related to everyday life (cotidiano) and human activity connected to the participation, autonomy, and inclusion of subjects (both individual and collective) in social life.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information


- Journal title: Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional/Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Abbreviated title: Cad.Bras.Ter.Ocup.
- Frequency: Annual
- Publication mode: Continuous Publication
- First Published: 1990 



Websites and Social Media



Editorial Policy




The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy accepts the publication of preprint articles. A preprint is defined as a manuscript ready for submission to a journal and deposited in reliable preprint servers before or in parallel with submission to a journal.

The use of preprints is the author’s choice, and it is assumed that when submitting the article to the journal, through the Open Science Compliance Form, the name of the Preprint server and the DOI of the Preprint are provided.

Articles submitted as preprints share with journals the originality in publication, and the evaluation process will not use the double-anonymized procedure since the authorship will become known.



Peer Review Process


A double-blind peer review process (anonymous for both reviewers and authors) is adopted, except for articles available on preprint servers or whose authors opt for open evaluation (Open Science Compliance Form), where a ‘simple-blind’ evaluation occurs. Texts are submitted online and, if following publication standards, are forwarded to a Section Editor for initial assessment.

At this stage, the relevance of the submission to the journal’s scope is assessed, and among other formal aspects considered, the relevance and originality of the topic and the adequacy and density of the theoretical-methodological approach used are highlighted. Only texts approved at this stage will proceed to the next stages of merit evaluation.

If approved in the initial assessment by the Section Editor, they will appoint two ad hoc reviewers according to the research theme. These reviewers must provide a review within 30 days, analyzing the text and recommending revisions, acceptance, or rejection for publication, according to criteria of content relevance, argumentative consistency, theoretical and methodological coherence, structural adequacy, and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Articles forward to peer review, after the review process, will be sent to the authors with the editorial decision, indicating required revisions and/or final acceptance or rejection. In the case of required revisions, the articles will be returned to the authors for adjustments, and a new round of review will be requested from the Section Editors and/or ad hoc reviewers.

Upon completion of the ad hoc reviewers' analysis, the Section Editor will send the final decision (where the reviewers’ anonymity is preserved) that will be expressed as follows:

a) Accepted for Publication: The work is fully accepted for publication in one of the upcoming issues of the journal, according to the chronological criterion of completion of the review process.

b) Revisions Required: The modifications must be made by the author(s), who will receive the review with the respective recommendations, returning the revised work within the stipulated period with the changes marked in a distinct color for verification. In the case of a large number of requested changes, the article will be re-submitted to the Section Editors and/or ad hoc reviewers for further analysis after the author's adjustments, which may result in acceptance or rejection.

c) Rejected: Refusal of publication, with due justification, based on the analysis of each ad hoc reviewer, which is conveyed to the authors while preserving the reviewers’ identities.

All reviews will be available to the authors, ad hoc reviewers, and section editors.

If the author disagrees with the review received, they may request a reconsideration from the journal’s Editorial Board, who, if deemed appropriate, will forward the request to the same reviewers and section editors or, depending on the case, will request a review from another ad hoc reviewer or another Editor.

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy publishes the name of the editor responsible for the evaluation process in the final version of the article.


Open Data


In line with consolidating Open Science processes, it is recommended that authors, when appropriate, share the primary research data as well as other materials underlying the manuscript text that contributed to the article in certified repositories.

The goal is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of data and information, as well as to the replicability of the study.

For sharing, authors can use their institution’s repository and identify relevant and certified repositories from the SciELO list of repositories for research data deposit.

Alternatively, the author(s) can declare that the data will be made available upon direct request to the author(s) or that all data are contained and discussed in the article.

The repository where the data and information are located, if applicable, should be cited in the text according to the Guidelines for Research Data Citation, preferably in the methodological section, included in the reference list, and in the “Data Availability” section.





- Articles submitted in Portuguese:

Aiming at the financial sustainability of the article publication process, after the evaluation process, if the text is approved for publication, Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy will charge a fee of R$1,050.00 [corresponding to the partial costs of scientific publish (R$200.00), Portuguese language revision (R$250.00) and English translation to bilingual publication (R$600.00)]. The editing process will depend on proof of the fee payment. Payment must be made by bank account deposit.

- Deposit information:

FAI - Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional
Banco do Brasil
Ag: 1888-0
C.C.: 5996-X
Identifier Code: 6335-5
CNPJ: 66.991.647/0001-30.

Send proof of deposit, together with the article identification, to:

Collaboration is requested only from authors whose article has been approved for publication. There is no cost for submitting articles.

- Articles submitted in English:

There are no submission or publication fees for articles by authors who are foreign to Brazil. For articles submitted in English, the journal encourages publication bilingually, also in Portuguese, with costs paid by the authors.

- Articles submitted in Spanish:

There are no submission or publication fees for articles by authors who are foreign to Brazil. For articles submitted in Spanish, the journal encourages publication bilingually, also in English, with costs paid by the authors.



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


The journal ensures ethical procedures throughout its editorial process, from submission and evaluation to publication, with no tolerance for academic misconduct by either the Editorial Team or its authors.

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy adheres to the principles of SciELO’s Codes of Ethics, as detailed in the “Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication”, the “Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the principles of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). All authors, editors, section editors, and reviewers must be aware of and follow these guidelines at all stages of the publication process.

For research in virtual environments, the document from the Brazilian  Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) is used as a reference. Foreign researchers should consult an equivalent document or contact the editorial office.

Studies involving experiments with humans or animals must be approved by an Committee on Publication Ethics.

Clinical trials must be registered with the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (REBEC).

All cases involving suspected misconduct will be investigated by the journal to resolve all doubts. There is a commitment to publish corrections, clarifications, and retractions, as well as notes of concern if necessary.

Authors, when submitting texts for evaluation, should always ensure to:

  • Follow the criteria for authorship attribution, including only researchers involved in the study and not including as co-authors those who did not participate in the work;
  • Cite and correctly reference all data and data interpretations from other publications;
  • Report any conflict of interest of all authors;
  • Disclose all sources of funding;
  • Submit only original texts for evaluation, which have not been presented to other publications, ensuring the fidelity and authenticity of the data;
  • Make retractions or corrections of errors when necessary.

Reviewers, when invited to evaluate any text, should commit to:

  • Decline the invitation if there are any conflicts of interest;
  • Perform the evaluation themselves with the utmost rigor;
  • Accept invitations only when able to complete the evaluation within the stipulated timeframe or contact the editor to check the possibility of an extension;
  • Inform about any relevant reference published that was not cited in the text;
  • Maintain absolute confidentiality about the reviewed texts, not discuss them with colleagues, nor use information to their benefit until the article is published.

Editors must always:

  • Ensure a peer review process that is unbiased and impartial;
  • Guarantee the anonymity of reviewers from the authors, except for articles available on preprint servers;
  • Evaluate and investigate all cases and suspicions of misconduct and unethical behavior;
  • Prevent financial interests from compromising the ethical standards of the publication;
  • Ensure there is no plagiarism and that fraudulent data and results are not published.

For cases requiring retraction, the journal will adopt the policies of SciELO as outlined in the Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication, the Guide to Recording, Marking and Publishing Correction, and the Guide for Registering, Marking and Publishing a Retraction.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


It is mandatory for authors to declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest, as the reliability of the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how conflicts of interest are managed during writing, peer review and decision-making by editors. The conflict of interest may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature.

Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, evaluators or editors have interests that, apparent or not, may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

To make a well-informed decision on a manuscript, it's important to be aware of the authors' competing interests. It's not necessarily about eliminating these interests, as they are often unavoidable. It's worth noting that manuscripts won't be rejected solely due to a conflict of interest.

If there are no conflicts of interest related to the study, you should simply transcribe the note below and add it in the designated field: "There were no conflicts of interest to carry out this study." It's important to note that information about any potential conflicts of interest related to the authors will be included at the end of the published article. If authors are unsure about what may constitute a conflict of interest, they should contact the editorial secretary of the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

In this way, it is expected:

Authors: When submitting a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work. They must acknowledge all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections in relation to the research.

Reviewers: must inform the editors about any conflicts of interest that may affect their judgment of the manuscript. They should also declare themselves unqualified to review specific manuscripts if they think it necessary. If the reviewers do not mention any potential conflicts, it may mean that there are conflicts that have not been disclosed or that there are no conflicts at all. Therefore, reviewers are requested to provide statements of competing interests, which will be used to assess the value of peer reports.

Editors: They must declare potential conflicts of interest in evaluating manuscripts, as well as act to prevent conflicts of interest involving authors and reviewers from compromising ethical standards in publication.



Adoption of similarity-checking software


After the peer review process, approved articles will be submitted to the iThenticate system for similarity evaluation and plagiarism detection. If a significant level of similarity with a previously published text is detected, the corresponding author will be contacted for text adjustments, and the article may be rejected, considering the requirement for originality.



Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Resources


The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy does not accept the use of Chatbots or other artificial intelligence for preparing the content of the manuscript. Its use, when necessary, must be restricted to assistance with grammatical correction, translation, and/or preparation and management of references. 



Gender and Sex Issues


All articles will be evaluated without considering social markers of difference, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, religious belief, and nationality, among others, as well as the political positions of the authors.

Manuscripts submitted to Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy should follow the principles of the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, which guide the reporting of information on sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings.

According to these guidelines, the terms sex (biological attribute) and gender (shaped by social and cultural circumstances) should be used carefully to avoid confusion.

Additionally, Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy observes gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.





The copyright of articles published by Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy is retained by their respective authors. These articles are licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license 4.0, which permits unrestricted reuse and distribution of the articles, provided that the original work is correctly cited.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


All Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy content, except where otherwise specified, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0.

The data, opinions, and concepts expressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts. They can publish them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media. Additionally, they can post them on their personal social media as long as the full citation is included in the website version of the periodic.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies


The following organizations support the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy:








Associate Editor



Section Editors



Editorial Commission



Technical Team


Editorial Office

Computational Technical Assistance






Articles submitted for review must be original, except those available in preprint repositories, and simultaneous submission to another journal is not allowed.

When submitting a manuscript, the author(s) must complete and attach the ‘Open Science Compliance Form’ as a supplementary file. Through this form, the author(s) declare(s) adherence to Open Science practices.

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy is a multilingual journal and publishes articles written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, reviewed in their original language. It is mandatory to publish the English translation of articles submitted in Portuguese, and the publication of a Portuguese version is encouraged when originally written in a foreign language. Articles submitted in Spanish are also encouraged to be published in English.

The complete works along with their subsequent translations will be accessible in electronic format on the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) website. The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy takes no responsibility for the opinions or views expressed in the published texts and affirms that they are solely the author's responsibility. These views do not necessarily represent the opinions of its Editorial Board.



Types of Documents Accepted


Original Article: Text resulting from research, theoretical and/or empirical, on topics of interest in the field of Occupational Therapy (preferably structured into: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, with a maximum of 10,000 words, including references).

Review and/or Literature Update Article: Contribution that presents a synthesis of published studies over a specific period and sources, accompanied by a critical and/or descriptive analysis, enhancing the knowledge of the investigated topic. Review protocols are no longer accepted for publication, suggesting the search for specialized journals for this type of publication. The journal prioritizes systematic review articles (with a maximum of 8,000 words, including references), as these studies enhance scientific evidence on a particular theme. For systematic review texts, the journal recommends the criteria adopted by PRISMA.

Experience Report or Case Study: Material related to professional experiences with individuals, groups, and/or communities resulting from interventions that contribute to the reflection on occupational therapy practice. They can be presented as descriptions of research, teaching, and service actions (with a maximum of 5,000 words, including references).

Reflection or Essay Article: Text expressing a standpoint on contentious and/or relevant issues related to the theory and practice of Occupational Therapy, with innovative reflections and analyses (with a maximum of 5,000 words, including references).



Authors' Contribution


All individuals who contributed to the study design, development, and analysis of the presented data are identified as authors. Therefore, in the article submission, the corresponding author must inform each author’s contributions to one of the roles: Problem Identification and Conceptualization; Analysis; Active Participation in the Discussion of Results; Writing; Review and Approval of the Final Version of the Study. This information will be included in the “Author Contributions” section at the end of the manuscript. It is suggested to follow the taxonomy proposed by CRedit



Financing Statement


Acknowledgments for the financial support received from funding institutions for carrying out the research and preparing the manuscript must be informed, if any. The name of the financing agency must be written in full, followed by the grant number. 





Acknowledgments should include the collaboration of individuals, groups, or institutions that deserve recognition but do not qualify for authorship.



Manuscript Preparation 


When submitting a manuscript, the responsible author must provide, in the designated fields in the article submission system, the following data for all authors: full name, ORCID, institutional affiliation, and e-mail. Submissions with incomplete information will be immediately rejected.



Article Submission Format


Manuscripts should be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, typed in Microsoft Word 2007 or later, A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 12-point font. All paragraphs should start at column 1, without tabulation. References should follow the 7th edition of American Psychological Association (APA 7) style.

Submitted manuscripts must meet the structuring criteria for their presentation and comply with the guidelines outlined below. Authors are suggested to use a checklist for the text structure before submitting it to the journal. Texts that do not meet the mentioned items will be returned to the authors for adjustment prior to evaluation by the Section Editors. Below are the guidelines for preparing the: 1) Cover Letter and 2) Structure of the Text.

1) Cover Letter:

- Title and subtitle of the article: Concise and informative. In Portuguese and English. When the text is presented in Spanish, the title should be presented in all three languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and English).

- Authors: Full name, ORCID, and e-mail address of the author(s). Provide the highest academic degree, position, and institutional affiliation of each author (institution, city, state, country). The journal accepts up to five authors per text. In duly justified cases, a larger number of authors may be accepted by the Editors-in-Chief.

- ORCID: Provide the ORCID number for all authors. In case of doubt, visit the ORCID website.

- Contact: Indicate the author responsible for communication with the journal. Full name, institutional address (institution, address, ZIP code, city, state, country), e-mail address, and phone number for contact.

- Funding Source: All authors must report all funding information received during the study. The information should include the names of the funding agencies and the grant numbers. 

- Acknowledgments: Any collaborators who do not meet the authorship criteria defined by the CRedit recommendations.

- Artificial Intelligence Resources: Authors must specify the use of artificial intelligence resources if it is the case. Its use, when necessary, must be restricted to assistance with grammatical correction, translation, and/or preparation and management of references.  

- Author Contribution: Authors must specify their contribution to the work. Indicate each author’s collaboration concerning the submitted material (e.g., study design, organization of sources and/or analyses, manuscript writing and revision, etc.).

- Conflict of Interest: Disclose any conflicts of interest of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature.

2) Structure of the Text

- Title and subtitle of the article: Concise and informative. In Portuguese and English. When the text is presented in Spanish, the title should be presented in all three languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and English).

- Abstract: Should reflect the fundamental aspects of the work, with a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250. Preferably, adopt a structured abstract (Introduction, Objectives, Method, Results, and Conclusion). The abstract should precede the text and be in Portuguese and English. When the text is submitted in Spanish, it should be presented in all three languages.

- Keywords: Three to six, in Portuguese and English, presented after the summary and after the abstract, respectively. When the text is submitted in Spanish, it should be presented in all three languages. Keywords should be separated by commas. Consult DeCS (Health Sciences Descriptors) and/or Sociological Abstracts.

For research involving humans, indicate whether current ethical procedures were followed. For intervention analyses, indicate whether all necessary ethical procedures were carried out. Also, state if the text has been presented at conferences, seminars, symposiums, or similar events.

Manuscripts are submitted online.

- Access Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy: Click HERE

- Do not have a login/password: ACCESS THE REGISTRATION PAGE

Registration in the system and subsequent access via login and password are mandatory for submitting papers and for following the ongoing editorial process.



Digital Assets


- Tables: Should be cited in the text in increasing numerical order (e.g., table 1, table 2, table 3, etc.) and have a numbered caption corresponding to their citation. Tables should be presented in an editable format (preferably use Microsoft Office Word® 2007 or later to prepare and submit tables in .doc format). Tables should also be properly identified and in grayscale. Tables should be inserted in the text in editable format and not at the end of the document or as attachments.

- Figures: Figures (diagrams, graphs, charts, images, and photographs) should be provided in high resolution (300 dpi), in JPG or TIF, in color and black and white, and should be perfectly legible. Every figure should be cited in the text in increasing numerical order (e.g., figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, etc.) and have a numbered caption corresponding to it. Figures should be submitted as supplementary documentation, in separate files, with the respective caption. Every diagram, graph, chart, image, and/or photograph should be named as a figure.

Texts may contain a maximum of five figures and/or tables.


Citations and References


- In-text citations: The authors’ names should be written with only the first letters capitalized, followed by the publication date of the reference. For example: “According to Silva (2009), [...]” or (Silva, 2009). When there are two authors, the names should be separated by “&”. For example: “According to Amarantes & Gomes (2003) [...]” or (Amarantes & Gomes, 2003). When there are more than two authors, the first author’s name should be followed by “et al.” Both the bibliography used and cited in the text must be in the reference list, and the entire reference list must be cited in the text.

Direct quotes (verbatim excerpts from the cited author’s work) of less than three lines should be inserted in the text within double quotation marks; direct quotes of more than three lines should be indented 4 cm from the left margin, in a font size one point smaller than the main text, and without quotation marks (in these cases, the page number(s) of the source must be specified).

- References: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references cited in the manuscript. References should follow APA guidelines as detailed in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Tutorials on how to format references can also be found on the website At the end of the manuscript, references should be presented and ordered alphabetically, as in the examples:


Cavalcanti, A., & Galvão, C. (2007). Terapia ocupacional: fundamentação & prática. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.

Book chapters

Castro, E. D., Lima, E. M. F. A., & Brunello, M. I. B. (2001). Atividades humanas e terapia ocupacional. In M. M. R. P. De Carlo & C. C. Bartalotti (Eds.), Terapia ocupacional no Brasil: fundamentos e perspectivas (pp. 41-59). São Paulo: Plexus.


Lopes, R. E. (2004). Terapia ocupacional em São Paulo: um percurso singular e geral. Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup., 12(2), 75-88.

Online articles

Magalhães Sobrinho, P., Carvalho Junior, J. A., Luz Silveira, J., & Magalhães Filho, P. (2000). Analysis of aluminum plates under heating in electrical and natural gas furnaces. Energy, 25(10), 975-987. Retrieved 29 June 2001.

Thesis and dissertations

Medeiros, M. H. R. (2004). A reforma da atenção ao doente mental em Campinas: um espaço para a terapia ocupacional (Doctoral dissertation). Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas.

Online thesis and dissertations

Fujita, M. S. L. (1985). PRECIS na língua portuguesa: uma experiência com a indexação de artigos de periódicos brasileiros (Master’s thesis). Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Retrieved 20 December 2001.

Legal documents

Brasil. (1997). Medida provisória nº 1.569-9, de 11 de dezembro de 1997. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, seção 1, p. 29514.

São Paulo. (2001, 1 de dezembro). Decreto nº 46.324, de 30 de novembro de 2001. Declara de utilidade pública a entidade que específica. Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, seção 1.

Online legal documents

Brasil. (2004, 3 de dezembro). Decreto nº 5.296 de 2 de dezembro de 2004. Regulamenta as Leis nos 10.048, de 8 de novembro de 2000, que dá prioridade de atendimento às pessoas que especifica, e 10.098, de 19 de dezembro de 2000, que estabelece normas gerais e critérios básicos para a promoção da acessibilidade das pessoas portadoras de deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, seção 1, p. 2. Retrieved 3 October 2008.


Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. (2008). Cidades@: São Carlos. Retrieved 21 June 2008.

Works published in event proceedings

Brayner, A. R. A., & Medeiros, C. B. (1994). Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In Anais do 9º Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados (pp. 16-29). São Paulo: USP.

Works published in online event proceedings

Alves, G. B. O. (2005). Assistência terapêutica ocupacional a indivíduos no pós-operatório imediato de patologias e traumas da mão. In Anais do 8º Encontro de Extensão da UFMG. Belo Horizonte: UFMG. Retrieved 20 October 2011.



Supplementary Documents


When submitting the manuscript, it is requested to send the Copyright Statement and the Open Science Compliance Form. When necessary, the Clinical Trials Registry is also requested.

- Copyright Statement

The “Responsibility, Copyright, and License Agreement Declaration” as per the model below must be signed by all authors and submitted during the article submission. At the time of text submission, authors must submit the Declarations of Responsibility, Conflict of Interest, and Agreement with Publication License Terms according to the models below, signed by all authors.


Declaration of Responsibility and Agreement with Publication License 

Title of the work:

I certify that I participated in the design of the work to make my responsibility for its content public, as well as that I presented pertinent information about the sources of funds received for the research development. I state that there are no connections or agreements between the authors and funding sources that characterize a real, potential, or apparent conflict of interest that could have affected the results of this work.

I certify that when the research involved experiments with human subjects, there was review and approval by the Ethics Committee of the relevant institution and that the dissemination of images was authorized, assuming full responsibility for it.

I certify that the text is original and that the work, in whole or in part, or any other material authored by me with substantially similar content, has not been submitted to another journal, in printed or electronic format.

I attest that, if requested, I will provide or fully cooperate in obtaining and providing the data on which the text is based for examination by the editors.

Full name(s) of the author(s) and signature(s):


- Open Science Compliance Form

Authors must submit the Open Science Compliance Form signed by all authors, according to the SciELO model.

- Clinical Trials Registry

The journal Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy supports the policies for the registration of clinical trials of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international dissemination of information on clinical studies in open access. Therefore, for clinical research, only articles that have received an identification number in one of the Clinical Trials Registries validated by the criteria established by WHO and the ICMJE, whose addresses are available on the ICMJE website, will be accepted for publication. The identification number should be recorded at the end of the abstract.



Additional Information


- Useful links

SciELO - Methodologies and Technologies: policies, guides, and tools





Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional
Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional/Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy

Rodovia Washington Luís, km 235
Caixa Postal 676 / CEP: 13565-905
São Carlos (SP), Brazil



Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional Rodovia Washington Luis, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP: , 13565-905, São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55-16-3361-8749 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil