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About the journal

Focus and Scope

  Education & Society's scope is to publish research articles, essays, states of the art, interviews and critical reviews of books based on social theories aimed at analyzing the relationship between education and society.  

Brief history


Educação & Sociedade is one of the most significant journals published in the field of education today in the Brazilian country. 

The first issue of Educação & Sociedade, published by the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), was launched during the 1st Brazilian Education Seminar (SEB), held in 1978 at Unicamp. The Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (CEDES) emerged in March 1979, in Campinas (SP), due to the work of some educators concerned with reflection and action linked to the relationship between education and society. After its creation, CEDES began publishing Education & Society.

This publication was created to promote academic research and encourage discussions about teaching from various perspectives. Over the years, it has accumulated a wealth of analyses, information, debates, theoretical sources, and reports of pedagogical experiences. This makes it a valuable resource for scientists and educators working in the humanities and other fields of knowledge.

Educação & Sociedade's work of opening to Latin American and European countries is worth highlighting. As an internationally indexed journal, it receives contributions from authors from various countries. This cosmopolitan exchange has not only brought rigorously discussed and novel topics to the education sector but also renewed interest in various academic research lines.



Open Science Compliance


Educação & Sociedade is committed to Open Science communication practices.

Open Science is a new approach to research that emphasizes transparency and accessibility. It involves using new methods to format, design, manage, communicate, and evaluate research. This includes ensuring that all research components, such as methods, data, and computer programs, are available to everyone. Open Science promotes significant changes in how journals edit and publish articles, including continuous publication and preprint repositories. These changes are designed to make evaluating articles easier, replicating research, and reusing collected data.

The implementation and enhancement of Open Science's scientific communication practices necessitate the following: open access; preprints as the initial stage of article production; transparent handling of research data; provision of program codes and other materials that support articles; transparency and step-by-step disclosure of the manuscript evaluation process; public dissemination of research and compatibility with the worldwide stream of scientific information and knowledge.

Preprints are draft versions of research manuscripts that authors submit to open-access web servers before, or in parallel to, submitting them to academic journals. If an author chooses to use preprints, they must inform the journal of the manuscript's deposition on a preprint server, as well as its name and URL. This pre-publication process can accelerate the communication of research results, allowing authors to receive feedback from readers and make any necessary changes to their work.

Articles submitted for publication must be previously unpublished, either in printed or electronic media, except for preprint repositories. Simultaneous submissions to other journals are not permitted.

The responsible author must complete and attach the Open Science Compliance Form at the time of submission. The form should mention the following information - (a) whether the manuscript is a preprint and its location if it is; (b) whether the data, program codes and other materials that support the manuscript have been properly cited and referenced; and (c) whether open options are accepted in the peer-review process.



Publication Ethics


Before submitting their research, the authors must ensure they have followed all ethical guidelines regarding scientific integrity. They must also disclose any funding sources, such as research agencies. If applicable, the author must declare that the ethical principles were submitted to and approved by the institution's ethics committee. The author is solely responsible for complying with good ethical practices in research.

Educação & Sociedade adheres to the ethical codes of SciELO, including the "Guide of Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication", the "Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications" recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the principles of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

For research conducted in a virtual environment, we rely on the CONEP document – National Research Ethics Commission. If you are a researcher from abroad, please consult an equivalent document or contact our editorial secretary for assistance.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy program.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographical Sheet

  • Journal title: Education & Society
  • Short title: Educ. Soc. (Online)
  • Published by: Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Publication mode: Continuous Publication
  • Year of creation of the periodical: 1978


Websites and Social Media






Educação & Sociedade accepts preprint articles for faster communication of research results and to receive feedback from readers and make any modifications he deems pertinent.

Preprint refers to a manuscript that is uploaded onto trusted preprint servers before or simultaneously with submission to a journal.

Authors have the option to use preprints. If they choose to do so, they should inform the name of the preprint server and the preprint DOI while submitting the article to the journal through the Open Science Compliance Form.

When articles are submitted to preprints, the authorship becomes known, and the double anonymized evaluation process is not used. This allows preprints to share the originality of the publication with journals.



Peer review process


Educação & Sociedade's primary role is to evaluate research manuscripts in three areas: analyzing research based on the scientific method, ensuring adherence to ethical standards, and ensuring alignment with Open Science practices and the research theme.

The journal has established certain criteria for evaluating texts. These criteria include adherence to formatting requirements, originality, relevance to the topic, clear and precise articulation of the subject matter, consistency of theoretical and methodological content, analytical rigor, presentation quality, and suitability for the editorial scope.

The evaluation process for submitted works comprises four phases. (1) Firstly, the editors-in-chief screen the work to ensure that it aligns with the editorial line and scope of the journal and meets the formal requirements. They also assess its potential for publication. (2) Secondly, the section editors conduct a preliminary evaluation to determine the article's contribution and quality to the journal. This involves verifying the precision of the object's delimitation, theoretical and methodological consistencies, and analytical rigor. (3) Thirdly, the peer evaluation process begins, with editors requiring at least two evaluators to carry out a double-anonymized evaluation. However, articles available on preprint servers or those whose authors choose open evaluation (Open Science Compliance Form) may undergo a "simple anonymized" evaluation. (4) Finally, the Similarity Check system assesses the articles approved in the previous phases for similarity to previously published works. If a high degree of similarity is detected, the article may be rejected, as originality is a requirement. However, articles on preprint servers are an exception.

The final decision on articles will be based on recommendations from section editors and evaluators, and author adjustments. 

After peer review, it is up to the editors to recommend whether to accept, reject, or reformulate works. If reformulation is necessary, the texts will be returned for final evaluation.

The author will receive the evaluation result indicating whether the submission is (1) accepted, (2) requires corrections, (3) needs to be resubmitted,(4) or rejected.

During the evaluation process, for authors who opted for open evaluation, Educação & Sociedade offers evaluators the option of communicating directly with the corresponding author, whether or not their identities are open.

Educação & Sociedade publish the editor's name and ORCID in the evaluated article's final version.



Open data


In order to support the consolidation of Open Science practices, the author is required to share all content, including data, program codes, and other materials that underlie the text of the manuscript, either before or at the time of publication. However, exceptions can be made in cases involving legal or ethical issues.

The aim is to make it easier to assess the manuscript and ensure the preservation, reuse, and replicability of data and information.

For sharing research data, authors can use their institution's repository or choose a relevant and certified repository from the List of repositories for depositing SciELO research data.

Alternatively, the author may state that the data will be made available upon direct request to the author or that all data are contained and discussed in the article.

If there is a repository where the data and information are stored, it should be cited in the text following the Research Data Citation Guide. This citation should be included in the methodological section, listed in the references and in the "Data Availability" section of the research report.





Aiming at the financial sustainability of the article publication process, Educação & Sociedade proposes that authors contribute to the publication, proposing the following alternatives:

  • Authors have the option to become members of the CEDES institution. If an author chooses to join, the annual membership fee for 2024 is R$350.00 (three hundred and fifty Reais) for each author. For foreign authors, the fee is US$100.00 (one hundred dollars);
  • Authors have the option to COLLABORATION FOR EDITORIAL PRODUCTION PER ARTICLE. The cost for the main author linked to institutions in Brazil is R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais) for the year 2024. For authors linked to countries in Latin America, Central America or Africa, the cost is US$200.00 (two hundred dollars). For the main author linked to institutions in North America, Asia, Europe or Oceania, the cost is US$300.00 (three hundred dollars).

It's important to mention that collaboration or association is only required from authors whose articles have been approved for publication. There are no costs for submitting articles.



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction


When an author submits an article for publication in Educação & Sociedade, they must state that they followed all ethical guidelines regarding the integrity of scientific activities during the research. Additionally, they should disclose any funding sources, such as research agencies, and declare if ethical principles were submitted to and approved by their institution's ethics committee. It is solely the author's responsibility to ensure compliance with good ethical practices in research.

All articles will be evaluated based on social markers of difference, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, nationality, among others, as well as the authors' political stances.

Regarding the authorship of the work, all individuals who contributed to the creation, development, and analysis of the data presented should be recognized as authors. Therefore, it is the author's responsibility to identify and include all co-authors who effectively collaborated in writing the article. All authors must accept responsibility for the article's content and record their respective contributions at the end of the manuscript in case of acceptance for publication.

If an author discovers any errors after publication, they must inform the editors immediately to publish appropriate errata.

Educação & Sociedade use a system called Similarity Check to identify misconduct, which includes practices like plagiarism, self-plagiarism, republication of articles, and data falsification. However, if the system fails to detect any misconduct and the article gets published, the author may face editorial sanctions, such as retracting plagiarized or previously published scientific articles.

Several principles of ethics in scientific publication support Educação & Sociedade. These include the codes of ethics from SciELO's "Guide of Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication," the "Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications" recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics [COPE], the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals [DOAJ], and the principles of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association [OASPA].

The CONEP document – National Research Ethics Commission – is used as a reference for research in a virtual environment. For researchers abroad, consult an equivalent document or contact the editorial secretary.



Conflict of Interest Policy


It is mandatory for authors to declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest, as the reliability of the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how conflicts of interest are managed during writing, peer review and decision-making by editors. The conflict of interest may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature.

Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, evaluators or editors have interests that, apparent or not, may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

To make a well-informed decision on a manuscript, it's important to be aware of the authors' competing interests. It's not necessarily about eliminating these interests, as they are often unavoidable. It's worth noting that manuscripts won't be rejected solely due to a conflict of interest.

If there are no conflicts of interest related to the study, you should simply transcribe the note below and add it in the designated field: "There were no conflicts of interest to carry out this study." It's important to note that information about any potential conflicts of interest related to the authors will be included at the end of the published article. If authors are unsure about what may constitute a conflict of interest, they should contact the editorial secretary of Educação & Sociedade for guidance.

In this way, it is expected:

Authors: When submitting a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their work. They must acknowledge all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections in relation to the research.

Reviewers: must inform the editors about any conflicts of interest that may affect their judgment of the manuscript. They should also declare themselves unqualified to review specific manuscripts if they think it necessary. If the reviewers do not mention any potential conflicts, it may mean that there are conflicts that have not been disclosed or that there are no conflicts at all. Therefore, reviewers are requested to provide statements of competing interests, which will be used to assess the value of peer reports.

Editors: They must declare potential conflicts of interest in evaluating manuscripts, as well as act to prevent conflicts of interest involving authors and reviewers from compromising ethical standards in publication.



Adoption of similarity-checking software


Approved articles, after the peer review process, will be submitted to the Similarity Check system for similarity assessment. If a submitted text shows significant similarity with a published work, the corresponding author will be contacted for adjustments, and the article may be rejected due to the requirement for originality.



Sex and Gender Issues


All articles will be evaluated based on the authors' political positions, as well as social markers of difference like gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and nationality.

Manuscripts submitted to Educação & Sociedade must comply with the principles of the Guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER), which guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study planning, analysis of data and results and interpretation of findings.

As per this guideline, the terms "sex" (biological attribute) and "gender" (shaped by social and cultural circumstances) should be used carefully to avoid any confusion.

Additionally, Educação & Sociedade adheres to a gender equity policy for forming its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


The CONEP document is a reference for research in a virtual environment. Researchers abroad should consult an equivalent document or contact the editorial secretary.





The copyright of articles published by Educação & Sociedade is retained by their respective authors. These articles are licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license, which permits unrestricted reuse and distribution of the articles, provided that the original work is correctly cited.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


All content on Education & Society, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Educação & Sociedade encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts. They can publish them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media. Additionally, they can post them on their personal social media as long as the full citation is included in the website version of the periodic.



Sponsors and Development Agencies


"Educação & Sociedade" is supported by the following organizations.:

  • Dean of Extension and Research at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas supports CEDES in the infrastructure sector.
  • Support Program for Scientific Publications of the [Brazilian] Ministry of Science and Technology and the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development.



Editorial board





Assistant editor



Associate editors



Permanent collaborators, National Editorial Board and International Editorial Board


The complete list can be found at:



Ad hoc evaluators


The list of ad hoc evaluators is published at the end of each year and is available at:

Vol. 44 (2023)
Vol. 43 (2022)
Vol. 42 (2021)
Vol. 41 (2020)
Vol. 40 (2019)



Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (CEDES)



  • President: Sergio Stoco 
  • Vice – President: Maria Aparecida Guedes Monção
  • First Secretary: Karine Morgan
  • Segundo Secretário: Gabriel Meneses Barros
  • First Treasurer: André Luiz Paulilo
  • Second Treasurer: Nadia Pedroti Drabach
  • Communications Director: Ingrid Costa Ribeiro Souza
  • Events Director: Theresa Adrião

Scientific Technical Council

  • Regina Tereza Cestari de Oliveira
  • Luciana Marques
  • Rodrigo Pereira
  • Flávia Monteiro de Barros Araújo
  • Gilda Araujo
  • Maria Augusta Peixoto Mundim
  • Vera Lúcia Jacob Chaves
  • Vera Peroni
  • Cassia Domiciano

Fiscal Council

  • Andreza Barbosa
  • Ana Elisa Spaolonsi


Membership, marketing and distribution information


Tel.: 55 (19) 3521-6710



Editorial responsibility


EDUCAÇÃO & SOCIEDADE: Educational Sciences Magazine
Av. Berttrand Russel n° 801 - Fac. de Educação - Anexo II 1° andar - sala 2 
Campinas, SP, Brazil, CEP: 13083 – 865
Tel.: +55 19 3521-6710/6708


Editorial production


Linceu Editorial Ltda
Tel.: 12 99162 5609




Instructions for authors



Educação & Sociedade is a multilingual journal that publishes articles written in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, revised in their original language. The publication of the translation of the article into English and its version into Portuguese when originally written in a foreign language is encouraged, with the author being responsible for the respective translation, version and review costs.

Only articles that fall within the journal's scope will be considered for publication. This means that only topics based on social theories aimed at analyzing the relationship between education and society will be accepted. Articles that are limited to replicating projects, research reports, chapters of theses or dissertations, and course conclusion works will not be considered. Moreover, works that have already been published in annals and periodicals, nationally or internationally, in either printed or digital format, in any language, will not be accepted, except for original articles that were previously made available on preprint servers. Reports of experiences and descriptive articles will not be considered unless they include a theoretical-methodological treatment of the topic.

The complete works along with their subsequent translations will be accessible in electronic format on the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) website. Educação & Sociedade takes no responsibility for the opinions or views expressed in the published texts and affirms that they are solely the author's responsibility. These views do not necessarily represent the opinions of its editorial board.

Articles sent for evaluation must be unpublished, in printed or electronic media, except those available in preprint repositories, and simultaneous submission to another journal will not be permitted.

The publication of articles, critical reviews and other works in Educação & Sociedade, after final approval, will require the author to make a solidary contribution to the editorial production, with a view to ensuring the sustainability of the journal in open access, which is edited by an association without non-profit, according to the letter, with justification and guidelines, presented on the page of the Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (CEDES).

In general, the processing time for submitted works is up to nine months, between the date of submission and the final decision, and up to twelve months, considering the dates of submission and publication of the article.

When submitting the manuscript, the author must complete and attach the “Open Science Compliance Form” as a supplementary file. Through it, the author declares to follow the practices of Open Science.

Each author may only have one article in progress at a time, and the publication of texts written by the same author will respect a twelve-month interval between publications.

It is essential to adhere to the guidelines listed here. Failure to do so will result in immediate rejection of the text.



Types of documents accepted


Educação & Sociedade publishes original research papers, essays, state-of-the-art pieces, interviews, and book reviews. The journal seeks original and innovative content, except materials already shared on preprint servers. The article evaluation process will consider the density and theoretical-methodological rigor of the approach to the topic. In the case of a research article, it is necessary to provide the title of the original project and the funding agency, if applicable.

According to the theme, articles are published in the following sections:

Editorial: section intended for the publication of critical texts prepared by the Education & Society Editorial Board, dealing with scientific themes, subject to citations, under the responsibility of the editors;

Dossier: section intended for publishing articles on specific topics and organized as a dossier. This section comprises a presentation of the topic covered, capable of citations, prepared by its organizers;

Articles: section intended for publishing texts in two categories, with a predominance of research articles, aligned with Open Science:

  • Articles: original works that result from either theoretical or empirical research. They start by addressing questions or research hypotheses and are supported by clearly expressed theoretical and methodological references. These references necessarily refer to social theories and concepts, which are used to explain the complex relationship between education and society, interpret sources, analyze research results, and draw conclusions.;
  • Essays: original written works that are based on social theories and concepts. They are meant to explain the complex relationships between education and society, presenting a thesis, arguments and counter-arguments, interpretations, or analysis of available data and empirical evidence. Essays should reveal erudition, creativity, and in-depth knowledge around a topic or problem, as well as the author's position on the matter.

Review & Synthesis: section intended for publishing state of the art or state of knowledge. Studies are published here, with theoretical and methodological foundations, on themes and problems referenced in updated data collection and with critical analysis of the field;

Analysis of Pedagogical Practices: section intended for the publication of articles based on social theories, related to studies on pedagogical practices and their effects inside and outside the classroom;

Training of Education Professionals: section intended for the publication of productions whose scope is to reflect on the initial and continued training processes of professionals linked to the educational field;

Education, Race, Gender and Sexual Diversity: section dedicated to studies, research and theoretical and critical reflections on education, race, gender and sexual diversity, based on an intersectional approach and in conjunction with issues of economic and social inequalities;

Debates & Controversies: section intended for the publication of articles resulting from research or essays that problematize current and controversial themes about the relationship between education and society;

Images & Words: section intended for the publication of works on topics related to media and education, as well as essays and critical reviews of books, films and other cultural products of interest to the educational field. Reviews will be accepted if they are critical, provide new knowledge, and are not confused with the summary of works. Reviews of books outside the domain of Educational Sciences will not be accepted for publication;

Special Section: section intended for the publication of articles resulting from research related to a theme annually defined by the editors, given its relevance for qualified study and analysis based on social theories articulated with education and society.



Author Contribution


All individuals who played a role in the conception, development, and analysis of the data presented will be considered as authors. Therefore, once the manuscript is approved, the corresponding author will be requested to provide the contributions of each author in the following categories: Problematization and Conceptualization, Analysis, Writing, and Final Approval. This information will be included in the "Author Contributions" section at the end of the manuscript.



Availability of research data


During the editorial phase, the author responsible for the article will be requested to share information regarding the research data associated with the article. The author can choose from the following options: (1) The data is available at a specific repository along with its DOI; (2) Data will be provided upon request; (3) All the data relevant to the study have been generated or analyzed in this research; (4) The question is not applicable.





Acknowledgments for the financial support received from funding institutions for carrying out the research and preparing the manuscript must be informed, if any. The name of the financing agency must be written in full, followed by the grant number. If a specific project grant did not fund the research, the following information must be included: “This research did not receive a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors.”





They must include the collaboration of people, groups or institutions that deserve recognition but do not have justification for their inclusion as authors.



Guidelines for submitting thematic dossier proposals


E&S also publishes thematic dossiers, depending on the magazine's scope. These dossiers can be designed based on proposals or calls from the magazine's editors or the national and international academic community.

Dossier proposals sent by the academic community will be examined by the Editors and Associate Editors of E&S, who are responsible for their approval. Proposals presenting relevant and emerging themes and considering the relationships between education and society will be privileged. Proposals must be sent to the email address

The minimum requirements for submitting proposals for thematic dossiers are:

  •  title and summary of the proposed dossier;
  •  name and CV of the dossier organizer (a maximum of two organizers per dossier will be allowed);
  • the problematization of the topic and its justification;
  •  dossier structure, with a maximum of ten articles;
  •  list of articles that will make up the dossier, containing titles and expanded summaries of each of them (maximum of two pages each);
  •  name and CV of the dossier contributors;
  • request by the dossier organizer for the contribution of national and international experts;
  •  at least two articles by foreign authors;
  •  Unpublished articles are not published in any medium, printed, digital or otherwise, nor under evaluation by another periodical.

The deadline for analyzing a dossier proposal by the Editorial Committee is a maximum of three months, at the end of which the organizer will receive an email informing about the result;

If the proposal is approved, the organizer must ask all the authors who make up the dossier to register on the SciELO platform and submit their articles for evaluation (see "Work Submission" previously) according to the dates agreed upon between the organizer and the magazine editors.

If the initial proposal is modified or deadlines are not met without the editors' consultation and consent, the dossier proposal will be automatically eliminated.

Approval of the dossier does not imply automatic approval of the articles contained therein. Each article will be subject to specific evaluation, at the end of which changes may be suggested, or its exclusion from the dossier may be required. In this case, the organizer is responsible for replacing the file and respecting the deadlines agreed with the editors. Substitutions may only occur with the explicit consent of the editors.

Only dossiers with a minimum of six articles with favorable opinions will be published.

The organizer is responsible for monitoring the editorial production of the dossier during all stages, acting, whenever requested, as an intermediary between editors and writers.

The organizer, who is the presentation's author, may also be the author of an article.

The dossier must contain a maximum of ten articles, complying with the article submission rules of the E&S magazine.

The editors of E&S magazine will analyze omitted cases.

Manuscript Preparation


When submitting a manuscript, the responsible author must provide the following information for all authors in the designated fields of the article submission system: full name, ORCID, institutional affiliation, email, and a brief CV that includes the author's title. Please note that submissions with incomplete information will be rejected right away.



Article Submission Format


Authors should check their text for spelling and grammar before submitting it to the journal. The submitted text, which includes abstracts, notes, and bibliographic references, should have a character count of no less than 35,000 and no more than 60,000 characters with spaces. However, the editors may allow for a deviation from this rule in exceptional cases. Critical reviews should not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces. Articles that are submitted to the “Review and Synthesis” section, because of their specific content, may contain up to 65,000 characters with spaces.

The author's identification must be removed from the document's properties, and the author must exclude direct citations, references and notes that refer to publications, links and own projects from the body of the article, replacing this information with "Author, YEAR."

Originals must be submitted in the extension, .doc or .docx (Word for Windows), Open Office or .rtf, with the following characteristics:

- Title and subtitle of the article: font Times New Roman 16, centered, bold, with a maximum of twelve words, representing the article's content. The title and subtitle must also be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish (or French, if the article is in this language) and must be in bold and italics.

Internal titles and subtitles: fontTimes New Roman 14, respectively, bold and centered.

- Abstract and keywords: excepting reviews and interviews, articles should include an abstract of up to 800 characters (including spaces) and a maximum of five keywords separated by a period. The abstract and keywords should briefly summarize the article's content and make it easy to identify. Please use Times New Roman 12 font and avoid indentation. Both the abstract and keywords must be presented in English and Spanish. If the article was originally written in French, the Spanish version can be replaced by the French version.

- Main text: Times New Roman 12 font, no paragraph indentation, 1.15 spacing between lines and 6 pt before and after paragraphs; 3 cm margins.

- Tables and graphs: must be in the body of the article text, presented following the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). They must be identified with the respective title and source (mandatory), as well as caption (if any). Tables must always be in editable format and never in image form.



Figures and Tables


Images, figures and photographs: All images must be in the body of the text, in good resolution, properly numbered and accompanied by captions and source indication. 

Tables and graphs: they must be in the body of the article, identified with the respective title and source (mandatory), as well as the caption (if any). Tables must always be in editable format and never in images.



Citations and References


Citation: Citations must follow the author-date system of ABNT NBR 10520:2023 standards.

- Author cited outside of parentheses: capital letter followed by lowercase letters with year and page:
According to Elia (1979), Bopp laid the foundations for identifying kinship between languages.

- Author cited in parentheses: capital letter followed by lowercase letters with year and page.
It is now known that it is not possible to support the thesis that Vulgar Latin was homogeneous (Elia, 1979, p. 42).

- Indirect citation: do not use quotation marks, but indicate author, date and page.
For Elia (1979, p. 2), there is a part-to-whole relationship between philology and linguistics.

- Direct quotation with less than three lines: use double quotation marks, also indicating author, date and page; Use single quotation marks for quotation within quotation.
Superstrata are called “[...] the languages of conquering peoples that influence the language of conquered peoples without, however, absorbing it” (Elia, 1979, p. 110).

- Direct quotation with more than three lines: paragraph with 4 cm indentation, font size 10, without italics and quotation marks, indicating at the end in parentheses the author, date and page.
As Elia recalls in relation to Bopp’s method,
[...] one of the most important results of the method was the genealogical classification of languages, according to which a group of languages is traced back to the common ancestor (common Slavic, common Germanic, common Latin...) of which those are phases or differentiations (Elia, 1979, p. 5).

- Interventions in direct quotation: ellipsis in brackets for deletions; interpolations, additions or comments in brackets; emphasis or emphasis in italics.
They are called superstrata “[...] the languages of conquering peoples that influence the language of conquered peoples without [...] absorbing it” (Elia, 1979, p. 110).

- Citation of more than one work by the same author published in the same year: add lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the date and without space in the text and references.
Portuguese has been included in Romanesque studies in Brazil (Elia, 1979a, 1979b).

- Citation of more than one work by the same author published in different years: separate the year with a comma.
Elia (1961, 1989) dealt with the issue of Brazilian Portuguese [language].

- Citation of a work with more than one author: separate each author by a semicolon.
The dialectal differences between Brazilian Portuguese [language] and [Portugal] Portuguese appear at different linguistic levels (Cunha; Cintra, 1985, p. 9-24).

- Citation of works by different authors: separate by work by semicolon in alphabetical order.
Romanesque linguistics has been treated in Brazil by different academics (Elia, 1979; Miazzi, 1976).

- Citation of a work extracted from another work: indicate the author and year of the citation, include the expression apud and indicate the author, year and page of the work in which the citation was made.
As Meillet (1917-1919, p. 230 apud Elia, 1979, p. 4) had pointed out, “[...] les romanistes imitent trop souvent la grammaire comparée des langues indo-europeennes par ses mauvais cotés”.

References: must comply with NBR 6.023/2018 of ABNT, being ordered alphabetically by the first author's surname. All authors may be cited in references with up to three authors, separated by semicolons. In references with more than three authors, cite only the first author, followed by the expression “et al.”. The accuracy of the references in the list and the correct citation of their data in the text is the responsibility of the work's author.

- Books (one author)
FRIGOTTO, G. Educação e a crise do capitalismo real. 4. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2000.

- Books (two authors)
BABIN, P.; KOULOUMDJIAN, M. Os novos modelos de compreender: a geração do audiovisual e do computador. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1989.

- Book chapter
OLIVEIRA, F. Neoliberalismo à brasileira. In: GENTILI, P. (Org.). Pós-neoliberalismo: as políticas sociais e o estado democrático. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra, 1995. p. 29-34.

- Journal articles (with more than 3 authors)
PODSAKOFF, P.M. et al. Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, Greenwich, Conn., v. 1, n. 2, p. 107-142, 1990.

- Theses
CARVALHO, W.L.P. O ensino das ciências sob a perspectiva da criatividade: uma análise fenomenológica.1991. 302f. Thesis (Doctorate in Education) - Thesis (Doctorate in Education), Campinas, 1992.

- Online journal articles
CURY, C. R. J. Do público e do privado na Constituição de 1988 e nas Leis Educacionais. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, v. 39, n. 145, p. 870-889, 2018.

- Books in electronic format
BANCO MUNDIAL. Um ajuste justo: análise da eficiência e equidade do gasto público no Brasil. [S. l.]: Grupo Banco Mundial, 2017. (Volume I: Synthesis.) Available in: Accessed on: May 15, 2020.

- Signed article (Newspapers)
DIMENSTEIN, G. Escola da vida. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 14 jul. 2002. Folha Campinas, p. 2.

- Unsigned article (Newspapers)
FUNGOS e chuva ameaçam livros históricos. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 5 july. 2002. Cotidiano, p. 6.

- Decrees and Laws
BRASIL. Decree n. 2.134, January 24, 1997. Regulates art. 23 of Law no. 8,159, of January 8, 1991, which provides for the category of confidential public documents and access to them, and provides other measures. Diário Oficial da União: section 1, Brasília, DF, n. 18, p. 1435-1436, 27 jan. 1997.

- Federal Constitution
BRASIL. [Constituição (1988)]. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília, DF: Federal Senate, 1988.

- Official report
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ. Report 1999. [Curitiba: UFPR], 1979. Mimeographed.

- Videos
VILLA-LOBOS: o índio de casaca. Rio de Janeiro: Manchete Vídeo, 1987. 1 video tape (120 min.), VHS, sound, color.

- Articles published in Congress Annals
PARO, V.H. Administração escolar e qualidade do ensino: o que os pais ou responsáveis têm a ver com isso? In: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE POLÍTICA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO, 18., 1997, Porto Alegre. Annals [...]Porto Alegre, Edipucrs, 1997. p. 303-314.



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