Logomarca do periódico: Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa

Open-access Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa

Publication of: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília
Area: Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 0102-3772
ISSN online version: 1806-3446



A brief history


With the aim of promoting scientific progress and increasing the visibility of authors, the journal Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa was founded in 1985 by the Institute of Psychology at the University of Brasilia, with Professor Eunice M. L. Soriano de Alencar as editor-in-chief. Its main purpose is to publish empirical studies, literature reviews, as well as theoretical and methodological articles.

Between 1985 and 2006, it was published every four months. Since 2007, it has been published quarterly. Since 2017, the journal Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa has fully adopted the continuous publication format for submitted articles.

In the period 2008-2012, the journal maintained its A1 rating in the CAPES evaluation, conducted by the Sucupira platform, which seeks to assess the quality of journals with both national and international relevance. Aiming to promote internationalization, it began publishing articles in Spanish and English from 2016, making publication in English compulsory from 2020.

It has now reached the 40-volume mark and has published more than 1,000 articles on the SciELO platform. Professors Elaine Rabelo Neiva and Deise Matos do Amparo are editor-in-chief and executive editor, respectively. It also has several associate editors, both national and international, from various universities and countries, such as Switzerland, Portugal, Italy and France.



Compliance with Open Science


In line with Open Science practices, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa: has started to encourage reviewers to adhere to Open Peer Review, according to which it publishes, on the title page of each article, information about the editors and reviewers who contributed to the peer-review process of that article. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa: also encourages and invites reviewers and authors to allow the dissemination of the peer review reports containing the reviewers' comments and the authors' responses, which are shared together with the published article.

Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa also accepts the submission of articles that have been deposited in preprint, as long as they are stored on reliable platforms such as SciELO Preprints.

At the time of submission, authors must complete and send the Open Science  Compliance Form along with a cover letter, stating their position on preprints, research data and other materials, as well as their stance on open peer review.



Publication Ethics


Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa carries out its work in accordance with the ethical principles of COPE, the "SciELO Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication" and the "Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publishing" recommended by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME.

To promote research integrity, strengthening and transparency in the process, all published material complies with the Good Practice Guide for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication and the Open Science Compliance Form.

Cases of plagiarism reported after articles have been published will be analysed by the Editorial Committee and, if the complaint is confirmed, the article will be withdrawn immediately. Authors may also be penalised.

It is understood that "research misconduct" does not include honest mistakes or differences of opinion, and authors are subject to the sanctions established by the Editorial Board when actions pertinent to the concept presented here are detected.



Focus and Scope


Psychology: Theory and Research publishes original work linked to four main thematic areas:

  • Behavioural Sciences and Neurosciences;
  • Developmental and School Psychology;
  • Clinical Psychology and Culture; 
  • Social, Work and Organisational Psychology.

Manuscripts should fall into the following categories: empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles and methodological articles.  Signed articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and the opinions and judgements contained therein do not necessarily express the positions of the Editorial Board.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy of the SciELO Programme.



Indexing Sources


Os artigos publicados são indexados em:

  • Francis (INIST)
  • GALE
  • Index Psi
  • Latindex
  • Pascal (INIST)
  • Psyc INFO
  • Ulrich's
  • SciELO




-    Journal title: Psicologia (Universidade de Brasília)
-    Short title: Psicol. (Univ. Brasília)
-    Published by: Brasília DF: Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Psicologia
-    Periodicity: Anual
-    Publication type: Publicação Contínua
-    Year the journal was created: 1985



Websites and Social Media

  • X: @teoriaepesquisa
  • Instagram: @psicologiateoriaepesquisa 
  • LinkdIn
  • Facebook




Peer review process


The editorial process begins with the selection and evaluation of the submitted manuscript by the editorial team and the Editorial Committee in order to specify the manuscript's adherence to the editorial guidelines and standards of the American Psychological Association - APA. After the initial screening, the articles will be evaluated using the peer-review process, i.e. the articles will be submitted for approval by at least two evaluators who are experts on the topics covered. Articles will be sent for evaluation without identifying authorship. The originals will be sent immediately to the evaluators.

In line with Open Science practices, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa offers authors and reviewers the option of opening up the peer review process, with or without identifying their names. Authorisation to disclose their names can be given by the authors when submitting the article and by the reviewers by filling in the Open Science Compliance Form. In the case of publication of the evaluations on which the decision to publish the article was based, these may be edited by the editorial board of Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa. The contribution of the section editors is duly credited in the published article. The evaluators receive a statement of opinion on the manuscript.



Open data


Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa encourages the sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials made available in open online repositories such as SciELO Data, Zenodo, Figshare and OSF. If this information cannot be published in the article itself, it should be indicated in the manuscript. Consequently, papers reporting research should indicate and reference the availability of the content underlying the research and the results obtained.



Charging Fees


Submission of articles is free of initial fees. However, upon approval and if the authors are interested in publication, a fee of R$1,000.00 will apply for articles in English. For the inclusion of other languages, the additional fee is R$500.00 for each language chosen. It is important to emphasise that the responsibility for translating accepted articles rests exclusively with the authors, who must bear the costs of publication and translation, without providing translators.



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction


Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa adopts procedures for registering and publishing errata, retractions and expressions of concern based on the norms presented by SciELO, which in turn follow the guidelines of the main international ethics, indexing and scientific publication committees. The main reference in the journal area is the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Retraction Standards.

Possible errors will be analysed in official editions or following receipt of reports of irregularities. Manifestations or requests for correction should be sent to the journal's e-mail address.

Based on the general guidelines of COPE and specifically the Council of Science Editors, there are three methods for correcting scientific literature.

  • Errata: referring to changes in parts of the article. Corrections can be to the title of the article, the names of the authors or layout errors;
  • Retraction: which refers to partial corrections to the article due to methodological errors, incorrect analysis of data, scientific misconduct or non-reproducible research. The article may be removed from the page;
  • Expression of concern: which refers to the publication of a warning by the editor when there is concern about the reliability of an article, but the information is insufficient to justify a retraction.

The editorial team may issue a retraction in the following cases: 1. evidence that the research data is unreliable; 2. the author's refusal to correct errors or mistakes; 3. the existence of information without authorisation for use; 4. copyright infringement or the existence of some other relevant legal issue; 5. the existence of plagiarism or redundant publication; 6. the absence of communication of a relevant conflict of interest to be assessed; 7. there is some unethical content in the research.

The editorial team may not issue a retraction in the following cases: 1. the existence of a dispute over the authorship of the publication; 2. the possibility of correcting or sanitising the data; 3. the absence of conclusive evidence; 4. the existence of potential conflicts of interest, but with no concrete relevance to the case.

Allegations of misconduct by authors, reviewers and editors will be analysed by the Editorial Team within sixty days. This includes suspicions of discrepancies, plagiarism, falsification of data and other improper practices that may have an impact on editorial metrics. If misconduct is identified, the article that is the subject of the complaint will be excluded from the journal, with the respective justifications.



Conflict of Interest Policy


Conflicts of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. When submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for recognising and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must disclose this in a signed document attached to the submission platform. For more information see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Adoption of similarity checking software


All articles submitted to Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa will be analysed by the iThenticate plagiarism detector during the initial and final processing and preparation of the manuscript by the journal's editor-in-chief. Plagiarism is considered to be the appropriation of another's ideas, processes, results or words without giving due credit.

A single paragraph without proper citation is enough for the manuscript to be returned to the author(s). For cases of self-plagiarism, the law allows a maximum of 10 per cent for articles or 50 per cent when the manuscript is the result of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. Above this, the manuscript is returned to the author(s), who can make the necessary changes and resubmit the article to the journal.

Cases of plagiarism reported to the journal after the articles have been published will be analysed by the editorial committee and, if the complaint is confirmed, the article will be removed from the journal immediately. Penalties may also be imposed on the authors.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results and interpretation of findings. In addition, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.





All content is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence, except where otherwise noted.

Authors of articles published by Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution licence, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.  Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa retains the right of first publication. 

The journal encourages authors to publish pdfs of the final version of their articles on their personal and institutional websites, mentioning the original publication in Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies



  • Universidade de Brasília


  • Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF)


  • Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI)


  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


  • Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)








Executive Editor



Associate or Section Editor(s)



Technical Team





Types of documents accepted


Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa publishes original articles linked to the following areas of Psychology:

  • Behavioural Sciences and Neurosciences; 
  • Developmental and School Psychology;  
  • Clinical Psychology and Culture; and 
  • Social, Work and Organisational Psychology.

In terms of types of contribution, according to APA standards, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa accepts manuscripts that fall into the following categories:

Empirical Studies: These are reports of original research using primary or secondary data sources. Their typical structure consists of different sections that reflect the stages of the research process and appear in the following order: introduction (development of the problem with a review of the empirical literature concerning the problem and presentation of the research purposes); method (description of the participants/subjects, instruments, materials/equipment and procedures used to conduct the research); results (report of findings and analyses); and discussion (summary, interpretation and implications of the results). This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages, including summary, abstract, figures, tables and references. The summary and abstract should each be a maximum of 120 words.

Literature Review: These are summaries of research or meta-analyses and consist of a critical evaluation of previously published material. The purpose of this type of contribution is for the authors to integrate and evaluate previously published material, considering the progress of research and seeking to clarify a specific problem. It is important that they make relevant contributions and analyse a considerable body of publications. Authors are expected to: (a) clearly define a problem; (b) summarise previous research to inform the reader about the state of research; (c) identify relationships, contradictions, gaps and/or inconsistencies in the literature; and (d) suggest next research steps to solve the problems identified. There is no pre-defined structure of sections for this type of contribution, so authors should look for a coherent format for the text. It is essential that there is an organising argument and not just a compilation of research already carried out. This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages including an abstract, figures, tables and references. The summary and abstract should each be a maximum of 120 words.

Theoretical articles: These are works based on current empirical literature to propose theoretical advances. The authors are expected to present the development of a theory to expand or refine theoretical constructs, present a new theory or analyse an existing theory, presenting its weaknesses or demonstrating the advantage of one theory over another. Usually the authors of contributions of this nature analyse the internal consistency of a theory, as well as its external validity. The sections can vary in their search for consistency. It is essential that there is a propositional element in the text. This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages (double-spaced), including an abstract, figures, tables and references. The summary and abstract must each have a maximum of 120 words.

Methodological articles: This involves presenting new methodological approaches, modifying existing methods or discussing data analysis approaches to the scientific community. The use of empirical data in this case serves solely as an illustration of the data analysis technique. This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages, including an abstract, figures, tables and references. The summary and abstract should each be a maximum of 120 words.





In accordance with good Open Science communication practices, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa accepts manuscripts deposited on reliable national and international preprint servers. In these cases, authors must indicate the link to the version of the article that has already been published and the DOI, if available. It should be noted that, in these cases, the evaluation system is changed from double-blind to single-blind peer review, in which the referees will know the authorship of the article, but the authors will not know the identity of the referees. In these cases, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa reserves the possibility of the referees expressing a conflict of interest in the evaluation of the article.



Language of publication


With the aim of increasing the visibility and reach of published texts, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa adopts English as its main language, while also making it possible to publish in Portuguese, Spanish and French at an additional cost. This approach aims not only to maximise international accessibility, but also to offer authors flexibility as to the language of publication, providing an inclusive and global platform for the dissemination of knowledge.



Article Submission Format

  • Title 
    Must contain up to 12 words.
  • Short title  
    Must be up to 50 characters long.
  • Abstract 
    It should contain up to 120 words and should briefly present the research objectives, methodology, main results and conclusions. 
  • Key words
    Minimum three words, maximum six. They should be centred and in italics. Whenever possible, keywords should be from the VHL-Psi terminology list or the APA Thesaurus.
  • Author identification
    No information referring to the authors should appear in the body of the text or in the file's metadata. The submission letter is the place for proper identification, information on funding and the area in which the article is located.
  • Spacing
    The indentation of paragraphs in the text of the manuscript must be 1.27 cm.
    All text must be double-spaced (2 cm), including the "Abstract" and "Resumo". 
  • Pagination
    Up to 30 pages, double-spaced, including title, abstract, references and tables.
  • Citations and references
    Must follow APA 7th Edition guidelines.
  • DOI
    The DOI must be presented in the following format: https://doi.org/xxxxx

The title, short title, abstract and keywords must be in English. If the authors wish to publish in other languages, they should be added in the chosen language.



Digital Assets


Tables, forms, graphs and drawings should be presented as follows:

  • Tables should be clear and clean. 
  • Do not use vertical grid lines. 
  • Horizontal lines: as few as possible. 
  • Use the word Table (initial capital), in normal font, followed by the corresponding number (e.g. Table 1).
  • The title is placed one line below the word Table, with justified alignment, in italics. 
  • The title of the table should be succinct and explanatory. All words start with a capital letter and no full stop is used.
  • The font for the table title should be the same as for the text, with 1.5 spacing.
  • Indicate the source when the table is taken from another work (do not indicate if it is the author's own). Reference to the document consulted.
  • Tables and figures should be inserted at the end of the text, on a separate page.


Citations and References


The journal uses the APA 7th Edition as a guide for citations and references. We recommend the guide provided by the Central Library of the University of Brasilia.



Authorship Mark


The "Authorship Mark" is information embedded in the properties of a DOCX document that identifies the original author of the file. This includes details such as the author's name, company and other identifying information. While this information is useful for tracking authorship in collaborative contexts, it can be a problem when you want to submit your work anonymously for evaluation.

Removing the "Authorship Mark" is crucial when seeking an impartial and anonymous evaluation. By eliminating any information that could identify you as the author, you ensure that reviewers focus solely on the content and quality of your work, without bias.

Step 1: With the word file closed, right-click on the file and go to "Properties".

Step 2: In the "Details" tab at the bottom of the window, click on "Remove Properties and Personal Information". 

Step 3: In this new window, select the option "Remove the following properties from this file". Click on the "Authors" and "Saved by" checkboxes and click "ok".



Author Contribution


Only people who have made a significant contribution to the work deserve authorship in a manuscript. Significant contributions include: carrying out experiments, participating in the experimental design, analysing results or writing the body of the manuscript.

Collaboration between teachers and students should follow the same criteria. Supervisors should take care not to include in authorship students or researchers with little or no contribution or exclude those who actually participated in the work. Ghost authorship in science is an ethically unacceptable practice.

All the authors of a work are responsible for the veracity and suitability of the research, with the first author and corresponding author bearing full responsibility, and the other authors being responsible for their individual contributions.

The individual contribution of each author must be described in the article's submission letter.



Supplementary Documents


Cover letter

The cover letter accompanying the submission of the manuscript must be signed by the corresponding author(s) and must contain the following information:

  • Title of the article;
  • Name(s) of the author(s) and their respective affiliations; in force at the time the manuscript was submitted;
  • E-mail address;
  • Orcid;
  • Physical or digital signature of all authors;
  • Area to which the article relates;
  • Authorisation from the ethics board, if necessary;
  • Level of participation of each author in the construction of the article;
  • If there are sources of funding, present the institution and contract number;
  • Suggestion of at least 3 potential reviewers of the manuscript;
  • Authorisation for publication;
  • Declaration that it is unpublished, original (publication in another language is considered to be the same article) and has not been - or is being submitted for publication in another journal. Authors must ensure that the manuscript fully complies with the instructions and editorial line of Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa;
  • If the article fits the Preprint model;
  • Information about the research data;
  • And the type of review chosen by the authors.


Additional Information


Authors are prohibited from publishing more than two manuscripts per year, even if they are not described as the main authors of the work. 





University of Brasilia, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, ICC South
POSTAL CODE: 70910-900
Brasília, Federal District, Brazil
E-mail: revistaptp@gmail.com
Tel: (+55 61) 3107-2683



Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, 70910-900 - Brasília - DF - Brazil, Tel./Fax: (061) 274-6455 - Brasília - DF - Brazil
E-mail: revistaptp@gmail.com
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