Basic Information
Founded by Egon Shaden in 1953, Revista de Antropologia was the first Brazilian journal of anthropology. At present, it is the international and bilingual journal of the Department of Anthropology of the Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences Faculty at the University of São Paulo – FFLCH/USP. Revista de Antropologia will adopt, starting in 2023, the continuous publication modality with one volume per year. It will accept Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Dossiers and Photographic Essays at any time of the year, as submissions and publications are made in a continuous flow. The Journal’s abbreviated title is Rev. Antropol., and this must be used in references, footnotes and the like. |
Intellectual Property
The entire content of this Journal, except where specifically noted, is under a Creative Commons license Attribution BY. |
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Editorial staff
Associated Editors
Editorial Production
Graphic Project
Editorial Council
Scope and Editorial Policy
Revista de Antropologia is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Dossiers and Photographic Essays in a continuous flow. The publishing languages are Portuguese, English and Spanish, for all sections of the journal. It endorses the principles of Open Science and welcomes manuscripts which have previously been deposited in non-commercial pre-print server, as long as they are not simultaneously submitted to peer-review in another journal. The author must inform the journal in case the manuscript is deposited in a pre-print server and share the corresponding DOI. Revista de Antropologia shall gradually adopt peer-reviewing and open data, following the criteria established by the publications targeted by SciELO (See the Open Science compliance form). The authors take full responsibility for the content of the texts, which may be submitted at any time of the year, free of charge. The whole process of revision and editing is also free of charge due to financial support conceded by CAPES, AGUIA e PPGAS USP. All content published in Revista de Antropologia is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0 Deed) - Attribution 4.0 International).
Revista de Antropologia follows a double blind peer-review process, in which two or more reviewers are selected to present reports on the manuscript. The identity of each, as well as that of the authors, remains undisclosed to one another throughout the revision process. All scientific contributions are revised by the Editorial Board, according to the following procedures: Assessment of the originals: The Editorial Board regularly meets in order to assess the articles and whether they follow the editorial guidelines established by the Journal. Once accepted by the Board, the article is taken through the peer-reviewing process. Initial revision: At this stage, the Editorial Staff evaluates each manuscript with reference to the fulfilment of the norms laid out in the Guidelines for Authors. Should the manuscript not fulfil these requirements, it will be sent back to the author for correction. Reviewing process: The accepted originals are peer-reviewed. Two external reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board, according to their expertise in the proposed subject, with the condition that no conflict of interest is known to exist with regard to the authors. Reports: The reviewers are required to inform the Journal in case there is any Conflict of Interest with regard to the reviewed piece. Should they accept to issue the reports, these will be uploaded straight to the OJS system. The decision can be one of the following: ‘Accept submission’, ‘Mandatory corrections’, ‘Reject submission’ or ‘Re-submit’. Following these reports, the Editorial Board shall discuss the need for the manuscript to be revised by the author and sent for a second round of peer-review. Approval or rejection: The Editorial Board will decide, based on the reports, to approve or reject the manuscript. In case it is accepted, it will enter the editing process for publication. Prior to publication, the authors will be consulted on the approval of revisions, translations and formatting. |
Revista de Antropologia supports the recommendations regarding ethical standards of publication from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of good scientific practice – FAPESP, the Guide to promoting the opening, transparency, and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals, the Report from CNPQ's Research Integrity Commission and the guidelines of the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Revista de Antropologia adopts the definition of misconduct given by the Office Research Integrity, which consists in: fabrication, counterfeiting or plagiarism in the planning, execution or review of research or in the report on the results of researches. Misconduct in research is to be distinguished from casual honest errors or divergences of opinion. Any instance of misconduct will be subject to the due sanctions established by the Editorial Board. Revista de Antropologia follows a policy of obedience and promotion of ethics in scientific communication. By submitting articles to Revista de Antropologia, the authors automatically assert that they are conscious of and agree with the recommendations laid out here. Fabrication: Consists in inventing data or results by recording or reporting them. Counterfeiting: Consists in manipulating research processes, altering or omitting data or results so that the research is inaccurately represented in its recording and publication. Plagiarism: Consists in appropriating of ideas, processes, results or words from another person without rendering them appropriate credit. The authors are responsible for the content and information contained in their manuscripts. Submissions sent to the journal will be operated by the iThenticate anti-plagiarism software. Manuscripts which have been plagiarised shall be rejected and the authors may incur sanction as determined by the Editorial Board. In the case of Duplicate and Redundant Publication, Corrections and Retractions, the Journal adopts the following recommendations: Duplicate Publication and Redundant Publication: The Journal commits to publishing only original articles, that is to say, articles which have not been previously published and are not undergoing review in other journals, including in different languages. The articles submitted to Revista de Antropologia must not be submitted to any other journal while they are under assessment. Duplicate publication refers to the practice of submitting the same study to two or more journals. Redundant publication, in turn, consists in inadequately diving up the results of the study so that the research is repeatedly presented in an unnecessary manner in different publications. Such practices may results in the article being rejected. Corrections and retractions: Errors and mistakes, which, irrespective of their nature and origin, do not constitute misconduct, will be corrected by publishing an errata. Articles in which misconduct is identified after they have been published by the Journal will be subject to retraction by the author as well as to sanctions duly defined by the Editorial Board. As to Conflicts of Interest, the Journal asks authors to declare any personal or commercial interest which might bias the manuscript in the act of submitting. |
Submission Requirements
Articles Articles must be previously unpublished and present the results of original research in dialogue with anthropology’s theoretical-methodological models. Authors are required to hold, at minimum, a complete BA-level degree in the Social Sciences or related areas. A maximum of 4 authors will be accepted. The name of the authors will not be displayed in the text, so as to insure anonymity during assessment. Authors are also asked to remove authorship from Word. In order to do this, one has only to open the text in Word and click on the ‘File’ menu and then on Information. Next, one must click on ‘Properties’ and choose the option ‘advanced properties’. Finally, click ‘Resume’ and erase the content of the field ‘author’. Articles must be up to 10 thousand words long, including footnotes and references (Arial, 12 pts., 1,5 spacing and Word text-processor). The articles must include a title, an abstract (between 100 and 150 words) and keywords (up to 5 keywords) in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the author remaining free to add the same in a fourth language. Images and charts must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments. Footnotes must be numbered and sorted in ascending order. Authors are asked not to send the article to different academic journals. The articles must be submitted using the Revista de Antropologia's website and all metadata are to be correctly filled in the act of submission. Reviews and Literature Reviews The Journal allows for the publication of Reviews of works (including translations of texts previously unavailable in Portuguese and within three years of publication), films and expositions which may have an interest for anthropological debate. A maximum of 2 authors will be accepted for reviews and 3 for Literature reviews. The text must be up to 3000 words long, including footnotes and references (Arial, 12 pts., 15 spacing and Word text processor). The title of the review must be different from that of the reviewed work. Upon submitting, the author must include an image of the cover of the reviewed work. References should follow the standard accepted by the Journal. The text should present the general ideas of the book, film or exhibit; its insertion in anthropological debate; and a critical assessment of its contribution and range. The decision to publish reviews of works and literature reviews will be the Editorial Board’s own responsibility, which includes special assistants for this section. Footnotes must be numbered and sort in ascending order. Authors are requested not to send the same review to different journals. The reviews of works and literature reviews must be submitted using Revista de Antropologia's website and all metadata are to be correctly filled out in the act of submission. Interviews Interviews must be previously unpublished, highlighting leading characters and debates in contemporary anthropology. They must be at most 8000 words long, including footnotes and references (Arial, 12pts, 1,5 spacing and Word text-processor). Reference should follow the standard accepted by the Journal. They must also bear a title in Portuguese and English. The decision to publish the interview will be the Editorial Board’s own responsibility. Only one interview shall be published in each edition of the Journal. Authors are requested not to send the same interview to different journals. The interviews must be submitted using Revista de Antropologia's website and all metadata are to be correctly filled out in the act of submission. Dossiers Revista de Antropologia will accept proposals for Dossiers or Special Reports on specific themes. Dossiers might have 3 to 8 articles dealing with the same subject, preceded by an introductory article, with authors from different states of the union and, preferably, including international authors. The dossiers’ theme must be of undoubted relevance to contemporary anthropological debate. Dossiers may also be organised at the invitation of the Editorial Board or the Editorial Council’s suggestion. The proposal is to be sent with the following information: title and presentation of the proposal, full name and institutional position of the organisers, title and abstract of the articles, and full names and institutional positions of the authors. Authors are requested not to send the same dossier proposal to different journals. To the exception of the presentation, which is to be signed by the dossier organisers, the texts shall follow the same path described in the Articles section, sent by their respective authors using the Revista de Antropologia's website, all metadata being filled out in the act of submission. Photographic essays Photographic essays must be submitted using the Revista de Antropologia's website, all metadata being filled out in the act of submission. They should include a maximum of 15 photographs. The text accompanying the photographs must be up to 3000 words long (Arial, 12 pts., 1,5 spacing and Word text-processor), contextualising the photographic work and offering the reader more information as to the ethnographic setting, the poetics and the methodology employed in the composition of the essay. Upon submission, a signed and digitally scanned declaration must be sent including the authorisation by the author for the publication of the photographs and claiming responsibility for their copyright. Authors are requested not to send the same photographic essays proposal to different journals. Should the submitted essay be selected for publication, the author must send an email do Revista de Antropologia with the images in high-definition (300 dpi) and titled according to their order of appearance in the essay (for instance, ‘photo01’, ‘photo02’, ‘photo03’, and so on and so forth). |
File preparation
The submitted texts must be accompanied by a supplementary document in the shape of presentation letter with the following information: title, full name of the authors, institutional affiliation, full postal address (including city, state/department/county and country), email, ORCID, a URL to the author’s Lattes CV or international equivalent, name of the institution which financially supported the research (if that is the case), details on the contribution of each author (if this applies) and a brief biographical statement (at most 7 lines long). Should there be two or more authors, the individual contribution of each is to be indicated according to the following criteria:
Reference to the authors throughout the text must be according to the following: (surname, date) or (surname, date: page). E.g.: (Magnani, 1983) or (Magnani, 1983: 245). Different works by the same author, published in the same year, should be specified by inserting a letter next to the date. Eg.: (Lévi-Strauss, 1967a), (Lévi-Strauss, 1967b). Rules for referencing In all instances (articles, reviews and interviews), references must be present at the end of the text. The authors’ first names must be spelled out, not abbreviated. Should there be any need to reference an author twice over or more, the reference must be complete and not make use of underlines, according to the following standard: a) Book: SURNAME (uppercase), name of the author. [year of original publication] year of quoted publication. Title of the book in italics. City, Editor. Eg.: STRATHERN, Marilyn. 2006. O gênero da dádiva: problemas com mulheres e problemas com sociedade na Melanésia. Campinas, Ed. da Unicamp. b) Chapter in book or anthology: SURNAME (uppercase), name of the author. Year of publication. “Title of the chapter” (inside quotation marks). In: SURNAME (uppercase), name of the organizer (org.). Title of the book in italics. City, Editor, first page-last page of the chapter. Eg.: VIDAL, Lux. 1992. “Pintura corporal e arte gráfica entre os Kaiapó-Xicrin do Cateté”. In: VIDAL, Lux. (org.). Grafismo indígena: estudos de antropologia estética. São Paulo, Studio Nobel/Fapesp/Edusp, pp. 143-89. c) Article: SURNAME (uppercase), name of the author. Year of publication. “Title of the article” (inside quotation marks). Title of the journal in italics, volume, number: first page-last page of the article or elocation-id. DOI or electronic address of the article. Eg.: CUNHA, Manuela Carneiro da. 2012. “Questões suscitadas pelo conhecimento tradicional”. Revista de Antropologia, 55(1): 439-464. d) Thesis or Dissertation: SURNAME (uppercase), name of the author. Year of publication. Title of the thesis or dissertation (in italics). City, dissertation (MA) or thesis (PhD), institution. Eg.: ALBERT, Bruce. 1999. Temps du sang, temps des cendres: répresentation de la maladie, système rituel et espace politique chez les Yanomami du Sud-Est (Amazonie Brésilienne). Paris, Tese de doutorado, Université Paris X – Nanterre. |
Authors who publish in Revista de Antropologia accept the following terms: a) Authors keep their copyright and concede to Revista de Antropologia the right to publish under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0 Deed), which allows for sharing the work with due acknowledgement of authorship and original publication in this journal. b) Authors have authorization to enter separately into additional contracts for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in Revista de Antropologia (eg. publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with due acknowledgement of authorship and original publication on this journal. c) Authors have permission and are encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg. in institutional repositories or their personal page) after the editing process, as this may generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and quotations of the published work (See the effect of Open Access). |