The Brazilian Magazine of Education (Revista Brasileira de Educação) accepts publication articles and thematic dossiers about education that have never been published elsewhere from Brazilian and foreign authors that are the results of research, as well as theoretical essays and papers that discuss current issues. In exceptional cases, RBE may publish articles by Brazilian or foreign authors that are relevant that previously had limited circulation in Brazil.
Papers may be sent in portuguese, english, french or spanish.
The articles must have a minimum of 40 thousand and a maximum of 70 thousand characters with spaces, including the bibliographic references and footnotes; the title abstract and keywords, which must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and in French if the original article is in this language; and authorial data (the words should be counted with a tool from a word processing program such as Word or Star Office).
The publication of articles is subject to evaluation by the members of the Editorial Board or by ad hoc collaborators. The selection of articles for publication is based on its contribution to education and to the editorial line of the Magazine, the originality of the themes or the treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach. Eventual modifications in the structure or content, suggested by opinion makers or by the Editorial Commission, will only be incorporated with agreement of the authors.
Each year the journal will issue a public call for proposals with Specific Norms for Thematic Dossiers.
The Revista Brasileira de Educação also publishes documents and book reviews. The section Documents divulges collective texts, elaborated by the ANPEd or by related associations, as well as documents (laws, opinions, norms) stemming from government agencies and which deal with topics of interest for the educational area.
Book reviews should not exceed 10 thousand characters with spaces. A complete bibliographical reference of the work reviewed or commented is necessary. The typing and formatting should follow the same instructions as those for the articles.
Articles that reflect on current and relevant theories and practices, positions, discussions or polemics or that debate an issue and defend positions, may be published in the section “Espaço Aberto” [Open Space]. In this case, the texts should have from 30-50 thousand characters and follow the same norms and requirements as the other articles.
Original texts should be sent to the headquarters of the magazine through the SciELO system. Inquiries as to the procedures are available at the site: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/rbedu/pinstruc.htm. Any questions or suggestions should be sent to rbe@anped.org.br.
Articles and other texts for publication should be typed in one of the text editing programs .doc or .docx in a standard PC format. Directions as to format are specified at the end of these Norms.
Mentions of authors in the text itself should follow the form (Author, date) or (Author, date, p.), as in the examples (Silva, 1989) or (Silva, 1989, p.95). Different titles by the same author published in the same year should be differentiated by adding a letter after the date, for example: (Garcia, 1995a), (Garcia, 1995b) etc.
References should contain only those authors and texts cited in the work itself and should be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, complying with the most recent ABNT norms. Materials that do not contain bibliographical references or those presented incorrectly will not be considered for examination and publication. It may be noted that university librarians are qualified to offer orientation as to the correct use of norms. Examples of ABNT norms application may be found at the end of these Norms.
Footnotes should be explanatory only. All notes should be numbered and be placed at the bottom of the page (use the automatic command of the word processor: Insert/Notes).
All articles should contain, at the end, the title, indication of at least three key words and an abstract, all in Portuguese, English and Spanish and if the original article is in French, in French as well. Each abstract should do not exceed 1.000 characters each.
At the end of the text the author should also register information as to his highest academic degree, institution, as well as supplying his e-mail address and full address, ORCID for correspondence.
Charts, graphs, maps, images etc. must be presented in png, jpg and jpeg (indicating where they are to be inserted), should be numbered and titled and present corresponding source information. Whenever possible they should be made for direct reproduction.
The sending of any contribution automatically implies the total cession of authors' rights to the Revista Brasileira de Educação.
Directions as to formatting texts
Type the full text in Times New Roman, font size 12, simple spacing, with no different fonts or attributes for titles and sections.
Use uppercase letters in bold face for the main title; bold face and first uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters for section subtitles.
For emphasis or highlighting in the text itself, use only italics; indicate paragraphs with only one press of the tab key and press Enter only at the end of a paragraph.
Separate section titles, name of author, etc. from the main text by pressing Enter twice.
For transcriptions, use Times New Roman, font size 11, separated from the main text with a double Enter and introduced by pressing the tab key twice.
Directions for the application of the ABNT Norms
Books: author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/PERIOD/Title of the work (in bold)/COLON (in case there is a subtitle)/Subtitle (if any)/PERIOD/Edition, in abbreviated form and if it is not the first one/PERIOD/Location of the publication/COLON/SPACE/Publisher/COMMA/Date of publication /PERIOD.
Example: APPLE, M. W. Educação e poder. 2. ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1989.
Book chapter: author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/PERIOD/Title of the work (in bold)/COLON (in case there is a subtitle)/Subtitle (if any)/PERIOD/Edition, in abbreviated form and if it is not the first one/PERIOD/Location of the publication/COLON/SPACE/Publisher/COMMA/Date of publication /PERIOD/Page.
Example: ROMANO, G. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHIMIDT, J. (Org.). História dos jovens 2: a época contemporânea. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7–16.
Articles: author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/ Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/(IN CASE THERE ARE OTHER AUTHORS, REPEAT THIS STEP SEPARATING THE NAMES WITH A SEMICOLON)/PERIOD/Title of the article/PERIOD/Title of the Journal (in bold)/COMMA/Location of the publication/COMMA/Volume of the journal (if any)/COMMA/Number of the journal/COMMA/Corresponding pages/COMMA/Month (abbreviated)/Date of publication/PERIOD.
Example: ZAGO, N. Do acesso à permanência no ensino superior: percursos de estudantes universitários de camadas populares. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 32, p. 226–237, maio–ago. 2006.
Collections: chapter author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/PERIOD/Title of the chapter/PERIOD/Write “In:”/Organizer’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/Organizer’s initials(IN CASE THERE ARE OTHER ORGANIZERS, REPEAT THIS STEP SEPARATING THE NAMES WITH A SEMICOLON)/Write, when applicable, “(org.)”/PERIOD/Title of the collection (in bold)/COLON (in case there is a subtitle)/Subtitle (if any)/PERIOD/Edition, in abbreviated form and if it is not the first one/PERIOD/Location of the publication/COLON, SPACE/Publisher/COMMA/Date of publication/PERIOD/Write “p.” followed by the chapter’s corresponding pages.
Example: ROMÃO, J. E. Alfabetizar para libertar. In: GADOTTI, M.; TORRES, C. A. (org.). Educação popular: utopia latino-americana. São Paulo: Cortez, 1994.
Theses: author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/PERIOD/Title of the work (in bold)/COLON (in case there is a subtitle)/Subtitle (if any)/PERIOD/Date of defense/PERIOD/Number of pages/PERIOD/Academic degree to which it refers/EM DASH/Institution where it was presented/COMMA/Location of the publication/COMMA/year of submission of the work/PERIOD.
Example: BARREIRA, L. História e historiografia: as escritas recentes da história da educação brasileira (1971–1988). 1995. 220 f. Tese (Doutorado em História da Educação) — Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 1995.
Papers presented at conferences: author’s last name (Capital letter)/COMMA/ Followed by the abbreviated name (Capital letter)/PERIOD/Title of the work presented/PERIOD/Write “In:”/name of the event(Capital letter)/COMMA/Number of the event (if available)/PERIOD/COMMA/Date of publication/COMMA/Location where it took place/PERIOD/Title of the document/Location where it was carried out/COLON/Publisher/COMMA/Date of publication/PERIOD/First and last page of the referenced part/PERIOD.
Example: MALDONADO FILHO, E. A transformação de valores em preço de produção e o fenômeno da absorção e liberação de capital produtivo. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ECONOMIA, 15., 1975, Salvador. Anais[…].Salvador: ANPEC, 1975. p. 157–175.
In electronic means (it is paramount to inform, in addition to the already emphasized elements, the e-mail address and access date):
Example: ROMANO, G. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHIMIDT, J. (Org.). História dos jovens 2: a época contemporânea. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7–16. Available at: http://www.autoresassociados.com.br/exemplo_pdf. Accessed on: Mar. 2, 2012.
Example: ZAGO, N. Do acesso à permanência no ensino superior: percursos de estudantes universitários de camadas populares. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 32, p. 226–237, maio–ago. 2006. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1590/S1413-24782006000200003. Accessed on: Jun. 20, 2021.