Logomarca do periódico: Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem

Open-access Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem

Publication of: Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem
Area: Health Sciences ISSN printed version: 0034-7167
ISSN online version: 1984-0446
Previous title Anais de Enfermagem

About the journal


Brief history


The Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem - REBEn), created in 1932, is the official publishing body of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn - Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem). It is the oldest Brazilian nursing journal and its mission is to disseminate scientific production in the different areas of health that are of interest to nursing, including those that express the Association’s political project.

Its first title was “Annaes de Enfermagem”, from May 1932 to April 1941, modified to “Anais de Enfermagem”, from January 1946 until December 1954, when it started having the current title – Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem). In its trajectory, it had a single interruption, in the period from May 1941 to December 1945.



Open science compliance


REBEn is a peer-reviewed open access journal whose mission is to disseminate nursing and health science.

It accepts manuscripts in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It is published only in the electronic version and in continuous flow. The content published on REBEn is licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY), Attribution 4.0 International.

REBEn endorses open science practices that consist of transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks (FOSTER Open Science Definition).

Given this definition, and aiming to increase the rigor, responsibility and reproducibility of research in favor of transparency, quality and speed, according to Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP)recommendations, REBEn accepts manuscripts from preprint servers for the peer review process.

REBEn recommends filling out the Open Science Compliance Form, which must be submitted as a supplementary file to the manuscript and which will be accessible to reviewers.



Publication ethics


REBEn supports the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. These recommendations, regarding integrity and ethical standards in conducting and reporting research, are available at URL http://www.icmje.org/urm_main.html.

REBEn adopts the recommendations of the codes of ethical conduct published in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In the case of research involving human beings, and taking into account the provisions of CNS Resolution 466/2012, the Brazilian author(s) must mention in the manuscript the approval of the project by an Ethics Committee recognized by the Brazilian National Research Ethics Committee of the Brazilian National Health Council (CONEP (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa)-CNS (Conselho Nacional de Saúde)), or by an equivalent body, when the research has been carried out in another country. In experimental research involving animals, Law 11,794 of October 8, 2008, which regulates item VII of paragraph 1 of Article 225 of the Federal Constitution, establishing procedures for the scientific use of animals, and the rules established in Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, USA) of 1996, and the Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (Colégio Brasileiro de Experimentação Animal - COBEA) of 1991. This information must be included in the method according to the ARRIVE recommendation.

It adopts the iThenticate 2.0 system, an updated version recommended by SciELO, to identify similarity. Practices that violate scientific integrity, such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication of data, redundant publication and undisclosed conflicts of interest, can be identified during the review process or even after publication.



Focus and scope


REBEn publishes studies on different areas of health that are of interest to nursing, including those that express the ABEn political project. REBEn is published in an electronic version, continuous in six annual issues and with open access. The printed version was discontinued and in 2015 it published bilingual articles.

Editorials, original articles, reviews, reflections, experience reports, updates and/or technological innovations and letters to the editor are considered for publication.



Digital preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy. Furthermore, the data is archived in its own provider.



Sources of indexing



Bibliographical data

  • Title of the journal: Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
  • Short title: Rev. Bras. Enf.
  • Published by: Brasília, FD: ABEn
  • Periodicity: bimonthly
  • Publication mode: continuous publication
  • Year of creation of the journal: 1975


Websites and social media






REBEn accepts manuscripts that were previously deposited on a non-commercial preprint server, as long as they have not been subjected to peer review in another journal simultaneously.

Preprint consists of a complete version of the scientific article that has not yet been peer-reviewed. Preprints operate independently of the journal and the publication of a preprint does not affect the peer review process.

The author responsible for the submission must inform whether the manuscript is deposited in a preprint server and must provide the corresponding DOI. The manuscript must obey a license that allows sharing the material in any medium or format (Creative Commons - CC-BY).

Examples of national servers are SciELO Preprint , Emerging Researcher Information (EmeRI), and international, Medrxiv

Peer review process

REBEn adopts, for approved manuscripts that have not been made available on preprint servers, double-blind review, which consists of two or more referees designated to review the manuscript. For manuscripts previously published on preprint servers, REBEn understands that it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, being guaranteed only for the reviewers involved in the process. In both cases, the name of the Associate Editor involved in the peer review process is published along with the manuscript.

Editorial decision and review

All articles published in REBEn go through the peer review process and receive at least two revisions. The Editor-in-Chief will make and communicate the decision, which will be one of the following:

Minor revisions

The manuscript is recommended by the Associate Editor and reviewers and requires few changes, which take little time (seven days) and involve less than half of the sections of the manuscript.

Major revisions

Manuscript acceptance would depend on many revisions that take a considerable amount of time (15 days) and involve up to 75% of the manuscript’s sections. This decision implies significant changes in the method and results sections, however it is not necessary to create completely new tables or redo experiments and statistical tests. The author must provide a point-by-point response or rebuttal if some of the reviewer’s comments cannot be revised. Typically only one round of major revisions is permitted.

Reject & resubmit

The manuscript needs substantial changes, especially in the method and results requiring that tables be completely redone or redo experiments and statistical tests. These changes would take more than 30 days, but the results have a lot of potential interest to the community. If additional experiments/tests are needed to support the conclusions, the manuscript will be rejected and authors will be encouraged to resubmit the article, which will again be submitted for peer review with the same reviewers and associate editor.

Reject after peer review

After peer review, the reviewers pointed out that there is not enough originality for the text to be considered competitive or there are significant misunderstandings that will not be overcome by reviews.

he article has serious flaws and/or does not make any significant original contributions. No offer of resubmission to the journal is provided.

In all decisions that allow for a new round or resubmission, all comments from reviewers and editors must be answered point-by-point in an objective and literature-supported manner.

Reject immediately (before peer review)

en the text does not fit within the scope of the journal or when it does not fit our editorial priorities: manuscripts with a high degree of originality, robust methods, clear results and high-level scientific writing compatible with international journals such as REBEn.

Author resources

Authors can appeal an editorial decision by sending an email to the REBEn Editorial Office, as long as the text has gone through at least one round of peer review. In other words, it is not possible to appeal the Reject decision immediately.

The resource must provide a detailed rationale, including point-by-point responses to reviewers’ and/or Editor’s comments. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief will forward the manuscript and related information (including the identities of the reviewers) to an Associate Editor and a member of the Editorial Board for deliberation. They will be asked to provide an advisory recommendation on the manuscript and may recommend acceptance, additional peer review, or uphold the original rejection decision. A rejection decision at this stage is final and cannot be reversed.

Opening options

With the aim of making the peer review process more transparent and supported by the precepts of open science, from 2024 REBEn will adopt the transparent peer review process (Figure 1), which consists of sharing the review report issued by reviewers, but without their identification. From 2025, REBEn will offer authors and reviewers the possibility of choosing to display reviewers’ reports (and authors’ responses) alongside the published article. Peer review content will only appear when everyone accepts it. Reviewers will also be able to sign the report if they wish.



Open data


REBEn encourages the deposit and sharing of research data that supports article publication. Research data refers to the results of observations or experiments that validate the research results. To enable reproducibility and reuse of data, REBEn recommends that from 2021 and obligatorily from 2022, the deposit and sharing of the research project, partial research reports, software, codes, models, algorithms, protocols, procedures operations, workflow methodologies, field notebooks, diaries, questionnaires, audio or video tapes, methods and other useful materials related to the project occur in a public data repository.

Data repository is a database where digital content and resources are stored that can be searched and retrieved for later use. There are a variety of Brazilian repositories in which it is possible to deposit research data. One example is SCIELO Data. Universities in the state of São Paulo (USP, UNIFESP, UNICAMP, ITA, among others) have developed a metasearch engine in which it is possible to search a variety of data repositories: https://metabuscador.uspdigital.usp.br/. To find the most appropriate repository as well as information on how to deposit, share, and use research data and other relevant materials, see: https://www.re3data.org/ and https://fairsharing.org.

For manuscript authors who are sharing their data, REBEn encourages to cite and link them in the manuscript, in the DATA AND MATERIAL AVAILABILITY chapter, AFTER CONCLUSION OR FINAL CONSIDERATIONS AND BEFORE the REFERENCES section.



Fee charging


REBEn is part of the publications of ABEn, a non-profit organization. The charging of article processing fees is necessary to fund the REBEn editorial process.

  • The compliance fee must be paid at the time of submission of the manuscript and the receipt with payer’s name visible and date must be attached as “submission fee.
  • The publication fee must be paid upon acceptance for publication. The receipt, with payer’s name and date, must be sent by email along with the other documents requested in the instruction email.
  • Payment for the translation of the manuscript into English, title and abstract also into Spanish, and language proofreading is the responsibility of the authors. REBEn makes available the list of accredited people for this purpose.
  • REBEn exempts editorials or invited articles from payment.
  • After publication, in case of ERRATUM request, a fee of R$200.00 will be charged, if there is any carelessness on the part of the authors in the final version sent.


Payment methods


Exclusively through PagSeguro or PayPal via the link: http://reben.com.br/revista/

For institutional payments or, if necessary, contact tesouraria@abennacional.org.br

Note: the compliance fee will not be refunded if the manuscript is not accepted for publication.
SciELO Statement on Financial Sustainability:



Ethics and misconduct, erratum and retraction policy


REBEn adopts the recommendations of the codes of ethical conduct published in the COPE.

Once identified, they will be taken for assessment by members of the Editorial Board and will follow the flowchart provided by COPE so that the appropriate decision can be taken, such as embargo, suspension of publication in the journal for a period determined by the Editorial Board, publication of a letter of concern or even retraction of the published manuscript, highlighting the reason(s) for the retraction.

The authors will be immediately notified of all stages of this process as well as the final decision.

REBEn encourages the submission of letters to the editor, where readers can present their criticisms and/or request clarification of any doubts raised by an article recently published in the journal.

Corrections that do not constitute misconduct by the authors are made through errata, corrections and retractions, which are published as soon as possible.



Conflict of interest policy


REBEn requests that all authors of the manuscript declare any potential sources of conflicts of interest, as well as the reviewers and editors responsible for evaluation. Conflicts of interest may occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, or personal, religious or political beliefs that could be perceived as influencing an author’s objectivity are considered a potential source of conflict of interest. Potential sources of conflict of interest include, but are not limited to, patent or stock ownership, membership on a company’s board of directors, membership on a company’s advisory board or committee, and consulting or receipt of speaker fees from a company. The existence of a conflict of interest does not prevent publication. If authors do not have a conflict of interest to declare, they must declare it when submitting the manuscript, in the letter to the editor. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and collectively disclose with the submission ALL commercial and other pertinent relationships.

The declaration of conflict of interest must be informed when submitting the manuscript through the ScholarOne system.

Editors and reviewers who have a conflict of interest must DECLINE from the evaluation immediately and inform the office by email (reben@abennacional.org.br). If a conflict is reported, the article will receive RETRACTION, which is extremely harmful to everyone



Adoption of similarity checking software


REBEn adopts the iThenticate system for similarity identification. Practices that violate scientific integrity, such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication of data, redundant publication and undisclosed conflicts of interest, can be identified during the review process or even after publication. Manuscripts undergo similarity checking after the first peer review.



Sex and gender issues


The REBEn editorial team, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis and results, and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, REBEn observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics committee


Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research.





Authors of articles published by REBEn maintain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons license, type CC-BY attribution ( CC BY 4.0 Deed | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative Commons) which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. The author maintains the copyright over the published article and grants REBEN the right of first publication.

The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their exclusive responsibility.



Intellectual property and terms of use


All journal content and articles published by REBEn, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

REBEn encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation is included in the journal website version.



Sponsors and funding agencies


REBEn receives financial support from:

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq);

  • Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações;

  • Ministério da Saúde;

  • Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde.


Corpo editorial


Publications committee




Scientific Editor

Associate Editors



Technical team








Instruções aos autores



REBEn considers for publication only articles that meet the quality standards established by the guidelines for health research production – Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research Network (EQUATOR). It is mandatory to indicate in the study design method which EQUATOR instrument was used to guide the research (https://www.equator-network.org/toolkits/selecting-the-appropriate-reporting-guideline/https://clinical-trials.ai,   https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3164https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3210https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3505, and systematic reviews should follow updated guidelines in the PRISMA guide. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the manuscript being archived.

[1] Liu X, Rivera S C, Moher D, Calvert M J, Denniston A K. Reporting guidelines for clinical trial reports for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the CONSORT-AI Extension BMJ 2020; 370:m3164. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3164

[2] Rivera S C, Liu X, Chan A, Denniston A K, Calvert M J. Guidelines for clinical trial protocols for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the SPIRIT-AI Extension BMJ 2020; 370:m3210. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3210

[3] Wynants L, Smits L J M, Van Calster B. Demystifying AI in healthcare BMJ 2020; 370:m3505. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3505

[4] Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372(71). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n71 

Types of articles considered:

  • Editorial: text on a subject of interest for the historical moment or the production of knowledge with repercussions for nursing and health. It can contain up to two (2) pages, including up to four references, if any.
  •  Original articles: studies that add new information to nursing and health. Included in this category are randomized clinical trials, case-control studies, cohort, prevalence, incidence, accuracy studies, case studies and qualitative studies. Original articles must contain a maximum of fifteen (15) pages, including abstracts, 50 references and up to eight authors.
  •  Review: uses systematic methods and explicit criteria to identify, select and critically assess relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from studies included in the review. Included in this category are systematic review with and without meta- or meta-synthesis and scoping review. Reviews should contain a maximum of twenty (20) pages, including abstracts, 50 references and up to six authors.
  •  Reflection: in-depth discursive formulation, focusing on a concept or theoretical construct of nursing or a related area, or discussion on a specific topic, establishing analogies, presenting and analyzing different points of view, theoretical or practical. It must contain a maximum of ten (10) pages, including abstracts, ten references and up to four authors.
  •  Experience report, update and/or technological innovation: study describing practical situations and/or technological innovation (teaching, assistance, research or management), intervention strategies and assessment of their effectiveness, of interest for professional performance. It should contain a maximum of ten (10) pages, including abstracts, ten references and up to four authors.
  •  Letter to the editor: maximum of one page.
  •  Author’s answer: maximum of 250 words

 Manuscript category – checklist


Manuscript (number of pages)

Authors (number)

References (number)

Original articles












Report of experience, update and/or technological innovation




Letter to the editor









Registration of clinical studies, systematic reviews and other reviews

  • REBEn supports the policies for registering clinical trials of the World Health Organization (WHO) and ICMJE, recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international dissemination of information on clinical trials, in open access. Therefore, only clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the Clinical Trial Registries validated by the criteria established by the WHO and ICMJE (Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials – REBEC) will be accepted for publication (http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/ or http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/default.aspx). The registration identification number must be entered in “Methods”;
  • Randomized studies must follow the CONSORT guidelines. This statement provides an evidence-based approach to improving the quality of clinical trial reporting. All manuscripts describing a clinical study must include the CONSORT Flow Diagram showing the number of participants in each intervention group, as well as a detailed description of how many patients were excluded at each step of data analysis. All clinical trials must be registered and made available on a freely accessible website. The clinical trial protocol (including the complete statistical analysis plan) must be submitted together with the manuscript (https://trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1745-6215-11-9);
  • REBEn encourages the registration of observational studies, such as cohort and case-control studies in REBEC Platforms – or similar with Clinical Trial. For more information visit: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2960148-1/fulltext;
  • Systematic reviews must follow the PRISMA  protocol and must provide the protocol registration number in the PROSPERO database;
  • Articles presenting clinical studies or systematic reviews without registration protocols will be promptly rejected without peer review;
  • Scope reviews must follow the guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org/Extensions/ScopingReviews) and encourages protocols to be made available in freely accessible repositories, such as Open Science Framework (OSF).

Authors’ contributions

Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social and financial implications. Authorship implies responsibility for the published work. For all authors who had intellectual and substantial contributions to the manuscript, REBEn requires each author to specify their contributions to the work. The corresponding author or author who forwarded the work will indicate, during the submission process, the guarantee and accuracy of the integrity of all data reported in the manuscript (Statemet Model – forward as supplementary file).

REBEn follows the ICMJE recommendation, which is based on the criteria described below:

  1. study/research conception or design;
  2. data analysis and/or interpretation;
  3. final review with critical and intellectual participation in the manuscript.

All contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria must be listed in the Acknowledgments section as well as financial support from funding agencies.

For manuscripts previously published on preprint servers, it is recommended that the same authors be maintained, based on the criteria already described.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts will only be accepted for evaluation if they are strictly in accordance with the model available in templates and prepared as follows:

Microsoft Office Word file, with mandatory configuration of pages on A4 paper (210x297mm) and 2 cm margins on all sides, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 pt spacing between lines, paragraphs with 1.25 indentation cm.

Article submission format

Title page (Template 1)

  • Article title: up to 15 words, maximum, in the language of the manuscript. It is recommended that the title be composed using at least 3 descriptors;
  • Authorship: full name of authors. The affiliation of each author must contain the information: university, city, country and ORCID (all authors must have the identifier ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID;
    • A corresponding author must be indicated with the email address and photo.
  • Abstract: abstract limited to 150 words in the same language as the manuscript. It must be structured into Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions or Final considerations;
  • Descriptors: must be inserted just below the summary. Include five descriptors in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). Descriptors in Portuguese and Spanish must be extracted from the DeCS and in English from MeSH (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh ourhttps://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/MeSHonDemand);
  • Funding and Acknowledgments: inform the funding institution. Acknowledgments are optional for participants not considered authors

Text structure
Abbreviations should not be used in the title and subtitles of the manuscript and in the abstract. For tables and figures with abbreviations, it is mandatory to insert them in a footnote to the table or figure. In the text, use only standardized abbreviations. In the first citation, the abbreviation is presented in parentheses after the full term.

  • Footnotes must be restricted to the minimum necessary.
  • Appendices and annexes will be disregarded.

Main document (Template 2)

The main document, without identifying the authors, must contain:

  • Article title: up to 15 words, maximum, in the language of the manuscript. Compose the title using at least 3 descriptors;
  • Abstract and descriptors: abstract limited to 150 words in the same language as the manuscript. It must be structured (Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions or Final considerations);
  • Descriptors: must be inserted just below the abstract. Include five descriptors in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). For descriptors in Portuguese and Spanish, they must be extracted from DeCS: http://decs.bvs.br and in English from MeSH: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh or https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/MeSHonDemand;
  • Body of the text: consists of the body of the manuscript itself. The structure of the manuscript in the research and review categories is Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions (for quantitative research) or Final considerations (qualitative research). All subtitles must be highlighted in bold in the text;
  • Subtitles: subtitles of Method and Discussion must be highlighted in bold as recommended by the CHECKLIST;
  • Data Availability and Material: only provide the link, preferably DOI, of the dataset where the material is deposited;
  • Funding and Acknowledgments must be cited before the references chapter and inserted in the final version after acceptance. In Funding, it is mandatory to cite the source of research funding (if any). Acknowledgments are optional for people who contributed to the study but are not authors

Digital assets

Illustrations: tables, charts and figures, such as photographs, drawings, graphs, among others, must be presented in the body of the manuscript and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are inserted in the text, and cannot exceed the number of five.

- Figures and tables: must have captions, and for figures the caption must be at the bottom and the identification of tables and charts must be at the top, followed by the order number of their occurrence in the text, in Arabic numerals, a dash and the respective title (e.g., Table 1 – title). 

* The font size of letters can be reduced up to 10.
*The source consulted must be included below the images only if it is secondary data.
* Tables must be standardized according to recommendations from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). Tabular presentation standards. rd ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1993, available at http://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/visualizacao/livros/liv23907.pdf

Illustrations must be sent in their original editable files from the source programs, or exported vectorized in EPS or PDF formats.

Abbreviations must be inserted in full in a footnote to the table and/or figure

Citations and references
Italics will only be applied to highlight terms or expressions relevant to the object of the study, and in author citations, ipsis litteris:

  • With up to three lines, use quotation marks and insert them in the normal sequence of the text;
  • In the case of speeches by deponents or research subjects, highlight them in a new paragraph, without quotation marks, Times New Roman, font size 11, single spacing between lines and 3 cm indentation from the left margin.

In author citations, ipsis litteris, with more than three lines, highlight them in a new paragraph, without quotation marks, Times New Roman font size 11, single spacing between lines, without italics and indentation of 3 cm from the left margin.
Author citations in the text must be numbered consecutively, in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text;

  • Arabic numbers must be used, in parentheses and superscripts, with no space between the citation number and the previous word, preceding the punctuation of the sentence or paragraph [e.g., care(5)].
  • When dealing with sequential citations, the numbers will be separated by a dash [e.g., care(1-5)]. When interspersed, they are separated by a comma [e.g., care(1,3,5)].
  • References: the number of references is limited according to the category of the manuscript. References, presented at the end of the work, must be numbered, consecutively, according to the order in which they were included in the text and according to the style indicated by the International Committee of Scientific Editors of Biomedical Journals (ICMJE). Examples of the Vancouver style are available through the National Library of Medicine (NLM) website at Citing Medicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/. At least 50% of references must preferably be productions published in the last 5 years and of these, 20% in the last 2 years. REBEn suggests that 40% of references come from Brazilian journals, from the SciELO and RevEnf collections.
  • For articles available in Portuguese and English, the English version must be cited, with the corresponding pagination.

Avoid citations from theses, dissertations, books and chapters, newspapers or non-scientific journals (Magazines) and in press, except when dealing with theoretical references (Ex: Handbook Cochrane).

REBEn encourages the use of DOI, as it guarantees a permanent access link to the electronic article. For articles or texts published on the internet that do not contain the DOI, indicate the full URL address as well as the access date on which it was consulted.

Up to 3 preprint references will be accepted (optional).

Suggestion: REBEn accepts preprint references as long as they are extremely necessary. We strongly suggest that during the peer review process and the press test, authors check whether the cited version has already been published and update it with the corresponding journal reference.

Most common examples of references:

Articles with DOI identifier
Lavorato Neto G, Rodrigues L, Silva DARD, Turato ER, Campos CJG. Spirituality review on mental health and psychiatric nursing. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(suppl 5):2323-33. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167- 2016-0429.

Electronic articles
Polgreen PM, Diekema DJ, Vandeberg J, Wiblin RT, Chen YY, David S, et al. Risk factors for groin wound infection after femoral artery catheterization: a case-control study. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2018 Jan 5];27(1):34-7. Available from: http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ICHE/journal/issues/v27n1/2004069/2004069.web.pdf 

Articles in another language
Cruz MSD, Bernal RTI, Claro RM. [Trends in leisure-time physical activity in Brazilian adults (2006-2016)]. Cad Saude Publica. 2018. 22;34(10):e00114817. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102-311X00114817 Portuguese.

Jenkins PF. Making sense of the chest x-ray: a hands-on guide. New York: Oxford University Press; 2005. 194 p.

Book on the internet
Higgins JP, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions [Internet].Version 4.2.6.Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2006 [cited 2018 Oct 15]. 257 p. Available from: http://www.cochrane.org/resources/handbook/handbook.pdf

Lavorato Neto G, Rodrigues L, Silva DARD, Turato ER, Campos CJG. Spirituality review on mental health and psychiatric nursing. Medrxiv. 2018. Preprint(v.2) [cited 2019 Oct 12]. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0429.


On YouTube: Viseu Now. Entrevista Marco Machado, enfermeiro em Londres [Internet]. Viseu Now; 2020 Mar 24. [cited 2020 Apr 12]. Video: 7 min 18 seg. Available from: https://youtu.be/bJ9fDzVWOz4

On Figshare: Plessis-Faurie, Alida S. A Mother and Preterm Infant in a South African Informal Settlement [Internet]. Visualise Your Thesis. Presentation; 2019 [cited 2020 Nov 13]. Video: 1 min 13 seg. Available from: https://figshare.com/articles/presentation/A_Mother_and_Preterm_Infant_in_a_South_African_Informal_Settlement/9992606 doi: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.9992606.v1

  • Citation and reference of research data and other content: REBEn encourages citing data files, program codes, and other underlying or relevant content in your manuscript, citing in the text and including the data reference in References. REBEn endorses FORCE 11 Data Citation (https://www.force11.org/datacitationprinciples) principles, which indicates that all publicly available datasets are fully referenced in the reference list with an accession number or unique identifier, such as a digital object identifier (DOI). For more information, see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7273/#A57722

Research data: Coin L. Genomics of development and disease [dataset]. 2014 Jun 1 [cited 2017 Jun 9]. The University of Queensland. Available from: https://doi.org/10.14264/uql.2016.583.

Repository data: Global Health Observatory Data Repository [Internet]. Geneva: WHO. [cited 2019 Jul 3]. Available from: http://www.who.int/gho/database/en/.

Data deposited in repositories:  Zimmermann B, Tkalčec Z, Mešić A, Kohler A. Characterizing aeroallergens by infrared spectroscopy of fungal spores and pollen [dataset]. 2015 Apr 27 [cited 2019 Jul 3]. Dryad Digital Repository. Available from: https://datadryad.org/resource/doi:10.5061/dryad.f4v0s. Referenced in doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124240.

Data described in articles: Mann C, Kane L, Dai M, Jacobson K. Description of the 2012 NEMSIS public-release research dataset. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015;19(2):232-40. https://doi.org/10.3109/10903127.2014.959219.

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