Brief history
The journal Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (RGE) was created in 1976 by Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (School of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul- UFRGS), with the initial objective of providing a vehicle to publicize the work of nurses in the south of Brazil. It is the fourth oldest nursing journal in Brazil and the first in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. RGE was linked to the Department of Assistance and Professional Guidance of School of Nursing, being taken over, in 1982, by the School Administration. Its publication in electronic format began in May 2008, using the SEER platform (OJS), adopted by UFRGS (, where its complete collection is available, since v.1, 1976. In 2010, RGE became part of the SciELO electronic library ( and in 2018 (v.39) it began to be published in rolling pass mode, exclusively in electronic format (E- ISSN 1983-1447). Manuscript submissions are carried out exclusively through the ScholarOneManuscripts Platform. Manuscript submissions are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Manuscripts must be sent exclusively to RGE, with reproduction permitted in other publications, in which case the citation of the original publication in RGE must be included, thus respecting the principles of ethics in scientific publishing. RGE publishes a maximum of two manuscripts by the same author and/or co-author per year. Articles are limited to eight authors, with the exception (duly justified in the cover letter) of multicenter studies. |
Open Science Compliance
RGE requests the authors to fill out the Open Science Compliance Form, which must be submitted in the ScholarOne system as a supplementary file. Open Access: RGE adopts a rolling pass publication system as well as the Open Access policy, with its articles fully available to access, free of charge. |
Publication ethics
Regarding good practices and ethics in scientific dissemination, RGE adopts the recommendations of the codes of ethical conduct in scientific publishing from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is considered a sine qua non condition for publication that the submitted manuscripts have complied with the ethical-legal guidelines that involve the preparation of academic and/or technical-scientific work and research with human beings or animals. In studies involving human beings, in compliance with Resolution No. 466, of December 12, 2012, of the National Health Council (CNS), Brazilian author(s) must send a copy, as a supplementary document, of the approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) duly registered with the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP). Regarding international studies, it must be sent a document issued by an equivalent institution in the country of origin of the research. A copy of the ethical approval document must be attached in Step 6 of the ScholarOne platform as a supplementary document. |
Focus and scope
RGE's focus is on the area of Nursing and human health. |
Digital preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO's Digital Preservation Policy program. CLOCKSS system has permission to ingest, preserve, and serve this open access Archival Unit. |
Indexing sources
Brazilian Nationals
Participation in collective catalogs/directories
Bibliographical sheet
Title of the journal: Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem. Short title: Rev. gaúcha enferm. Published by: Porto Alegre/RS: Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Periodicity: Quadrennial. Publication mode: Continuous Year of creation of the journal: 1976 |
Website and social medias
Instagram @rgenf_oficial Facebook @rgenf |
RGE accepts submission of manuscripts from non-commercial Preprints servers, such as SciELOPreprints, as long as they have not been submitted for peer review in another journal and/or another server simultaneously. The responsible author must indicate in the cover letter at the time of submission whether the manuscript is a preprint, informing the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the name of the server on which it is deposited. It is reiterated that every manuscript submitted from a preprint repository will be, obligatorily, peer-reviewed, in accordance with this journal's evaluation process. |
Peer review process
EVALUATION PROCESS RGE adopts the peer review system to evaluate the content and technical-scientific adequacy of the manuscript. The name of the editors responsible for the evaluation will be disclosed in the article publication. The RGE process of manuscript evaluation comprises the following steps: evaluation of documentary compliance; pre-analysis by the Associate Editor; evaluation of specialty area by the Associate Editor, including evaluation by ad hoc consultants (peer review) and preparation of the consolidated opinion by Associate Editor, and decision of the Editor-in-Chief and its communication to the authors. The Associate Editor responsible for pre-analysis evaluates compliance with the manuscript preparation standards, relevance of the article, potential contribution to scientific knowledge in the area, ethical aspects, basic aspects of the method and scientific writing, as well as eventual textual similarities, accepting up to 30%. Manuscripts that do not meet the standards by the third round of evaluation will be archived. In the pre-evaluation stage, it can be decided not to continue the evaluation process if the manuscripts do not meet these requirements, without refunding the submission fee and forwarding the refusal letter. In case of positive evaluation, the manuscript is forwarded to the Associate Editor by area of specialty. The Associate Editor of each specialty forwards the manuscript to at least two ad hoc consultants who are experts in the topic and/or research method and evaluate its originality, merit, relevance of its content, academic quality, convenience of publication, and relevance for Nursing/Health and related areas, preparing a single consolidated opinion. The Editor-in-Chief issues the editorial decision through acceptance, reformulation, or rejection of the manuscript. This decision is forwarded to the author(s). The reformulation process may occur in several rounds until the manuscript reaches the quality criteria established by RGE. Opening of the editorial process: In articles accepted for publication, the name of the Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief conducting the evaluation process will be made available along with the article’s dates of submission and approval. |
Open data
Data Sharing: The journal provides data repository and dissemination methods to all accepted articles, such as: database, models, methods, software, procedures, questionnaires, statistics, interview transcripts, audiovisual material, reports, protocols, program codes, algorithms, field diaries, and other useful materials. The research data must be carried out on SciELO Data, precisely in the RGE repository. If the article is accepted, authors will be asked to include the DATA AND MATERIAL AVAILABILITY section after the references. Authors who choose to share the dataset in the manuscript must include the DOI generated by RGE's SciELO Data repository in the format Data preparation and deposit are described in the Research Data Preparation Guidelines and in the Research Data Deposit Guidelines. If the dataset is not shared in the repository, authors must declare in this section that access will be provided upon request to the authors. When access to the dataset is restricted, this must be duly justified in the manuscript, also in the DATA AND MATERIAL AVAILABILITY section. |
Fee collection
The Journal charges submission and publication fees. The submission fee (R$ 200.00) is paid in advance and the receipt must be attached along to the submission. This fee will not be refunded to authors upon archiving or rejection of the manuscript at any stage. The publication fee (R$ 1,300.00) will be paid upon acceptance of the manuscript. The costs of translating the manuscript into English and/or Portuguese, with companies indicated by RGE, are responsibility of the authors. The grammatical review may be carried out by a professional chosen by the authors, and appropriate proof must be attached. Fee payment information Payment of fees must be made via identified bank deposit. Beneficiary: FAURGS - Fundação de Apoio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Bank: 001 - Banco do Brasil Agency: 3798-2 Account: 324.083-5 Identifier code: inform the depositor’s CPF or CNPJ CNPJ: 74.704.008/0001-75 PIX key: Bank deposit receipts must be scanned and subsequently attached as supplementary documents on the ScholarOne platform (Step 2). After the manuscript’s acceptance for publication, it will be asked that authors have the complete manuscript translated. It is exclusively up to the authors to choose and contact the company. Authors must forward the translation to RGE, accompanied by the translation certificate sent by the company that translated the text. It is emphasized that reviewing the translated manuscript is the sole responsibility of the authors. After this process, the manuscript will be sent for layout.
Ethics and misconduct policy, retractions and erratas
RGE follows strictly the ethical guidelines for publication and combat against misconduct in scientific dissemination. The following are considered misconduct practices: cases of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification and/or manipulation of data, duplication of publications, undeclared conflicts of interest, insufficient criteria for authorship, or other forms of scientific misconduct. Once identified, they will be treated seriously by the Editorial Board. RGE reserves the right to take the necessary measures, including rejecting the manuscript, prohibiting future submissions by the authors involved and communicating infractions to affiliated institutions. Retraction: in cases of serious errors or of scientific misconduct, a retraction of the article may be necessary. The decision to retract an article is made by the editor-in-chief after careful investigation and, if necessary, consultation with external experts. The retraction will be clearly identified as such and will remain linked to the original article. Errata: RGE recognizes the importance of correcting errors that may arise after the publication of an article. If a significant error is identified, authors must notify the journal immediately. An errata will be published to detail the corrections and ensure the accuracy and integrity of the article. |
Conflict of interest policy
When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and revealing in the submission system personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts of interest that may influence the content of the work submitted to RGE. Reviewers and editors must declare any conflicts of interest directly to the journal or editor-in-chief before starting the review process or editorial decisions, clearly detailing the relevant conflicts, or confirming the absence of conflicts. |
Adoption of similarity checking software
For all articles submitted to RGE, in the pre-analysis stage, textual similarity is assessed using a similarity detection tool (iThenticate® software), accepting a limit of 30% (references not formatted as numerated in Word are computed as similarities by the software). |
Sex and gender issues
The RGE editorial team, as also the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines to report information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, RGE observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board. |
Ethics committee
Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research. |
Copyright, intellectual property and terms of use
Authors of articles published by RGE retain copyright over the original creation of the article and RGE has the right of first publication. Published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License BY, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction if the original work is properly cited. All authors must sign the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright. RGE encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, if includes the RGE version full citation. |
Sponsors and development agencies
The publication is supported by UFRGS’ Escola de Enfermagem and the Programa de Apoio à Edição de Periódicos. |
Board of directors
Deputy editor-in-chief
Associate editors
Editorial board
Editorial production
Editorial Assistant
Accepted document types
RGE publishes the following sections: Editorial: Text written by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal or professionals invited by him. Original articles: Contributions intended to disseminate results of original and unpublished research, with the possibility of replication. Limited to 20 pages, excluding references (maximum 30). Review articles: Research conducted through the synthesis of study results that aim to answer a specific and relevant question to nursing or health. It must follow guidelines and standards of scientific excellence. Systematic review studies with or without meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis and scoping review are included. They are limited to 20 pages (excluding references) and have no reference limit. RGE requires that review protocols be registered in repositories appropriate to the review method. [Submissions of integrative review articles are temporarily suspended]. Reflection articles: Discursive formulations, with theoretical and philosophical foundations on the state of the art in which a given subject is found. They must present the argumentation and interpretation of the author(s) of the article in relation to the thought discussed. They are limited to 15 pages (including references) and must contain a maximum of 20 references. [Temporarily suspended]. Experience or case reports: Descriptive and contextualized contributions based on a case, experience, or innovation. In the case of a clinical case report, it is mandatory to send the approval opinion of the Research Ethics Committee Involving Human Beings as a supplementary document. They are limited to 10 pages (including references) and must contain a maximum of 20 references. [Temporarily suspended]. Despite accepting the submission of preprints, RGE does not publish in this modality. |
Authors contribution
It is mandatory to inform the contribution of each author in the manuscript according to the CRediT - CASRAI taxonomy, in the submission system, as well as in the final version of the published article. |
Manuscript preparation
All manuscripts submitted must be prepared following the Vancouver model of references and citations and using the template provided in the RGE guidelines, in the respective language of submission. Manuscripts must present three to six descriptors extracted from DeCS or MeSH, in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). They also must be separated by periods and with only the initials in capital letters.
It is recommended that the preparation of manuscripts meets the criteria of the Equator Network guides according to the type of study carried out.
RGE strongly recommends that authors avoid fragmenting results, an aspect that could harm the evaluation of the manuscript. The writing must be clear and concise. The argument must be based on solid and reliable evidence using national and international scientific literature. RGE does not assume responsibility for grammatical mistakes, and therefore has the right to decide on changes and corrections. It is recommended that the manuscript be submitted to a grammar and spelling review to a qualified professional in advance, and the reviewer's statement must be attached to the supplementary documents. |
Submission of manuscripts
Submission of articles must be done exclusively online, via the website: At the time of submission, the full name of each author, ORCID, institution of origin, country, email address and summary of the biography (full affiliation and credentials) must be provided only in the metadata. When submitting the manuscript, a cover letter must be completed indicating the originality, relevance of the article to Nursing and its contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the area. Do not include the name or mini CV of the authors. If the manuscript is a preprint, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the name of the server on which it is deposited must be included in the cover letter. |
Digital assets
When the text presents tables, charts, and illustrations, total a maximum of 5 (five). Tables are generally used to present numeric data, while charts can be used to present text information or a combination of text and numeric data. Tables and charts must not be presented in image format. They must be prepared using the Microsoft Word table tool, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with single spacing between lines. The text complements and does not repeat what is described in the tables and charts. Tables and figures must be numbered sequentially according to the order of appearance in the text, and each must have a descriptive title. Figures with text must be presented in a way that facilitates their subsequent translation. In tables, all abbreviations used must be listed in alphabetical order in the footer, accompanied by their full forms. In figures, abbreviations must be explained in the captions. Figures must be sent with a minimum resolution of 1,200 dpi for simple black and white graphics, 300 dpi for black and white photographs and 600 dpi for color photographs. Charts, tables, and figures must be mentioned in the text that precedes them. |
Citations and References
All references must follow the Vancouver model and must be presented correctly and completely. References exemples available at The veracity of the information contained in the list of references is the responsibility of the authors. Preferably indicate a valid DOI address of the referenced online articles. If not, indicate valid access URL address and access date, stating year, month and day, as per example: (cited 2023 Apr 12). Citations are presented in the text according to the numerical system, with the corresponding numbers in parentheses and superscripts, with no space between the word and the citation number, before the period. In citations, according to the Vancouver model, the name of the authors should not be mentioned, excluding expressions such as: “as per...”, “according to...”. When dealing with sequential citations, the numbers must be separated by a hyphen and, when interspersed, they must be separated by a comma, as shown in the examples: The discovery(1) was made and confirmed by other researchers(2-5). Other studies(6,8,10-12) also contributed to understanding the phenomenon. The studies(13,14) concluded that... Other authors(15-17,19,20,23-25) also highlighted the importance of... |
Supplementary documents
Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright, prepared according to the Journal’s model, signed by all authors, attached as a supplementary document to the article. Open Science Compliance Form, attached as a supplementary document along with the article. According to available model. Opinion of an Ethics Committee or equivalent body. Proof of payment of the submission fee. |
Financing statement
Acknowledgments for financial support, technical assistance, and other assistance in carrying out the work should not be mentioned in the submitted article, only after acceptance of the article. This information should be inserted after References. |
Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua: São Manoel, 963, Rio Branco, CEP: 90620-110 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil E-mail: Telefone: (+55 51) 3308-5242 |