Brief Background
Scientia Agricola is a journal of the University of São Paulo edited at the Luiz de Queiroz campus in Piracicaba, a city in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Its mission is to publish original articles that contribute to the advancement of the agricultural, environmental, and biological sciences. Scientia Agricola has been edited since 1992, starting with volume 49. It continues the Anais da ESALQ, whose first volume was published in 1944 (Annals of ESALQ) and incorporates the journal Energia Nuclear e Agricultura (Nuclear Energy and Agriculture). Scientia Agricola has been exclusively published in its electronic version since 2017, and the printed version being discontinued. |
Open Science Compliance
Scientia Agricola offers free public access to its contents by the principle of greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. Authors must submit an Open Science Compliance Form (OSCF), also available in the 'Submissions' section. Authors may authorize the disclosure of their names when submitting the article, and peer reviewers may authorize the disclosure of their names when filling out the OSCF. |
Ethics in Publication
It is strongly recommended that authors follow the code of conduct of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure an editorial policy committed to ethical publication criteria, which encourage the identification of plagiarism, unfair practices, fraud, possible violations of ethics and initiation of proceedings. |
Focus and Scope
Scientia Agricola is a journal of the University of São Paulo edited at the Luiz de Queiroz campus in Piracicaba, a city in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. It publishes original articles that contribute to the advancement of the agricultural, environmental, and biological sciences. The journal covers various topics, including Crop and Animal Production, Agricultural Engineering, Agroindustrial Technology, Forestry, and Applications in Agricultural, Environmental, Soil, and Biological Sciences. |
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy. |
Indexing Sources
Bibliographic Journal Information
Title: Scientia Agricola |
Websites and Social Media
Editorial Policy
Scientia Agricola journal supports the good practices of Open Science, which results in a more transparent editorial process. This way, manuscripts deposited in the SciELO Preprints server can be submitted to this journal. However, the journal's Editorial Board will decide on the peer-review process for the manuscripts already posted as preprints. Preprints are considered an author’s version of the manuscript before the peer-review process, posted on a free-access website. Preprints can be posted at any moment during the peer-review process. They are not considered formal publication and will not compromise the submission of any manuscript to Scientia Agricola. Once the manuscript is approved and published by Scientia Agricola, it is the author’s responsibility to communicate the facts to the preprint repository. |
Peer Review Process
Scientia Agricola adopts a single-anonymous peer review process to ensure an unbiased judgment and the quality of published articles. The process includes the following steps:
Transparency and Openness in Peer Review Policy: Disclosure of the Responsible Editor(s): Scientia Agricola publishes the names of the Associated Editors responsible for the evaluation in the final article. This practice reinforces the journal's commitment to editorial integrity of and acknowledges editors for their crucial role in maintaining publication quality standards. Transparency Options in Peer Review: Although Scientia Agricola does not publish the reviewers’ identities and their reports, this procedure will be progressively implemented in the near future. |
Open Data
Authors are encouraged to make available previously or at the time of publication all content (data, software codes, and other materials) underlying the manuscript text in open online repositories such as SciELO Data. Otherwise, authors may declare that data will be available from the corresponding author upon request. |
Scientia Agricola does not charge a fee for submitting, evaluating, or reviewing articles. However, after the journal accepts an article, there is a publication fee of R$ 200.00 (two hundred Reais) per printed page for Brazilians and U$100.00 (one hundred dollars) per printed page for foreigners per article. This fee is to pay for English review, markup XML, and iThenticate software. Other expenses for maintaining the infrastructure of the Scientia Agricola secretariat are also paid with this fee. |
Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy
Scientia Agricola strictly adheres to ethical publication guidelines and combats scientific misconduct. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate action whenever misconduct is detected, which may include immediately rejecting the manuscript, prohibiting future submissions from the authors involved, and communicating infractions to affiliated institutions. Scientia Agricola strictly prohibits plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The journal publishes only original articles. Submitting a manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously or dividing the results of a study into several manuscripts is strictly prohibited. Fraud, such as image manipulation, data fabrication, or falsification, will lead to immediate rejection. Authors should be transparent and responsible when using artificial intelligence (AI). When using AI, authors must include detailed information (name, version, model, and source) about the used technology. When using AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, he production of images or graphics, or the compilation and analysis of data, authors are obliged to make it explicit in the Materials and Methods section. When AI is used to paraphrase or improve the author's original content rather than suggest new content, it becomes a similar tool to Grammarly. Scientia Agricola prohibits texts translated by AI. Authors must disclose the use of AI in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of the main manuscript file before the References section, Declaration of use of AI Technologies. |
Policy on Conflict of Interest
Authors must disclose potential personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts of interest. The reviewer must inform the editors of any conflicts of interest that could influence the analysis of the manuscript and must declare themselves unqualified to review it. Like reviewers, Associate Editors and Editor-in-Chief should avoid making decisions on manuscripts that conflict with their interests. |
Adoption of similarity software
All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to the journal’s screening policy for plagiarism and self-plagiarism using the iThenticate software. The journal’s Secretariat checks plagiarism and self-plagiarism immediately after submission. When plagiarism is detected, the Editor-in-Chief is in charge to inform the authors by presenting the report generated by the iThenticate and requesting appropriate adjustments. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are checked once more when the manuscript is accepted for publication. |
Gender and Sex Issues
The Scientia Agricola editorial team and the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. |
Ethics Committee
Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee (ex. Environment, Biosecurity, and Animals) of the institution responsible for approving the, research, if applicable. The Materials and Methods section must officially state this evidence, describing that the study was evaluated and approved by an appropriate ethical committee (including the process number). |
The author maintains the copyright over the published article and grants Scientia Agricola the right to first publish it. The articles are licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 open-access license, so anyone can download and read them. Furthermore, the article can be reused and cited if the original published version is cited. This way, the study will have maximum exposure, and the authors will receive due credit. |
Intellectual Property and Terms of Use
Copyright terms applied to content published on Scientia Agricola must be clearly stated and differentiated from those applied to the website itself. Opinions and concepts expressed in the articles are the authors’ exclusive responsibility. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reuse of copyrighted materials (tables, figures, and graphs) in their manuscripts. Unless otherwise specified, all journal content and articles published by Scientia Agricola, are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Authors retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction as long as the original work is correctly cited. Scientia Agricola encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by posting them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media platforms. Authors can also post their articles on personal social media accounts if they include the complete citation to the version published on the journal's website. |
Sponsors and Promotion Agencies
Scientia Agricola receives accreditation from the USP/Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais (ABCD). |
Editorial Advisory Board
Associate Editors
Technical Team
Statistics reviewers
References / Citations
Administrative Board
Types of Documents Accepted
Scientia Agricola accepts four manuscript categories that can be submitted: original research article, note, review, and point of view. Manuscripts deposited in the SciELO Preprints server can be submitted to this journal. Original research articles are grouped by subject matter into the following categories: Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Microbiology; Agrometeorology; Animal Science and Pastures; Biometry, Modeling, and Statistics; Crop Science; Agricultural Ecology; Entomology; Food Science and Technology; Forestry Science; Genetics and Plant Breeding; Plant Pathology; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Soils and Plant Nutrition; and Zoology. |
Authors' Contribution
All manuscripts must have a section describing the each author’s contributions using the relevant CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). The corresponding authors are responsible for providing this information. It is expected that all authors agree with their contributions. Any other contribution that does not meet the relevant CRediT roles should be considered a subject of acknowledgment. |
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript submission
Cover letter (must be written in English)
Manuscript style
Article Submission Format
Manuscripts should be organized as one file containing the main document. MS Word for Windows or compatible software should be used for the main document, with 12-point Times New Roman, 3.0-cm margins, and double spacing. Organize the main document in the following order: Cover Page, Abstract (maximum of 250 words), Keywords (maximum of five), Introduction (30 lines), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (no subheadings), Acknowledgments (optional), Authors’ Contributions, Conflict of interest, Data availability statement, Declaration of use of AI Technologies (whether using it or not), References, Figures and Tables with their respective legends.
Digital Assets
Tables and figures
Citations and References
Scientia Agricola prohibits authors from citing congress or workshop abstracts, dissertations, and theses. References in any language other than English should be limited to those crucial to the study, up to four references. These references should have an abstract in English and must be cited in the following format: (in Portuguese, Spanish or Japanese, etc., with abstract in English). Scientia Agricola does not recommend authors cite statistical analyses or software packages as references. These tools should be mentioned in the text (Materials and Methods) by including the specific procedure and the name of the software with its version and/or year, e.g., “…statistical procedures were conducted using PROC NLIN in SAS (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.2)”. References and citations in Scientia Agricola articles should be formatted in the 'author, year' or 'name (year)' style. Remember to ensure that text citations match the list of references. Please see the reference and citation examples in the attached table. |
Supplementary Documents
The authors should submit the Open Science Compliance Form properly fulfilled. |
Financing Statement
All sources of research support (if any), as well as the project number and responsible institution, must be declared in the Acknowledgments section. |
Additional Information
Cover image submissions
The cover of Scientia Agricola may feature an image representative of an article published in that issue. Authors are invited to submit scientifically compelling and visually appealing cover images. Images should be high-resolution (300 dpi) and measure 17 x 17 cm. Cover images can be photographs of organisms, habitats, montages of photographs, diagrams, maps, or data. Illustrations need not be reprinted in the article but should represent the work. Images should be original. Upload the image as an additional supplemental file and a separate text file that includes a brief one-paragraph description of the image and its relevance to the published manuscript. If an author does not hold the copyright for a submitted image, he is responsible for obtaining permission to use it. |
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" |