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About the journal


Basic information

The Summa Phytopathologica is a publication of the São Paulo State Plant Pathology Association (APF), Botucatu SP.

Summa Phytopathologica (SP) is dedicated to publishing technical and scientific articles that describe original research in the area of Plant Pathology that may contribute significantly to its progress. SP accepts papers written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

Its abbreviated title, Summa Phytopathol., should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.


Indexing sources

The journal is indexed by:

  • Scielo on-line
  • Review of Plant Pathology
  • Biological Abstracts
  • CAB Abstracts
  • ISI



The journal is financed by:

  • Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas of the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia - MCT (, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq (
  • Ministérios da Educação, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES (
  • Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (



  • Summa Phytopathologica
    Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
    Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - FCA
    Fazenda Lageado, Caixa Postal 237 - CEP:18603-970
    Botucatu - SP, Brazil
    Fone: 55 14 3811 7262


Editorial Board


President and Editor in chief

  • Edson Luiz Furtado (FCA/UNESP)


Editorial Committee


  • Antonio Carlos Maringoni (FCA/UNESP)
  • Treasurer

  • Marcelo Agenor Pavan (FCA/UNESP)


Technical Support - Composition

  • Maria Inês Andrade e Cruz
    (FCA/UNESP) - Botucatu, SP
  • Célia Regina Inoue
    (FCA/UNESP) - Botucatu, SP
  • Hellen Sayuri Sato
    (FCA/UNESP) - Botucatu, SP


Editorial Council

  • Carlos Alberto Lopes
    Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / EMBRAPA - Brasília - DF - Brasil
  • Erlei Melo Reis
    Universidade de Passo Fundo / UPF - Passo Fundo - RS - Brasil
  • Gilson Soares da Silva
    Universidade Estadual do Maranhão / UEM - São Luiz - MA - Brasil
  • José Otávio Machado Menten
    Universidade de São Paulo / USP - Piracicaba - SP - Brasil
  • Júlio Rodrigues Neto
    Instituto Biológico / IB - Campinas - SP - Brasil
  • Laércio Zambolim
    Universidade Federal de Viçosa / UFV - Viçosa - MG - Brasil
  • Luadir Gasparotto
    Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / EMBRAPA - Manaus - AM - Brasil
  • Paulo César Ceresini
    Universidade Estadual Paulista / UNESP - Ilha Solteira - SP - Brasil
  • Rita de Cassia Panizzi
    FCAV/UNESP – Jaboticabal-SP
  • Rosa Maria Valdebenito Sanhueza
    Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / EMBRAPA - Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brasil
  • Sami Jorge Michereff
    Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco / UFRPE - Recife - PE - Brasil
  • Sérgio Florentino Pascholatti
    ESALQ/USP – Piracicaba-SP

  • Vanda Maria Angeli Malavolta
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas / IAC - Campinas - SP - Brasil
  • Wagner Bettiol
    Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / EMBRAPA - Jaguariúna - SP - Brasil


Instructions to authors


Scope of this journal

Summa Phytopathologica (SP) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles focusing exclusively on all aspects of plant pathology. The scientific journal Summa Phytopathologica has been published quarterly since 1975.

SP is the official publication of the APF - Associação Paulista de Fitopatologia (São Paulo State Plant Pathology Association), which has approximately 500 members from Brazil, Latin America and other countries overseas. Membership annual fees solely support the journal but membership in the Society is not a prerequisite for publication in the journal. Page charges are higher for nonmembers.

Its editorial board is composed by a president, a secretary, and a treasurer (elected during APF business meeting), and an editorial committee formed by fourteen plant pathologists from the main Universities and research institutions of São Paulo State.

Manuscripts may be submitted for consideration of publication in Portuguese, Spanish or English languages. Submission implies nonsubmission elsewhere. The submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three ad-hoc assessors, which are plant pathology specialists designated by the editorial board. Subject areas of the research articles include both fundamental and applied plant pathology (bacteriology, disease control and pest management, ecology, epidemiology, etiology, genetics and resistance, mycology, nematology, postharvest diseases and techniques, and virology). In addition to research articles, reviews articles provide up-to-date summaries of recent advances in plant pathology. The standards adopted for manuscript preparation follow the local rules from ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Térnicas - Brazilian Association for Technical Standards) and international rules from ISO. Complete instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are presented in the first issue of SP published every year.


Submission of Manuscripts

Send the original and two copies, and please include the following:

  • Text in double-space with lines and pages numbered.
  • Illustrations (graphics or drawings and tables).
  • Photographs or micrographs.
  • Evidence of articles cited as "in press" and personal information.
  • A letter accompanying the manuscript, providing authorization by all the authors.

Submit the manuscript to:

Summa Phytopathologica
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - FCA, campus de Botucatu
Fazenda Lageado, Caixa Postal 237 - CEP:18603-910
Botucatu - SP, Brazil

The Editorial Board accepts submission by E-mail.


Types of papers

1. Scientific papers: original and conclusive scientific research studies. Written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The paper must have a maximum of twenty pages, typed using double spacing. It must not exceed thirty references. The text must contain the following sections:

Português: Resumo, abstract, introdução, material e métodos, resultados e discussão, agradecimentos, referências bibliográficas.

Español: Resumen (en español y en portugués), abstract, material y métodos, resultados y discusión, agradecimientos, referencias bibliográficas.

2. Reviews: text on a specific subject, focusing on new concepts, hypotheses, or discussions, or that promotes the integration between Plant Pathology and other sciences, preferentially in compliance with the Editorial Board's request. It must have a maximum of twenty pages, typed using double spacing, and should not exceed sixty references. The text must contain the following sections:

Português: Resumo, abstract, texto, referências bibliográficas.

English: Abstract (in both English and Portuguese), text, references.

Espanhol: Resumen (en español y en portugués), abstract, texto, referencias bibliográficas.

3. Scientific notes: original scientific research papers that are recent and of interest to be made public without delay. They must have a maximum of six pages, typed using double spacing, one table and one figure. They should not exceed ten references. The text must contain the following sections:

Português: Resumo, abstract, texto, agradecimentos, referências bibliográficas.

English: Abstract (in both English and Portuguese), text, acknowledgments, references.

Espanhol: Resumen (en español y en portugués), abstract, texto, agradecimientos, referencias bibliográficas.

4. Technical notes: new techniques, products, and patents. The paper must present an abstract (in English and Portuguese), and the text should not be divided into topics, except for a reference section. It must have a maximum of six pages, typed using double spacing, and a maximum of one table and one figure. It should not exceed ten references.

Português: Resumo, abstract, texto, agradecimentos, referências bibliográficas.

English: Abstract (in both English and Portuguese), text, acknowledgments, references.

Espanhol: Resumen (en español y en portugués), abstract, texto, agradecimientos, referencias bibliográficas.

5. Communications: a) verification of a new disease or a new pathogen. In the event that it deals with the first detection in the country, a technical opinion by Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply) must be included, authorizing the publication. b) results of disease control tests (chemical or biological) as long as they have not been conducted " in vitro". No abstract or division into topics, and text containing a maximum of two typed pages, and one figure or table, without bibliographic citations.

6. Services: a) advertisement of news of interest to plant pathologists; b) book reviews; c) abstracts of dissertations and theses presented by APF members; d) news about congresses and resolutions approved in general meetings.

7. Letters to the editor: document dealing with a relevant subject sent for publication to present suggestions or stimulate discussion. A reply and a rejoinder can be published.


Manuscript processing

The paper must contain the full name of the authors, without abbreviations. One of the authors must be designated to account for correspondence and exchange of information with the Editorial Board (EB) and the Board of Associate Editors (BAE); the full name and address of the corresponding author's institution will be included in the header of the published paper. In the event that none of the authors is a member of Associação Paulista de Fitopatologia (APF), a one-hundred-real fee (R$ 100.00) must be paid by check made out to APF to cover for manuscript-processing costs.

Articles for publication can be submitted to the Summa Phytopathologica (SP) Editorial Board electronically, or recorded on a floppy disk or a CD, together with four printed copies, accompanied by a statement indicating that the paper has not yet been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, with the agreement of all authors. After receiving the manuscript, the EB will examine it to determine whether the theme conforms to the periodical and to the proposed guidelines and innovation requirements. The authors will be notified by letter if the manuscript has been accepted or if the text needs adjustments or even needs to have its publication type changed, in order to be resubmitted. After being accepted for processing, copies of the paper without authorship information will be forwarded to three ad hoc referees (AH) which are specialists in the area, previously selected by the Editorial Board (EB) and the Board of Associate Editors (BAE). These AHs will fill out an evaluation card forwarded to them together with the paper and will accept or deny the publication, making suggestions to improve the text as to its format and structure, and to ensure that the methodology and bibliography are up-to-date. All materials must be returned to the EB and the BAE within 45 days. After the three opinions have been received and the paper has been accepted by at least two referees, one of the copies will be submitted for correction of the abstract and for conformation to bibliographical citation guidelines. After all corrections have been done, the author will receive the material and another three unidentified opinions by the advisors, together with the floppy or CD for their knowledge and for taking steps to conform the text to the standard of the journal and then resubmit it; this is done by sending two updated, printed copies plus the CD to the Editorial Board (EB) and the Board of Associate Editors (BAE) which, after checking on the corrections proposed by the referees and analyzing the justifications provided by the authors, will forward the paper; it is only then that the manuscript will be considered accepted for publication. Otherwise, the manuscript is returned again to the authors for the necessary corrections.

Author(s) whose manuscript text has not been accepted for publication will receive all their copies back, together with the floppy or CD.

With respect to paper illustrations, the author(s) are charged no extra fees, provided the illustrations are in black and white. However, author(s) must cover the additional costs of pages that are to be published in color, after being notified that the paper has been accepted for publication.

In the event of conflicts of interest, the authors must manifest it by letter via the corresponding author; the letter will be analyzed by the Editorial Board (EB) and, if deemed necessary, it will be submitted to the Editorial Council (ECO).

After the paper has undergone desktop publishing and the first print, a copy will be forwarded to the authors for printer's proof or text review purposes; necessary corrections should be indicated followed by red circle marks, and must be returned to the Editorial Board (EB) within five working days. If this deadline is not met, the paper will remain on file to be published in a later issue of the periodical.

All papers must be typed on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), double-spaced, with 3-cm margins; lines and pages must be numbered. The "Times New Roman", 12-point font must be used as standard.

The abstract must contain additional keywords in both English and Portuguese (not to exceed five words in each, different from those used in the title).

Tables, figures, drawings, photographs and graphs must be presented separately at the end of the manuscript. The place where they will be inserted in the body of the text must contain the following instruction: Insert Figure 1; insert Table 1.

Table titles should be placed above the table and figure captions should be placed on the bottom, and should occupy their entire width. The words Figure and Table, together with their corresponding numbers, must be written in boldface. Notations (numbers, letters, and symbols) in tables and figures must be no smaller than 10 points. Figures, in the form of graphs, must be prepared on a white background, with borders.

Photos and photomontages must be provided in glossy, A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), in JPEG, with 300 dpi.

Bibliographical citations in the text must be:

a) expressed in numerical form. When authors are part of the context of a sentence, their names must be capitalized, followed by the citation number between parentheses. Example: Figueiredo (6).

b) when a paper has more than two authors, the first must be cited followed by et al.; papers with only two authors require an & (ampersand) sign. Example: Figueiredo & Coutinho (7).

c) personal communications must be cited as footnotes, containing data about the informant and the date (month and year) of the information.

d) when more than one citation exists, they must be cited in the text in numerical ascending order (6, 7, 18).

e) No zeros to the left should be used when numbering citations.

References at the end of the text must be presented in alphabetical order and numbered according to the following formats:

FORMAT: Author(s). Title of the article. Name of the periodical, city, volume, number, starting-final pages, year. Examples:

1. Costa, A.S. História da fitopatologia no Brasil. Summa Phytopathologica, Campinas, v.1, n.3, p.155-163, 1975.

2. Leite, R.M.V.B.C.; Amorim, L. Elaboração e validação de escala diagramática para mancha de Alternaria em girassol. Summa Phytopathologica, Botucatu, v.28, n.1, p.14-19, 2002.

3. Micheref, S.J.; Mariano, R.L.R.; Padovan, I.; Menezes, M. Observações ultraestruturais das interações entre Colletotrichum graminicola e agentes biocontroladores no filoplano de sorgo. Summa Phytopathologica, Jaguariúna, v.19, n.2, p.99-101, 1993.

FORMAT: Author(s). Title of the article. Name of the periodical, city, volume, number, starting-final pages, date. Available at: <http: electronic address>. Accessed on: day month (short). year. Examples:

1. Lamari, L. Assess: Image analysis software for plant disease quantification. St. Paul: APS Press, 2002. 1CD-ROM.

2. São Paulo. (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Tratados e organizações ambientais em matéria de meio ambiente. In: Entendendo o meio ambiente. São Paulo, 1999. v.1 Available at: <>. Accessed on: 8 Mar. 1999.

FORMAT: Author(s). Title: subtitle. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. volume no. and/or page total (series note). Examples:

1. Kimati, H.; Gimenes-Fernandes, N.; Soave, J.; Kurozawa, C.; Brignani Neto, F.; Bettiol, W. Guia de fungicidas agrícolas: recomendações por cultura. 2.ed. Jaboticabal: Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia, 1997. v.1, 224p.

2. Lucas, J.A. Plant pathology and plant pathogens. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1998. 274p.

FORMAT: Author(s) of the chapter. Chapter title or part referenced. In: Author or Publisher. Title of the full publication. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. volume, chapter no. and/or starting-final pages of the part referenced. Example:

1. Reis, E.M.; Casa, R.T. Cereais de inverno. In: Vale, F.X.R.; Zambolim, L. Controle de doenças de plantas: grandes culturas. Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 1997. v.1, cap.5, p.231-287.

FORMAT: Author(s). Title: subtitle. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. volume no. and/or page total (series note). CD-ROM number. Example:

1. Lamari, L. Assess: Image analysis software for plant disease quantification. St. Paul: APS Press, 2002. 1 CD-ROM.

FORMAT: Author(s). Title: subtitle. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. volume no. and/or page total (series note). Available at: <http: electronic address>. Example:

2. São Paulo (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Tratados e organizações ambientais em matéria de meio ambiente. São Paulo, 1999. v. 1: Entendendo o meio ambiente. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 26 Apr. 2006.

FORMAT: Author. Title: Date. Number of pages or volumes. Dissertation or Thesis (Degree and Concentration Area) - Name of College, University, city. Example:

1. Izioka, E.E.K. Caracterização morfológica, patogênica e molecular de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.)Penz. & Sacc., agente causal da podridão floral do citros. 1995. 138f. Tese (Doutorado em Genética) - Instituto de Biociências - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu.

FORMAT: Author(s) of the paper. Work title. In: Name of event, number., year, city where held. Title: City of publication: Publisher, year. starting-final pages of the paper. Example:

1. Melo, I.S. de. Controle biológico de doenças de raiz. In: Reunião sobre controle biológico de doenças de plantas, 1., 1986, Piracicaba. Anais. Campinas: Fundação Cargill, 1986. p.7-12.

FORMAT: Author. Work title. In: Name of event, event number., year, city where held. Title: City of publication: Publisher, year. number of CDs. Example:

1. Jerba, V.F.; Rodella, R.A.; Furtado, E.L. Análise pré-infeccional do desenvolvimento de Glomerella cingulata na superfície foliar de cultivares de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris). In: Reunion Latinoamericana de Fisiologia Vegetal, 11., 2002, Punta del Este. Actas. Córdoba: Editiones del Copista, 2002. 1 CD-ROM.

FORMAT: Author(s). Title of the article. Name of the periodical, city, volume, number, starting-final pages, year. (Abstract). Example:

1. Kitajima, E.W.; Coletta Filho, H.D.; Machado, M.A.; Novas, Q.S. Escaldadura das folhas em Hibiscos schizopetalus associada à infecção por Xylella fastidiosa em Brasília, DF. Fitopatologia Brasileira, Brasília, v.25, supl., p.323-323, 2000. (Abstract).

FORMAT: Author(s) of the article. Title of the article. Title of the Periodical, city, volume, issue number, starting-final pages of the article, year. In: Title of the Abstract, city, volume, number, year. (Abstract reference number). Example:

1. Katis, N.; Gibson, R.W. Transmission of potato virus y by cereal aphids. Potato Research, Wageningen, v.28, n.1, p.65-70, 1985. In: Review of Plant Pathology, London, v.65, n.8, p.445, 1986. (Abstract 4038).

In scientific names, use the Latin binomial nomenclature, with the genus and species names written in full. The authority or descriptor must be added the first time the citation is made in the body of the paper. In the subsequent times when it is written in the text, the abbreviated form can be used for the genus. Example: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., the first time, and C. gloeosporioides subsequently.

Viruses must be designated by their corresponding species name (ICTV guidelines) in English, italicized and with the first letter capitalized for species recognized by the ICTV, followed by the acronyms. In subsequent times, use the corresponding acronym only. Example: Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV.

Molecular weight expressed in Daltons (Da) or Kilo Dalton (KDa). Metric system: use L (liter), mL (milliliter), L (microliter), do not use ppm (parts per million) butg/mL, do not use ton. (tons) but megagrams.

Time units: seconds (s), minutes (min), and hours (h).

Temperature units expressed as Celsius degrees. Example: 25 oC.

Chemicals: use technical names (active principle), not capitalized.

Provisions not set out in these guidelines will be given by the Editorial Board (EB), after consultation with the Editorial Council (EC) and "ad-hoc" advisors (AHs).


Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia FCA/UNESP - Depto. De Produção Vegetal, Caixa Postal 237, 18603-970 - Botucatu, SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 14) 3811 7262, Fax: (55 14) 3811 7206 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil