Basic information
Varia Historia was founded in 1985, formerly as Revista do Departamento de História, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 1993, after consolidating its importance in Brazilian academic circles, the journal launched a new era looking forward to broaden its audience and improving its quality, with a new title. Varia Historia is a Latin expression by which we wish to affirm our journal as a vehicle for the diversity and the variety of contemporary historiography. Since 2007, the journal has been admitted by SciELO and has been progressively reaching international prominence. Past issues can be accessed on the website Since 2014, Varia Historia has been published three times a year. In 2018, Varia Historia became an exclusively online periodical. Its abbreviated title is Varia hist., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
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All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. |
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Books: MORUS, Thomas. Utopia ou a melhor forma de governo. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2009. Quote in the body of the text: (MORUS, 2009, p. 99). BÜTTGEN, Philippe; DUHAMELLE, Christophe (Dir.). Religion ou confession. Un bilan franco-allemand sur l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles). Paris: Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2010. Quote in the body of the text: (BÜTTGEN; DUHAMELLE, 2010, p. 4)
In case where there are more than three authors, use et al: Quote in the body of the text: (KOSELLECK et al, 2013, p. 97)
Classical works: Quote in the body of the text: (PLATÃO, A REPÚBLICA, VII, p. 286) Book chapters: VERBERCKMOES, Johan. O cômico e a Contra-Reforma na Holanda Espanhola. In: BREMMER, Jan; ROODENBURG, Herman (Org.). Uma história cultural do humor. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2000. p. 115-132. Quote in the body of the text: (VERBERCKMOES, 2000, p. 125) Journal articles: MUCHEMBLED, Robert. Fils de Caïn, enfants de Médée. Homicide et infanticide devant le parlement de Paris (1575-1604). Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, v. 62, n. 5, p. 1063-1094, sept./oct. 2007. Quote in the body of the text: (MUCHEMBLED, 2007, p. 1065) Entries: DIDEROT. Autoridade política. In: DIDEROT, Denis; D’ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond. Enciclopédia, ou Dicionário razoado das ciências, das artes e dos ofícios. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2015. p. 37-44. Quote in the body of the text: (DIDEROT, 2015, p. 44) Dictionaries:
DICTIONNAIRE de l’Académie Française. Paris: Les Libraires Associés, 1762. 4 ed. Annals of congress: NAPOLITANO, Marcos. Engenheiros das almas ou vendedores de utopia? A inserção do artista intelectual engajado no Brasil dos anos 1970. In: SEMINÁRIO 1964/2004 – 40 ANOS DO GOLPE MILITAR, 2004, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: FAPERJ/7 Letras, 2004. p. 309-321. Quote in the body of the text: (NAPOLITANO, 2004, p. 315) CURTO, Diogo Ramada. Littératures de large circulation au Portugal (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles). In: COLLOQUE COLPORTAGE ET LECTURE POPULAIRE. IMPRIMÉS DE LARGE CIRCULATION EN EUROPE XVIe-XVIIe SIÈCLES, 1991, Wolfenbüttel. Actes… Paris: IMEC/ Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1996. p. 299-330. Quote in the body of the text: (CURTO, 1996, p. 230) Newspaper articles: OTTA, Lu Aiko. Parcela do tesouro nos empréstimos do BNDS cresce 566% em oito anos. O Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1 ago. 2010. Economia & Negócios, p. B1. Quote in the body of the text: (OTTA, 2010, p. B1) SCHWARTSMAN, Hélio. A vitória do Iluminismo. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 18 mar. 2018. Disponível em: < >. Accessed on: 29 abr. 2020. Quote in the body of the text: (SCHWARTSMAN, 2018) Unpublished dissertations and thesis: CAIXETA, Bruna Pereira. Man in the Moone (Londres, 1638): utopia, ciência e política no pensamento de Francis Godwin. Dissertação (Mestrado em Teoria e História Literária) – Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2014. Quote in the body of the text: (CAIXETA, 2014, p. 34) Interviews: BOURDIEU, Pierre. Le droit à la parole. Entrevistador: Pierre Viansson-Ponté. Le Monde, Paris, Les griles du temps, 11 oct. 1977, p. 1-2. Quote in the body of the text: (BOURDIEU, 1977, p. 1) MAXWELL, Kenneth. Entrevistadora: Ana Paula Sampaio Caldeira. Varia Historia, 5 jul. 2019. Disponível em: < >. Accessed on: 30 abr. 2020. Quote in the body of the text: (MAXWELL, 2019) Documents found online: HARRIOT, Thomas. Monn Drawnings. In: The Galileo Project. Disponível em: < >. Accessed on: 27 abr. 2020. CERVANTES, Miguel de. Les Advantures du fameux Chevalier Dom Quixot de la Manche et de Sancho Pansa son escuyer. Paris: Boissevin, 1650. Disponível em: < >. Accessed on: 27 abr. 2020. Archival documents: References to archives must be placed in footnotes, not in the bibliography. They must follow the style: ARCHIVAL NAME, City. Title of document, year. Series, box, tome, vol., fº. ARQUIVO NACIONAL DA TORRE DO TOMBO (ANTT), Lisboa. Corpo Cronológico, 1552. Parte 1, maço 86, doc. 45, carta de 11 abr. 1552. ARQUIVO HISTÓRICO ULTRAMARINO (AHU), Lisboa. Carta do Rei D. João V, 22 ago. 1727. Anexos de AHU_ACL_CU_015, cx. 72, d. 606. We emphasize that:
Cases not explained above must be presented in accordance with the ABNT norms.