ISSN 0100-6916 printed version
ISSN 1808-4389 CD-ROM version



General instructions

Manuscripts may be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish. The text should be sent through the ScholarOne system by accessing the address ( The Editorial board checks the text for plagiarism, scope and format. Each article is submitted to at least three reviewers.

By submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author should fill in the system form with all the require information, including ORCID (see how to create in,  and also send a message to    assuming responsibility for the other authors, if any, as co-responsible for the scientific content of the article, according to Article 5 of the Brazilian Law No. 9610/98, which treats of the Copyright Law (please see item 4, at the end of this topic).

The authors should see also COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics, guidelines in their endeavor to preserve and promote the integrity of the scholarly record through policies and practices that reflect the current best principles of transparency and integrity, by prevention of plagiarism, malpractice, fraud and possible ethical violations.

The correspondent author should also send to a declaration form stating that the article sent to Engenharia Agricola have not been submitted for publication to another agency, nor have been previously published, except in abstract form at scientific meeting (please see the form in item 4, at the end of this topic).

2.  Fees

2.1 Submission and publication

The submission fee is R$ 120.00 (one hundred twenty Reals), plus bank transaction fee.

The publication fee is R$ 500.00 (five hundred Reals), however if the first author is associated to SBEA and up to date with annuity, the fee is R$ 150.00 (one hundred fifty Reals), plus bank transaction fee.

Please wait the request from Editorial Committee to proceed the fee payments.

2.2. Considerations about fee payment and receipts

- Once assigned to the evaluation, the amount paid will not be refunded in case of cancellation and / or refusal of the article. Once accepted, publication will only be made upon credit confirmation by the financial institution;

Considering that the Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering - SBEA is a civil association of private law, of a technical-scientific and non-profit nature, it does not issue an invoice, only a receipt. Letters of Commitment do not guarantee publication of the article.

The journal will accept Letters of Commitment with the following provisions:

- SBEA does not issue invoices, only receipts.
- o (Annex3_INSRF539_2005) will be provided to institutions that require a supporting document for purposes of non-use of IRPJ, CSLL, Cofins, and the contribution to PIS/Pasep, referred to in art. 64 of Law No. 9,430, of December 27th, 1996, which is a non-profit educational entity, referred to in article 15 of Law 9,532, dated December 10th, 1997.

Please be advised that these are the only documents issued by the journal's office for payment purposes via a Letter of Commitment.
We clarify that, if the amount relating to the Note of Commitment is not credited within 30 days of the receipt issuance, the submission will be filed.

It should be noted that these norms were developed with the intention of benefiting both parties, focusing on internal procedures of the journal and leaving the author with the choice of payment options. Keep in mind that, regardless of the option chosen, the procedures above must be followed.

2.4 Translation and review

Once accepted, the articles submitted in Portuguese and Spanish should be translated into English by companies indicated by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts submitted in English should be revised by those companies. The recommended translator or reviewer companies are:

Academic Editing Service (

American Journal Experts (

Elsevier  (

Editage (

Enago ( Ltda (https://www.

STTA - Serviços Técnicos de Tradução e Análises  (

Write Science Right (

The translation of the articles submitted in Portuguese and Spanish and the review of the articles submitted in English will be paid by the author directly to the companies indicated by the editorial committee.

3.  Guidelines for manuscript preparation

3.1. Configuration

- Manuscripts should have no more than five authors.
- Suppress author names and affiliation;
- Color figures are allowed (photos, graphs, diagrams, etc) limited to 2.0 Mb;
- Measurement unites should follow the International Unit System ;
- Processor: MSWord 7.0 or later
- Paper size: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
- Maximum number of pages: 20
- Line Spacing: 2
- Font for the text: Times New Roman 12
- Font for the header / footnote: Times New Roman 9
- Margins: 2 cm on all sides of the paper
- Number lines on the pages: file / page setup / layout / number of lines / numbering lines /continuous
- Paragraph: 1.0 cm
- Maximum file size: 2.0 Mb
- Identification of the authors: upon advised on the acceptance of the article, the corresponding author shall submit to SciELO system a document containing: final manuscript title, followed by the full names of authors in the same order of publication. Authors should be the same as those registered in the system at the time of submission. They cannot be changed, except with express written consent of each of the original authors. Each name must be followed by a superscripted numbers in a sequence.  Below the corresponding author’s name, separated by double space, his affiliation and email address shall be included, and, for the remaining authors, only the institution is required.

3.2 Category

The manuscripts can be Scientific article, Technical article, and Review article.

3.2.1 Scientific Article

Scientific articles refer to reports of original research, with a well-defined hypothesis and  innovation issues. The text should include the items, always highlighted in capital letters and bold unnumbered paragraph and, leaving two spaces (ENTER twice) after the previous item and a space (ENTER once) to begin the text, in the following order: Title, name of the authors, abstract, keywords, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion, Acknowledgments and References.

Title: Centralized, should be clear and concise, allowing prompt identification of the content of the study, trying to avoid words like: analysis, study and evaluation.

Abstract: The text, containing a maximum of 14 lines, should start on the same line of the item, be sufficiently clear to be presented alone and include five points: 1) Justify (1 or 2 sentences) – why the research was considered necessary?, 2) Objectives (1 sentence) – what was done to achieve the need for research, 3) Methods (up to 3 sentences) – a brief summary of what and which parameters where measured, 4) Results (up to 5 sentences) – what was found? , 5) Conclusions/recommendations (1 sentence) – what should be done in response to those findings. Below should appear the keywords (six at most, trying not repeating the title) written in lowercase.

Introduction: Should be concise, in at most 50 lines, using recent literature (preferably peer reviewed articles published over last 5 years) and appropriate to formulate the problems addressed and the justification of the importance of the subject. On the last paragraph, the week points of the reviewed literature should be clearly mentioned, pointing what is missing and describing what is novel in the proposal research the makes the article to deserve to be published in Engenharia Agricola.

Material and methods: Depending on the nature of the study, a characterization of the experimental area must be inserted, making clear the conditions under which the research was conducted. When the public domain methods are used only the reference will be sufficient, otherwise is required description of the procedures used, adjustments promoted, etc. Measurement units and symbols should follow the International System.

Results and discussion: The results should be compared with those of the literature presented in the Introduction and with others pertinent to the field of work, and discussed in the light of established knowledge, agreeing or disagreeing with scientific or technical explanations, but highlighting the importance and originality of such data. The wording of this item should be elaborated not only by reporting that the results obtained agree with or disagree with the results obtained by other researchers, but also, in a clear and concise way, seek to explain why the results were those and why they agree or disagree with the results  presented in the literature.

Conclusions: These should be based exclusively on the results of the study. Avoid repetition of results in subsequent listing, confronting what was obtained with the goals initially set. The conclusions should be written to facilitate interpretation of the article, without consulting other items of it.

Acknowledgments: Enter it, if any, after conclusions, succinctly.

References: Should be mentioned only the essential related to the manuscript, including only those mentioned in the text and tables, graphs or illustrations, appearing in alphabetical order and in lowercase letters. Avoid quoting abstracts, unpublished articles and personal communication. At least 50% of the references should be in the last 5 years and 90% of periodic articles.

Exceptional cases should be justified and will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee. The references in the text must also appear in capital letters, followed by the date:

Souza & Silva (2005), or (Souza & Silva, 2005); existing other references of the same author in the same year (other publications), it will be identified with lowercase letters (a, b, c) after the year of publication: Souza & Silva (2005 a). For three or more authors, in the text will be quoted only the first author followed by et al., but in the final bibliography list other names should also appear. In quotation from quotation (to be avoided), identifies the directly consulted article, the author and / or the article mentioned in it as indicated: Silva (2000) cited by Pessoa (2006).

Following are some examples:


Pruski FF, Rodrigues RG, Pruski PL, Nunes AA, Rego FS (2016) Extrapolation of regionalization equations for long-term average flow. Engenharia Agricola 36(5):830-838.

With DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Pruski FF, Rodrigues RG, Pruski PL, Nunes AA, Rego FS (2016) Extrapolation of regionalization equations for long-term average flow. Engenharia Agricola 36(5):830-838. DOI:


Complete book, authored

Keller J, Bliesner RD (2012) Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation. New York, Springer. 652p.

Complete book, only specific pagination (preferred form)

Keller J, Bliesner RD (2012) Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation. New York, Springer, p140-160.

Book with institutional author

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2016) The state of food and agriculture: climate change, agriculture and food security. Rome, FAO, 190p.

Book with institutional author, only specific pagination (preferred form)

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2016) The state of food and agriculture: climate change, agriculture and food security. Rome, FAO, p50-60.

Complete book, edited

Mueller T, Sassenrath GF (2015) GIS Applications in Agriculture.

Volume Four: Conservation Planning. Boca Raton, CRC Press, v4:304p. DOI: 10.1201/b18173-1

Complete book, edited, only specific pagination (preferred form)

Mueller T, Sassenrath GF (2015) GIS Applications in Agriculture. Volume Four: Conservation Planning. Boca Raton, CRC Press, v4: p28-49. DOI: 10.1201/b18173-1

Book chapter or an article within a book

Buckleiter GW (2007) Irrigation system automation. In: Adamsen F, Hook J, Cardon G, Letey J, Lascano RJ, Sojka RE. Irrigation of agricultural crops. Madison, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, p181-194.

Annals of congress, simposiums, wokshops (to be avoided)

Hagel H, Hoffmann C, Doluschitz, R (2014) Mathematical programing models to increase land and water use efficiency in semiarid NE-Brazil. In: World Conference in Computers in Agriculture. San Jose, International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Proceedings…

Thesis (to be avoided)

Schiavone DF (2016) heat mass transfer in ballet switch grass for storage and bioconversion applications. PhD Thesis, Lexington University of Kentuck, College of Enginering.

Cartographic documents (map, aerial photography, satellite image, etc.)
BRASIL e parte da América do Sul: mapa político, escolar, rodoviário, turístico e regional. São Paulo: Michalany, 1981. 1 mapa, color., 79 cm x 95 cm. Escala 1:600.000.


Norman LO (1998) Lightning rods. US Patent 4,379,752, 9 Sept 1998.

Online documents

Doe J (1999) Title of subordinate document. In: The dictionary of substances and their effects. Royal Society of Chemistry. Available : of subordinate document. Accessed Oct 19, 2016.

Figures and tables. Illustrations, graphics and photographs must be submitted with sufficient detail and size for the final composition, preferably in the same position of the text, could be colored and must also present the title in English. Graphics: may have colored parts, and the x and y axes with 1/2 pt, described with the same type and size of letters in the text (Times New Roman 12) and the legend in the lower position of it. They must be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. Tables: avoid extensive tables and unessential data, privileging average data; adapt their sizes to the usable space of the paper and place, wherever possible, only continuous horizontal lines, their captions should be concise and self-explanatory and should also display the title in English. Photographs: can be colored. In the discussion, compare the results with the data obtained in the Bibliography.

Equations: All equations that are part of the text should be aligned with the paragraph and numbered as follows:

y = ax + b                             (1)
in which
y - speed m s-1;
a - angular coefficient;
x - speed, rpm;
b - linear coefficient.

3.2.2. Technical Article

 Should include advances in theories, methodologies and techniques, without a hypothesis presentation. When dealing with a case study, the conclusions should present proposals. It should be written in technical language, easy to understand, on matters of interest to the Agricultural Engineering by author(s) showing experience on the subject dealt, allowing guidance to the different users of Agricultural Engineering. It only justifies submitting articles that bring contribution on the subject and not just personal cases or restricted interest. With freer style than in scientific articles, technical articles should, in most cases, include the following items: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, description of the subject, Conclusions and References. The text of the technical articles should followthe same guidelines for scientific articles, with the following particular remarks:

Header: TECHNICAL ARTICLE should appear in the header of the first page, in capital letters, underlined, in bold, centered and spaced 1.1 cm from the top edge.

Introduction: should contain brief background, explaining the importance, the current status of the subject, relying on literature review, and make clear the aim of the article.

Subject description: with different titles that can be divided into sub-items, the matter should be discussed, pointing up the theoretical basis, bringing experiences and recommendations, discussing and criticizing situations, based on the fullest bibliography and technical standards on the subject.
Conclusions: When appropriate, should be written in a clear and concise manner, consistent with the goal established. Should not be a simple resubmission of other paragraphs of the article.

3.2.3. Review Article: It is the presentation, exclusively by a request of the Editorial Committee, of a study by gathering, analyzing and discussing an issue of importance to the Agricultural Engineering, and based on extensive literature search, allowing compilation of existing knowledge.

Although with more stylistic freedom than in scientific articles, review articles should contain the following items: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Review, Conclusions and References. The writing of these items should follow the same guidelines described for scientific articles, with the following particular remarks:

Header: REVIEW ARTICLE should appear on the front page headline in capital letters, underlined, in bold, centered and spaced 1.1 cm from the top edge.

Introduction: should contain brief background, placing the importance, the current status of the subject and purpose of the review.

Review: follow the standards of the journal citation. If necessary, it can be divided by subjects in sub items. The essay should be critical and not just mere exposure of the issues; it must present a logical sequence in order of subjects and / or chronological. Whenever possible, should contain an analysis of comparative studies on the subject dealt.

Conclusions: should be presented clearly and concisely, consistent with the goals established. It should not be a simple restatement of paragraphs of the review.

4. Responsibility and declaration of  originality

The following statements that the corresponding author should fill in and send to at the time of submission of the manuscript.
 I, "________________", am aware of my authorship of the manuscript entitled "____________________", and I assume responsibility for the other authors listed below regarding the authorship of the manuscript submitted to Engenharia Agricola, in accordance to Article 5 of Law 9,610, which deals with Copyright.
_________________, ___________________, ________________________, _________________.

I declare that the article_______________ is of a scientific and original nature and has not been submitted to another journal, either in whole or in part. I further declare that once published in Engenharia Agricola, it will never be submitted by me or by other authors to any other journal. Through this instrument, in the authors, we assign the copyright of the aforementioned Article to Engenharia Agrícola, pursuant to article 5 of Law 9,610, which deals with copyright.


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