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(Updated: 2022/08/30)


About the journal


Basic information


Paidéia is affiliated with the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade de São Paulo at Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Issued since 1991, since 2018 adopts the rolling pass system. The journal Paidéia is research that addresses a problem clearly related to Psychology, specifically in the areas: Psychology of Health, Developmental Psychology, School and Educational Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychological Evaluation.

Paidéia receives manuscripts based on different theoretical-methodological approaches acknowledged by Psychology. The authors are solely responsible for the papers published, whose opinions and judgments do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the Editorial Board.

Its abbreviated title is Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), which should be used in bibliographies and bibliographical references and strips.



Annexed sources


The articles published by this journal are annexed to:

  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • PsycINFO - Psychological Abstracts (American Psychological Association)
  • LILACS - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde
  • (Centro Latino-americano y de Caribe de Informaciones em Ciências de la Salud)
  • CLASE - Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciências Sociales y Humanidades (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • PSICODOC (Colégio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid / Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
  • Catálogo Latindex
  • IRESIE (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • Redalyc (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal)
  • Index-Psi Periódicos (CFP/PUCCAMP)
  • Portal de Revistas da USP
  • ProQuest (CSA)
    • ProQuest Research Library
    • ProQuest Education Journals
    • ProQuest Psychology Journals
    • ProQuest Social Science Journals
    • ProQuest Sociology
    • ProQuest Sociological Abstracts.
    • ProQuest Social Services Abstracts
    • ProQuest Health Sciences Abstracts
    • CINAHL
    • Fonte Acadêmica
  • Cengage Learning
    • Informe Académico
    • Academic OneFile
  • Dialnet
  • HINARI - Access to Research in Health Program
  • Index Copernicus International (IC Journal Master List)
  • Open Academic Journals Index
  • ResearchGate
  • EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek/Electronic Journals Library (Universität Regensburg – Alemanha)
  • HEAL Link - Hellenic Academic Libraries Link
  • Socolar – (China Educational Publications Import and Export Corporation - CEPIEC)




The Editorial Board authorizes free access to and distribution of published contentes, provided that the source is cited, that is, granding credit to the authors and Paidéia and preserving the full text. The author is allowed to place the final version (postprint / editor's PDF) in an institutional/thematic repositor or personal page (site, blog), immediately after publication, provided that it is available for open access and comes without any embargo period. Full reference should be made to the first publication in Paidéia. Access to the paper should at least be aligned with the access the journal offers.

As a legal entity, the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages owns and holds the copyright deriving from the publication. To use the papers, Paidéia adopts the Creative Commons Licence, CC BY-NC non-commercial attribution. This licence permits access, download, print, share, reuse and distribution of papers, provided that this is for non-commercial use and that the source is cited, giving due authorship credit to Paidéia. In these cases, neither authors nor editors need any permission.

Partial reproduction of other publications

Citations of more than 500 words, reproductions of one or more figures, tables or other illustrions should be accompanied by written permission from the copyright owner of the original work with a view to reproduction in Paidéia. This permission has to be addressed to the author of the submitted manuscript. Secondarily obtained rights will not be transferred under any circumstance.




Publication is financed by:

  • Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais (ABCD-USP)

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)




Editorial board


Editor responsible



Assistant editor



Executive editor



Editorial commission



Collaborator of scientific divulgation



Editorial committee

  • Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos
  • Anne Marie Germaine Victorine Fontaine, Universidade do Porto - Portugal
  • Antonio Gomes Ferreira, Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal
  • Antonio Nóvoa, Universidade de Lisboa - Portugal
  • Alain Giami, Institut National de la Sante et la Recherche Medicale - França
  • Carl Lacharité, Universidade du Québec à Trois Rivières - Canadá
  • Cesar Augusto Piccinini, UFRGS - Brasil
  • Elvidina Nabuco Adamson-Macedo, University of Wolverhampton - Reino Unido
  • Gardênia da Silva Abbad, UnB - Brasil
  • Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho - UFPa - Brasil
  • Enrique Gracia, Universidad de Valencia, Espanha
  • José Lino de Oliveira Bueno, USP RP - Brasil
  • Luiza Faria, Universidade do Porto - Portugal
  • Marc Bigras, Université du Québec à Montreal - Canadá
  • Maria Aparecida Crepaldi, UFSC - Brasil
  • Mary Jane Paris Spink, PUC SP - Brasil
  • Ricardo Primi, USF - Brasil
  • Rubén Ardila, Universidade Nacional de Colômbia
  • Sebastião de Sousa Almeida, USP RP - Brasil
  • Silvia Helena Koller, UFRGS - Brasil
  • Terezinha Féres-Carneiro, PUC Rio - Brasil
  • Willian W. Dressler, University of Alabama - EUA


Editorial production

  • Editorial Assistant: Eliana das Neves Araujo
  • Layout Edition:Tikinet Edição LTDA
  • Librarian: Maria Cristina Manduca Ferreira
  • Front cover: Murilo Ohswald Máximo



Instructions to authors


Editorial policy


The journal Paidéia (e-ISSN 1982-4327) is linked to the Graduate Program in Psychology of the Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages of the University of São Paulo. Published since 1991, it adopted from 2018 the system of publication in continuous flow (rolling pass), it issues research that addresses a problem clearly related to Psychology, specifically in the areas: Psychology of Health, Developmental Psychology, School and Educational Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychological Evaluation.

In the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer, the authors need to specify the category the submitted manuscript fits into.

Paidéia receives manuscripts based on different theoretical-methodological approaches acknowledged by Psychology. The authors are solely responsible for the papers published, whose opinions and judgments do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the Editorial Board.

The abbreviation of its title is Paidéia (Riberão Preto) and must be employed in the references.

Resolution of conflicts of interest and ethical violations

Paidéia follows the code of ethical conduct in publications recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the conducts of Best Practices of Publishing - Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The editors will take the necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles where research misconduct or ethical violations occur, including plagiarism, manipulation of citations and falsification / fabrication of data, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, among others. The situations and allegations that come to the knowledge of editors and reviewers will be taken to the Editorial Committee, which will take the appropriate measures, including referral to higher levels of the University, if necessary.



Publication types accepted by Paidéia


1. Research report: research papers based on empirical data, obtained through scientific methods. Paidéia mainly publishes papers that disseminate recent original research results. Limited to 25 pages, including resumo, abstract, resumen, figures, tables and references (not including the title page).

2. Theoretical study: analysis of theoretical constructs, aimed at questioning existing models and elaborating hypothesis for further research. Limited to 25 pages, including resumo, abstract, resumen, figures, tables and references (not including the title page). Submission of these manuscripts is not free, and limited to authors invited by the Editor.

3. Systematic literature review: analysis of an extensive corpus of research on subjects of interest for the development of Psychology. A systematic review should describe the method used to search the original studies in detail, and Paidéia indicates the use of one of the following guidelines: PRISMA, Cochrane Collaboration, as well as the elaboration of the question guiding the review in the PICO, PICOT or PICOS format. It is also necessary to clarify the criteria used to select the studies that were included in the review and the procedures employed in the synthesis of the results obtained from the studies reviewed (which may be the meta-analysis or not). Authors are expected to clearly define a central question of the review and, by analyzing the scientific literature, identify relations, contradictions, gaps and / or inconsistencies in the literature. Based on the results, authors are also expected to suggest the next steps of research to solve the problems identified. The review should be limited to 25 pages, including resumo, abstract, resumen, figures, tables and references (excluding the title page).

Paidéia strongly discourages multiple manuscripts on the same research.



Editorial board review


The editorial review process only starts if the submitted manuscript strictly complies with the conditions published in the Publication Guidelines. If this is not the case, the submitted manuscript will be refused and filed. If a manuscript fits into one of the publication categories specified above, it will be submitted to pre-analysis by the Editorial Board. After checking for compliance with all Publication Guidelines, it will be forwarded for review by ad hoc consultants, presupposing that: (a) it has not been published elsewhere or is not under other editors analysis, (b) manuscripts with similar contents should not have been published or be under any other editor’s analysis, (c) all listed authors approved its submission to Paidéia for publication.

The editorial process of Paidéia is based on double blind peer review, which means that the authors and ad hoc reviewers’ identities are not revealed. The process starts when the manuscript is submitted to Paidéia, followed by a confirmation receipt from the journal Secretariat. First, the Editorial Board analyzes the original, based on the following criteria: (a) contents in accordance with the journal’s editorial line; (b) originality, relevance of the theme and quality of the scientific method used; (c) compliance with the editorial standards the journal adopts; (d) if the manuscript is submitted in a foreign language, intelligibility and correction of the writing.

The result of this pre-analysis phase can be: (a) the manuscript returns to the authors for modifications, in case formal requirements are not complied with; (b) rejection or (c) continuation of the review process if the manuscript complies with the above criteria.

Next, the Editorial Board will analyze the submitted papers, supported by ad hoc reviewers of renowned competence in the specific knowledge area. The abstract is used to consult the reviewers. In general, between three and five researchers are invited to issue their expert opinion. In case an invited reviewer meets any impediment to pronounce him/herself on the manuscript (professional or financial conflict of interests, direct and indirect benefits), the Editorial Board should be informed. The first review round starts with the forwarding of the full manuscript to those reviewers who accepted the invitation. At least two reviewers assess the original version of the manuscript. The analysis will be based on the assessment instrument the journal adopts. After an accurate analysis of the submitted manuscript, the reviewers suggest rejection or recommend publication – which can be conditioned to recommended changes. Each reviewer issues an opinion on a standard form.

Acceptance of the submitted manuscript can be conditioned to modifications that aim to improve the text’s clarity or precision. The authors will receive the versions of the reviewers’ opinions. The Editorial Board can further comment on the manuscript and inform this to the authors. Manuscripts recommended for publication but subject to modifications should be reformulated with a view to final acceptance. The reformulated version should be returned within 30 days, together with a letter from the authors to the Editorial Board, submitted in an additional document, listing the changes that were made based on the criticism/suggestions in the reviewers’ opinions, and justifying any suggestions that were not accepted.

The reply letter should NOT contain any identification of the authors such as name, institution to which they belong, city, etc. End the reply letter with the expression "The authors".

If the authors do not forward the revised manuscript and response letter within this deadline, the editorial process will be terminated, in any phase of the submission process.

ATTENTION: the journal system adopts the London time zone. If the authors lose the deadline, the system shall not be reopened and the submission will be lost. To avoid losing the submission, we recommend authors to avoid waiting until the last day to submit the revised manuscript, as the system is not national and will expire in the day scheduled, according to the London time zone. The guidelines shall be strictly followed throughout all stages of the editorial process so that the submission is not discontinued.

The Editorial Board will assess the response letter with the justifications, the reformulated manuscript and the Editorial Board’s opinion on the original version. If necessary, these documents can also be forwarded to the ad hoc consultants, who will assess the reformulations in line with the opinions issued, also assessing consistencies in the authors’ arguments. After this analysis, it is the responsibility of the Board to judge whether the manuscript can be published or requires further changes, or if it will be rejected. If the Editorial Board decides that the manuscript needs further changes, a new reformulation will be requested, following the process described above. Manuscripts can be submitted to two reformulations at most.

In specific situations (inconsistent opinions, ethical issues, ambivalent judgment, among others), the reformulated version of the manuscript can also be forwarded to a third ad hoc reviewer. In this analysis, the reviewer can reject the manuscript, suggest further changes may find necessary or accept the reformulated version. The Editorial Board will analyze the opinions to decide on whether or not to recommend publication.

If the manuscript displays conditions for acceptance, the Editorial Board will submit the opinions and text to a final analysis, looking for any further changes needed. In this stage, new adjustments to the abstracts, the body of the text, citations, references, tables, figures etc. may be requested. Failure to comply with these adjustments and / or the authors' lack of response within the deadlines established by Paidéia may lead to the archiving of the manuscript.

After completion of the merit assessment (content), the manuscript will be forwarded for the standardization procedures.

The standardization process consists of sending the manuscript for bibliographic review by the journal’s librarian, followed by standardization by the Editorial Board and Technical Team of Paidéia, with a view to final formal corrections. In this stage, new adjustments to the abstracts, the body of the text, citations, references, tables, figures etc. may be requested. Failure to comply with these adjustments and / or the authors' lack of response within the deadlines established by Revista Paidéia may lead to the archiving of the manuscript. Small modifications in the text writing/structure can be made, upon the Board’s decision.

It should be clarified that, based on the opinions issued, the Editorial Board is responsible for making the final judgment on the manuscript’s acceptance or refusal, as well as for its recommendation for publication. The authors will be informed of this decision. Only after strict compliance with the procedures described above can the manuscript be considered approved and will be forwarded for layout.

The composition of the papers approved for publication is based on the diversification of authorship per geographical region and institution, which implies that acceptance of the manuscript is not conditioned to its immediate publication.

PDF files are forwarded to the librarian team for indexation and to a specialized professional to prepare the texts in the SciELO method. In the final issue of each journal volume, the list of ad hoc consultants who cooperated with the assessment of manuscripts in that year is published.



Final proofs


PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for the correction of the article artwork. The proof must return to the Paidéia secretary on the stipulated date. The absence of a response from the authors within the deadlines established by Revista Paidéia may lead to the archiving of the manuscript. The names of the authors should be checked, as well as the order in which they appear and the presence of all the authors, the institutional affiliation and each name in bibliographical citation. Only spelling, word exchange, and numeric data corrections are allowed in the tables and graphs. Other changes in the original manuscript will not be accepted at this stage. The inclusion and/or exclusion of sentences, paragraphs, images and references will not be accepted. The corrections should be indicated in the body of the PDF file itself by means of highlights and explanatory balloons, according to the available tools. The corresponding author must sign the agreement of the final art (text and illustrations), whose model will be sent together with the proof, on behalf of the others. If there is a need for any change other than a one-time error as referred to above, the manuscript will return to the previous step, leaving the agenda for publication. Under no circumstances will corrections be accepted after the article has been published.



Copyright/publication ethics


The Editorial Board authorizes free access to and distribution of published contentes, provided that the source is cited, that is, granding credit to the authors and Paidéia and preserving the full text. The author is allowed to place the final version (postprint / editor’s PDF) in an institutional/thematic repositor or personal page (site, blog), immediately after publication, provided that it is available for open access and comes without any embargo period. Full reference should be made to the first publication in Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto). Access to the paper should at least be aligned with the access the journal offers.

As a legal entity, the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages owns and holds the copyright deriving from the publication. To use the papers, Paidéia adopts the Creative Commons Licence, CC BY-NC non-commercial attribution. This licence permits access, download, print, share, reuse and distribution of papers, provided that this is for non-commercial use and that the source is cited, giving due authorship credit to Paidéia. In these cases, neither authors nor editors need any permission.

When deriving from research involving human beings or animals, manuscripts require mandatory approval by a Research Ethics Committee (REC). Authors should attach the digital copy of the IRB declaration of approval, according to instructions displayed further ahead.



Reproduction of other publications


Citations of more than 500 words, reproductions of one or more figures, tables or other illustrions should be accompanied by written permission from the copyright owner of the original work with a view to reproduction in Paidéia. This permission has to be addressed to the author of the submitted manuscript. Secondarily obtained rights will not be transferred under any circumstance.





The attribution of authorship is based on the substantial contribution of each person listed as an author, concerning the conception and planning of the research project, data collection or analysis and interpretation, writing and critical review. The inclusion of names whose contribution are not in accordance with these criteria is not justified.The indication of the authors’ names, immediately below the article title, is limited to six. Further collaborators should be listed under acknowledgements. Each author shall indicate only one institutional affiliation. Only one submission is allowed per authors, i.e., the author cannot have two or more simultaneous manuscripts under evaluation, whether as main author or co-author. Paidéia does not publish more than one article of the same author (both as main author or c-author) in the same year (volume). This procedure aims at diversifying the themes and collaborations from national and international authors. Originals will be accepted for assessment provided that they were not sent to any other journal and/or previously published in scientific events.


The Journal will check, through plagiarism detection tools OriginalityCheck, FeedBackStudio and SimilarityCheck, all manuscripts submitted before sending them to the peer review. Paidéia considers double or fragmented publications of a same review to be an ethical infraction.

Social Networks

Aimed at expanding the dissemination of its contents,
Paidéia requires the authors to, after publication in
SciELO, disclose their articles in the social networks
below, among others:




Google Acadêmico



General orientations for submission



The non-fulfillment of ANY of the items described in the instructions to authors and in the checklist for authors is sufficient for the REFUSAL of the manuscript at any stage/round of evaluation, which is why the Editorial Commission strongly recommends the authors to make a thorough review/formal adaptation of the manuscript before submission.

The journals’ office will verify it: (a) compliance of the manuscript with instructions to authors (publication norms); (b) compliance of the manuscript with the authors’ checklist. If there are any pending issues, the authors will have TWO OPPORTUNITIES for adaptation. Manuscripts pending more than twice due to inadequacy of the instructions to authors (publication norms) and the checklist will not be able to be submitted/received again.

Manuscripts have to be submitted exclusively through the electronic publication process management system (ScholarOne) available at

When submitting, he following files should be attached in the system (in the specific field):

  • Word file with the manuscript,
  • Identified title page (Word file) containing: (1) Full title in Portuguese, English and Spanish; (2) Full name of each author; (3) Institutional affiliation of each author; (4) Name in bibliographic reference of each author; (5) ORCID number of each author; (6) Email, cellphone number, and corresponding address of each author; (7) Inform whether the manuscript emerged from Master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, or Professor Habilitation thesis. If so, indicate title, author, Graduate Program, university and year of defense; (8) Inform funding source, if any; (9) Acknowledgments, if any; (10) Name of the institution responsible for the Research Ethics Committee in which the study was approved and CAAE (Certificate of Presentation for Ethicas Assessment) number.
  • Submission checklist (filled, digitized and signed) available at:
  • Declaration of Responsibility and Assigment of Copyright (available at, scanned and signed by all authors). Portuguese version available in the link Spanish version available in the link
  • Digital file with IRB approval (when the research involves human beings).
  • Figures in editable format/"open" (if the manuscript includes this item). The following edition programs are accepted: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7, Word and Power Point. Only the following extensions are accepted: .cdr, .pzf, .spv, .xls, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .vsdx, .vst.
  • In the case of manuscripts on validation of scales, follow the guidelines below:
    1. Forward the original version of the scale (in the original language) as an additional document in the system;
    2. Insert the scale validated into Portuguese as an appendix of the manuscript (in this case, pages referring to this appendix will not be considered in the page limits established by the journal guidelines).
    3. In tables related to the items of the scale, insert the name of the item in the original language and its correspondence in Portuguese (for cases in which the scale was originally published in other language).

In the submission, in the proper field, the author's ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) registration number must be included in the system. All authors must have an updated record in ScholarOne, associated with ORCID. Remember that only the owners of their accounts can fill in or validate the ORCID with their own password. It is not possible for third parties to fill in and / or validate.

In the case of an author who does not have an ORCID number, they shall register through the link: . The registration is free, for more information visit the link: . The journal is not responsible for instructing the author about the registration in the ORCID platform.

Manuscripts submitted via ScholarOne receive a numerical identification protocol.

Paidéia fully adopts the publication standards of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020). The APA orientation prevails over any possible omission of information in the following detailing. It is important to observe some steps before submitting the manuscript: (1) carefully revise the text for grammatical correction, typos and bibliographic errors, also considering the items included in the submission; (2) check whether all requisites of the Publication Guidelines were complied with the submission checklist.

When submitting, the manuscript should be submitted to Paidéia in Portuguese, except for the cases of full foreign authorship (English and/or Spanish) one.

Texts should be formatted as follows: double lining (distance of 1 cm between lines), justified, in font Times New Roman, size 12, across the text, respecting the page limit. The manuscript should be numbered. The A4 format should be adopted, with 2.5cm margins (upper, lower, left and right) and indentation of the first line of the paragraph: tab = 1.25cm.

The presentation of the papers has to follow a specific order, considering:

1. Title page without personal data, including:

1.1. Full title in Portuguese, not exceeding 12 words;

1.2. Full title in English, compatible with the Portuguese version;

1.3. Full title in Spanish, compatible with the Portuguese version;

1.4. Suggested running title in English, not exceeding 50 characters (including letters, punctuation and spaces).

ATTENTION: As the manuscript is submitted to blind review. The authors are responsible for checking that there are no elements capable of identifying them in any part of the text. Paidéia is not responsible for procedures by authors who do not comply with this guideline. The author’s name should be removed from the file properties, using the tool “Properties”, in the file menu of MS Word, and from any other part of the submitted manuscript. It is essential that the file referring to the manuscript has no form of authorship identification, which includes mentions to institutions to which the authors are linked, details on the method that made possible the identification or origin etc. Authors whose manuscript was recommended for publication may include these information in the step of final revision.No attachments and appendices will be accepted, nor colored illustrations, reproductions of photographs, shadowed tables or footnotes in the text. Reproduction of any part of published works will only be permitted if accompanied by the authors’ authorization for publication in Paidéia.

In case of approval, papers will be published in the full version in English. In other words, for publication, the authors have to provide for the translation of the manuscript (as approved) to English and cover the costs of this translation. To guarantee the quality and uniformity of texts translated into English, only accredited translators are allowed to perform these translations. The Committee of Accredited Translators comprises highly qualified professionals with proven experience in scientific translations. Paidéia does not collect charges for submission, evaluation or publication (APCs and submission charges).

2. Abstract, in Portuguese. The abstract limit is 150 words. In case of research reports, the abstract should include: a short description of the research problem, purpose, relevant sample characteristics, data collection method, results and conclusions (or final considerations for qualitative studies). Final considerations should present the implications or applications of the produced knowledge. For research reports, the method should provide consistent information about the participants (number of participants and their stage of development: child, adult, teenager, elderly), name of the instruments and procedures used. Only the most important results, which respond to the research purposes, should be mentioned in the abstract (written in a continuous manner). No references should be included.

3.  Abstract. The abstract limit is 150 words. It should comply with the same specifications as the Portuguese version, including the Keywords, in accordance with the Vocabulary of Terms in Psychology.

4. Resumen. The abstract limit is 150 words. It should comply with the same specifications as the Portuguese version, including the Palabras clave, in accordance with the Vocabulary of Terms in Psychology.

5. The text itself. The organization of the manuscript should be easy to recognize, signaled by a system of titles and subtitles that reflect this pattern. The text should start with an introduction and include the following headings: Method, Results and Discussion. As the introduction of the manuscript is easily identified by its place in the text, the heading Introduction is not necessary. This section should be about the development of the problem in research; at the end, it should state the purpose of the study, whose wording must be identical to that in the summary in Portuguese. In the research reports, the Method section must include the following subheadings: Participants (must adequately describe the characteristics of the participants and the inclusion and exclusion criteria used to compose the study sample), Instruments, Procedure (the latter subdivided into Data collection and Data analysis) and, finally, the subheading Ethical Considerations, in which the authors should mention the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, but not the name of the institution the committee is affiliated with and the CAAE number since this information should be in the identified title page, as mentioned before. Authors whose manuscript was recommended for publication must include this information during the final revision step. Authors should finish the Discussion section with a well reasoned comment, justifying the importance of the study findings. In this section, the authors should present the main contributions the research offers to the knowledge area within Psychology. Besides the implications and possible applications of the knowledge produced, authors should also point out the limitations of the study and its consequences in terms of prospects for future investigations.

Suggested places to include figures and tables have to be indicated in the text. Quotations of other authors have to be done according to APA standards, as exemplified under section VII. Full transcriptions of a text have to be delimited by quotation marks and reference to the author, followed by the number of the page referred to. A literal quotation with 40 or more words has to be presented in a single block, starting with a new line, 05 (five) spaces from the border, in the same position as a paragraph. The font size should be 12, similar to the rest of the text. This type of citation should be avoided Authors are fully responsible for the contents and exactness of citations.

6. References. The references used should be coherent with the study’s theoretical-methodological framework. In this sense, literature on the research theme should be recovered, privileging scientific papers to the detriment of other publication modes. References should be up-to-date. The manuscript must present between 20 and 28 references, and 50% of these references must be from journal articles published in the last five years. Exception: manuscripts in the "systematic literature review" category. Non-compliance with this guideline implies return of the manuscript to the authors. Only two (total) self-citations/references to the authors of the manuscript submitted are allowed. Manuscripts with more than two self-citations will be returned to the authors at any stage of the editorial process, even after approval for publication. If this correction is not made, the manuscript will be filed.

7. Figures and Tables should be inserted in the text of the document. The words Figure and Table in the texts should always be spelled with the first letter in upper case, followed by the respective number they refer to. Expressions like “the Table above” or the “Figure below” should not be used, as locations can change during the editing process. APA standards do not include the names Charts and Graphs, but only Tables and Figures. Figures and Tables should be presented with their respective legends and titles, one per page.

7.1 Figures, including subtitles, in black and white. As the published version cannot exceed 8.3 cm width for single figures and 17.5 cm width for complex figures, the author should make sure that no subtitle quality is lost in case width reduction is necessary. Reproductions of drawings will not be accepted. The quantity of figures and tables cannot exceed five. Figures and drawings must have a resolution of 600 dpi or higher. Graphics and drawings should be generated in vector drawing programs (Microsoft Excel, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator etc.). Graphs displayed with gridlines are not supported, and elements (bars, circles) cannot display volume (3-D). For figures or tables published in other sources, one must attach in the system a document that certifies the specific permission to the authors of the submitted manuscript and Paidéia magazine for publication. In the body of the figure or table, the appropriate source must be mentioned. In the case of photographs, it is necessary to send a declaration with the authorization for use of specific image to the authors of the manuscript and to Paidéia magazine. In addition to being included in the manuscript file, the figures must be attached in an editable format, as an addition document in the system.
The following editing programs are supported: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7, Word and Power Point. Only the following extensions are accepted: .cdr, .pzf, .spv, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .vsdx, .vst.

7.2 Tables, including titles and notes, should be produced in black and white, one per page. The table cannot exceed (17.5 x 23.7) cm (width x length). When preparing them, the author should limit the width to 60 characters for single tables to occupy a diagrammed column, including three character-spaces between table columns, limiting complex tables to a 125-character width to occupy two diagrammed columns. The table length cannot exceed 55 lines, including title and footnotes. For other details, especially for anomalous cases, please refer to APA’s manual. The quantity of figures and tables cannot exceed five units.

Numerical and statistical information should be presented in compliance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020).

The authors should solve occasional inconsistencies between APA standards and writing in Portuguese, in view of general rules for writing in that language.

Formatting of the manuscript, tables, figures and other elements should strictly comply with the APA manual. Non-compliance with these elements can represent a reason for the Editorial Board to reject the manuscript. As a complementary source, authors should access online ifnromation on the APA manual at:



Examples of citations in the body of the manuscript


Citation of papers with multiple authors

1. One or two authors

Authors’ last name is explicit in all citations by using and or & as mentioned below:

The method proposed by Siqueland and Delucia (1969) but “The method was initially proposed for sight study (Siqueland & Delucia, 1969).

2. Three or more authors

Only the first author’s surname is explicit, followed by “et al.” and the year, if it is the first citation of a reference inside the same paragraph:

Spielberger et al. (1924) observed that

Spielberg et al. verified that [the year is omitted in the following citations when in the same paragraph]

Exception: If the abbreviated form results in identitcal references to two papers with different co-authors, authors’ names are mentioned to avoid any mix-up. Hayes, S. C., Brownstein, A. J., Hass, J. R., & Greenway, D. E. (1986) and Hayes, S. C., Brownstein, A. J., Zettle, R. D., Rosenfarb, I., & Korn, Z. (1986) papers are mentioned as follows:

Hayes, Brownstein, Hass et al. (1986) and Hayes, Brownstein, Zettle at al. (1986) verified that…

In the References section, all names are mentioned up to 20 authors. If there are more than 20 author, only the first 20 are mentioned, followed by “et al”.

Citation of papers based on a secondary source

The paper uses a reference that discusses another reference, without having fully read the original one (e.g. Flavell’s study, cited by Shore, 1982). This kind of citation should be avoided and limited to specific cases, which should be informed and justified to the editor in a separate message. In the text, the following citation format should be used:

Flavell (as cited by, 1982) adds that those students…

In the References, inform the secondary source (in that case, Shore), using the appropriate format.

Citation of re-edited century-old publication

Author (date of original publication / date of consulted edition), as in Franco (1790/1946).



Orientations for bibliographic references


References should be arranged according to the following general rules. Papers by a single author and the same authors are ordered per publication year, from older to newer publications. Single-author precede multiple-author publications if the surname is the same. Papers in which the first author is the same but the co-authors differ are arranged by the co-authors surnames. Publications with the same multiple authorship are arranged per date, from the older to the newer. Papers with the same authorship and data are displayed alphabetically by the title, ignoring the first word if that is an article or pronoun, except when the title itself contains an indication of order; the year is immediately followed by lower-case letters. When repeated, the author’s name should not be replaced by a hyphen or other signs. The formatting of the bibliographic list should be appropriate for review and editing, with double lining and font 12. Each reference should be placed in a new paragraph, with an indentation of half centimeter from the left margin on the second line. Carefully check the Publication Guidelines before preparing the references. The authors are fully responsible for the exactness of references. Below are examples of common reference types.

1. Technical report

Birney, A. J., & Hall, M. M. (1981). Early identification of children with written language disabilities (Rep. No. 81-1502). Washington, DC: National Education Association.

2. Trabalhos apresentados em congresso e simpósios

Paidéia does not accept references to studies presented at meetings and symposia, even if they were published in the proceedings. When preparing the manuscript, authors should replace references of this nature with a published article on the same subject.

3. Theses and dissertations

References to theses, dissertations and monographs are not accepted.

4. Books

Arendt, H. (1998). The human condition (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

If the book used as a source is not available in English, inform the original title, followed by the translation to English between square brackets:

Pitiá, A. C. A., & Santos, M. A. (2005). Acompanhamento terapêutico: A construção de uma estratégia clínica [Therapeutic accompaniment: Building a clinical strategy] (2nd ed.). São Paulo, SP: Vetor.

5. Book chapter

Blough, D. S., & Blough, P. (1977). Animal psychophysics. In W. K. Honig & J. E. Staddon (Orgs.), Handbook of operant behavior (pp. 514-539). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

If the book chapter used as a source is not available in English, inform the title of the original chapter, together with the title of the original book, followed by the translation of both titles to English between square brackets:

Hoffman, L. W. (1979). Experiência da primeira infância e realizações femininas [Early childhood experience and female achievements]. In H. Bee (Org.), Psicologia do desenvolvimento: Questões sociais [Developmental psychology: Social issues] (pp. 45-65). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Interamericana.

6. Translated book

Kuhn, T. (1996). A estrutura das revoluções científicas [The structure of scientific revolutions] (B. Boeira & N. Boeira, Trans.). São Paulo, SP: Perspectiva. (Original work published 1970)

Salvador, C. C. (1994). Aprendizagem escolar e construção de conhecimento [School learning and knowledge building] (E. O. Dihel, Trans.). Porto Alegre, RS: Artes Médicas. (Original work published 1990).

If the translation to Portuguese of a book in another language is used as a source, inform the year of the translation to Portuguese and indicate the publication year of the original work at the end of the reference. In the body of the text, cite the year of the original publication and the year of the translation: (Salvador, 1990/1994). Include the original title, followed by the translation to English between square brackets.

7. Re-edition of century-old publication

Franco, F. M. (1946). Tratado de educação física dos meninos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Agir. (Original work published 1790)

8. Corporate authorship

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Conselho Federal de Serviço Social. Conselho Federal de Psicologia. (2007). Parâmetros para atuação de assistentes sociais e psicólogos(as) na política de assistência social [Parameters for social workers and psychologists' performance in the Social Assistance Policy]. Retrieved from

For material available online, do not include the access date unless the source of the material changes over time (ex. wikis).

9. Journal article (with and without DOI)

If the paper used as a source is not in English, inform the original title, followed by the translation to English as mentioned in the article between square brackets:

Dugnani, K. C. B., & Marques, S. L. (2011). Construção e validação de instrumento para prática interventiva na adoção [Construction and validation of an instrument for intervening practices in adoption]. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 21(50), 317-328.

Articles published in bilingual journals, in which English is one of the languages, should be referred to using the title in English:

Castaño-Perez, G. A., & Calderon-Vallejo, G. A. (2014). Problems associated with alcohol consumption by university students. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 22(5), 739-746.

If the article published on-line does not have a digital object identifier (DOI), inform the URL. Do not inform the access date.

Kirst-Conceição, A. da C., & Martinelli, S. de C. (2014). Análises psicométricas iniciais de uma Escala de Empatia Infantojuvenil (EEmpa-IJ) [Initial psychometric analysis of an Child and Youth Empathy Scale (EEmpa-IJ)]. Avaliação Psicológica, 13(3), 351-358. Retrieved from

10. Journal article in press

References to articles, books, book chapters, among others, that are
still in press are not accepted.

11. Legal documents

Decreto No. 3.298. (1999, 20 de dezembro). Regulamenta a política nacional para a integração da pessoa portadora de deficiência, consolida as normas de proteção e dá outras providências [Regulates the national policy for the integration of the disabled person, consolidates norms of protection and other measures]. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República.

Lei No. 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996 (1996, 23 de dezembro). Estabelece as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional [Establishes the Guidelines and Bases of the National Education]. Diário Oficial da União, seção 1.

Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. (1988, 5 de outubro). Recuperado de

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Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil