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(Updated: 2024/09/25)

About the journal


Basic information


Revista Estudos Feministas, an indexed and interdisciplinary journal based at the Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH) and the Center for Communication and Expression (CCE) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, circulates inside and outside Brazil, aimed to disseminate the vast production of knowledge in the field of feminist and gender studies, seeking to provide subsidies for theoretical debates in this area, as well as analytical instruments that can contribute to the practices of women's movements.

The Revista Estudos Feministas was created in 1992, having been initially edited by the Interdisciplinary Coordination of Contemporary Studies of the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In a second moment, the Graduate Program in Social Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro assumed responsibility for editing the Journal. As of 1999, it became headquartered by the Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences and by the Center for Communication and Expression of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Currently, it is part of the Institute for Gender Studies, a body that brings together researchers from different areas of knowledge and work at UFSC, having feminist studies and the gender perspective as common denominators.

The Revista Estudos Feministas is quarterly publication, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and has the following sections: 

  • Articles
  • Thematic Articles
  • Point of View
  • Dossiers
  • Thematic Sections
  • Reviews





Copyright Statement


Revista Estudos Feministas is under the Creative Commons International 4.0 Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), that allows sharing the work with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal. 

The license allows:
Sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any support or format) and/or adapting (remixing, transforming, and creating from the material) for any purpose, even if commercial.

The licensor cannot revoke these rights provided the terms of the license are respected. The terms are the following:
Attribution – you should give the appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. This can be done in several ways without suggesting that the licensor has approved of the use. 

Without additional restrictions – You cannot apply legal terms or technological measures that prevent others from doing something allowed by the license.

Recommendations for ethical conduct and procedures
We follow the recommendations for ethical conduct and procedures of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available here

Privacy Statement
The names and addresses informed will be used exclusively by the processes inherent to the journal and will not be available to other sources or objectives.





We are grateful for the support of CNPq and CAPES. 

Sources of Support 

REF thanks the Federal University of Santa Catarina for the support in terms of equipments and physical space. Special thanks go to the volunteer work of the researchers on its editorial staff, which has allowed for the continuity of its publication.






Editorial Coordinators




Articles editors



Dossiers Editors 



Book Review Editors



Interview Editors



Publicity Editor



Assistant Editors



Desktop Editor



Editorial board




  • Emilene Lubianco de Sá
  • Gerusa Bondan
  • Jair Zandoná
  • Maria Isabel de Castro Lima
  • Susana Bornéo Funck


Portuguese-English Translation




Instructions to authors


Focus, scope and policy


The Editorial Committee of Revista Estudos Feministas has decided to use the feminine grammatical gender as the norm for texts explaining its guidelines and editorial policies. This decision seeks to ensure textual accessibility for visually impaired people, and to promote affirmative action in appreciation of the writings of women, who are the majority in the making of the journal. We hope everyone feels included.

Launched in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Revista Estudos Feministas (REF), edited in the Federal University of Santa Catarina since 1999, is a quarterly journal which publishes original articles, essays and reviews about gender, feminisms and sexualities, either in the context of a specific discipline or from an interdisciplinary perspective in terms of methodology, theory and bibliography. With the aim of spreading the vast production in these fields, it offers subsidies for theoretical debates as well as analytical tools which might contribute to social movements involving women, feminisms, gender and sexualities.

The journal contains the following sections: articles, point of view, dossiers, thematic section, debate, and reviews. The dossiers alternate issues with the thematic and debate sections. Point of view includes essays and interviews. With three issues yearly, REF circulates nationally and internationally, being an important reference in Brazil and in Latin America. Original manuscripts may be submitted all year round in Portuguese, English and Spanish. (For more information, check the section policies and the “Guidelines for Authors”.).

IMPORTANT: The Revista Estudos Feministas does not accept articles and essays that have been submitted to other publications or that have already been published elsewhere. The editors recommend the use of the SciELO Preprint platform before submission for evaluation, an information which should be given at the time the article is sent. 

In case of doubt about the preprint, please access: SPINAK, Ernesto. “O que é este tema dos preprints?” SciELO em Perspectiva, 2016. Available in:



Composition of the journal


The different sections of the journal are composed of articles (including a maximum of two translations), thematic articles, essays, interviews, dossiers, thematic section, section debate and reviews.

The Articles will contain analyses of empirical studies or of theoretical or methodological issues, following rules and criteria well established in academic culture.

The Thematic Articles comprise a set of articles already evaluated and accepted for publication that are coincidentally related to the same subject. One or more of the journal’s editors or other academic specialists are invited to organize and present them, according to their area of expertise.

The Point of View section consists of essays and interviews. The Essays are papers resulting from considerations on a specific topic without the academic formality of the articles, and are so classified, upon submission, by the Editorial Committee. The Interviews should be carried out with professionals, academics or activists with a relevant contribution to the field.

The Thematic Section,differently from the Thematic Articles, proposed beforehand by an organizer, who places a call for submissions on a subject of their interest and expertise. The proposal must be approved by the Editorial Committee and the articles must go through the process of blind external evaluation.

Organized by professionals with recognized expertise on the theme proposed, the Dossiers should contain discussions of current and controversial issues that contribute to the epistemological and political debate in the area of gender and feminist studies. Proposals, consisting of a group of papers related to a specific political or social movement, inside or outside the academy, must be submitted to the editorial committee. The papers may include, besides articles and essays, several other genres, such as testimonies, proposals, manifestos, case studies, or other non-academic documents related to politically engaged organizations.

The Reviews section publishes critical comments, evaluated by the Editorial Committee, on relevant work in the field published in Brazil in the last two years or abroad in the last four years.



Evaluation proccess


Initial evaluation

Manuscripts undergo a preliminary evaluation by the technical team to assess whether they follow the journal’s norms. If problems are detected, they are rejected, and the authors are advised to make the needed corrections and make a new submission. At this point, the texts also go through a similarity recognition tool in order to detect any plagiarism.

Please check all information about norms and formatting in the “Guidelines for Authors” on the menu. Texts not in accordance with the journal’s specifications will not be considered.

Important: manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Committee to check whether they fit the scope of the journal in terms of originality, quality and thematic appropriateness. If approved, they are sent to external referees.

Referee evaluation

Revista Estudos Feministas has a policy of “double-blind” evaluation, whereby neither author(s) nor referees have their names known to each other.

Manuscripts that have been submitted to or published in other journals or in books are not accepted. 

Texts approved in the initial evaluation are sent to two ad hoc reviewers who are experts in the area.

If they diverge, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. If the result remains still inconclusive, a member of the editorial committee has the final word.

Referees are asked to provide a response in 20 days. After this process, the unidentified comments will be sent to the author(s).

Conditional acceptance

If the external reviews are favorable, the text will be accepted under the condition that the author(s) adequately addresses the issues raised in the comments. The article should be resubmitted within no more than 30 days, with highlighting to the changes made. The text will then be examined by members of the editorial committee and, if deemed necessary, by at least one of the original ad hoc evaluators. This is to ensure that the suggested changes have been adequately made.


A text may be rejected after the initial evaluation, after the peer evaluation, and also after revision and resubmission of the work. If the ad hoc evaluators call for substantial rewriting or revision, the manuscript will not be accepted.

The editorial committee hopes that authors understand the reasons for such a careful evaluation system, a needed step for securing high academic quality. Even recognizing that no system is immune to error, REF’s editorial policy hopes to maintain the standards of an academic journal that is reference in feminist, gender and sexualities studies.



Instructions for author/s


Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, it is not being evaluated for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to another journal until the final decision of the current evaluation.
  • The supplementary documents (“Declaration of originality”, “Authorship notes” and “Checklist”) have been duly filled and will be included in the system before submission is finished.
  • The file for submission of the original is in Microsoft Word format, following the model provided.
  • Text, images, tables and graphs follow the style and requirements described in the journal norms.
  • The identification of authorship has been removed from the file and from the Word Properties, ensuring the confidentiality when submitted to peer review, according to instructions available in the journal norms.
  • The authors have the required academic degree, as described in the Instructions to Authors.
  • I read the instructions in the tutorial "How to send an article to the journal" until the end before starting the submission.

Author Guidelines

We accept contributions of people holding Master’s Degrees, doctoral students and Doctors. Manuscripts by Master’s students must necessarily be submitted by their advisors, in co-authorship.

The journal reserves the right not to accept more than one submission by the same author in a period of a year, or while a previous submission is being evaluated.

How and where to send

All materials must be submitted electronically via the website: through the OJS Platform. All fields must necessarily be filled in full, including ORCID. The resumé should not exceed 5 lines.

How to register in the journal

The metadata required by the system must be duly filled for all kinds of submissions, or the manuscript will not be considered. This does not exclude the need to fill out the forms listed in “Documents for online submission”.

How to send an article to the journal

Carefully read the publication guidelines before starting the submission process, for papers which do not follow the norms will be rejected during the initial evaluation.

Documents for online submission
For online submission it is mandatory to fill out the forms listed below, following the models available in the links provided, and which must be entered in the system in the “supplementary documents” field:

  • Declaration of Originality, informing that the text is unpublished and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere;
  • Authorship Notes including a resumé of up to 5 lines, the ORCID number, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and further information requested by funding agencies and indexers;
  • Checklist, filled and signed.
  • To access templates for supplementary documents, guidelines for an accessible text and a template for submission of article, click HERE


Guidelines for publication


Ensuring a Blind Peer Review

To ensure the integrity of the “double-blind’ peer review, we need to make every effort to preserve the anonymity of authors and reviewers alike.

When preparing the article for submission, please observe the following:

  • omit your name and institution on the title page, headers and footers;
  • delete any information that might identify you inadvertently, such as “as this author has described elsewhere (reference) ...” or “see (reference) for further discussion ...”;
  • avoid self-citations or reference to personal work (theses and dissertations, for example), published or unpublished;
  • delete acknowledgements that might facilitate authorship identification;
  • remove the User ID from the Properties option in Word.

The editorial board understands that even though it is difficult to conclusively remove everything that could lead to the identification of the author, care must be taken to eliminate all the obvious sources that allow her identification, avoiding obvious indicators of authorship on the part of the evaluators. Currently, REF is starting to accept articles submitted for peer review in a preprint system, using the platform offered by SciELO (

Format of submissions

1. When submitting files for consideration by the REF (articles, essays, reviews and interviews), the authors must:

  • Use Windows-compatible word processors (.doc or .docx);
  • Define 2.5 cm margins (sides, top and bottom);
  • Use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing in the body of the text, titles, abstracts and reference list;
  • Justify the text and do not use paragraph entries or spacing between paragraphs;
  • Do not use any type of markup or automatic cross-references.

2. To meet the journal's graphic design, titles should fit the width of the page. They should be short, inspiring and attractive. Long titles may have to be edited by the Committee.
Original title - A Corte chega a Desterro: a visita de Dom Pedro II à capital da Província de Santa Catarina.
How it should be - A Corte chega a Desterro.
2.1 For titles (English, Portuguese and Spanish), use Times New Roman 12, without indentation or bold.
2.2 For section titles, use Times New Roman 16, bold, centered on the line. Leave no space between section titles and text.
2.3 For subsection titles, use Times New Roman 14, bold, centered on the line. Leave no space between subsection titles and text.

3. The following items should be observed double quotation marks for quotation of up to three lines;

  • for quotations of more than three lines, a 4cm indentation from the left margin, font Times New Roman 11, 1.5 spacing and no quotation marks;
  • single quotation marks for unconventional use of words, or for quotation within an up to three lines quotation;
  • italics for foreign words (including proper names/names of institutions), neologisms, transcripts of interviews and titles of published works;
  • footnotes for explanatory notes only; they should be numbered and used sparingly. In case of including footnotes, the footnote identifier, in the text, must come after the punctuation (full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, etc.).


  • notes should not be included in the title, subtitles, abstracts, tables and graphs; references must not be inserted in the footnotes.
  • Please do not include any new sources in footnotes.

4. References: the sources of quotations or paraphrases should be indicated between parentheses in the text, immediately after the citation and never in footnotes (following the system author-date of ABNT’s NBR 10520/2002), with only AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, year of publication, initial and final pages.
It is common practice in the journal to include the author’s first name in the first mention of each author cited in the text.
Example of first reference to an author:
“Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx” (Simone de BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xx).
Example of following references to this author:
“Yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy” (BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xx-xy).
A list of bibliographical references, with the complete surname and first name of the authors must be included at the end of the text, with only the works that were effectively cited in the body of the text.
Please note: If reference and footnote norms are not followed, the article will be returned to the author(s) for adjustment, resulting in a delay in the publication process.
FONSECA, Claudia. Família, fofoca e honra: a etnografia de violência e relações de gênero em grupos populares. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000.

5. References should follow this format:

a) Book:
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Name(s). Title of work: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
FONSECA, Claudia. Família, fofoca e honra: etnografia de relações de gênero e violência em grupos populares. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000.
For two or more authors, the names should be separated by a semicolon (;). This applies to parenthetical references as well. For more than four authors, use et al.
FLEISCHER, Soraya; SCHUCH, Patrice; FONSECA, Claudia (Orgs.). Antropólogos em ação: experimentos de pesquisa em direitos humanos. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2007.

b) Book Chapter:
LAST NAME OF CHAPTER’S AUTHOR, First Name(s). “Title of Chapter: Subtitle”. In: LAST NAME OF BOOK’S AUTHOR, Prenomes. Book’s Title: Subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Initial and final pages of chapter, separated by a hyphen.
For two or more authors, the names should be separated by a semicolon (;). For more than four authors, use et al.
HEILBORN, Maria Luiza. “Gênero: um olhar estruturalista”. In: PEDRO, Joana; GROSSI, Miriam (Orgs.). Masculino, feminino, plural: gênero na interdisciplinaridade. Florianópolis: Editora Mulheres, 1998. p. 43-55.

c) Journal article:
LAST NAME OF ARTICLE’S AUTHOR, First Name(s). “Title of Article: Subtitle”. Title of Journal, city, volume number, issue number, first and last pages of article, month and year.
For two or more authors, the names should be separated by a semicolon (;). For more than four authors, use et al.
For online publications, include link and date of access (day/month/year).
ROSEMBERG, Fúlvia. ““Instrução, rendimento, discriminação racial e de gênero”. Revista de Estudos Pedagógicos, Brasília, v. 68, n. 159, p. 324-355, maio/ago. 1987.
LAGO, Mara Coelho de Souza. “Feminismo, psicanálise, gênero: viagens e traduções”. Revista Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, v. 18, n. 1, p. 189-204, abr. 2010. Available in Retrieved on 17/04/2019

d) Electronic journal article:
LAST NAME OF ARTICLE’S AUTHOR, First Name(s). “Title of Article: Subtitle”. Title of Journal [online]. City of publication (if available), year, volume, number, initial and final pages (if available) OR number of article within publication. Available in (online address). ISSN. DOI. Other publication information. Retrieved on day/month/year.
FREITAS, Lucas Bueno de; LUZ, Nanci Stancki da. “Gênero, Ciência e Tecnologia: estado da arte a partir de periódicos de gênero”. Cadernos Pagu [online]. Campinas, 2017, n. 49, e174908. Available in Epub 13/03/2017. ISSN 1809-4449. Retrieved on 17/04/2019.

e) Dissertations and Theses:
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name(s). Title of work: subtitle. Year of presentation. Degree (Category and Concentration Area) - Institution, city, state, country.
DINIZ, Carmen Simone Grilo. Entre a técnica e os direitos humanos: possibilidades e limites da humanização da assistência ao parto. 2001. Doutorado (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Preventiva) – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

f) Papers presented at scientific events:
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name(s). “Title of work”. In: NAME OF EVENT, event edition number, year, city, state, country where the event was held, sponsor institution. Anais ... (or Proceedings ... or Summaries ...) Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. First and last pages of paper.
PRADO, Danda. “Maternidade: opção ou fatalidade?”. In: SEMINÁRIO SOBRE DIREITOS DA REPRODUÇÃO HUMANA, 1, 1985, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, ALERJ. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: ALERJ/Comissão Especial dos Direitos da Reprodução, 1985. p. 26-29.

g) Laws and official publications:
COUNTRY/INSTITUTION. Title of publication (edition, if available). Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, 1988 (1ª. ed.). Brasília: Senado Federal, 1988.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Lei N. 9.394/1996. LDB: leis de diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Brasília: Senado Federal, 1996.

Please note:

  • Do not use a long dash or hyphens to indicate the same authorship as a previous entry. Every reference should be free-standing.
  • In and et al. must be italicized.
  • Do not use < > to indicate links.
  • Do not use a colon (:) after “Available in” and “Retrieved from”.

Guidelines for constructing an accessible text

In order to promote accessibility to visually impaired readers (who need reading softwares which do not grasp the content of images, graphs, tables and the like), we include below procedures for preparing manuscripts for submission.

1. Avoid the use of double spacing between words;

2. Non-textual content (photos, illustrations, tables, graphs, gifs) must include a verbal description;

3. Avoid the use of merged cells in tables and charts. In the case of complex tables and charts, we suggest a brief description of its format, such as number of columns, lines and colors;

4. Insert the description immediately below the item “Source”, keepig the same format;

5. In the description, follow the #SoEveryoneCanSee order: what/who + where + how + does what + how + when + where from; or use the simplified pattern: form + subject + setting + context + action.

All articles published in REF from 2020 on must follow accessibility norms, following the text submission model available in “Guidelines for Authors”.

Guidelines for image, tables and charts insertion

1. It is the author’s (or authors’) responsibility to ensure the reproduction rights for images (photos, pictures, paintings etc.)  inserted in articles and essays. Permission for their use should be sent to REF, for the final approval of the text will depend on the resolution of these issues.

2. Figures, graphics and images should be sent in separate files, in TIFF format, 300 dpi, loaded in the system in the field, and in JPG format inserted in the text. Title, source and observations must be in the text and should not be part of the image. Materials which do not follow these specifications cannot be used.

3. Tables should come in text form (without footnote insertion inside the table) AND in TIFF format image and 300 dpi resolution, in “Supplementary Documents”. The maximum size of tables should be 13 x 17 cm, vertically. Avoid large tables, with many cells and/or much text in each cell. This may cause the text to become illegible.

4. Whenever possible, detach them from a specific paragraph so as to allow some flexibility in the layout of the text and the images on the page. However, there must be somewhere in the text the indication, in bold, of the image (Image 1, for example).

5. The images, tables and graphs must have a title, a source and a written description for accessible reading (#SoEveryoneCanSee). The description should come immediately below the graphic element, as specified in the model available in “Guidelines for Authors”.

6. The use of images should be kept to a minimum. No more than 10 are allowed.

Guidelines for articles and essays

Articles: no more than 4 authors.

Essays: only one author.

1. Articles and essays should not exceed 9,000 words or 45,000 characters, spaces included, (approximately 25 A4 pages), including title, abstract, keywords, references, notes and tables.

2. Each article or essay should have:

  • titles in Portuguese, English and Spanish;
  • abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish (no more than 10 lines);
  • keywords (no more than 5) in Portuguese and Spanish (all small letters) and in English (capitalized), separated by a colon (;).

Use the Checklist available in the menu “Guidelines for Authors”, to facilitate revising the items according to REF norms.

Guidelines for Book Reviews

No more than two authors.

1. Reviews should have between 5,000 and 10,000 characters, including spaces (about 2,000 words).

2. The books reviewed should be related to the subject of feminisms, gender or sexuality and should be preferably recent: four years for books published abroad and two for those published or translated in Brazil.

3. Review must contain:

  • title (different from that of the book reviewed);
  • a summary of the subject;
  • information about the author or authors of the book;
  • where the work stand in relation to contemporary discussions on the subject;
  • critical assessment of the work (positive and negative points, aspects that could have been further explored, innovative and important contribution).

4. The reviewer should also send a mini-biography (of up to five lines and fill in the submission metadata in the system.

5. Book reviews should follow the same guidelines indicated in “Submission Format”.

6. All sources and references should be informes, according to Item 5 of the “Submission Format”.

Guidelines for Interviews

1.  Interviews should be preceded by a short authoral introduction, contextualizing their subject matter and the setting in which they took place, so as to enhance reader interest.

2. Use short questions, preferably one sentence only. Space should be given to the interviewee, not the interviewer Longer questions should be edited before submission.

3. Long answers dealing with different themes may be edited by the author via the inclusion of questions breaking the text.

4. Comments to similar themes appearimg at different moments during the interview may be edited to provide a better flow.

5. After the interview, please check the spelling of names cited and make sure to get complete references for the works cited.

6. Whenever possible have the person interviewed check the transcript before submission.

7. Interviews should follow the same guidelines indicated in “Submission Format”.




Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário - Trindade, 88040-970 Florianópolis SC - Brasil, Tel. (55 48) 3331-8211, Fax: (55 48) 3331-9751 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil