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Therapeutic play to prepare children for invasive procedures: a systematic review Please cite this article as: Silva RD, Austregésilo SC, Ithamar L, Lima LS. Therapeutic play to prepare children for invasive procedures: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:6-16. ,☆☆ ☆☆ Study conducted at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE, Brazil.



To analyze the available evidence regarding the efficacy of using therapeutic play on behavior and anxiety in children undergoing invasive procedures.

Data source:

The systematic review search was performed in the MEDLINE, LILACS, CENTRAL and CINAHL databases. There was no limitation on the year or language.

Synthesis of data:

The literature search found 1892 articles and selected 22 for full reading. Eight articles were excluded, as they did not address the objectives assessed in this review. Twelve studies, representing 14 articles, were included. The studies were conducted between 1983 and 2015, five in Brazil, one in the United States, five in China, one in Lebanon, one in Taiwan, and one in Iran. Most studies showed that intervention with therapeutic play promotes reduction in the level of anxiety and promotes collaborative behavior and acceptance of the invasive procedure.


Evidence related to the use of therapeutic play on anxiety and behavior of children undergoing invasive procedures is still questionable. The absence, in most studies, of the creation of a random sequence to assign the subjects to either the control or the experimental group, as well as allocation concealment, are factors that contribute to these questions. Another issue that characterizes an important source of bias is the absence of blinded evaluators. It is necessary to perform further studies that will take into account greater methodological stringency.

Children; Play and playthings; Anxiety; Behavior; Hospital care



Revisar, de forma sistemática, as evidências em relação à eficácia do uso do brinquedo terapêutico sobre o comportamento e a ansiedade de crianças submetidas a procedimentos invasivos.

Fontes dos dados:

A busca da revisão sistemática foi efetuada nas bases MedLine, Lilacs, Central e Cinahl. Não houve limitação quanto ao ano ou idioma.

Síntese dos dados:

Na busca de literatura foram encontrados 1.892 artigos e selecionados 22 para leitura integral. Foram excluídos 8 que não respondiam aos objetivos avaliados nesta revisão. Foram incluídos 12 estudos, correspondentes a 14 artigos. Os estudos foram conduzidos entre 1983 e 2015, cinco no Brasil, um nos Estados Unidos, cinco na China, um no Líbano, um em Taiwan e um no Irã. A maioria dos estudos mostrou que a intervenção com brinquedo terapêutico promove redução no nível de ansiedade e favorece um comportamento de colaboração e aceitação do procedimento invasivo.


As evidências relacionadas ao uso do brinquedo terapêutico sobre a ansiedade e comportamento de crianças submetidas a procedimentos invasivos ainda são questionáveis. A ausência, na maioria dos estudos, de uma geração de sequência aleatória para direcionamento dos sujeitos para os grupos controle ou experimental e do sigilo de alocação são fatores que contribuem para esse questionamento. Uma outra questão que caracteriza importante fonte de viés é o não cegamento dos avaliadores. Se fazem necessárias novas pesquisas que levem em consideração um maior rigor metodológico.

Criança; Jogos e brinquedos; Ansiedade; Comportamento; Assistência hospitalar


The degree of the children's understanding about the procedure to which they will be submitted may be related to the period of stress and insecurity that they will experience. Their behavior may vary according to age, environment, the presence of strangers, and invasive procedures experienced by the children or observed in others. These factors contribute to the development of unpleasant reactions such as fear, anxiety, and resistance to the procedures that will be performed. Hospitalization means attacking their playful and magical realm, and therefore requires that the assisting professional understands their childhood world.11 Soares VV, Vieira LJ. Percepção de crianças hospitalizadas sobre realização de exames. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2004;38:298-306.,22 Melo LR, Petengill AM. Dor na infância: atualização quanto à avaliação e tratamento. Rev Soc Bras Enferm Ped. 2010;10:97-102.

Excessive stress and anxiety experienced by children can affect their physical and physiological health, hinder their ability to deal with medical procedures, cause changes in their behavior, and affect their recovery from illness. Therefore, there is an urgent need for clinical researchers to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions that can minimize the children's anxiety level and improve their ability to handle the stress of hospitalization and invasive procedures.33 Li WH, Chung OK. Enhancing the efficacy of psychoeducational interventions for pediatric patients in a randomised controlled trial: methodological considerations. J Clin Nurs. 2009;18:3013-3021.

Over the past decades, several studies that addressed children's health care have discussed different methods of educational interventions for children before or during hospitalization, when surgical and invasive medical procedures are performed.44 Ellerton ML, Merriam C. Preparing children and families psychologically for day surgery: an evaluation. J Adv Nurs. 1994;19:1057-1062.

5 Carpenter KH. Developing a pediatric patient/parent hospital preparation program. AORN J. 1998;67:1042-1046.

6 Brennan A. Caring for children during procedures: a review of the literature. Pediatr Nurs. 1994;20:451-458.

7 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.

8 O'Conner-Von S. Preparing children for surgery - an integrative research review. AORN J. 2000;71:334-343.
-99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.

The need to play is not eliminated when children become ill or are hospitalized; on the contrary, children who can play may feel safer during the transoperative period, even in a strange environment.1010 Maia EB, Ribeiro CA, Borba RI. Brinquedo terapêutico: benefícios vivenciados por enfermeiras na prática assistencial à criança e família. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2008;29:39-46. One aspect of such activities is therapeutic play, which provides a structured play activity, follows the principles of play therapy, and has specific objectives to be achieved. Its use brings relief from anxiety caused by atypical experiences for age that tend to appear as threatening, requiring an intervention that will help the child/family to cope while undergoing a highly complex invasive procedure.1111 Steele S. Concept of communication. In: Steele S, editor. Child health and the family. New York: Massom; 1981. p. 710-38.

Studies have shown the benefits of therapeutic play in reducing anxiety and postoperative pain in hospitalized children.1212 Armstrong TS, Aitken HL. The developing role of play preparation in paediatric anaesthesia. Paediatr Anesth. 2000;10:1-4. Clinical trials have shown the positive effects of therapeutic play intervention on perioperative anxiety, postoperative pain, and negative behavior in children submitted to surgical procedures.77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.

Thus, with the objective of contributing to the knowledge about the use of therapeutic play, which is an important strategy to be used in childcare, this review aimed to systematically assess the evidence regarding the efficacy of using therapeutic play on the behavior and anxiety in children undergoing invasive procedures.


The protocol of this review is registered at the international database for systematic reviews, PROSPERO, under number CRD42016035878, and can be accessed at ( This article was written according to PRISMA recommendations for systematic reviews.1313 Mother D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: the PRISMA statement [cited 19 April 2016]. Available from:

A systematic review of the literature was carried out between November 2015 and February 2016, through a search in the MEDLINE, LILACS, CENTRAL, and CINAHL databases.

A specific strategy crossing the descriptors or keywords for retrieving subjects from scientific literature was created for each search portal.

In MEDLINE, through the PubMed search portal, the search strategy was performed using the syntax: (("Child, Preschool"[Mesh] OR "Child, Hospitalized"[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh] OR "Children"[Mesh]) AND ("Play and Playthings"[Mesh] OR "Play Therapy"[Mesh] OR "Therapeutic Play"[Mesh]) AND ("Nurses"[Mesh] OR "Speech"[Mesh] OR "Pediatric Nurse Practitioners"[Mesh] OR "Pain Management"[Mesh] OR "Child Behavior"[Mesh] OR "Psychology, Child"[Mesh] OR "Surgery"[Mesh] OR "Pediatric surgery procedure"[Mesh] OR "Preoperative Care"[Mesh])).

In Lilacs, the strategy used was: "CHILD" OR "PRESCHOOLER" AND (play and playthings) OR (Play Therapy through) OR (Therapeutic play) AND (perioperative Nursing) OR (Humanization of assistance) OR Communication OR (Pediatric Nursing) OR (Pain Intervention) OR (Child Behavior) OR (Child Psychology) OR (Pre-Operative Care) OR (Clinical Procedures) OR (Surgery) OR (Pediatric Surgery) OR (Play Therapy)., however, search strategy in Lilacs, was performed with terms in Portuguese.

In the CENTRAL and CINAHL databases: (("Child, Preschool" OR "Child, Hospitalized" OR "Child" OR "Children") AND ("Play and Playthings" OR "Play Therapy" OR "Therapeutic Play") AND ("Nurses" OR "Speech" OR "Pediatric Nurse Practitioners" OR "Pain Management" OR "Child Behavior" OR "Psychology, Child" OR "Surgery" OR "Pediatric surgery procedure" OR "Preoperative Care")).

After the articles were located, the eligibility, selection, and exclusion criteria were applied. The following were considered eligible: original articles (clinical trials and quasi-experimental studies) that had preschoolers and school-aged children as the study population and that used therapeutic play as the intervention to prepare children submitted to invasive procedures. Annals from congresses were excluded, as well as theses, dissertations, letters to the editor, and articles not consistent with the study question. There was no limitation regarding the year or language of publication.

Initially the article titles were read and, after excluding those that did not meet the eligibility criteria, their abstracts were analyzed according to the same criteria. These steps were performed independently by two authors of this systematic review. In case of disagreement regarding the exclusion of the abstracts, the articles were read in full.

After the articles were read in full, a new exclusion was carried out, according to the same study selection criteria. Disagreements were resolved by consensus or after consulting a third reviewer. A standard form prepared by the authors was used for data extraction.

The decision regarding the risk of bias was performed in two steps. The first was related to the description of what was reported in each study, in sufficient details so that the decision was made based on this information. The second part consisted of a decision regarding the risk of bias for each of the analyzed parameters, which were classified into three categories: low risk of bias, high risk of bias, and uncertain bias, according to the recommendations of the tool developed by the Cochrane Collaboration for bias risk assessment in randomized clinical trials.1414 Carvalho AP, Silva V, Grande AT. Avaliação do risco de viés de ensaios clínicos randomizados pela ferramenta da colaboração Cochrane. Diagn Tratamento. 2013;18:38-44.,1515 Higgins JPT, Altman DG. Chapter 8: Assessing risk of bias in included studies. In: Higgins JPT, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions. Version 5.1.0 [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration [cited 19 Feb 2016]. Available from:


A total of 1892 articles were found: 1052 in MEDLINE, 95 in CENTRAL, 722 in CINAHL, and 23 in LILACS. Of these, 1861 were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria and 10 were excluded because they were duplicates. After reading the 21 articles in full, the final sample of this review comprised 12 studies, corresponding to 14 articles, taking into account that one of the studies generated three publications. Fig. 1 shows the process of article selection.

Figure 1
Representative flowchart of the selection steps of articles included in the systematic review.

Of the 14 articles, ten were randomized controlled trials and four were quasi-experimental studies. The studies were carried out between 1983 and 2015 in the following countries: five in Brazil, one in the United States, five in China, one in Lebanon, one in Taiwan, and one in Iran. The studies were conducted in large and small hospitals. The participants were aged between 3 and 15 years (938 participants). Detailed information regarding the articles included in this review is shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Synthesis of the articles.

In this review, all studies used therapeutic play to prepare children who would be submitted to invasive procedures. The materials and strategies used during the sessions were varied: representative dolls with size similar to the child,99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.

17 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.

18 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.
-1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. dolls,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.

21 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.
-2222 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242. hospital objects,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.

21 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.

22 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242.

23 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638.

24 Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320.
-2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. storytelling, role playing, coloring books with all steps of the treatment, clay molding, painting, video games and cartoons projected on the ceiling of the treatment room during the procedure,2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. videos about the surgery with pictures of the operating room environment, play activities with the use of toys, games, books, comics, movies, television and drawing materials,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214. and demonstration with the use of puppets.77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454. One study also asked the children to take their favorite doll.2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. The duration of each therapeutic play session ranged from 15 minutes to one hour.

Additionally, some studies also included a visit to the reception, anesthetic induction, operation, and recovery rooms, mimicking the entire treatment process, from the child's admission into the hospital to the operating room.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.

17 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.

18 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.
-1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. In ten articles, the children were submitted to elective surgery77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.

17 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.

18 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.

19 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73.
-2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.,2424 Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320.,2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043.,2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214. and the other procedures consisted of radiotherapy,2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. vaccination,2222 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242. blood collection,2121 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428. and dental treatment.2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638.

In this review, the outcomes of interest were the child's anxiety and behavior when submitted to an invasive procedure; of the 14 articles found, four analyzed only anxiety,1717 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73.,2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129.,2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214. while another six analyzed behavior,44 Ellerton ML, Merriam C. Preparing children and families psychologically for day surgery: an evaluation. J Adv Nurs. 1994;19:1057-1062.,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.

21 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.
-2222 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242.,2424 Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320. and four analyzed both outcomes.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043.

Other analyzed outcomes concerned the effect of therapeutic play through the analysis of physiological indicators such as heart rate,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638.,2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. blood pressure and pulse,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454. and salivary cortisol level.2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. Additionally, the level of postoperative pain was evaluated in three articles,99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. and the parents' satisfaction and anxiety were also verified.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73.

Several tools were used to analyze the level of anxiety, which were mostly scales, including the Chinese version of the State Anxiety Scale for Children (CSAS-C),99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. the Spielberger State Anxiety Scale for children (SSAS-c),1717 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466. the Face Anxiety Scale (FAS), the Beck Youth Anxiety Inventory (BAI-Y),2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129. the State Anxiety Scale for Children (SAS-C),2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. and the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (YPAS).2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214.

The timing of outcome verification varied in the 12 studies. Most verified the outcome before and after surgery. Other studies verified it at admission and during the preoperative anesthetic injection. One study assessed it two weeks later.77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454. Other moments were during venipuncture, when the wound dressings were being performed, during anesthetic induction, at the removal of pacemaker wires, and at physical examination, among others.

The following tools were used to analyze behavior: the Cooperation Scale and Manifest Upset Scale,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638. the Children's Emotional Manifestation Scale,99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. a form created by the researcher,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.,2121 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.,2424 Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320. the Wong and Baker Scale,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130. and interview with a parent/guardian.2222 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242.

As for the methodological quality of the articles, only one study generated the allocation sequence in the groups in a truly random fashion, by using a software program Research Randomizer (Urbaniak. G.C., & Plous. S. (2013). Research Randomizer (Version 4.0) from and protected concealment by using opaque envelopes of the same size within a box, with participant instruction conducted by telephone.2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. Four articles used a simple randomization method by drawing lots, using balls: one identified with the experimental group and the other with the control group - one ball was taken for each child and was then put back into the bag.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1717 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. The others that carried out clinical trials did not report the method used for the randomization.

There was no blinding of the participants in any of the studies, as it was not necessary, considering the characteristic of the intervention (therapeutic play). However, the evaluator was blinded in five studies.77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1717 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638.,2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. Regarding sample loss, only one study indicated that1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39. and used the appropriate statistical analysis in a clear manner. Similarly, only one showed protocol publication regarding the research, available online.2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043.


In this review, the articles that analyzed the effectiveness of therapeutic play on the perioperative anxiety level of children undergoing invasive medical procedures used different measurement tools. In the four articles that proposed to verify the effect only on anxiety, this assessment was conducted by measuring it before and after surgery.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.,1717 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. Another study performed it at admission and during the preoperative anesthetic injection.77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.

Studies show that after the intervention with the use of therapeutic play the children in the experimental group had lower levels of anxiety when compared to the control group (p < 0.05).1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73.,2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129.,2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214. Even in a study in which play activities were used at the moment prior to the surgery in a recreation room during a short 15-minute period, it found that 92% of children in the experimental group did not display anxiety.2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214.

When analyzing the effect of time on anxiety levels, a statistically significant variation (F = 3.260, p < 0.05) was observed in both groups, while there was no statistically significant group effect (F = 0.637, p > 0.05) and interaction effect (F = 0.368, p > 0.05), which was confirmed by repeated measurements, after adjusting for possible confounding factors such as gender, age, type of surgery, body weight, duration of surgery, and pain medication use.


All articles assessing behavior showed that children in the experimental group were more collaborative and showed more acceptance reactions to the procedure when compared to the control group. Seven studies express these results with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05).

One study indicated that the therapeutic play intervention significantly reduced the negative emotional behavior of children before anesthetic induction.99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332. In the study by Zahr in 1998,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454. the children in the experimental group showed fewer negative behaviors within two weeks after surgery, with the change in behavior being measured by Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire (PHBQ).

The children in the experimental group were more collaborative; they screamed, demanded, denied, wept, and moved less than those in the control group.2121 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428. Regarding the assessment of negative emotional behaviors using the Children's Emotional Manifestation Scale (CEMS), another study found that children in the experimental group had significantly lower mean CEMS scores before anesthetic induction than those in the control group (F = 13.452, p < 0.01).2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043.

Children who received the therapeutic play intervention exhibited fewer emotions at the anesthetic induction, with a large effect size for the intervention.1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39. Children who received the intervention exhibited significantly less negative emotional behavior before the anesthetic induction (t [201] ¼ -5.4, p < 0.001).99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.


Children submitted to invasive medical procedures undergo all types of psychological and physical stress, as do their families. Very often, the hospital environment to which the child is exposed is quite frightening, where this child's anxiety and behavioral cycle is altered.2828 Lago PM, Piva JP, Garcia PC, Sfoggia A, Knight G, Ramelet A-S, et al. Analgesia e sedação em situações de emergência e unidades de tratamento intensivo pediátrico. J pediatr (Rio J). 2003;79:S223-S230. Thus, it is essential to understand the best ways to mitigate the negative alterations in these factors.

This is the first systematic review on therapeutic play intervention in children submitted to several invasive procedures, with no time limit for the publication of studies, considering that a previously published review on this topic had a population of children undergoing elective surgery only and included articles published between 1995 and 2012, in addition to also restricting the publication language.2929 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Klainin-Yobas P, Wang W. Therapeutic play intervention in reducing perioperative anxiety, negative behaviors, and postoperative pain in children undergoing elective surgery: a systematic review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16:425-439.

The studies included in this review were carried out in developed and developing countries, large and small hospitals, with children's ages within a wide range, submitted to several invasive procedures such as elective surgery, vaccination, blood collection, and dental treatment. This demonstrates the use of therapeutic play in different scenarios, supporting effective communication with the child, seeking to reduce the probability of developing trauma, as well as promoting collaborative behavior before an invasive procedure is performed.

Several materials and strategies were used during the therapeutic play sessions. However, of the 14 articles, 13 used a doll and hospital objects to show the children the procedure to which they would be submitted.

The use of these tools is in accordance with the statement that, from the pre-operational stage, the child starts to develop the ability to think about objects and events that are not present in her immediate environment and begins to represent them through mental figures, sounds, images, words, or other forms. This new ability allows them to exceed the limits of the "here and now" and begin to understand that a mental image or idea may represent a symbol for an object or a lived experience.3030 Bee H, Boyd D. A criança em desenvolvimento. Artmed: Porto Alegre; 2011.

Five articles99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1616 Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Psychoeducational preparation of children for surgery: the importance of parental involvement. Patient Edu Couns. 2007;65:34-41.

17 Vaezzadeh N, Douki ZE, Hadipour A, Osia S, Shahmohammadi S, Sadeghi R. The effect of performing preoperative preparation program on school age children's anxiety. Iran J Pediatr. 2011;21:461-466.

18 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.
-1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. used in the experimental group, in addition to therapeutic play, visits to the reception, surgery, anesthesia induction, and recovery rooms in order to promote the child's familiarization with the environment. In these cases, this may be considered a study limitation, because the association of another therapeutic measure may have overestimated the effect of therapeutic play on the children's anxiety level and behavior in these studies.

No standardization exists in the choice of tool to analyze the children's anxiety and behavior. Most studies chose to use validated scales, guaranteeing that their application allows the true measurement of what is to be assessed.3131 Bellucci Júnior JA, Matsuda LM. Construção e validação de instrumento para avaliação do acolhimento com classificação de risco. Rev Bras Enferm. 2012;65:751-757. The use of physiological indicators such as blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol level is very important to add evidence regarding the impact of therapeutic play use on the child's emotional state; however, these measures have been used in few studies.

Most studies have found positive changes in the behavior of children who participated in the therapeutic play session, as well as reduction in anxiety scores after the intervention, when compared to the control group. However, few studies analyzed whether this difference was statistically significant. Some studies showed results only in absolute and relative frequencies, making it difficult to evaluate whether the intervention made a difference regarding the child's anxiety and behavior.

Of the nine articles that assessed anxiety, three99 William Li HC, Lopez V, Lee TL. Effects of preoperative therapeutic play on outcomes of school-age children undergoing day surgery. Res Nurs Health. 2007;30:320-332.,1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638. did not have enough information on randomization and allocation concealment, which complicates the bias risk analysis in relation to these points, while two studies2626 Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129.,2727 Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214. did so inadequately. Whatever the assessed intervention or outcome was, one of the fundamental principles for conducting clinical trials is the randomization of subjects to provide the maximum possible homogeneity between groups and allow the inference that the assessed differences may be due to the intervention.3232 Polit DF, Beck CT. Fundamentos de pesquisa em enfermagem: avaliação de evidências para as práticas da enfermagem. 7 ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2011.

Four articles showed low risk of bias regarding the generation of the subjects' sequence and allocation. In this sense, the lack of the adequate generation of sequence and allocation concealment compromises the evidence provided by these studies for this outcome, indicating a certain degree of uncertainty of the findings.

Regarding the behavior outcome, five studies77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,2020 Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.

21 Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.
-2222 Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242.,2424 Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320. did not perform random allocation of subjects, making it impossible for all the participants to have the same chance of being allocated in one of the groups (control and intervention). Also, they did not report on allocation concealment. Two articles1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638. did not have enough information regarding the generation of subject randomization sequence and allocation concealment, which makes it impossible to analyze of the bias risk for these parameters. Therefore, the evidence provided by these studies regarding the effects of the therapeutic play on the behavior of children undergoing invasive procedures is questionable.

In educational interventions such as therapeutic play, it is difficult to blind the participants3333 Hulley SB, Cummings SR, Browner WS, Grady DG, Newman TB. Delineando a pesquisa clínica: uma abordagem epidemiológica. 3 ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2008. because the experimental group members are aware that the therapeutic play intervention is not part of the usual hospital care. In studies where a group is submitted to an intervention and another to the usual routine care, blinding the researcher or the professional who will perform the procedure is not possible. The lack of blinding of participants does not represent an important source of bias, since it is not expected for children to intentionally change their behavior when they know they are being assessed or because they participated in a certain intervention.

It is possible to blind the evaluator, but this only occurred in the evaluation after the intervention in two studies that assessed only behavior,77 Zahr LK. Therapeutic play for hospitalized preschoolers in Lebanon. Pediatr Nurs. 1998;24:449-454.,2323 Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638. one that assessed only anxiety,1919 Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73. and another that assessed anxiety and behavior.2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. The lack of evaluator blinding in most studies represents a risk of high bias, which makes the evidence questionable.

As for incomplete outcomes, most studies showed insufficient information to assess this risk, as they were unclear whether there was a loss of data, except one1818 Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39. that assessed anxiety and behavior, and recorded the loss of five members from the intervention group and four in the follow-up. However, the reason was not explained and there was no information regarding whether any adjustment was made in the analysis to consider these losses. In 2015, He et al.2525 He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Liam JL, Li HC, Ko SS, et al. Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2015;71:1032-1043. evaluated anxiety and behavior and reported that no losses occurred during the study, which implies low risk of bias. At this point, the analysis of evidence becomes uncertain.

Possible risks to the validity of intervention studies in children have been discussed in the literature, among which are: insufficient statistical power,3434 Beck CT. Achieving statistical power through research design sensitivity. J Adv Nurs. 1994;20:912-916. little concern for the reliability and validity of measuring tools,3535 Selby-Harrington ML, Mehta SM, Jutsum V, Riportella-Muller R, Quade D. Reporting of instrument validity and reliability in selected clinical nursing journals. J Prof Nurs. 1989;10:47-56. insufficient verification of an intervention,3636 Shuldham C. Pre-operative education - a review of the research design. Int J Nurs Stud. 1999;36:179-187. lack of minimization of attrition bias,3737 Fogg L, Gross D. Threats to validity in randomized clinical trials. Res Nurs Health. 2000;23:79-87. inability to control observer bias,88 O'Conner-Von S. Preparing children for surgery - an integrative research review. AORN J. 2000;71:334-343. and inability to ensure the integrity and uniformity of treatment.3838 Lipsey M. Design sensitivity: statistical power for experimental research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage; 1990.


Evidence related to the use of therapeutic play on anxiety and behavior of children undergoing invasive procedures is still questionable. The absence, in most studies, of the creation of a random sequence to assign the subjects to either the control or the experimental group, as well as allocation concealment, are factors that contribute to these questions. Another issue that characterizes an important source of bias is the absence of blinded evaluators.

Therefore, it is necessary to perform further studies that will take into account greater methodological stringency, especially regarding the allocation of subjects, use of validated tools, and blinded evaluators, so that the risk of bias related to these domains can be minimized.

  • Please cite this article as: Silva RD, Austregésilo SC, Ithamar L, Lima LS. Therapeutic play to prepare children for invasive procedures: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:6-16.
  • ☆☆
    Study conducted at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE, Brazil.


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    Li WH, Chan SS, Wong EM, Kwok MC, Lee IT. Effect of therapeutic play on pre- and post-operative anxiety and emotional responses in Hong Kong Chinese children: a randomised controlled trial. Hong Kong Med J. 2014;20:36-39.
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    Li HC, Lopez V. Effectiveness and appropriateness of therapeutic play intervention in preparing children for surgery: a randomized controlled trial study. JSPN. 2008;13:63-73.
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    Kiche MT, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: estratégia de alívio da dor e tensão durante o curativo cirúrgico em crianças. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22:125-130.
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    Ribeiro PJ, Sabatés AL, Ribeiro CA. Utilização do brinquedo terapêutico, como um instrumento de intervenção de enfermagem, no preparo de crianças submetidas à coleta de sangue. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2001;35:420-428.
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    Pontes JE, Tabet E, Folkmann MA, Cunha ML, Almeida FA. Brinquedo terapêutico: preparando a criança para a vacina. Einstein. 2015;13:238-242.
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    Schwartz BH, Albino JE, Tedesco LA. Effects of psychological preparation on children hospitalized for dental operations. J Pediatr. 1983;102:634-638.
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    Rushel PP, Cidade DP, Daudt NS, Rossi RI. É válido psicoprofilaxia para cirurgia cardíaca em crianças. Arq Bras de Cardiol. 1995;65:317-320.
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    Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, et al. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013;29:1123-1129.
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    Weber FS. The influence of playful activities on children's anxiety during the preoperative period at the outpatient surgical center. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:209-214.
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  • 29
    He HG, Zhu L, Chan SW, Klainin-Yobas P, Wang W. Therapeutic play intervention in reducing perioperative anxiety, negative behaviors, and postoperative pain in children undergoing elective surgery: a systematic review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16:425-439.
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  • 34
    Beck CT. Achieving statistical power through research design sensitivity. J Adv Nurs. 1994;20:912-916.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan/Feb 2017


  • Received
    2 May 2016
  • Accepted
    11 May 2016
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil