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South American Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation


In this document, the Inter-American Committee of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, together with the South American Society of Cardiology, aimed to formulate strategies, measures, and actions for cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation (CVDPR). In the context of the implementation of a regional and national health policy in Latin American countries, the goal is to promote cardiovascular health and thereby decrease morbidity and mortality. The study group on Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Rehabilitation from the Department of Exercise, Ergometry, and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology has created a committee of experts to review the Portuguese version of the guideline and adapt it to the national reality.

The mission of this document is to help health professionals to adopt effective measures of CVDPR in the routine clinical practice. The publication of this document and its broad implementation will contribute to the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is the reduction of worldwide cardiovascular mortality by 25% until 2025.

The study group's priorities are the following:

• Emphasize the important role of CVDPR as an instrument of secondary prevention with significant impact on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality;

• Join efforts for the knowledge on CVDPR, its dissemination, and adoption in most cardiovascular centers and institutes in South America, prioritizing the adoption of cardiovascular prevention methods that are comprehensive, practical, simple and which have a good cost/benefit ratio;

• Improve the education of health professionals and patients with education programs on the importance of CVDPR services, which are directly targeted at the health system, clinical staff, patients, and community leaders, with the aim of decreasing the barriers to CVDPR implementation.

Com este documento, o Comitê Interamericano de Prevenção e Reabilitação Cardiovascular, em posição conjunta com a Sociedade Sul-Americana de Cardiologia, mostra seu interesse no desenvolvimento de estratégias, medidas e intervenções para a prevenção e a reabilitação cardiovascular. Com o objetivo de implementar na América Latina uma política de saúde regional e nacional dos países membros, tem-se o objetivo de promover a saúde cardiovascular e, consequentemente, diminuir a morbimortalidade. O grupo de estudos em Reabilitação Cardiopulmonar e Metabólica do Departamento de Exercício, Ergometria e Reabilitação Cardiovascular de Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (DERC/SBC) criou uma comissão de experts para revisar a versão em português e adaptá-la à realidade nacional.

Este documento tem como missão principal auxiliar os profissionais de saúde a alcançarem medidas efetivas de prevenção e reabilitação cardiovascular (RCV) na prática clínica diária. Com a difusão deste documento, bem como com a sua implementação de forma mais abrangente, contribuiremos com a meta da Organização Mundial de Saúde de diminuir a mortalidade cardiovascular no mundo em 25% até o ano de 2025.

As prioridades deste grupo de trabalho são:

• Enfatizar o caráter prioritário da RCV como instrumento de prevenção secundária com importante impacto na morbimortalidade cardiovascular;

• Unir esforços para melhorar o conhecimento da RCV, sua difusão e aplicação na maioria dos centros e institutos cardiovasculares da América do Sul, priorizando a utilização de um método de prevenção cardiovascular integral, prático, de fácil aplicação e de custo/benefício comprovado;

• Melhorar a educação do pessoal da saúde e dos pacientes por meio de programas educativos dirigidos, que permitam envolver diretamente os sistemas de saúde, pessoal médico, pacientes e líderes comunitários sobre a importância dos serviços de RCV, a fim de diminuir as barreiras para a sua implantação.

Declaration of potential conflict of interest of authors / collaborators South American Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation the last three years the author / developer of the Guidelines:


In the last 4 decades, CVDPR has been recognized as an important tool in the care of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The role of the CVDPR services in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events is recognized and accepted by all health organizations; however, the guidelines for CVDPR implementation have not yet been adapted to the needs and resources of Latin America. Therefore, the South American Society of Cardiology took the initiative of developing this guideline.

Justification for cardiovascular rehabilitation/secondary prevention

A preventive strategy for clinical practice should be developed on the basis of cardiovascular rehabilitation for the following reasons:

  1. CVDs are the leading cause of death in most countries. They are an important cause of physical incapacity and disability and contribute significantly to the increase in health costs;

  2. Atherosclerosis can develop insidiously over decades and its clinical manifestations are only observed in advanced stages of the disease;

  3. Most CVDs are closely associated with lifestyle as well as with physiological and biochemical factors;

  4. CVDPR-promoted changes in the risk factors decrease the morbidity and mortality due to CVD, especially in individuals classified as high risk;

  5. The prevalence of CVD and of risk factors, such as obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus (DM), and systemic arterial hypertension has increased in the last decades;

  6. Despite the known beneficial effect of CVDPR on patients with CVD, only 5%-30% patients eligible to participate in rehabilitation programs are referred to such programs. The percentage in Brazil is probably even lower;

  7. Relatively few patients are referred to cardiovascular rehabilitation programs by physicians worldwide;

  8. There are no specific CVDPR guidelines that contemplate the particularities of Latin American countries;

  9. No certification programs for CVDPR services are available in Latin America till date.

The development of this guideline includes a detailed review of the various topics presented as well as a classification of the recommendations and evidence levels used (Table 1).

Table 1
Classification of recommendations and leveis of evidence

Drafting committee

The drafting committee was nominated in March 2010 by the South American Society of Cardiology, in a joint work with the Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America. This committee comprises 1 member from each of the following Societies of Cardiology in Latin America: Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, and Paraguay. In addition to these members, the committee relied on the cooperation of a group of specialists from the Mayo Clinic.


Definition of cardiovascular rehabilitation/secondary prevention

According to WHO, cardiovascular rehabilitation is "the sum of the actions required to guarantee the best physical, psychological, and social conditions so that patients with CVD may maintain their role in society by their own efforts"1Brown RA. Rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Report of a WHO expert committee. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 1964;270:3-46.

Eligibility criteria of patients for cardiovascular rehabilitation/secondary prevention

There is evidence that both formal exercise programs and increase in the levels of physical activity are associated with a marked reduction in mortality in individuals with and without coronary artery disease2Lavie CJ, Thomas RJ, Squires RW, Allison TG, Milani RV. Exercise training and cardiac rehabilitation in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009;84(4):373-83.

Sesso HD, Paffenbarger RS Jr, Lee IM. Physical activity and coronary heart disease in men: The Harvard Alumni Health Study. Circulation. 2000;102(9):975-80.

Manson JE, Hu FB, Rich-Edwards JW, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, et al. A prospective study of walking as compared with vigorous exercise in the prevention of coronary heart disease in women. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(9):650-8.

Tanasescu M, Leitzmann MF, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Hu FB. Exercise type and intensity in relation to coronary heart disease in men. JAMA. 2002;288(16):1994-2000.
-6Taylor RS, Brown A, Ebrahim S, Jolliffe J, Noorani H, Rees K, et al. Exercise-based rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Med. 2004;116(10):682-92.. In a study conducted in Olmsted, Minnesota, with patients who participated in CVDPR programs, Roger et al.7Roger VL, Jacobsen SJ, Pellikka PA, Miller TD, Bailey KR, Gersh BJ. Prognostic value of treadmill exercise testing: a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Circulation. 1998;98(25):2836-41. observed a reduction of 25% in the rate of cardiovascular events for each metabolic equivalent (MET) increase in functional capacity. An increase of 1 mL· kg-1·min-1 in maximum oxygen consumption leads to a decrease in mortality of approximately 10% during an RCV program8Kavanagh T, Mertens DJ, Hamm LF, Beyene J, Kennedy J, Corey P, et al. Prediction of long-term prognosis in 12 169 men referred for cardiac rehabilitation. Circulation. 2002;106(6):666-71.,9Kavanagh T, Mertens DJ, Hamm LF, Beyene J, Kennedy J, Corey P, et al. Peak oxygen intake and cardiac mortality in women referred for cardiac rehabilitation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;42(12):2139-43.. The patients eligible for cardiovascular rehabilitation in the context of secondary prevention exhibited at least one of the following cardiovascular events in the past year:

  • Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)/acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)

  • Coronary angioplasty

  • Stable angina

  • Valve repair or replacement

  • Heart or heart-lung transplantation

  • Chronic heart failure

  • Peripheral vascular disease

  • Asymptomatic coronary artery disease

  • Patients at high CVD risk O'

Connor et al. performed a meta-analysis of 22 studies of CVDPR in post-AMI patients and observed a reduction in total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and fatal AMI of 20%, 22%, and 25%, respectively1010 O'Connor GT, Buring JE, Yusuf S, Goldhaber SZ, Olmstead EM, Paffenbarger RS Jr, et al. An overview of randomized trials of rehabilitation with exercise after myocardial infarction. Circulation. 1989;80(2):234-44.. In a study that involved 600,000 beneficiaries of the American Medicare system, Suaya et al.1111 Suaya J. Survival benefits and dose-response effect of cardiac rehabilitation in medicare beneficiares after cardiac event or revascularization. J. Am Coll Cardiol. 2008;51(10 Suppl):A373. observed that those who participated in a CVDPR program exhibited a reduction in mortality of 34% after a 5-year follow-up.

Patients ineligible for out-of-hospital cardiovascular rehabilitation

The contraindications for physical exercise in a cardiovascular rehabilitation program have been modified and are becoming increasingly complex. Although listed as absolute contraindications (Table 2), several of these conditions may be deemed as temporary because after the stabilization of the acute phase, patients can initiate or resume regular exercise programs.

Table 2
Absolute contraindications to physical exercise in out-of-hospital cardiac rehabilitation programs (Phases 2, 3, and 4)

Objectives of cardiovascular rehabilitation

The pillars of cardiovascular rehabilitation and secondary prevention are as follows: lifestyle modifications with an emphasis on regular physical activity, adoption of healthy feeding habits, smoking and drug use cessation, and stress managing strategies. A CVDPR program should aim to improve the physiological and psychological status of cardiac patients and should be based on a multidisciplinary intervention (exercise program, education, clinical evaluation, nutritional evaluation, etc.).

Therefore, the objectives of cardiovascular rehabilitation are the following:

  1. Assist patients with known CVDs or at high risk of developing them;

  2. Rehabilitate patients in a comprehensive manner by offering physical, mental, social, vocational, and spiritual support;

  3. Educate patients to adopt and maintain healthy habits through lifestyle modifications with or without pharmacological and/or surgical treatment;

  4. Decrease disability and promote lifestyle modifications through the proactive engagement of patients in health promotion;

  5. Improve quality of life;

  6. Prevent new cardiovascular events;

  7. Strictly control of risk factors.

For a CVDPR program to be successful, the interventions should be made in agreement with the health provider, the cardiologist, and/or family physician, to optimize and monitor long-term interventions.


Risk stratification of patients referred to a cardiovascular rehabilitation program

To assess the potentials risks complications of exercise, patients should be stratified according to the classification proposed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR)1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004. (Table 3).

Table 3
Stratification for risk of events according to AACVPR

Patients in the low-risk category can be monitored using electrocardiography (ECG) or Heart rate monitor during the first 6-18 sessions, preferably under clinical supervision. A gradual reduction in supervision between sessions 8 and 12 is desirable. Low-risk patients could also be referred to semi-supervised CVDPR programs or distance supervision, depending on their individual assessment.

Patients at intermediate risk should be monitored during the first 12-24 sessions, preferably by continuous ECG monitoring and permanent medical supervision, which should be decreased to intermittent monitoring after the last session. In addition, the monitoring frequency and methods adopted depend on the available resources, capacity of each institution, and patient status and progression1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004..

Greater supervision should be used for patients categorized as high risk and when changes in health status, new symptoms, or any other evidence of disease progression are observed.

Monitoring can also be a useful strategy for assessing response to physical activity, especially when the intensity of aerobic exercise is increased.

Patient safety and monitoring

Potential cardiac complications during cardiovascular rehabilitation programs are as follows: cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, and AMI, among others (Table 4). The incidence of cardiac arrest is relatively low. According to studies conducted by Van Camp and Peterson1313 Van Camp SP, Peterson RA. Cardiovascular complications of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. JAMA. 1986;256(9):1160-3., with data from 167 American CVDPR programs involving 51,303 patients, more than 2 million hours of exercise were performed between 1980 and 1984. In this period, 21 patients sustained cardiac arrest, among which 18 patients were resuscitated and survived (only 3 cases were fatal)1313 Van Camp SP, Peterson RA. Cardiovascular complications of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. JAMA. 1986;256(9):1160-3.. It is estimated that the rate of a major complication, such as cardiac arrest, death, or AMI, is 1 for every 60,000-80,000 h of supervised exercise1414 Thompson PD, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, Blair SN, Corrado D, Estes NA 3rd, et al; American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology; American College of Sports Medicine. Exercise and acute cardiovascular events placing the risks into perspective: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Circulation. 2007;115(17):2358-68..

Table 4
Event rate in cardiac rehabilitation3Sesso HD, Paffenbarger RS Jr, Lee IM. Physical activity and coronary heart disease in men: The Harvard Alumni Health Study. Circulation. 2000;102(9):975-80.

To achieve increased safety during physical exercise in a rehabilitation session, a comprehensive assessment of the patient is advised with the aim to define the level of CVD risk, individualized exercise programs, and adequate monitoring. Clinical supervision is the most important safety factor in CVDPR. A CVDPR specialist with experience in the management of complications should be present during each exercise session. In the absence of such specialist, the presence of staff qualified in emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation is indicated. Of note, patients should be educated on self-assessment involving the presence of symptoms, perception of effort during exercise, well-being, risk limits, and immediate measures that should be adopted, such as informing the rehabilitation team about their symptoms, and stopping exercise1515 Vongvanich P, Paul-Labrador MJ, Merz CN. Safety of medically supervised exercise in a cardiac rehabilitation center. Am J Cardiol. 1996;77(15):1383-5.,1616 Fletcher GF, Balady GJ, Amsterdam EA, Chaitman B, Eckel R, Fleg J, et al. Exercise standards for testing and training: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2001;104(14):1694-740..

The guidelines on clinical supervision of patients during secondary prevention programs remain to be a debated topic1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.. The level of clinical supervision is related to age, diagnosis, comorbidities in participants of rehabilitation programs, duration of recovery after the cardiovascular event, and the progression achieved during each session.

The number of sessions under ECG monitoring is not a measure of quality of the exercise program. This type of monitoring is a strategy adopted by each team according to a local protocol1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,1515 Vongvanich P, Paul-Labrador MJ, Merz CN. Safety of medically supervised exercise in a cardiac rehabilitation center. Am J Cardiol. 1996;77(15):1383-5..

Components of the cardiovascular rehabilitation program

According to the guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA), AACVPR, and the American College of Cardiology (AHA/AACVPR/ACC)1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004., a CVDPR program includes the comprehensive care of patients with CVD and chronic heart failure (class I evidence). CVDPR should include a consistent multidisciplinary approach, not only with regard to exercise but also to educational work aimed to controlrisk factors through lifestyle changes. The components of the CVDPR program are shown in Table 5.

Table 5
Components of a cardiac rehabilitation program

Competencies of the Rehabilitation Staff

A CVDPR program is integrated by a multidisciplinary team (Table 6), which requires the following competencies: basic knowledge in the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal areas, ECG analysis, medical emergency management, and theoretical and practical knowledge regarding physical exercise. The core team is composed by physicians, nurses, and exercise specialists, with the option of including specialists from other disciplines to provide complete health care and education (nutritionists and psychologists, among others). The core team should have experience in the management of CVD risk factors, psychosocial assessment and intervention, and lifestyle changes.

Table 6
Human resources competences in a cardiovascular rehabilitation program

Phases of cardiovascular rehabilitation

Numerous investigations have demonstrated the importance of early and progressive physical activity within a CVDPR program after an AMI or CABG. The program consists of 3 or 4 phases (Table 7), depending on the different schools1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,1717 Squires RW, Gau GT, Miller TD, Allison TG, Lavie CJ. Cardiovascular rehabilitation: status, 1990. Mayo Clin Proc. 1990;65(5):731-55..

Table 7
Phases of a CVDPR program1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.

Initial patient evaluation

At the start of a rehabilitation program, the initial assessment of the patient must include obtaining an exhaustive and thorough medical history, which includes details regarding previous surgical procedures and comorbidities, such as cardiovascular, renal, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal diseases, as well as depression and other relevant information. During the initial evaluation, it is paramount to identify CVD risk factors, such as smoking, poor feeding habits, blood pressure (BP), Diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, physical inactivity, and stress. In addition to the information regarding medication use, it is important to assess the social, educational, and economic situation of the patient.

The physical examination will comprise a thorough assessment of the cardiovascular system, including BP, heart rate (HR), heart sounds and murmurs, palpation of peripheral pulses, and alterations in skin color; it will also identify musculoskeletal changes that may prevent inclusion in the program or restrict the execution of some exercises. The respiratory system examination will assess respiratory rate and presence or absence of abnormal sounds, which are characteristic of pulmonary pathologies1616 Fletcher GF, Balady GJ, Amsterdam EA, Chaitman B, Eckel R, Fleg J, et al. Exercise standards for testing and training: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2001;104(14):1694-740.,1818 Kovalesky JE, Gurchiek LR, Pearsall AW. Musculoskeletal injuries; risks, prevention and care. In: ACSM's resources manual for guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001..

A "center" is considered to be a rehabilitation center when it features an area for physical activity, competent and trained staff, adequate equipment for physical exercises, equipment for emergency situations (basic and advanced life support equipment, with a defibrillator), and medical staff to address emergency situations. The center should also consider implementing management protocols for the rehabilitation of patients according to pathology.

Exercise prescription

Exercise prescription should always be considered individually in accordance with each phase, taking into account individual limitations and comorbidities (musculoskeletal, neurological, respiratory, renal, and among others).

Phase 1

During phase 1, in hospital, is a moment when patients are very receptive. In most cases, they are very vulnerable and open to new proposals for lifestyle changes. In addition to the exercises, which are always of low intensity and aiming for early movement, there is also an opportunity to educate the patients, by explaining about the disease and the importance of controlling the risk factors1919 Ku SL, Ku CH, Ma FC. Effects of phase I cardiac rehabilitation on anxiety of patients hospitalized for coronary artery bypass graft in Taiwan. Heart Lung. 2002;31(2):133-40.. Exercises can be started immediately after disease stabilization:

  • In cases of ACS, after the first 24-48 h, in the absence of symptoms;

  • In cases of heart failure, after dyspnea improvement, gentle stretching and movement exercises can also be started as soon as the patient can ambulate;

  • In cases of cardiac surgery, especially in the days prior to the intervention, a program comprising breathing exercises, stretching, and progressive movement, followed by physical therapy after surgery, provides a significant reduction in respiratory complications, arrhythmias, and length of hospitalization1919 Ku SL, Ku CH, Ma FC. Effects of phase I cardiac rehabilitation on anxiety of patients hospitalized for coronary artery bypass graft in Taiwan. Heart Lung. 2002;31(2):133-40.

    20 Herdy AH, Marcchi PL, Vila A, Tavares C, Collaço J, Niebauer J, et al. Pre- and postoperative cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in hospitalized patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;87(9):714-9.
    -2121 Stein R, Maia CP, Silveira AD, Chiappa GR, Myers J, Ribeiro JP. Inspiratory muscle strength as a determinant of functional capacity early after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90(10):1685-91..

Although it is difficult to generalize the recommendation, the patient should be assessed at the start of the exercise program at the hospital, to determine the best exercises for that phase, from passive to active exercises and low-intensity walking, which will be increased individually until hospital discharge.

Phase 2

In this phase, the patient needs supervision and individualized care, because this is the convalescence phase and the patient often has not had any previous contact with formal physical activities. Exercise prescription must include the type, intensity, duration, and frequency of exercises2222 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005;111(3):369-76. Erratum in Circulation. 2005;111(13):1717.. The duration of phase 2 varies between patients, lasting an average of 1-3 months2323 Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. [Guideline for cardiopulmonary and metabolic rehabilitation: practical aspects]. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2006;86(1):74-82.. Exercises should be initiated at a low intensity and low impact during the first few weeks, for initial adaptation and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries2424 Araujo CG, Carvalho T, Castro CL, Costa RV, Moraes RS, Oliveira Filho JA, et al. [Standardization of equipment and technics for supervised cardiovascular rehabilitation ]. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2004;83(5):448-52.,2525 Balady GJ, Williams MA, Ades PA, Bittner V, Comoss P, Foody JM, et al; American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2007;115(20):2675-82..

Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise intensity must fit the clinical picture, risk stratification, and patient's goals. Ideally, a stress test (treadmill test or cardiopulmonary exercise test) should be conducted to evaluate the ECG response, physical capacity, HR and BP response to stress, thus allowing for a better individualized prescription of physical exercise intensity. In order to avoid delaying of rehabilitation program, just after the medical release, the initial assessment can be made by the physical therapist or physical education professional in the first sessions, adapting the exercise prescription until the stress test is avalable2222 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005;111(3):369-76. Erratum in Circulation. 2005;111(13):1717..

The intensity of aerobic exercises, which aim greater benefits to the cardiovascular system and metabolism, has been the object of investigations2626 Myers J, Prakash M, Froelicher V, Do D, Partington S, Atwood JE. Exercise capacity and mortality among men referred for exercise testing. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(11):793-801.. High-intensity exercises are more effective in improving insulin resistance, BP reduction, and promoting a greater weight reduction when compared with moderate-intensity exercises2727 Seals DR, Hagberg JM, Hurley BF, Ehsani AA, Holloszy JO. Effects of endurance training on glucose tolerance and plasma lipid levels in older men and women. JAMA. 1984;252(5):645-9.,2828 Herdy AH, Zulianello RS, Antunes MH, Benetti M, Ribeiro JP. High intensity aerobic exercise training induces similar or even superior blood pressure reducing effects in controlled hypertensive patients. Eur Heart J. 2010;384(Suppl):Poster 2292..

If the stress test is available, the target exercise heart rate should be around the anaerobic threshold. In the case of stress test without expired gas analysis, the target is 60%-80% of maximum HR (MHR), or 50%-70% of resting HR (RHR). In the first sessions, exercises are suggested to be performed in the lower limit of the prescription, progressively increasing according to the individuals' response and progress. Moreover, exercises should be performed below the ischemic threshold, i.e., below HR and load that induce clinical and ECG signs of myocardial ischemia during stress.

The exercise duration must be of at least 30 min, progressing to 1 h of continuous or intermittent exercise. The frequency can be 2-5 times/week, with an average of 3 times.

Resistance exercises: Muscle strengthening exercises should be started gradually with light loads, progressing throughout the sessions1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2222 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005;111(3):369-76. Erratum in Circulation. 2005;111(13):1717.. At this stage, the objective is to familiarize the patients with the exercises, ensuring that they are executed with correct posture and gradual progression of the load. They can be performed 2-3 times/week, with 6-15 repetitions per muscle group, at intervals of 30 s to 1 min.

Flexibility exercises: They are also known as stretching. They must be carried out progressively and without discomfort, always respecting musculoskeletal limitations. They can be performed at the beginning and, especially, at the end of rehabilitation sessions2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000..

Phases 3 and 4

These phases have an indefinite duration2323 Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. [Guideline for cardiopulmonary and metabolic rehabilitation: practical aspects]. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2006;86(1):74-82.. The main difference between them is that phase 4 is performed by long-distance supervision, also known as rehabilitation without supervision. In essence, the prescription of these 2 phases is very similar, because the prescribed exercises are part of daily life. The prescription must be updated periodically and adapted to the profile and comorbidities of each patient. A reassessment, which can be repeated every 6-12 months, is preferred when initiating the third phase.

Aerobic exercise: In asymptomatic patients, training HR should be 70%-90% of MHR achieved in the stress test, or 50%-80% of RHR, or between the first and the second threshold obtained during the cardiopulmonary test.

These exercises are also performed below the ischemic threshold, i.e., below HR and load that induce clinical and ECG signs of myocardial ischemia during stress. In selected cases of patients with symptoms, such as stable angina, MHR can be just below that at which symptoms appear, even if ECG shows indirect signs of ischemia.

Resistance exercises: They should be performed in sets of 8-15 repetitions, with progressive loads sufficient to cause fatigue in the last 3 repetitions, but without causing physical breakdown. Ideally, they should be performed 3 times/week. As an alternative to conventional exercise with free weights or weight machines, the Pilates method with practical resistance can be used in combination with flexibility and breathing exercises1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,3030 Pollock ML, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, Chaitman BL, Fleg JL, Fletcher B, et al. AHA Science Advisory. Resistance exercise in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease: benefits, rationale, safety, and prescription: an advisory from the Committee on Exercise, Rehabilitation, and Prevention, Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association; Position paper endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine. Circulation. 2000;101(7):828-33..

Flexibility exercises should be a part of gym classes, either at the beginning and/or, preferably, at the end of each session. A combination of practices, such as yoga, tai chi, can be adopted; these practices help decrease BP3131 Patel C, North WR. Randomised controlled trial of yoga and bio-feedback in management of hypertension. Lancet. 1975;2(7925):93-5. and increase maximum oxygen consumption3232 Afilalo J, Karunananthan S, Eisenberg MJ, Alexander KP, Bergman H. Role of frailty in patients with cardiovascular disease. Am J Cardiol. 2009;103(11):1616-21..

Balance exercises: They are essential; they should be performed 2-3 times/week, especially by the elderly population, to maintain self-sufficiency in this age group and help prevent fractures due to falls1313 Van Camp SP, Peterson RA. Cardiovascular complications of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. JAMA. 1986;256(9):1160-3..

Components of the exercise

The training program should take into account the following points:

  • Training frequency: It should be at least 3 times/week. Ideally, the patient should be encouraged to perform daily physical activity (walking, climbing stairs, cycling)1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2222 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005;111(3):369-76. Erratum in Circulation. 2005;111(13):1717..

  • Duration of each session: The recommended duration is 40-60 min/day.

  • Training intensity: This can be controlled by the training HR (THR). In this strategy, the goal is to perform the prescribed exercises at the heart rate between the two respiratory thresholds or 70%-90% of MHR obtained during the stress test. Another common practice is the use of RHR by applying the Karvonen formula (50%-80% of RHR)3333 Karvonen MJ, Kentala E, Mustala O. The effects of training on heart rate; a longitudinal study. Ann Med Exp Biol Fenn. 1957;35(3):307-15.,3434 Hansen D, Stevens A, Eijnde BO, Dendale P. Endurance exercise intensity determination in the rehabilitation of coronary artery disease patients: a critical re-appraisal of current evidence. Sports Med. 2012;42(1):11-30..

Karvonen formula: THR = RHR + (0.5-0.8) × (MHR - RHR)

The patient's subjective perception of exertion should always be assessed, using the Borg scale of perceived exertion3535 Borg GA. Perceived exertion. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 1974;2:131-53. [Rating Perceived Exertion (RPE) ] (Table 8).

Table 8
Borg scale of perceived exertion3535 Borg GA. Perceived exertion. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 1974;2:131-53.

Subjectively, the speech test can also be used, in which patients are aware of their own respiratory movements, i.e., the exercises are performed at an intensity that leads to a heavier breathing, without reaching a degree of tachypnea that prevents the patient from completing a sentence.

  • Specificity of training: in some cases, the patients' training should consider the muscle groups that they usually use in their day-to-day activities, thus generating greater muscle strength for daily work1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2525 Balady GJ, Williams MA, Ades PA, Bittner V, Comoss P, Foody JM, et al; American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2007;115(20):2675-82..

Components of each session

a) Warm-up period: a moment in which muscle groups are incorporated gradually; starting with small groups and then progressing to larger muscle groups. Initially, the exercises are performed slowly; the repetitions and the speed increase progressively. After approximately 5 min, a more intense warm-up session starts, including jogging or another higher-intensity exercise (lasting 1-3 min). In general, when a patient begins rehabilitation, the warm-up period is longer. Before the first session, it is desirable that some testing is performed. The aim of the examination (such as the 6-min walk test) is to enable an objective analysis of the current state of the patient1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.,3636 Brodie D, Bethell H, Breen S. Cardiac rehabilitation in England: a detailed national survey. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2006;13(1):122-8.,3737 Giannuzzi P, Mezzani A, Saner H, Björnstad H, Fioretti P, Mendes M, et al; Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology. European Society of Cardiology. Physical activity for primary and secondary prevention. Position paper of the Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2003;10(5):319-27..

b) Exercise training: It can be performed with a bicycle ergometer, treadmill, climber, or simply consist of a walk/jog guided by trained personnel. Usually, the duration of training is short (15 min) in the first session, with weekly or per-sessionprogression, depending on the case. This phase should be connected with the time and intensity of exercise.

THR is determined according to the prescription method and/or results of the stress test, as previously discussed. The goal is to achieve and maintain this HR during the execution of continuous or interval aerobic exercise. Furthermore, it is convenient to add resistance exercises to every session1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004..

c) Cool-down period: All sessions must take into account that the patient should return to the initial HR and BP levels in the last minutes of the session. The methods used to achieve this goal are varied, but some elements must be present, such as gradually decreasing the load of aerobic exercise, stretching, resting on a chair or mattress, and using breathing techniques (abdominal breathing)1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000..

Types of exercise

The exercises can be divided into isotonic or dynamic and isometric or static:

  • Isotonic or dynamic exercises change muscle length with rhythmic contractions, joint movements, and limited strength development. These exercises cause a significant increase in oxygen consumption, systolic volume, and HR. The systolic BP (SBP) increases and the diastolic BP (DBP) may decrease as a consequence of the reduction in total peripheral resistance1616 Fletcher GF, Balady GJ, Amsterdam EA, Chaitman B, Eckel R, Fleg J, et al. Exercise standards for testing and training: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2001;104(14):1694-740..

  • Isometric or static exercises cause an increase in muscle strength with little change in muscle length. During these exercises, SBP increases significantly, and HR and systolic volume increase less than during dynamic exercise1616 Fletcher GF, Balady GJ, Amsterdam EA, Chaitman B, Eckel R, Fleg J, et al. Exercise standards for testing and training: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2001;104(14):1694-740..

However, the majority of activities present a combination of these 2 types of exercises in varying magnitudes; the hemodynamic response depends on which is performed with greater intensity.

With regard to the types of training: the most relevant are continuous and

  • Continuous training: It relies on a steady exertion over a given time. Preferably, it is of moderate intensity, to last longer. It usually comprises a walk or run at a moderate and constant intensity, and the speed of execution and the behavior of cardiopulmonary variables depend on the clinical presentation and individual physical capacity. The minimum suggested time to maintain this type of effort is 20-30 min/session3838 Nieuwland W, Berkhuysen MA, van Veldhuisen DJ, Brügemann J, Landsman ML, van Sonderen E, et al. Differential effects of high-frequency versus low-frequency exercise training in rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(1):202-7.,3939 Rognmo O, Hetland E, Helgerud J, Hoff J, Slørdahl SA. High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2004;11(3):216-22.. It may be performed at different intensities (Table 9).

Table 9
Examples of continuous training
  • Interval training: it is defined as an exercise or a series of exercises composed of periods of exertion that alternate with periods of active or passive recovery. When the exercise is of high or moderate intensity, active intervals are used, using either the same or different exercises, but of lower intensity4040 Guiraud T, Nigam A, Gremeaux V, Meyer P, Juneau M, Bosquet L. High-intensity interval training in cardiac rehabilitation. Sports Med. 2012;42(7):587-605.. If the patient's functional capacity is low, passive recovery intervals can be used. In such patients, this training method with alternating loads may be the only way to start an exercise program, because of the low tolerance to continuous loads. The progression is made by gradually increasing the periods of activity and decreasing the resting periods, or by replacing them with lower-intensity activity (active recovery). Before starting this activity, a longer warm-up session is needed, as well as a low-intensity recovery at the end of the session3838 Nieuwland W, Berkhuysen MA, van Veldhuisen DJ, Brügemann J, Landsman ML, van Sonderen E, et al. Differential effects of high-frequency versus low-frequency exercise training in rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(1):202-7..


As previously mentioned, a multidisciplinary CVDPR program includes not only the scheduled exercise plan but also the education provide to the patient, about CVD and the appropriate management of risk factors1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004..

Obesity and overweight

Definition and facts

The incidence and prevalence of overweight and obesity have increased globally to alarming levels. Obesity is considered a worldwide epidemic, both in children and in adults, affecting nearly one-third of the world's population. According to the INTERHEART study, the most prevalent CVD risk factor is abdominal obesity, whose prevalence is 48.6% in Latin America, compared with 31.2% in other participating countries4141 Lanas F, Avezum A, Bautista LE, Diaz R, Luna M, Islam S, et al. Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Latin America: the INTERHEART Latin American study. Circulation. 2007;115(9):1067-74.. The consumption of high-calorie foods, rich in simple carbohydrates and saturated fats, associated with physical inactivity, are responsible for this worldwide epidemic.

The increase in adiposity is associated with the increase in free fatty acids, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, DM, systemic arterial hypertension, and dyslipidemia. The effects of obesity on global CVD risk are pronounced. Obese individuals have higher frequency and incidence of other risk factors. However, the risk is also direct, because adipose tissue, particularly intra-abdominal visceral adipose tissue, is a metabolically active endocrine organ that synthesizes and releases into the bloodstream different peptides and other nonpeptidic compounds that participate in cardiovascular homeostasis. Obese individuals have a disturbance in this balance, to a greater or lesser degree, increasing the CV risk.

The calculation of body mass index (BMI) has been proposed by the United States National Institutes of Health (NHLBI)4242 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Classification of overweight and obesity by BMI, waist circumference, and associated disease risks. [Accessed on 2012 Oct 15 ]. Available from:
and by WHO4343 World Health Organization. (WHO). Obesity and overweight. [Accessed on 2012 Oct 15 ]. Available from:
as the conventional method for diagnosing overweight and obesity. In adults, overweight is defined as a BMI from 25-29.9 kg/m2, and obesity is defined as BMI ≥ 30 kg/m24242 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Classification of overweight and obesity by BMI, waist circumference, and associated disease risks. [Accessed on 2012 Oct 15 ]. Available from:
, 4343 World Health Organization. (WHO). Obesity and overweight. [Accessed on 2012 Oct 15 ]. Available from:

Although BMI is a simple method to detect individuals with considerably increased body fat, particularly in population studies, recent studies have questioned its validity in diagnosing individual obesity4444 Okorodudu DO, Jumean MF, Montori VM, Romero-Corral A, Somers VK, Erwin PJ, et al. Diagnostic performance of body mass index to identify obesity as defined by body adiposity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Obes (Lond). 2010;34(5):791-9.

45 Romero-Corral A, Somers VK, Sierra-Johnson J, Jensen MD, Thomas RJ, Squires RW, et al. Diagnostic performance of body mass index to detect obesity in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J. 2007;28(17):2087-93.
-4646 Romero-Corral A, Somers VK, Sierra-Johnson J, Korenfeld E, Boarin S, Korinek J, et al. Normal weight obesity: a risk factor for cardiometabolic dysregulation and cardiovascular mortality. Eur Heart J. 2010;31(6):737-46.. Numerous studies have demonstrated that central obesity measures correlate better with CVD risk than BMI4747 Coutinho T, Goel K, Correa de Sa D, Kragelund C, Kanaya AM, Zeller M, et al. Central obesity and survival in subjects with coronary artery disease: a systematic review of the literature and collaborative analysis with individual subject data. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;57(19):1877-86.. Therefore, it is more important to determine whether there is an increase in abdominal fat than to define body weight in relation to height. A simple way to determine this is by measuring the perimeter of the waist with a tape measure, either at the navel level or 2.5 cm above the iliac crest. The cutoff points recommended for diagnosing central obesity, using waist circumference, are ≥ 94 cm for men and ≥ 80 cm for women. If the waist-hip ratio values are used for diagnosing central obesity, the cutoff points are as follows: ≥ 0.9 for men and ≥ 0.85 for women. All these calculations have been established for Caucasian individuals. Other parameters and other determinations are necessary for the various Latin American ethnic groups4848 Wang Z, Ma J, Si D. Optimal cut-off values and population means of waist circumference in different populations. Nutr Res Rev. 2010;23(2):191-9.,4949 Qiao Q, Nyamdorj R. The optimal cutoff values and their performance of waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio for diagnosing type II diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64(1):23-9..

Other methods used to measure body fat are computed tomography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and whole-body air displacement plethysmography. Waist circumference measurement has the advantage of being a simple method and of being superior to BMI; however, it should be noted that this method is prone to measurement errors4848 Wang Z, Ma J, Si D. Optimal cut-off values and population means of waist circumference in different populations. Nutr Res Rev. 2010;23(2):191-9.

49 Qiao Q, Nyamdorj R. The optimal cutoff values and their performance of waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio for diagnosing type II diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64(1):23-9.
-5050 Cornier MA, Despres JP, Davis N, Grossniklaus DA, Klein S, Lamarche B, et al; American Heart Association Obesity Committee of the Council on Nutrition; Physical Activity and Metabolism; Council on Arteriosclerosis; Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke Council. Assessing adiposity: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011;124(18):1996-2019..

Challenges and goals

Weight reduction is recommended in patients with obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) or overweight (25 ≤ BMI < 30 kg/m2).

Values between 94 and 101 cm for men and between 80 and 87 cm for women should be considered as an alert; they represent a threshold from which one should not gain more weight. Restriction of total caloric intake and regular exercise are the cornerstones of weight control. It is likely that exercise will produce improvements in the metabolism of central adiposity, even before weight reduction is noticed.

Special recommendations

Feeding habits education is paramount, with emphasis on decreasing caloric intake and drastically decreasing the intake of fats and simple carbohydrates. The patient should be encouraged to consume more fruit, vegetables, whole-grain foods, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The habit of mild-to-moderate alcohol consumption should not be discouraged; however, this area of knowledge still requires further studies to define the best conduct.

The frequency, duration, intensity, and volume of exercise performed must be adapted to the physical fitness level of the individual. Prolonged exercises at a moderate intensity are preferred, although the program should be initiated at a light intensity and progress as results are achieved. The best exercises are dynamic exercises, which employ large muscle groups and are predominantly aerobic.

Sedentary lifestyle

Definition and facts

The percentage of sedentary population in Latin America oscillates between 25% and 75%; this very wide range is because of the differences between the studies carried out in each region. Individuals who remain sedentary are at a higher risk of death and at a 2-fold higher CVD risk when compared with their physically active peers5151 Batty GD. Physical activity and coronary heart disease in older adults. A systematic review of epidemiological studies. Eur J Public Health. 2002;12(3):171-6..

Challenges and goals

  • To initiate, recondition, and educate the patient regarding exercise prescription;

  • To motivate the patient to continue the practice of physical activity indefinitely (30-60 min of moderate exercise, 5-7 days/week) (class I, level of evidence B);

  • To ensure that all members of the CVDPR programs know, educate, and motivate patients to perform physical activities according to the prescription.

Special recommendations

  • To collect a complete medical history;

  • To determine the CVD risk individually;

  • To prescribe physical activity (aerobic, resistance, and flexibility);

  • To supervise the physical activity practice according to the risks and prescriptions.

    (Refer to the section Exercise for more details regarding the recommendations and exercise prescriptions.)

Psychosocial stress and depression

Definition and facts

Stress has been defined as a "situation of an individual or of any of his/her organs or systems that, by requiring a greater performance than normal, places the individual at risk of becoming ill." It is a body's response or reaction that requires adaptations, which may be acute or chronic5252 Lichtman JH, Bigger JT Jr, Blumenthal JA, Frasure-Smith N, Kaufmann PG, Lespérance F, et al. AHA science advisory. Depression and coronary heart disease. Recommendations for screening, referral, and treatment. A science advisory from the American Heart Association Prevention Committee to the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care Outcomes Research. Endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association. Prog Cardiovasc Nurs. 2009;24(1):19-26.. These adaptations are not always well tolerated or accepted. All these adaptations include anxiety, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, emotional insecurity, fear of failure, chronic job stress, personality traits, character, and social isolation, which lead to depression. Elevated stress is clearly associated with AMI. Nowadays, stress is considered a risk factor as important as hypertension, smoking, and dyslipidemia.

Unfortunately, there are not enough data to know with certainty the prevalence of increased stress, depression, and other psychosocial problems in Latin America. Data from the INTERHEART study demonstrate that in Latin America the prevalence of chronic stress and depression is, respectively, 6.8% and 36.7%4141 Lanas F, Avezum A, Bautista LE, Diaz R, Luna M, Islam S, et al. Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Latin America: the INTERHEART Latin American study. Circulation. 2007;115(9):1067-74..

Stress responses produce increased autonomic activity by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and catecholamine release, causing an increase in HR, contractility, minute volume, and peripheral vascular resistance, as well as inhibiting insulin secretion and increasing the release of hepatic glucose and fatty acids into the blood stream. Concurrently, there is an increase in platelet aggregation and a decrease in the ventricular fibrillation threshold5252 Lichtman JH, Bigger JT Jr, Blumenthal JA, Frasure-Smith N, Kaufmann PG, Lespérance F, et al. AHA science advisory. Depression and coronary heart disease. Recommendations for screening, referral, and treatment. A science advisory from the American Heart Association Prevention Committee to the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Interdisciplinary Council on Quality of Care Outcomes Research. Endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association. Prog Cardiovasc Nurs. 2009;24(1):19-26..

Challenges and goals

It is important to know the degree of stress and depression of patients seeking a CVDPR program; the use of standardized questionnaires is recommended, such as the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire, which is free and available online. Once the patient's condition is known, he/she should be severity of the emotional problem.

Special recommendations

The recommendations focus on the identification of these groups of patients to allow early intervention, through psychotherapy and lifestyle changes, not only aimed specifically at the individual but also at the family members. These measures may include group therapy, specific medication, physical activity, and social support, which are all administered by specialized professionals5353 Berkman LF, Blumenthal J, Burg M, Carney RM, Catellier D, Cowan MJ, et al; Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients Investigators (ENRICHD). Effects of treating depression and low perceived social support on clinical events after myocardial infarction: the Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients (ENRICHD) Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2003;289(23):3106-16. (class I, level of evidence B).


Definition and facts

Smoking is a chronic addiction caused by the excessive tobacco smoking, which is triggered by its main component, nicotine. It is an independent risk factor for CVD5454 Wilson PW, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk fator categories. Circulation. 1998;97(18):1837-47., and is regarded as a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide5555 Katanoda K, Yaho-Suketomo H. Mortality attributable to tobacco by selected countries based on the WHO Global Report. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(46):561-2..

According to WHO, a smoker is a person who has had this habit daily for the previous month, regardless of the number of cigarettes smoked. A passive smoker is defined as a person who is exposed to tobacco smoke in its different forms, such as pipes and cigarettes. There is no minimum innocuous exposure to cigarette smoke: passive smoking increases the CVD risk by 25%-30%5656 The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: a report of the surgeon geral. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2006..

There have been significant changes in the implementation of smoke-free areas, through a historic partnership between WHO and Latin America and Caribbean countries5757 Sebrie EM, Schoj V, Travers MJ, McGaw B, Glantz SA. Smokefree policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: making progress. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012;9(5):1954-70.. The prevalence of smoking in this region is approximately 31% in men and 17% in women, which motivates physicians to work toward improving this situation5858 Barreto SM, Miranda JJ, Figueroa JP, Schmidt MI, Munoz S, Kuri-Morales PP, et al. Epidemiology in Latin America and the Caribbean: current situation and challenges. Int J Epidemiol. 2012;41(2):557-71..

Challenges and goals

The overall goal is to achieve complete cessation of cigarette smoking5959 A clinical practice guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence: A US Public Health Service report. The Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline Panel, Staff, and Consortium Representatives. JAMA. 2000;283(24):3244-54.,6060 Law M, Tang JL. An analysis of the effectiveness of interventions intended to help people stop smoking. Arch Intern Med. 1995;155(18):1933-41.. For achieving such a goal, CVDPR and secondary prevention programs should include comprehensive smoking cessation measures; they should also educate the smoker by promoting and implementing public health measures related to the suppression of the habit5656 The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: a report of the surgeon geral. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2006. (IB).

Specific recommendations

Every clinical history must include questions regarding smoking history, so as to diagnose smokers according to the above definition. It is also necessary to check whether there is environmental exposure and whether the patient wants to quit smoking, as well as measure physical dependence, and prepare a smoking cessation plan that includes follow-up and feedback5959 A clinical practice guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence: A US Public Health Service report. The Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline Panel, Staff, and Consortium Representatives. JAMA. 2000;283(24):3244-54.,6060 Law M, Tang JL. An analysis of the effectiveness of interventions intended to help people stop smoking. Arch Intern Med. 1995;155(18):1933-41..

Some useful recommendations regarding smoking are as follows:

  • • To routinely apply questionnaires on smoking habits;

  • • To indicate the amount of tobacco consumed and attempts to stop smoking;

  • • To assess the patient according to physical, psychological, social, and gestural addiction, as well as nicotine dependence (Fagerstrom test, Glover and Nilson test)6161 Ebbert JO, Severson HH, Danaher BG, Schroeder DR, Glover ED. A comparison of three smokeless tobacco dependence measures. Addict Behav. 2012;37(11):1271-7.;

  • • To identify the phase of interest in smoking cessation according to the criteria by Prochazka and DiClemente (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance)6262 Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Stages and processes of self-change of smoking: toward an integrative model of change. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1983;51(3):390-5.;

  • • To establish a conversation to generate awareness (IA);

  • • To follow the smoking cessation process ("5As"): Ask about smoking status; Advise to quit; Assess willingness to stop smoking; Assist in smoking cessation; and Arrange follow-up consultation6363 Epps RP, Manley MW. How to help your patients stop smoking. A National Cancer Institute program for physicians. J Fla Med Assoc. 1990;77(4):454-6. ;

  • • To offer help regardless of patient motivation6464 Stead LF, Lancaster T. Group behaviour therapy programmes for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Apr 18;(2):CD001007. ;

  • • To create interventions that enables the patient to advance in the stages of interest in smoking cessation;

  • • To offer and refer to pharmacological therapies for smoking cessation (nicotine replacement, bupropion, varenicline, and/or combinations thereof)6565 Fiore MC. US public health service clinical practice guideline: treating tobacco use and dependence. Respir Care. 2000;45(10):1200-62.. Although the use of medications to help in smoking cessation has been used in cardiovascular patients, their prescription should be left to the cardiologist;

  • • To perform nonpharmacological therapies, such as:

    • - Practical advice (problem solving/skills training);

    • - Psychological and social support as a part of treatment;

    • - Group therapy is approximately 2 times more efficient than self-help therapy6464 Stead LF, Lancaster T. Group behaviour therapy programmes for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Apr 18;(2):CD001007.;

    • - Establishing a comprehensive monitoring and follow-up strategy for the patient.

The scope of smoking cessation management in CVDPR programs is an opportunity for the other the members of the household. Thus, this approach can prevent the onset of cigarette smoking (children, grandchildren, siblings, other family members) and/or its complete eradication in the nuclear family (IB).


Definitions and facts

Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerosis. Every 1% reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (LDL-C) translates into a reduction of 1% in the risk of future cardiovascular events. A 1% increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (HDL-C) is associated with a risk reduction of 2%-4%4141 Lanas F, Avezum A, Bautista LE, Diaz R, Luna M, Islam S, et al. Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Latin America: the INTERHEART Latin American study. Circulation. 2007;115(9):1067-74.. The prevalence of dyslipidemia in Latin America is 42%, according to the INTERHEART study, compared with a 32% prevalence in other countries participating in that study4141 Lanas F, Avezum A, Bautista LE, Diaz R, Luna M, Islam S, et al. Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Latin America: the INTERHEART Latin American study. Circulation. 2007;115(9):1067-74..

Challenges and goals

Risk stratification:

The Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III)6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421. guidelines for dyslipidemia treatment in adults defines the classification of LDL-C, HDL-C, and total cholesterol levels according to their plasma levels (Table 10). That document also identified LDL-C as the main treatment target (class I, level of evidence A).

Table 10
HDL-C, LDL-C, and total cholesterol classification according to ATP III6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.

The ATP III established risk categories according to the presence or absence of other risk factors. The presence of CVD or other clinical forms of atherosclerosis, the so-called risk categories, determine the LDL-C target (Table 11).

Table 11
Objectives, levels, changes in lifestyle, and treatment of LDL-C in different categories, according to ATP III6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.

It remains to be determined whether the LDL-C targets in primary prevention will remain the same, given the results of the Jupiter study6767 Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelein JJ, et al; JUPITER Study Group. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(21):2195-207., which randomized to treatment with rosuvastatin or placebo patients without coronary artery disease who had LDL-C < 130 mg/dl and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels > 2 mg/l. The study was completed ahead of time, having shown a clear benefit in favor of the group treated with rosuvastatin, which exhibited a 44% reduction in the primary outcome (combined endpoint) of cardiovascular death, nonfatal stroke, nonfatal AMI, unstable angina, or CABG.

Special considerations

As previously mentioned, the overall risk stratification defines each patient's LDL-C targets according to the risk category. To achieve these goals, treatment must often be aggressive. The therapeutic options are as follows:

  • Nonpharmacological measures: decreased intake of simple carbohydrates and of saturated and trans fats in general; weight loss in individuals with obesity; and increased physical activity (class I, level of evidence B). Aerobic exercise of moderate intensity is considered to have the greatest impact on triglyceride levels and to have less impact on HDL-C, and even less impact on LDL-C6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421..

  • Pharmacological measures: the primary goal in dyslipidemia management is to achieve a reduction in LDL-C in accordance with the goals described in Table 11. Statins are the most commonly used drugs because of their impact on risk reduction. In addition to these drugs, niacin, fibrates, resins, and ezetimibe may be used6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421..

Other treatment goals:

  • If triglyceride levels are between 200-499 mg/dl after the LDL-C target has been reached, medication can be used to achieve the non-HDL-C target (class I, level of evidence B), which must be less than the LDL-C + 30. This can be achieved by intensifying statin therapy and adding nicotinic acid or fibrates6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.. If triglyceride levels are > 500 mg/dl, the priority should be to decrease this level to decrease pancreatitis risk (class I, level of evidence C).

  • Another important goal is to increase HDL-C, particularly in patients with extremely low HDL-C and atherosclerotic CVD. Niacin can be used; it should be started at a low dose (500 mg) and increased according to tolerance (up to a maximum dose of 2 g). Statins also increase HDL-C, but to a lesser extent6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.. The evidence supporting the use of drugs to increase HDL-C is not strong, and recent studies have questioned the use of niacin for this purpose, whereas others have demonstrated that the use of cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitors to increase HDL-C may increase cardiovascular mortality6868 Ginsberg HN, Elam MB, Lovato LC, Crouse JR 3rd, Leiter A, Linz P, et al. Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(17):1563-74. Erratum in N Engl J Med. 2010;362(18):1748..

Arterial hypertension

Definitions and facts

One of the most common problems in primary care is the lack of detection, treatment, and control of hypertension, which is undoubtedly a risk factor with the highest impact in CVD.

The worldwide prevalence is approximately 1 billion individuals, causing approximately 7.1 million deaths per year6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197.. In Latin America, 13% deaths can be attributed to systemic arterial hypertension. According to the Interheart4141 Lanas F, Avezum A, Bautista LE, Diaz R, Luna M, Islam S, et al. Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Latin America: the INTERHEART Latin American study. Circulation. 2007;115(9):1067-74. study, the prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension in Latin America is 29.1%, higher than the 20.8% observed in other participating countries. Another problem is that approximately 30% adults are unaware that they have this disease. More than 40% hypertensive patients are untreated, and two-thirds do not have controlled BP (> 140/90 mmHg).

Classification of BP

Table 12 presents the classification of systemic arterial hypertension according to the guidelines of the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC VII) for adults6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197.. The classification is based on the average of ≥ 2 BP measurements, performed in the sitting position in ≥ 2 visits.

Table 12
Classification of hypertension in adults according to JNC VII6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197.

Challenges and goals

The treatment goal for hypertensive patients without other disorders is BP < 140/90 mmHg (class I, level of evidence A). In hypertensive patients with renal disease or DM, the BP target is < 130/80 mmHg; however, recent studies have shown that it is probably not crucial to achieve such levels to decrease the CVD risk, particularly in patients with DM7070 Cushman WC, Grimm RH Jr, Cutler JA, Evans GW, Capes S, Corson MA, et al; ACCORD Study Group. Rationale and design for the blood pressure intervention of the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial. Am J Cardiol. 2007;99(12A):44i-55i..

Specific recommendations

To achieve the treatment goals, it is crucial to implement lifestyle changes (Table 13). Such approaches should also be recommended to normotensive patients with genetic predisposition for hypertension (e.g., both parents aged < 60 years medicated for systemic arterial hypertension).

Table 13
Lifestyle modifications to prevent and manage hypertension6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197.

With regard to physical activities, those with a predominance of dynamic components are ideal. Their benefits become apparent after the third week after exercise initiation. Muscle strength exercises have not shown benefits in hypertension as an isolated method, because they must be performed together with dynamic exercises (class I, level of evidence B)6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197..

With regard to drug treatment, a reduction in BP should be considered as the target of the pharmacological treatment, regardless of the medication used. As is usual in cardiovascular prevention, the decision to start the drug treatment depends on the patient's overall risk. Because the majority of hypertensive atients require ≥ 2 antihypertensive drugs to achieve BP control, the addition of a second drug from a different class should be indicated when BP is > 20 mmHg above the target SBP or > 10 mmHg above the DBP target despite the use of a single agent at suitable doses6969 Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003;289(19):2560-72. Erratum in: JAMA. 2003;290(2):197..


Definition and facts

DM is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which results in defects in insulin secretion and/or action.

The main cause of death in individuals with type 2 DM is cardiovascular; therefore, preventing CVD involves an integrated management of all risk factors. All CVD risk factors (except smoking) are more common in individuals with diabetes, and their impact on CVD is also higher7272 International Diabetes Federation. Diabetes Atlas. [Accessed on 2012 Dec 10 ]. Available from:
. Approximately 25.1 million individuals have type 2 DM, representing 8.7% adult population in Latin America, according to the 2011 census. It is estimated that this figure will reach approximately 40 million people (60% of the adult population) in the next 20 years. Moreover, it is important to mention that currently 15.1 million people (5.2% of the adult population) suffer from glucose intolerance, a situation that should be considered as a warning and trigger more efficient measures for DM prevention (International Diabetes Federation).

For the diagnosis of DM, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA)7373 American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2011;34 Suppl 1:S62-9., any of the following criteria can be used:

  1. Glycated hemoglobin levels (HbA1c) ≥ 6.5.

  2. DM symptoms combined with blood glucose levels, measured in venous plasma, ≥ 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l).

  3. Fasting glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l).

  4. Glucose levels, measured in venous plasma, ≥ 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) 2 h after a glucose load, during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

For diagnosis in an asymptomatic individual, it is essential to have at least 1 positive blood glucose result equal to or greater than the levels in items 3 and 4.

Challenges and goals

Strict glycemic control (class I, level of evidence A) (Table 14) is recommended. The United Kingdom Prospective DM Study7474 Intensive blood-glucose controle with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Lancet. 1998;352(9131):837-53. Erratum in: Lancet. 1999;354(9178):602. and the Diabetes Control and Complications Study (DCCT)7575 The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Controle and Complications Trial Research Group. N Engl J Med. 1993;329(14):977-86. demonstrated a linear relationship between stable HbA1c and the risk of complications, although the level at which the risk disappears was not identified. Currently, the therapeutic goal of HbA1c is < 8%, and < 7% in young CVD patients. The ACCORD study demonstrated that, in patients with type 2 DM, there is no additional benefit in decreasing HbA1c to strict low levels (< 6.5%) and that, on the contrary, this reduction could increase mortality7676 Gerstein HC, Riddle MC, Kendall DM, Cohen RM, Goland R, Feinglos MN, et al; ACCORD Study Group. Glycemia treatment strategies in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial. Am J Cardiol. 2007;99(12A):34i-43i..

Table 14
Targets for glycemic control parameters7777 Guias ALAD: de diagnóstico controle e tratamento da Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. [Acesso em 2013 Jan 20 ]. Disponiível em

Specific recommendations

DM treatment includes pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures. Nonpharmacological measures include 3 basic aspects: diet strategies, exercise, and healthy habits1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.. Weight reduction in obese patients with DM remains the only comprehensive treatment that can simultaneously control most metabolic problems from type 2 DM (class I, level of evidence C). Pharmacological treatment should be initiated in every person with type 2 DM who has not achieved control of blood glucose levels through therapeutic lifestyle changes.

Refer to the Special Populations section for additional recommendations for cardiac rehabilitation in individuals with diabetes.

Metabolic syndrome

Definition and facts

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that include central obesity, elevated BP, elevated levels of triglycerides and blood glucose, and low HDL-C (Table 15). The pathophysiology of this syndrome is insulin resistance. This means that glucose metabolism at the cellular level is altered, and a higher amount of insulin becomes necessary to metabolize the same amount of glucose. That is, there is a decreased sensitivity of the peripheral tissues, particularly skeletal muscle, to insulin action, thus producing secondary hyperinsulinemia. Patients with this syndrome are at twice the risk of suffering a cardiovascular event and at 5 times DM risk7878 Haffner SM, Miettinen H. Insulin resistance implications for type II diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. Am J Med. 1997;103(2):152-62.,7979 Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Daniels SR, Donato KA, Eckel RH, Franklin BA, et al; American Heart Association; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: an American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Scientific Statement. Circulation. 2005;112(17):2735-52. Erratum in: Circulation. 2005;112(17):e298. Circulation. 2005;112(17):e297.. In addition to the described metabolic abnormalities, it has been demonstrated that this syndrome is accompanied by an increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), which potentially increases thrombogenesis, and is therefore another element that adds to AMI risk6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.,8080 Alberti KG, Eckel RH, Grundy SM, Zimmet PZ, Cleeman JI, Donato KA, et al; International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; International Association for the Study of Obesity. Harmonizing the metabolic syndrome: a joint interim statement of the International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the Study of Obesity. Circulation. 2009;120(16):1640-5..

Table 15
Definition of metabolic syndrome according to ATP III6666 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report. Circulation. 2002;106(25):3143-421.

Challenges and goals

  • To achieve the proposed goals for each component of the syndrome;

  • To measure waist circumference in all patients;

  • To educate the patient about the strong influence that a lifestyle change can have on this syndrome.

Special recommendations

  • To decrease body weight;

  • To decrease waist circumference;

  • To perform predominantly aerobic exercise of moderate intensity, aiming to reach 80 to 90% of MHR (stress test), as well as resistance exercise with frequent repetitions and sets that exercise various muscle groups;

  • To decreased added sugar intake, as well as sweetened beverages, and simple carbohydrates.

Recommendations on restarting sexual activity after cardiovascular events

Lack of confidence to perform sexual activity, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculation disorders are important points to consider after a cardiovascular event. Orientation and therapeutic management should begin from the earliest stages of CVDPR programs8181 Lindau ST, Abramsohn E, Gosch K, Wroblewski K, Spatz ES, Chan PS, et al. Patterns and loss of sexual activity in the year following hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction (a United States National Multisite Observational Study). Am J Cardiol. 2012;109(10):1439-44.. Some practical recommendations8282 Levine GN, Steinke EE, Bakaeen FG, Bozkurt B, Cheitlin MD, Conti JB, et al; American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Sexual activity and cardiovascular disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2012;125(8):1058-72.:

  • If the patient is able to achieve 6 METs of physical exertion in a stress test, or the equivalent in daily life tasks, sexual activity should not be restricted, because neither the duration nor the intensity of physical effort during sexual activity are risky enough to cause cardiovascular complications.

  • It is advisable to prevent excessive consumption of food and alcohol a few hours prior to sexual activity.

  • It is recommended to indulge in sexual activity in an appropriate manner, in which the patient feels relaxed and willing to indulge in the activity. Moreover, it is advisable to adopt positions that do not demand an excessive effort from the patient. The patient needs to be aware that the majority of MIs related to sexual activity appear to occur in situations of infidelity and/or in concomitant use of drugs, or when patients are experiencing high stress.

  • Counseling is key in restoring the patient's confidence.

  • The use of sildenafil and other phosphodiesterase inhibitors is not contraindicated in CVD patients, unless they have class IV angina, severe valvular stenosis, or persistent ventricular arrhythmias. Such drugs are also contraindicated when the patient uses nitroglycerin or other nitrates regularly.


Rehabilitation in adults aged <55 years

Definition and facts

The pathologies that lead to CVDPR indication in this group of patients comprise, mostly, coronary artery disease (after AMI, CABG, angioplasty, medical management of coronary artery disease, followed by valvular heart disease, heart failure, and congenital heart disease).

This age group has its own characteristics, which require additional specific recommendations, together with those described for each of the abovementioned conditions. Such characteristics include the fact that this group is more likely to be economically active, performing activities that may require significant physical effort; more likely to have children at home, with the responsibilities that this entails; and a high probability that income is decreased during the acute episode. All these factors create major barriers to both access to and permanence in a CVDPR program, as well as difficulties in adhering to healthy habits and pharmacotherapy in general8383 Heran BS, Chen JM, Ebrahim S, Moxham T, Oldridge N, Rees K, Thompson DR, Taylor RS. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jul 6(7):CD001800..

Challenges and goals

  • Decrease the access barriers to CVDPR programs;

  • Promote and encourage strategies that improve CVDPR program adherence;

  • Implement strategies that educate the patients regarding healthy habits, exercise prescription, and the importance of medication1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,2525 Balady GJ, Williams MA, Ades PA, Bittner V, Comoss P, Foody JM, et al; American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2007;115(20):2675-82..

Specific recommendations

The recommendations within the CVDPR program are the same as those for every pathology1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004..

Rehabilitation in the elderly

Definition and facts

The elderly, defined as those aged >65 years, are often excluded from CVDPR programs; however, there are known benefits from the improvement in functional capacity, quality of life, and modification of risk factors in this age group8484 Williams MA, Fleg JL, Ades PA, Chaitman BR, Miller NH, Mohiuddin SM, et al; American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention. Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in the elderly (with emphasis on patients > or =75 years of age): an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention. Circulation. 2002;105(14):1735-43.. This population has a decreased level of physical capacity, decreased flexibility, and exhibits alteration of the senses and impaired balance. In this scenario, the implementation of specific recommendations has a fundamental role8585 Menezes AR, Lavie CJ, Milani RV, Arena RA, Church TS. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise therapy in the elderly: should we invest in the aged? J Geriatr Cardiol. 2012;9(1):68-75.,8686 Ades PA, Grunvald MH. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after conditioning in older coronary patients. Am Heart J. 1990;120(3):585-9..

Challenges and goals

  • Encourage the referral of the elderly to CVDPR programs;

  • Minimize barriers to inclusion and adherence to the program;

  • Manage comorbidities in a comprehensive manner;

  • Achieve a higher level of independence, self-care, and social adaptation;

  • Stimulate the practice of resistance exercises to prevent or reverse sarcopenia;

  • Consider the possibility of some cognitive deterioration that can represent a challenge in learning exercise techniques, diet, and other principles included in the CVDPR program.

Specific recommendations

  • Encourage learning motivation, not only in the context of exercise but also regarding information related to their illness;

  • Consider whether orders, indications, and precautions should be repeated;

  • Include exercises that promote self-care;

  • Combine aerobic exercise with individualized exercise program and stretching, flexibility, coordination, and balance exercises. Prescribe resistance exercises with low load8787 Rhodes J, Curran TJ, Camil L, Rabideau N, Fulton DR, Gauthier NS, et al. Sustained effects of cardiac rehabilitation in children with serious congenital heart disease. Pediatrics. 2006;118(3):e586-93. and multiple repetitions, covering various muscle groups.

Rehabilitation in children and adolescents

Definitions and facts

Pathologies with CVDPR indication in this population derive from congenital heart disease, with or without heart failure, as well as neurocardiogenic syncope. There is evidence that regular physical activity can be beneficial, even in children with complex congenital heart disease, resulting in significant changes in functional ability, behavior, self-care, and emotional state8787 Rhodes J, Curran TJ, Camil L, Rabideau N, Fulton DR, Gauthier NS, et al. Sustained effects of cardiac rehabilitation in children with serious congenital heart disease. Pediatrics. 2006;118(3):e586-93.,8888 Miranda-Chavez I, Ilarraza-Lomeli H, Rius MD, Figueroa-Solano J, de Micheli A, Buendia-Hernandez A. [cardiac rehabilitation in congenital heart disease ]. Arch Cardiol Mex. 2012;82(2):153-9..

Challenges and goals

  • Minimize barriers to inclusion for this group of patients;

  • Consider the educational component related to healthy habits;

  • Achieve the highest level of patient's self-care and adaptation to the family and social context.

Specific recommendations

  • Guide and motivate patients to perform their preferred recreational physical activity that meets the specific recommendations for each pathology and clinical status;

  • Dietary recommendations should consider the patient's age and developmental stage, as well as the underlying disease; thus, it is very important to include consulting and monitoring by nutrition experts.

Rehabilitation in women

Definition and facts

There is limited specific information on women, because they are under-represented in clinical trials.

The current CVDPR recommendation for women in secondary prevention is class I, level of evidence A (women with recent acute coronary event, coronary intervention, or CVD)8989 Halm M, Penque S, Doll N, Beahrs M. Women and cardiac rehabilitation: referral and compliance patterns. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 1999;13(3):83-92..

In most Latin American countries, CVD is a major cause of morbidity; however, it is recognized that, on average, < 10% of the total participants in CVDPR programs are women9090 Weingarten MN, Salz KA, Thomas RJ, Squires RW. Rates of enrollment for men and women referred to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2011;31(4):217-22.,9191 Beckie TM, Beckstead JW. The effects of a cardiac rehabilitation program tailored for women on global quality of life: a randomized clinical trial. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010;19(11):1977-85..

With regard to risk factors for coronary artery disease, there are some characteristics that can differ according to gender, such as physical inactivity, stress, and diabetes. It is known that women initiate CVDPR programs at an older age (an average of 10 years more), present higher anxiety than men, and are physically less fit; they also have more comorbidities and worse quality of life. In general, the benefits of CVDPR programs for women are the same as those for men, although some studies suggest that the former benefit from a greater impact of quality of life functional class. Despite this fact, women are less likely to stay in the program than men9292 Psaltopoulou T, Ilias I, Alevizaki M. The role of diet and lifestyle in primary, secondary, and tertiary diabetes prevention: a review of meta-analyses. Rev Diabet Stud. 2010;7(1):26-35..

Challenges and goals

  • Increase the participation of women with CVD in CVDPR programs;

  • Increase the permanence of women in CVDPR programs;

  • Maintain healthy habits after the end of the CVDPR program.

Specific recommendations

The current recommendation for physical activity for women is 30 min/day, 5-7 days/week, increasing to 60-90 min of moderate activity in most days of the week. The exercise program should include strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, and stretching activities (class I, level of evidence B).

Furthermore, it is important to:

  • Adjust the exercise prescription to the comorbidities of the patient;

  • Include the patient in a compatible physical activity group;

  • Consider the atypical symptoms that may be present;

  • During the sessions, determine the patient's preferred type of aerobic exercise (walking, dancing, cycling, swimming, or other), thereby favoring its performance as a part of the patient's routine, independently of the program8787 Rhodes J, Curran TJ, Camil L, Rabideau N, Fulton DR, Gauthier NS, et al. Sustained effects of cardiac rehabilitation in children with serious congenital heart disease. Pediatrics. 2006;118(3):e586-93..

Rehabilitation in patients with DM

Definition and facts

Proper diagnosis and treatment of DM are associated with decreased mortality. Part of the treatment is physical exercise, which should be adequately performed, with the attention that these patients require. Therefore, the interdisciplinary group in a CVDPR program must be aware of the correct approach in patients with this disease9393 Asche CV, McAdam-Marx C, Shane-McWhorter L, Sheng X, Plauschinat CA. Association between oral antidiabetic use, adverse events and outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008;10(8):638-45.,9494 Lopez-Jimenez F, Kramer VC, Masters B, Stuart PM, Mullooly C, Hinshaw L, et al. Recommendations for managing patients with diabetes mellitus in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation: an American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation statement. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2012;32(2):101-12..

Challenges and goals

These are the goals of CVDPR staff:

  • • Know the medical history of the patient with diabetes, considering the following:

    • - The presence of CVD;

    • - The presence of comorbidities, retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy;

    • - The results of recent tests (fasting glucose level, OGTT, HbA1c, ophthalmic examination, lipid profile, etc.);

    • - The patient's current medication, with special attention to medications that cause hypoglycemia9595 Tan P, Chen HC, Taylor B, Hegney D. Experience of hypoglycaemia and strategies used for its management by community-dwelling adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2012;10(3):169-80. (Table 16). If the patient is being treated with insulin, the staff should know the type, dose, and route of administration.

      Table 16
      Hypoglycemic medication and risk of hypoglycemia9393 Asche CV, McAdam-Marx C, Shane-McWhorter L, Sheng X, Plauschinat CA. Association between oral antidiabetic use, adverse events and outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008;10(8):638-45.
  • • Know the patient's history of hypoglycemia: frequency, associated circumstances that may contribute to its onset, symptoms, prior hypoglycemia (use of carbohydrates)9595 Tan P, Chen HC, Taylor B, Hegney D. Experience of hypoglycaemia and strategies used for its management by community-dwelling adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2012;10(3):169-80.,9696 Dorresteijn JA, Kriegsman DM, Assendelft WJ, Valk GD. Patient education for preventing diabetic foot ulceration. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Oct 17;10:CD001488.. Each center should create their own protocols for glucose monitoring and develop appropriate policies and procedures, tailored to their institution;

  • • Know the use of glycemic self-monitoring: frequency and time of day, interpretation of results, and treatment if necessary9595 Tan P, Chen HC, Taylor B, Hegney D. Experience of hypoglycaemia and strategies used for its management by community-dwelling adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2012;10(3):169-80.;

  • • Educate patients regarding foot care: the patient must be advised on proper feet hygiene and on the importance of using comfortable shoes to avoid friction, wounds, burns, and injuries that may complicate his/her condition9696 Dorresteijn JA, Kriegsman DM, Assendelft WJ, Valk GD. Patient education for preventing diabetic foot ulceration. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Oct 17;10:CD001488..

Special recommendations

Exercise prescription:

The exercise must comply with the following goals:

  • Short term: change the sedentary habits through daily walks at the patient's pace.

  • Medium term: the minimum frequency should be 3 times/week on alternate days, with a minimum duration of 30 min/session.

  • Long term: increase the frequency, if possible daily, and with moderate intensity, 45-60 min in duration, following the warm-up, exercise, and cool-down stages. Aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, among others) is recommended9292 Psaltopoulou T, Ilias I, Alevizaki M. The role of diet and lifestyle in primary, secondary, and tertiary diabetes prevention: a review of meta-analyses. Rev Diabet Stud. 2010;7(1):26-35..

The practice of high-intensity exercise or competitive sports requires preventive measures, such as:

  • Assessment of cardiovascular status in patients aged >30 years or who have had DM for > 10 years (there is a greater risk in case of proliferative retinopathy, autonomic neuropathy, and others).

  • Avoid high-intensity exercise if there is evidence of proliferative retinopathy.

  • Insulin-dependent patients should consume a meal or a snack rich in complex carbohydrates before starting physical activity, and they should have a sugary drink at their disposal because of the risk of hypoglycemia. Eventually, the physician will indicate an adjustment of the insulin dose for exercise days.

  • High-risk exercises, in which the patient cannot receive immediate aid (climbing, hang gliding, scuba diving, among others), are not recommended.

Controlling glucose levels during CVDPR sessions

There is no consensus regarding the frequency or the indication of glucose monitoring prior, during, or after a CVDPR session. However, glycemic control is useful during the first sessions to determine the glycemic response to exercise. Thus, it is possible to successfully prevent hypoglycemia and properly adjust the exercise prescription to each patient, by defining whether prior or subsequent self-monitoring in each session is required. If the monitoring of post-exercise glucose is necessary, it should be performed 15 min after the end of the session. If the blood glucose level obtained in the first sessions is < 100 mg/dl or > 300 mg/dl, the physician should be informed, so that he/she can prescribe the treatment deemed appropriate for the patient. Patients who use insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents that may cause hypoglycemia should maintain blood glucose levels >100 mg/dl prior to exercise.

In case of hypoglycemia:

  • Administer 15 g of carbohydrates to the patient (e.g., a fruit, a glass of sugary drink, sweetened juice, or a cup of milk). Assess the patient 15 min after carbohydrate ingestion.

In case of hyperglycemia:

  • Type 1 DM patients with fasting blood glucose >300 mg/dl and ketosis should discontinue exercise, because it can aggravate ketosis. It is not necessary to suspend exercise, based simply on hyperglycemia, in cases of negative ketosis.

  • Type 2 DM patients with fasting blood glucose >300 mg/dl can perform physical activities, but with caution.

Table 17 presents the recommendations and key points for the management of patients with diabetes.

Table 17
Summary of recommendations/key points in the management of patients with diabetes in cardiovascular rehabilitation9494 Lopez-Jimenez F, Kramer VC, Masters B, Stuart PM, Mullooly C, Hinshaw L, et al. Recommendations for managing patients with diabetes mellitus in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation: an American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation statement. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2012;32(2):101-12.

Rehabilitation in patients with heart failure

Definition and facts

Heart failure is a major health problem, especially in the elderly population8585 Menezes AR, Lavie CJ, Milani RV, Arena RA, Church TS. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise therapy in the elderly: should we invest in the aged? J Geriatr Cardiol. 2012;9(1):68-75.. Although the primary pathology of heart failure results from abnormalities in cardiovascular function, changes in peripheral blood flow, metabolism, and skeletal muscle morphology (in its strength and endurance) contribute largely to the symptoms (peripheral flow).

The results of systematic studies indicate that regular exercise in patients with heart failure is safe and is associated with an increase in peak oxygen consumption by 16%. With regard to central hemodynamic mechanisms, patients who enter a CVDPR program present an increase in peak cardiac output and MHR.

Physical training induces a series of adaptations in skeletal muscle, including increased muscle mass, increased content of mitochondria, increased activity of oxidative enzymes, greater oxygen extraction from the blood, and change in fiber type distribution.

Inflammatory and immune responses play a central role in the development and progression of heart failure. Increased circulating levels of specific cytokines have been detected in these patients. Exercise positively affects such inflammatory markers by improving tolerance to physical activity and attenuating the inflammatory process. Thus, it produces a release of endothelium-derived relaxing factors, whose main representative is nitric oxide, which allows greater vasodilation103103 Adamopoulos S, Parissis J, Karatzas D, Kroupis C, Georgiadis M, Karavolias G, et al. Physical training modulates proinflammatory cytokines and the soluble Fas/soluble Fas ligand system in patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39(4):653-63..

Patients with heart failure also present multiple changes in respiratory function, which may occur as a result of decreased muscle strength secondary to inactivity, causing an increase in respiratory work, both at rest and during exercise. Hence the need for training the respiratory muscles and improve their strength and endurance, which in turn increases exercise tolerance104104 McConnell TR, Mandak JS, Sykes JS, Fesniak H, Dasgupta H. Exercise training for heart failure patients improves respiratory muscle endurance, exercise tolerance, breathlessness, and quality of life. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2003;23(1):10-6..

Challenges and goals

Despite the known benefits derived from physical exercise, few patients with heart failure enter CVDPR programs. These patients have poor adherence to these programs, given the physical limitations they present. Therefore, it is important to increase participation and permanence in the program. Moreover, for a more accurate prognostic assessment, as well as for optimal exercise prescription, it is important to perform a cardiopulmonary test. In the absence of this option, the exercise test can provide useful information, although less robust than the former. The completion of the 6-min walk test with pulse oximetry can also contribute to the evaluation and prescription.

Special recommendations

In this type of patients, predominantly aerobic exercises are recommended; they can be performed either continuously or at intervals, with small and gradual increases in frequency and intensity, returning to the previous level when there is decreased tolerance. Dynamic resistance exercises, with a high number of repetitions and low load, can also be performed105105 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11..

Rehabilitation in patients with valvular heart disease

Definition and facts

The prevalence of valvular heart disease has been changing in our setting in recent decades. Nevertheless, valvular pathology continues to have a significant importance in any cardiology service. It is the most frequent degenerative or nonrheumatic etiology; congenital valvular heart disease has lower incidence106106 van der Bom T, Bouma BJ, Meijboom FJ, Zwinderman AH, Mulder BJ. The prevalence of adult congenital heart disease, results from a systematic review and evidence based calculation. Am Heart J. 2012;164(4):568-75.. Although valvular heart disease is very common and, in most cases, physical effort is the triggering and limiting factor for symptoms, there are few studies that assess these patients' response and limitations to exercise.

Challenges and goals

Increasing the participation of patients with valvular heart disease in CVDPR programs is challenging. Therefore, it is important to educate referring physicians about the safety of these programs, because fear is the main cause of low indication of physical activity for these patients.

Specific recommendations

The guidelines or recommendations about exercise in this group of patients are directed primarily to lesions that have a moderate or severe degree, because patients with mild and asymptomatic lesions without hemodynamic repercussion have no restriction to the practice of noncompetitive physical activity (Table 18)2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.,107107 26th Bethesda Conference: recommendations for determining eligibility for competition in athletes with cardiovascular abnormalities. January 6-7, 1994. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1994;24(3):845-99..

Table 18
Physical exercise in valvular heart disease

Valvular diseases may be accompanied by some degree of severity of pulmonary hypertension; although patients benefit from CVDPR programs, there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend their use.

Rehabilitation in patients with peripheral arterial disease

Definition and facts

Atherosclerosis of the lower limbs, also known as peripheral vascular (or arterial) disease, has an annual incidence estimated at 20 per 1,000 individuals aged > 65 years. This pathology generates ischemic pain (intermittent claudication) that may cause physical limitations in affected individuals, with risk of loss of the extremity.

Intermittent claudication of the lower limbs is defined as a pain of sufficient intensity that requires the patient to stop walking. It is caused by exercise; it is relieved by rest, and is originated by occlusive arterial disease108108 Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, Nehler MR, Harris KA, Fowkes FG, et al. Inter-society consensus for the management of peripheral arterial disease. Int Angiol. 2007;26(2):81-157..

The incidence of symptoms in the general population ranges between 0.9% and 6.9% in men and 1% in women109109 Kannel WB. Some lessons in cardiovascular epidemiology from Framingham. Am J Cardiol. 1976;37(2):269282.. The finding of intermittent claudication in a patient should not be considered as an isolated symptom, but rather as a systemic disease that manifests in the lower limbs and has impacted the musculoskeletal system, and that such patients probably have other CVD risks, not necessarily related to this symptom. In fact, 5%-10% patients will have a nonfatal cardiovascular event within 5 years.

Challenges and goals

CVDPR programs are part of the clinical treatment.

At the time of admission, the members of the CVDPR service must:

  • Assess the patient to know his/her medical history: the presence of CVD risk factors, coexistence of coronary artery disease, habitual medication, etc.;

  • Conduct and/or request a stress test on the treadmill aiming to identify:

    1. a) The threshold for onset of ischemic pain in the extremities;

    2. b) The peripheral hemodynamic response to exercise;

    3. c) The coexistence of coronary artery disease.

It is important to repeat this test to evaluate the patient's improvement. At the same time, questionnaires to assess quality of life and perception of pain can be applied at the time of rehabilitation admission and after its completion.

In general, 75% of individuals present an improvement in intermittent claudication with exercise combined with peripheral vasodilators and antiplatelet drugs, whereas the remaining 25% exhibit worsening of their condition. Of these, 5% require vascular intervention and 2% undergo amputation110110 Ades PA, Balady GJ, Berra K. Transforming exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programs into secondary prevention centers: a national imperative. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2001;21(5):263-72..

Specific recommendations

One of the most frequent mistakes in this group of patients is pushing them to walk at a pace close to the maximum pain of claudication. This causes distress to the patients and the discomfort does not disappear after rest, which discourages them to adhere to the program. The correct recommendations regarding scheduled walks for patients with claudication are as follows111111 Schairer JR, Keteyian SJ, Ehrman JK, Brawner CA, Berkebile ND. Leisure time physical activity of patients in maintenance cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2003;23(4):260-5.:

  • Intensity: moderate and gradual. Rest for brief periods until the pain disappears, restart the walk immediately after;

  • Duration: start with 5 min of intermittent walk, then progress to 50 min;

  • Type of exercise: treadmill and walk without reaching the maximum pain threshold;

  • Resistance exercises can be performed in addition to aerobic exercises, but should not replace them;

  • Components of each session: warm-up and cool-down periods, lasting 5-10 min each, with a walk in the field or the treadmill;

  • Frequency: 3-5 times/week. Ideally, these exercises should be performed daily.

Exercise programs with walks are successful when lasting no less than a few months2222 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005;111(3):369-76. Erratum in Circulation. 2005;111(13):1717..

Rehabilitation in post-heart transplantation patients

Definition and facts

Despite receiving a heart with normal systolic function, the transplanted patient experiences exercise intolerance after surgery. This intolerance is caused by the absence of sympathetic innervation of the myocardium, skeletal muscle abnormalities (that develop before transplantation for heart failure), and decreased skeletal muscle strength112112 Kobashigawa JA, Leaf DA, Lee N, Gleeson MP, Liu H, Hamilton MA, et al. A controlled trial of exercise rehabilitation after heart transplantation. N Engl J Med. 1999;340(4):272-7. Erratum in N Engl J Med 1999;340(12):976..

Patients who undergo transplantation are characterized by the following:

  • Differences in cardiopulmonary and neuroendocrine responses;

  • High RHR (above 90 beats/min);

  • Elevated systemic BP and systemic BP at rest, because of the increased plasma norepinephrine and immunosuppressive drugs, such as cyclosporine, a medication that causes an increase in BP at rest and during submaximal exercise.

Challenges and goals

  • Decrease basal HR with training;

  • Increase HR during submaximal work;

  • Avoid overweight or lose weight, thus balancing the side effects of immunosuppressive therapy;

  • Maintain BP < 130/80 mmHg;

  • Offer the patient a support for his/her psychosocial management.

Specific recommendations

An echocardiogram can be used by a physician to discard pericardial effusion and evaluate ventricular function, as well as to provide information to the patient and family about changes in vital functions derived because of transplantation.

Regarding physical activity, the ideal is to start with slow walks, between 1.5 and 2 km, slowly increasing the distance, keeping the perception of effort according to the Borg scale between 12 and 14. Aerobic exercise should be performed with an intensity of < 50% of peak VO2 or 10% below the anaerobic threshold (guided by HR). Training should start immediately after hospital discharge, progressing to phase II between the 2nd and 3rd week after transplantation.

Exercise should be stopped during steroid pulse therapy112112 Kobashigawa JA, Leaf DA, Lee N, Gleeson MP, Liu H, Hamilton MA, et al. A controlled trial of exercise rehabilitation after heart transplantation. N Engl J Med. 1999;340(4):272-7. Erratum in N Engl J Med 1999;340(12):976..

Resistance exercises are added at the 6th and 8th week. At first, they should be performed with an elastic band (2-3 sets with 10-12 repetitions, with a recovery period of > 1 min between each set and with intensity between 40% and 70% of maximum voluntary contraction113113 Arthur HM, Gunn E, Thorpe KE, Ginis KM, Mataseje L, McCartney N, et al. Effect of aerobic vs combined aerobic-strength training on 1-year, post-cardiac rehabilitation outcomes in women after a cardiac event. J Rehabil Med. 2007;39(9):730-5.. The goal is to perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions with 70% of maximum voluntary contraction and a full recovery.

The total duration of the exercise should be from 30-40 min/day, combining aerobic and resistance exercises, progressing slowly from warm-up to resistance activities.

It is also important to establish a diet to maintain the ideal weight, as well as to control cholesterol levels, DM, and BP, because these patients are very sensitive to excessive salt intake. It is also necessary to inform the patient regarding the adoption of measures to decrease the risk of infection after the transplantation. Adequate psychosocial support is very helpful to manage depression, which is increased by the use of steroids and the high level of anxiety generated by the transplantation itself112112 Kobashigawa JA, Leaf DA, Lee N, Gleeson MP, Liu H, Hamilton MA, et al. A controlled trial of exercise rehabilitation after heart transplantation. N Engl J Med. 1999;340(4):272-7. Erratum in N Engl J Med 1999;340(12):976..

Rehabilitation in patients with pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators

Definitions and facts

The benefit of these devices in decreasing episodes of sudden death and improving quality of life has already been demonstrated; however, a significant incidence of depression, anxiety, and phobias has been described. For this reason, most of the research is in agreement regarding the recommendation of appropriate and ongoing support, as well as psychological and educational counseling114114 Lewin RJ, Coulton S, Frizelle DJ, Kaye G, Cox H. A brief cognitive behavioural preimplantation and rehabilitation programme for patients receiving an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator improves physical health and reduces psychological morbidity and unplanned readmissions. Heart. 2009;95(1):63-9.,115115 Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Crawford S, Tran C, Goldberg R, Rosenthal L, Ockene I. Spiritual well-being may buffer psychological distress in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2012;17(3):148-54..

Challenges and goals

Because physiological changes of exercise can increase the likelihood of the defibrillator (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator [ICD ]) being triggered, both the medical team and the patient fear the practice of physical activities. Thus, overcoming this fear and increasing the number of patients referred to a CVDPR program is challenging1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004..

The following must be known prior to physical activity initiation:

  • Patient's pathology;

  • Basic information of the pacemaker, such as type of sensor that adjusts HR, as this will determine, in some patients, the HR response to exercise, especially in those without adequate chronotropic response. This factor should be taken into account when prescribing physical activity.

  • The device's programming, such as MHR at which it is programmed to send a shock.

It is important to determine the limits of exercise (10-20 bpm below HR at which ICD is programmed to send a shock). A stress test will determine THR; the goal should be to exercise at 75% THR in the first month and at 85% in the second month.

Group work results in great psychological benefits, facilitating the exchange of experiences and feelings, helping patients to lose their fear. Groups are formed in a gradual manner by bringing together old and new patients. The former serve as guides for the latter, demonstrating that it is possible to make major efforts to improve physical capacity without the risk of complications115115 Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Crawford S, Tran C, Goldberg R, Rosenthal L, Ockene I. Spiritual well-being may buffer psychological distress in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2012;17(3):148-54..

Special recommendations

They will depend on the type of pacemakers implanted:

  • Unicameral (VVI) without adaptive response, but with good chronotropic response: the physician should treat the patient in a similar way to individuals without CVD. An improvement in the maximum O2 consumption and anaerobic threshold can be anticipated, with an increase in functional capacity.

  • Unicameral VVI without adaptive response and without chronotropic response: it is indicated for physical training without restrictions. However, in these patients, although it improves functional capacity, there is a smaller increase in the consumption of peak O2 and cardiac output.

  • Unicameral VVIR (with adaptive response) will adjust to the exercise HR. However, if the pacemaker sensor is based on an accelerometer that detects axial movement, the adaptation of HR may not be adequate during activities of moderate or high intensity that do not induce axial movement, such as stationary bike.

It is recommended not to perform exercises with weights or to raise the arms excessively until at least 6 weeks after implantation. The patient should always maintain a direct relationship with the arrhythmologist in charge, to define adjustments in the program. In most cases, and especially in patients who survived sudden death, the psychological effects are very important. A specific and individualized treatment by psychologists and psychiatrists is necessary to improve the quality of life and prognosis, as there is evidence of the relationship between psychological impact, ventricular arrhythmias, and ICD shocks116116 Fitchet A, Doherty PJ, Bundy C, Bell W, Fitzpatrick AP, Garratt CJ. Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programme for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients: a randomised controlled trial. Heart. 2003;89(2):155-60..

A test run of the pacemaker should be performed on each patient prior to their entry in the CVDPR program, to monitor vital signs, symptoms in response to exercise, and change of pace. In addition to pacemaker programming, age, and level of physical activity of the patient should be taken into account116116 Fitchet A, Doherty PJ, Bundy C, Bell W, Fitzpatrick AP, Garratt CJ. Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programme for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients: a randomised controlled trial. Heart. 2003;89(2):155-60..

The percentage of HR achieved, METS, and perceived exertion calculated using the Borg scale, will determine the calculation of exercise intensity. Adequate planning of the training will result in an improvement in functional capacity and morbidity, directly related to the etiology and severity of the underlying CVD. One of the main goals is to give patients in CVDPR programs confidence and security in face of possible shocks or arrhythmias during exercise or during their daily lives, and to help them overcome their fears and anxieties regarding the change in their quality of life115115 Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Crawford S, Tran C, Goldberg R, Rosenthal L, Ockene I. Spiritual well-being may buffer psychological distress in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2012;17(3):148-54..

Rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Definition and facts

Patients with pulmonary disease associated with stable cardiac disease should not be excluded from a CVDPR program; it is only required that they are stable and properly medicated. These patients develop progressive limitations, often without cardiac involvement. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease progressively damages the lung tissue and airways, finally resulting in slow deterioration of the respiratory reserve. This picture is complicated with hypoxemia and elevated pulmonary vascular pressures, leading to right ventricular dysfunction.

All these factors contribute to the sensation of dyspnea and worsening of exercise capacity, which lead to a reduction in daily physical activity. The lack of exercise leads to a loss of peripheral physical condition, and ultimately decreases resistance and increases muscle weakness and atrophy, resulting in a greater functional impairment. However, patients with severe respiratory deterioration and respiratory muscle weakness significantly benefit from intensive pulmonary rehabilitation. Similarly, hypoxemia due to physical activity has been considered by some to be a contraindication to an exercise program; this can be a particular case for a patient with aggregated coronary artery disease, but can be performed in a properly monitored and decompensated patient. It is desirable to have a pulse oximeter to measure O2 saturation during exercise. A decrease in saturation <88% is an indication for a transient break117117 Figueroa Casas JC, Schiavi E, Mazzei JA, Lopez AM, Rhodius E, Ciruzzi J, et al; Grupo Recomendaciones De EPOC; Asociacion Argentina De Medicina Respiratoria. [Guidelines for COPD prevention, diagnosis and treatment in Argentina ]. Medicina (B Aires). 2012;72 Suppl 1:1-33. or of the need for supplemental oxygen during physical training, using a nasal catheter or even a Venturi mask.

Challenges and goals

  • Get the patient to tolerate the prescribed exercise program;

  • Conduct a joint assessment with the pulmonologist to establish an adequate medication regime to allow for the performance of an exercise program; Adequately quantify the level of inability to prescribe the appropriate exercise load;

  • Control the CVD risk factors;

  • Control the depression and anxiety produced by the sensation of dyspnea;

  • Improve muscle strength and decrease muscle atrophy;

  • Improve the quality of life of patients by improving their functional capacity with exercise;

  • Decrease the rest period between each exercise period.

Specific recommendations

  • It is important to evaluate the respiratory and cardiovascular parameters before starting the program. It is advisable to perform a standard chest radiography, spirometry, and echocardiography, in addition to a cardiopulmonary stress test or the 6-min walk test. Conducting a standard stress test with oxygen supplementation may be useful in patients with significant hypoxemia at rest or induced by effort.

  • The exercise must be divided into 3 types: flexibility, strength, and aerobic exercises. Stretching is part of a routine of exercises that develop flexibility, improve the range of motion, and help the general warm-up session. Exercises with free weights, at low intensity and high frequency, may be included, as well as walking, rowing, swimming, water aerobics, cycling, climbing stairs, and others, which are capable of producing a significant level of cardiopulmonary stress118118 Georgiopoulou VV, Dimopoulos S, Sakellariou D, Papazachou O, Gerovasili V, Tasoulis A, et al. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation enhances heart rate recovery in patients with COPD. Respir Care. 2012;57(12):2095-103.,119119 Baumann HJ, Kluge S, Rummel K, Klose H, Hennigs JK, Schmoller T, et al. Low intensity, long-term outpatient rehabilitation in copd: a randomised controlled trial. Respir Res. 2012;13:86..

  • The intensity of the prescribed initial load, from the pulmonary standpoint, must be sufficiently low so that the patient does not feel discomfort.

  • The proper intensity for these patients should be determined with training, i.e., 70%-80% of MHR, if possible118118 Georgiopoulou VV, Dimopoulos S, Sakellariou D, Papazachou O, Gerovasili V, Tasoulis A, et al. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation enhances heart rate recovery in patients with COPD. Respir Care. 2012;57(12):2095-103..

  • In the first weeks, the sessions must not extend beyond 20 min. Therefore, strategies to achieve the highest level of the initial stress test should be the ultimate goal119119 Baumann HJ, Kluge S, Rummel K, Klose H, Hennigs JK, Schmoller T, et al. Low intensity, long-term outpatient rehabilitation in copd: a randomised controlled trial. Respir Res. 2012;13:86.,120120 Divo M, Pinto-Plata V. Role of exercise in testing and in therapy of COPD. Med Clin North Am. 2012;96(4):753-66..

  • Patients with obvious obstruction should be advised to use a fast-acting bronchodilator 15 min before starting physical activity.

  • When the patient tolerates exercise loads, these can be increased by approximately 12.5 watts for stationary bicycles and by 9 watts for the hand ergometer, increasing every 6 sessions.

  • Psychosocial management: because the psychological changes are common in these patients, it is important to have a psychological evaluation prior to entering the CVDPR program.

Rehabilitation in coronary artery disease patients (after MI, percutaneous coronary revascularization, or after CABG)

Definition and facts

After an acute coronary event, patients should start a physical activity that is compatible with their tolerance (walking, cycle ergometer, etc.) and clinical picture severity. Generally, after 1 week, all patients should be developing an activity that is, at first, of light intensity and prescribed by the professional in charge of their program121121 Maroto Montero JM, Artigao Ramirez R, Morales Duran MD, de Pablo Zarzosa C, Abraira V. [Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with myocardial infarction: a 10-year follow-up study ]. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58(10):1181-7..

Challenges and goals

CVDPR-based exercise decreases fatal events 25%-40% in the long term. Despite the indisputable benefit of CVDPR, only 15%-30% patients who have suffered a cardiovascular event participate in this type of programs, in addition to the decreasing adherence observed in patients who choose to participate. Thus, it is important to foster constancy and adherence of such patients to the CVDPR program1212 AACVPR. Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc; 2004.,122122 Oldridge N. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease: meta-analysis outcomes revisited. Future Cardiol. 2012;8(5):729-51..

Special recommendations

  • A stress test and a neuromusculoskeletal assessment should be performed when patients start the CVDPR program. If the patient starts the program before the stress test, the test should be conducted within the first 4-7 weeks; the results will be used to adjust the exercise prescription.

All post-ACS or CABG patients should undergo a stress test with ECG analysis (when technically feasible) or an equivalent noninvasive test to assess ischemia in the first 4-7 weeks after hospital discharge (level of evidence IIa-C)2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000..

  • As a general rule, physical activity (leisure, professional, and sexual activity) should restart at 50% of maximal exercise capacity, expressed in METS, and should be increased gradually.

  • Patients who have a preserved left ventricular systolic function and present no inducible ischemia or arrhythmias in a stress test can return to their jobs. If they have an office job, an 8-h daily activity can be restarted. If the work is manual and involves physical activity with moderate or intensive exertion, the workload should not exceed 50% of maximal exercise capacity assessed in the stress test. The workday should not exceed 4 h in the first month, with progressive 2-h increases monthly2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000..

  • Patients with moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction or mild ischemia on a stress test can resume office work, but their activity should be limited to stationary desk work.

  • A patient with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction or significant ischemia on a stress test can engage in office work whenever the exercise capacity is > 5 METS without symptoms. If not, the patient should abstain from work2929 ACSM's Guidelines for graded exercise testing and prescription. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000..

Rehabilitation in patients with vasovagal syndrome

The vagal or vasovagal syncope is a common entity with an estimated prevalence of approximately 35%123123 Ganzeboom KS, Colman N, Reitsma JB, Shen WK, Wieling W. Prevalence and triggers of syncope in medical students. Am J Cardiol. 2003;91(8):1006-8.

124 Sheldon RS, Sheldon AG, Connolly SJ, Morillo CA, Klingenheben T, Krahn AD, et al; Investigators of the Syncope Symptom Study and the Prevention of Syncope Trial. Age of first faint in patients with vasovagal syncope. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2006;17(1):49-54.

125 Mosqueda-Garcia R, Furlan R, Fernandez-Violante R, Desai T, Snell M, Jarai Z, et al. Sympathetic and baroreceptor reflex function in neurally mediated syncope evoked by tilt. J Clin Invest. 1997;99(11):2736-44.
-126126 Morillo CA, Eckberg DL, Ellenbogen KA, Beightol A, Hoag JB, Tahvanainen KU, et al. Vagal and sympathetic mechanisms in patients with orthostatic vasovagal syncope. Circulation. 1997;96(8):2509-13..

The use of fluids and salt has been widely recommended for the treatment of this pathology127127 Brignole M, Alboni P, Benditt DG, Bergfeldt L, Blanc JJ, Bloch Thomsen PE, et al; Groupo de Trabajo sobre el Sincope de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiologia. [Guidelines on management (diagnosis and treatment) of syncope. Update 2004. Executive summary ]. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58(2):175-93.,128128 Claydon VE, Hainsworth R. Salt supplementation improves orthostatic cerebral and peripheral vascular control in patients with syncope. Hypertension. 2004;43(4):809-13.. Certain isometric exercises (counter-pressure) have been used as abortive for episodes that are preceded by a prodrome. These exercises are designed to quickly increase peripheral arterial resistance and, therefore, prevent syncope due to a decrease in BP. The main counter-pressure exercises are handgrip, flexing the upper extremities, clasping both hands and trying to separate them, and flexing the lower extremities129129 Krediet CT, van Dijk N, Linzer M, van Lieshout JJ, Wieling W. Management of vasovagal syncope: controlling or aborting faints by leg crossing and muscle tensing. Circulation. 2002;106(13):1684-9.

130 van Lieshout JJ. Exercise training and orthostatic intolerance: a paradox? J Physiol. 2003;551(Pt 2):401.
-131131 van Dijk N, Quartieri F, Blanc JJ, Garcia-Civera R, Brignole M, Moya A, et al; PC-Trial Investigators. Effectiveness of physical counterpressure maneuvers in preventing vasovagal syncope: the Physical Counterpressure Manoeuvres Trial (PC-Trial). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;48(8):1652-7.. Another effective method for preventing new episodes is the practice of supervised exercises, in which the patient remains in the standing position, leaning against the wall, with increasing duration, reaching up to 30 min132132 Reybrouck T, Heidbuchel H, Van De Werf F, Ector H. Long-term follow-up results of tilt training therapy in patients with recurrent neurocardiogenic syncope. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2002;25(10):1441-6.. Regular aerobic exercise should be recommended, because they are almost always effective in decreasing the symptoms by increasing the volume of blood and muscle mass in the lower limbs, as well as enhancing venous return130130 van Lieshout JJ. Exercise training and orthostatic intolerance: a paradox? J Physiol. 2003;551(Pt 2):401.. Evidence has shown that a regular exercise program, comprising aerobic activities and resistance exercises, increases the sensitivity of arterial baroreceptors, when compared with pharmacological treatment133133 Gardenghi G, Rondon MU, Braga AM, Scanavacca MI, Negrao CE, Sosa E, et al. The effects of exercise training on arterial baroreflex sensitivity in neurally mediated syncope patients. Eur Heart J. 2007;28(22):2749-55..

Cost effectiveness of a cardiovascular rehabilitation program

Cost effectiveness measures the years and quality of life gained; it is usually expressed in monetary terms over the years gained. When discussing the cost/benefit ratio or cost effectiveness, the costs of an intervention are also measured, combined with the disease-related costs, including complications or long-term events. The results are expressed in terms of clinical benefit (years of life gained) divided by the monetary value (cost), resulting in cost of every extra year of life in comparison with alternative treatment or no treatment.

Several studies have shown that CVDPR is cost effective and that it can even be cost saving, because it not only increases survival but also decreases costs. Ades et al.134134 Ades PA, Pashkow FJ, Nestor JR. Cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 1997;17(4):222-31. analyzed the cost/benefit ratio of 21 months of CVDPR, and found savings of USD 739 compared with the control group; Oldrige et al.135135 Oldridge N, Furlong W, Feeny D, Torrance G, Guyatt G, Crowe J, et al. Economic evaluation of cardiac rehabilitation soon after acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol. 1993;72(2):154-61. evidenced savings of USD 9,200 in comparison with the control group, over a period of 12 months. To compare the cost effectiveness of CVDPR with that of other interventions we can cite the typical treatment of hypertension, which has a cost effectiveness of USD 9,000. This proves that CVDPR is useful in terms of survival, incidence of cardiovascular events, quality of life, and also from an economic standpoint.


Presently, CVDPR is regarded as safe and effective, decreasing the overall CVD-related mortality and the number of cardiovascular events; it also decreases hospitalizations, improves symptoms and quality of life, and is cost effective. Although it is recommended in all guidelines for clinical practice, its implementation in our environment is suboptimal and frustrating.

Human and material resources to develop these programs in a standardized, accessible, and universal manner should be provided. The attitude and collaboration of physicians in the hospitalization phase is important for the referral of patient to CVDPR programs and the success of such programs. A favorable attitude toward rehabilitation will facilitate modification of the daily routines of a larger number of patients.

Program design and the attitude of the professionals can lead to poor adhesion to the guidelines, if they are not adjusted to the patients' circumstances. Less-intensive and/or semi-supervised home programs should be considered in specific cases. Fewer women enroll in CVDPR programs than men; they also tend to abandon the program earlier. This is attributed to their higher age, increased prevalence of pathologies associated with depression, decreased social support, and increased family obligations. A similar effect occurs in depressed patients and those of low socioeconomic background. Lack of exercise and poor feeding habits are creating a shift in the cardiovascular profile of the population, which implies an earlier appearance of clinical manifestations of CVD and increased prevalence of risk factors, such as physical inactivity and overweight. These circumstances cause serious public health problems, which must be corrected with educational measures aimed at the entire population, fostering mainly primary prevention programs. Therefore, we believe that governments, through their health policies, should become more involved in promoting and performing actions that have a real impact on society.

In a 1993 statement, WHO proposed that CVDPR should not be considered as an isolated therapy, but rather as a treatment integrated in the overall management of CVD and as an active component of secondary prevention.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Aug 2014
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