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This paper presents the results of descriptive documental research developed from the Management Report 2013 of a social sports program by the federal government, provided by the National Secretariat of Sports, Education, Leisure and Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Sports - Brazil. The objective was to analyze how teachers and monitors of Physical Education linked to this social sports program assessed the use of Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) in the process of continued training and the possible reflections on the pedagogical praxis. We verified that the TIC have proved an extra instrument in the process of continued training and are able to contribute to interventional actions, fostering the exchange of experiences, questioning, and reflections inside and about the action supported by the principles of educational sports. Therefore, it establishes an interlocution between knowledge and daily actions; in addition to integrate the continued training policy, seeking to qualify the pedagogical intervention of the professionals involved.

Key word:
Distance Education; Education Continuing; Physical Education.


O artigo apresenta os resultados de pesquisa documental de caráter descritivo, desenvolvida a partir do Relatório de Gestão 2013, de um programa social esportivo do governo federal, disponibilizado pela Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social do Ministério do Esporte - Brasil. Objetivou analisar como os professores e monitores de Educação Física, vinculados a este programa social esportivo avaliam a utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) no processo de formação continuada e os possíveis reflexos na prática pedagógica. Constatou-se que as TICs têm se colocado como uma ferramenta adicional no processo de formação continuada e que pode contribuir nas ações interventivas, fomentando trocas de experiências, questionamentos e reflexões na e sobre a ação, sustentadas pelos princípios do esporte educacional, estabelecendo assim interlocução entre os saberes e ações cotidianas, além de integrar a política de formação continuada que busca qualificar a intervenção pedagógica dos seus profissionais.

Educação à distância; Educação continuada; Educação física.


The present study can be classified within the domain of information and communication technologies (ICTs), focusing on their utilization in the process of continuing education for human resources in a social sports program. An assumption is that it is pertinent to study the perceptions regarding the utilization of ICTs of Physical Education teachers and monitors during the continuing education process, as well as the possible reflections on pedagogical practice in the role that they themselves play as educators and propagators of the principles of sports education adopted by the Directives of the SHP11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:

This empirical study, of a documentary nature and descriptive character, seeks to analyze how the process of continuing education through the use of ICTs has been evaluated by the professionals involved directly with the daily actions of the SHP and, at the same time, contribute to the identification of factors that need to be structured or optimized throughout the process.

Technological advances have become commonly used teaching instruments, present in the daily actions of society, either in information and communications technologies (ICTS), biotechnology, or industrial technologies, which ends up being reflected in the educational context. The process of implantation of an information society has been found at an advanced stage in industrialized countries, indicating ICTS as a dominant tendency22. Werthein J. A sociedade da informação e seus desafios. Ci. Inf; 2000;29(2):71-77..

This technological advance has made the production and dissemination of knowledge faster, making clear the need for constant updates on the part of the professional, especially in the field of education. The teacher must articulate conceptual and cultural knowledge in addition to practical experience in his or her interventional action; he or she must also display constant innovation, valuing all kinds of knowledge and not focusing only on the cognitive domain, revealing the totality of being a teacher33. Tardif M. Saberes docentes e formação profissional. 16.ed. Petrópolis: Vozes; 2014..

Taking this need into account, the Brazilian Law of Directives and Bases for National Education- LDBEN 9.394/199644. Brasil. Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Brasília (DF); 1996., which sets the rules Brazilian education, in article 87, item 3, indicates the need to propose actions to incentivize the continuing education of teachers, a practice referred to as “all activities undertaken for an educational purpose, for professional as well as personal development, individually or in groups, for the more efficient performance of their current duties or for the preparation to perform other duties.”55. García CM. Formação de professores: para uma mudança educativa. Porto: Porto Editora; 2005.):136 Continuing education can consist of an updating/training that involves the teacher in situations that permits the teacher to reflect and research about their pedagogic work in terms of their daily actions, contributing to professional development and the construction of an educational project66. Palma JAV. A formação continuada do professor de Educação Física: possibilitando práticas reflexivas. [Tese de Doutorado em Educação Física]. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física; 2001..

From the amplification of the possibilities of access to an initial education and the pressing need for continuing education, the Distance Education (DE) context is strengthened by the LDBEN 9.394/96 law44. Brasil. Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Brasília (DF); 1996., primarily considering the search for different possibilities for entry into and permanence in higher education. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), especially those that are private, bring together forces to expand the student body and make teaching more flexible, such that one of the alternatives would be to potentialize DE and at the same time, intensify the ICTS in order to support this process. In this regard, at the beginning of the decade of the 2000s, a legal basis was established for this modality, which emerged as a function of the advancement of the private sector, as well as from the discussion which propelled the expansion and democratization of higher education77. Pimentel FC, Lazzarotti Filho A, Inácio HLD, Húngaro EM, Mascarenhas F. Expansão do ensino superior e formação profissional em Educação Física: um mapeamento dos cursos na modalidade de educação a distância. Pensar prát. 2013;16(4):956-1270.. Another factor that bolstered this process was the need to expand access, considering the demand in proportion to the dimensions of Brazil, with DE as an efficient strategy of maximizing the number of new students in professional courses.

DE is understood as a modality of teaching that democratizes the access to education, in addition to fostering concepts of autonomy and permanent qualification88. Alves RM, Zabalde AL, Figueiredo CX. Ensino a Distância. Lavras: UFLA/FAEPE; 2004.. Through the use of ICTS, educational processes are provided with expanded access to updated information and the promotion of exchanges of knowledge through collaborative communities, privileging communication and the articulation of knowledge between those involved99. Almeida MEB. Gestão de tecnologias, mídias e recursos na escola: o compartilhar de significados. Em aberto. 2008;21(79):75-89..

In the context of Physical Education, debates and incentives for continuing education have taken place in order to legitimize the identity of the area as an action triggering other reflexive actions beyond those of knowing and doing. Continuing education in Physical Education should occur with the intention of reflecting the models and strategies of current action, creating a space for thinking about existing pedagogical assumptions and going beyond the technical-tactical model, thus diminishing the dichotomy between theory and practice1010. Cristiano APR, KRUG HN. Um olhar crítico-reflexivo sobre a formação continuada de professores de Educação Física da rede municipal de ensino de Santa Maria (RS). Movimento 2008;14(1):63-83.. In addition to this, in the context of professional education in Physical Education, ICTS have been seen as a way of reconfiguring space and time, transforming social and work representations and the ways in which qualifications are conceived and constructed1111. Bianchi P, Hatje M. A formação profissional em Educação Física permeada pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação no centro de Educação Física e desportos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Pensar prát. 2007;10(2):123-138..

With this perspective, the Second Half Program (SHP), created by the Ministry of Sports in 2003 and currently linked to the National Secretariat of Sports, Education, Leisure and Social Inclusion (NSSELSI), consists of a governmental action that enables the performance and continuing education of its professionals with face-to-face and distance training courses, analysis of Pedagogical Planning, and pedagogical meetings with Human Resources, among other actions. The program promotes an intervention in the dialogic process during the education of the subject who participates, modifies, and is modified by the interpersonal relationships to which he/she is exposed.

Oliveira and Perim1212. Oliveira AAB, Perim GL, editores. Fundamentos Pedagógicos do Programa Segundo Tempo: da reflexão à prática. Maringá: Eduem; 2009.) point out that the pedagogical proposal of the SHP emphasizes an understanding of sport beyond its institutionalized format, including leisure activities, systematic and/or asystematic athletic practices, and the games or ludic corporal practices of Brazilian culture within its pedagogical goals, enabling a broad human experience and education for citizenship.

In this way, the Ministry of Sports fulfills the responsibility of managing and offering opportunities for continuing education for professionals who work with educational sports, with the intention of qualifying the offering of services available to children, adolescents, and youth.

In terms of the discussion so far, the issue is: what is the effect of ICTS utilized in the continuing education process for teachers and monitors in the Second Half Program in terms of pedagogical intervention, according to the view of the central participants in the study?

Organizational and continuing education structure of the SHP/standard

The Second Half Program (SHP) is a Brazilian federal government program with the objective of bringing the practice and culture of sports to children, adolescents, and youth found in situations and areas of social risk, promoting integral development1313. Filgueira JCM, Perim GL, Oliveira AAB. Apresentação. In: Oliveira AAB, Perim GL, editores. Fundamentos Pedagógicos do Programa Segundo Tempo: da reflexão à prática. Maringá: Eduem; 2009, p. 7-16..

The SHP, in accordance with the Management Report of 20131414.Ministério do Esporte. Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social. Relatório de Gestão 2013, de um programa social esportivo do governo federal. Brasília (DF); 2013., is materialized with the establishment of institutional partnerships through the approval of of arrangements made with state and city governments, and federal entities or bodies for the establishment of nuclei for educational sports. These nuclei are composed of 100 beneficiaries (children and adolescents enrolled in regular school), and served by a coordinator of the nucleus (a professional in Physical or Sports Education), who develops the proposed activities taking into consideration the reality and the social needs of each nucleus. The actions are guided by the Pedagogical Project of the Arrangement (PPA), the courses of continuing education offered by the SHP, and the entire didactic-pedagogical library made available by NSSELSI (textbooks, teaching books, activity notebooks, and video-classes, among others). The objective for training inside the SHP1515. Sousa ES, Noronha V, Ribeiro CA, Teixeira DMD, Fernandes DM, Venâncio MAD. Sistema de monitoramento e avaliação dos programas Esporte e Lazer da Cidade e Segundo Tempo do Ministério do Esporte. Belo Horizonte: O Lutador; 2010. is to form conceptual, operational, and methodological standards, from its managerial to its pedagogical aspects.

In addition, the continuing education process of the SHP/Standard is guided by the Directives and the pedagogical proposal of the SHP, in order to implement an interventional action that provides the teaching and practice of educational sports with the principles of plurality, integration, participation, and emancipation11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
. It seeks to break the linearity of the instrumental technique of rationality, in which the action of the professional is directed towards solving problems through the application of rigorous theories and scientific techniques, without taking the political, historical, and cultural relationships into account.

Relating this proposition with Marin’s position1616. Marin AJ. Educação continuada: introdução a uma análise de termos e concepções. Cad. CEDES. 1995;36:13-20., the program’s continuing education process seeks to enable the professional to function within their specific conditions of professional demand, by refining pedagogical practices and ensuring the quality of services to the beneficiaries.

The objective of continuing education courses, developed by Collaborating Teams (CTs composed of professors bound to public Brazilian universities), is to stimulate and offer tools for engaging Physical Education teachers and monitors participating in SHP arrangements, thus creating a unified line of knowledge between all those involved and aiming at sharing of experiences and theoretical and practical knowledge.

Working with Educational Sports, according to the Directives and the pedagogical proposal of the SHP11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
, demands of its actors understanding, preparation, and recognition of an interventional process that, at times, can be antagonistic to the paradigm established in their education and, consequently, their performance as teachers. The pedagogical characteristics advocated for by the SHP demand more than the mastery of knowledge specific to the area of Physical and Sports Education, such that an increase of actions that connect the practice of sports to the social problems of the community is necessary, aiming to overcome adversities and contributing to the situation experienced by the community.

In a study by Rodrigues et al.1717. Rodrigues HA, Rufino LGB, Souza Júnior OM, Coutinho SS. O Programa Segundo Tempo e seu processo de capacitação: análise e proposições. Motri 2012; XXIV(38):108-122.) about the process of training in the face-to-face format, it was verified that throughout said process the initial involvement of the HRs (Human Resources) with the Directives and goals of the SHP11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
and educational sports occurred. However, difficulties were still encountered in the execution of the proposal during daily actions such that, at times, the development of the activities reflects extensive lines, internal conflicts regarding the values and incumbent attitudes regarding athletic practice, and participants’ resistance to new experiences. In addition to this factor, it can be pointed out that it is necessary to go beyond face-to-face training, allowing those involved to read and intervene in reality, facing the situations of “evasion, centrality of knowledge, and the narrow and organic relationship with the community.”1818. Colombo BD, Euzébio CA, Ortigara V, Silva MB, Correa FC, Cardoso AL. O Programa Segundo Tempo: uma política pública para emancipação humana. Motri 2012; XXIV(38):12-23.):21 For this it is necessary to expand the debate regarding knowledge about educational sports, the conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions of corporal sports, their relationship with cross-cutting themes, and the implementation strategies of actions of the SHP.

Taking this concern into account, beginning in 2013 the process of continuing education in the SHP began to take place in three inter-related moments, according to the information presented in Figure 01 and Figure 02.

Figure 1
General flow of continuing education in DE in the Second Half Program

Figura 2
Educational phases of teachers and monitors participating in the SHP/Standard

The first phase of the education of the teachers and monitors participating in SHP/Standard arrangements occurs through proposed actions on the Moodle platform. The use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)1919. Matias-Pereira J. Educação Superior a Distância, Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação e Inclusão Social no Brasil. Eptic On Line 2010;12(2):123-138.) expands the possibilities for creativity, benefiting the methodology for educational and communicative work. In this moment, texts and activities focused on 6 themes are presented: 1) Foundations of the Second Half Program: connections between sports, humans, culture, and education; 2) Foundations of cultural leisure and entertainment; 3) Motor development and learning: aspects related to practice; 4) Organization and pedagogical development of sports in the Second Half Program; 5) Methodological procedures for the Second Half Program and 6) Planning of the Second Half Program: the intention to share knowledge, skills, and change the game. It is stressed that the central topics are supported by two cross-cutting themes: Body, gender, and sexuality: educating for diversity; and Disability issues and actions in the SHP.

In addition to these topics, the SHP seeks to approach, during athletic practice, other themes: culture, environment, health, education, citizenship, rights, and quality of life, in accordance with the PPA and the Directives of the SHP11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
. Work with the cross-cutting themes are of great importance for the consolidation of the pedagogical proposal of the SHP, such that:

Transversality pressuposes an integrated treatment of the areas and a commitment to interpersonal relationships and social welfare regarding the issues involved in the topics, so that there is coherence between the values experienced in the experience that the school provides to the students and the intellectual contact with such values.2020.Brasil, Ministério da Educação. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Brasília (DF); 1998.):45

The topics presented in the continuing education courses should be supported by teaching materials provided by the SHP and be extended to discussions and actions through the DE system. This should be done by making use of the ICTS as tools for encouraging reflections that stimulate the understanding of the different functions exercised by those involved in the process of teaching and learning, in addition to the socialization of problems/challenges and successes in the day-to-day life of the arrangements.

During the second moment of continuing education, the CT develops practical activities together with teachers and monitors, relating the Foundations and Directives of the SHP11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
and the activities developed on the Moodle platform with the daily activities carried out by the arrangement. It should be pointed out that the face-to-face educational course is provided as a possibility for practical experience and a strategy for promoting reflexive action during pedagogical action, This is because by working with the needed depth in relation to the activities initially developed in the DE phase, the educational agents are brought closer to the educational process and the reflections demanded by the daily reality of the arrangements, in accordance with the data presented in the SHP Managerial Report1414.Ministério do Esporte. Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social. Relatório de Gestão 2013, de um programa social esportivo do governo federal. Brasília (DF); 2013..

In the third phase, biweekly meetings, called the Pedagogical Support Proposal (PSP), take place on the Moodle platform in order to promote discussion about the daily actions in the nuclei with topics, texts, and activities necessary to the smooth progress of the proposal. The PAP is intended as an action for stimulating reflection and the exchange of knowledge and experiences, emphasizing the fact that the content cannot simply be passed on to coordinators and monitors, but that they should also feel like subjects participating in the SHP, its proposal, and continuing education process.

Finally, it is helpful to point out that the development of this process of continuing education occurs as soon as the arrangement begins its activities and is extended throughout its entire execution of approximately 18 months, demonstrating concern with the pedagogical practices that will be implemented, along with the beneficiaries.

Methodological Procedures

Considering the object of investigation and the defined objectives, an empirical investigation of a documentary nature and descriptive character was developed, supported by documentary sources rich in information and analyzing a specific educational process, starting from the description of an organization and of the level of service of those involved, in order to verify the association between the variables.2121. Barros AJS, Lehfeld NAS. Fundamentos de Metodologia: uma guia para a iniciação científica. 2 Ed. São Paulo: Makron Books; 2000.),22

The Management Report

The data collection process began with a reading of the Management Report1414.Ministério do Esporte. Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social. Relatório de Gestão 2013, de um programa social esportivo do governo federal. Brasília (DF); 2013., made available by the CGDEP, under the Department of Development and Monitoring of Intersectoral Policies and Programs (DDMIPP) of NSSELSI/ME, seeking to respond to the proposed objective in terms of the categories of analysis: continuing education, acceptance of ICTS, interactivity, understanding, development of activities, and pedagogical practice.

It should be noted that for the process of the creation of the report by the CGDEP, a structured survey with closed questions was made available to those who completed the continuing education course, in order to identify the relevance of the process for teaching, as well as the use of ICTS for pedagogical practice. In the questions referring to monitoring, tutor/student interactivity, and the relationship between the proposed actions and ICTS and pedagogical practice, the analysis was conducted with a likert type scale, with ratings of weak, intermediate, good, great, and excellent. For the questions directed towards the complexity of topics and understanding of the proposed activities, the ratings were easy, intermediate, and difficult.

The focus of analysis was phases 1 to 3 of the continuing education process for Physical Education teachers and monitors participating in the arrangements of the SHP/standard (Figure 2), as these were organized and consolidated specifically to be used through ICTS.

Finally, it should be emphasized that this study is a part of the project “Pedagogical Monitoring of the Second Half Program”, Process nº CAAE 07312412.2.0000.5541-CEP/HUJM/UFMT, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings at the Federal University of Mato Grosso.

Results and Discussion

The data were grouped and discussed according to moments of analysis: the first moment of using the ICTS in the SHP, identifying the acceptance of the proposal, and highlighting how the teachers and monitors interacted with the CT and the rest of the professionals involved in the process, as well as how these HRs (Physical Education teachers and monitors) view the structuring and clarity of the platform, the complexity of the topics, and their understanding of the proposed activities. In the second moment, the objective was to analyze the contributions of the ICTS for continuing education and their possible strategies in the development of pedagogical practices in the SHP along with the beneficiaries.

The use of ICTS in the SHP: acceptance, interactivity, understanding, and development of the actions

According to the Management Report1414.Ministério do Esporte. Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social. Relatório de Gestão 2013, de um programa social esportivo do governo federal. Brasília (DF); 2013., 10 pedagogical education courses with the DE model were completed along with the arrangements, with the purpose of educating 193 Physical Education teachers and monitors participating in the SHP. At the beginning of the process, 88% (f= 170) of those enrolled accessed the Moodle platform and 12% never connected. However, during the course there were some withdrawals, with 40.4% of the coordinators and monitors (f =78) remaining in the educational process. Facing this withdrawal issue, the survey was only sent to those HRs that completed the continuing education process with a 75% attendance rate for the activities and proposed actions, in order to evaluate the developed actions and their contribution in the development of the pedagogical practice.

Upon analyzing the situation of withdrawal, it can be observed that the use of ICTS in the educational process still faces resistance and this is reflected in the continuing education proposal of the SHP. Resistance to ICTs is due to various factors2323. O´toole J. Liderando Mudanças: como superar a ideologia do conforto e a tirania do costume. São Paulo: Makron Books; 1997.),(2424.Raza C [Internet]. Resistência à mudança [acesso em 23 de janeiro 2015]. Disponível em:
, especially a lack of ability with technologies, adaptation to the pedagogical proposal, the lack of understanding of the importance of the use of ICTs in the process of teaching and learning, and short-term thinking, as the rate of withdrawal increased over the first weeks of the course, or before the end of the first module. Facing these issues, this process of integration between educational actions and ICTs is not simple, and the inhibiting factors or obstacles should be considered.

Regarding the adherence to the DE education courses, the non-adherence or the evasion of the semi face-to-face model or that of distance education, these problems tend to take place throughout the process, generally due to personal problems with technology, difficulty in keeping up with the study schedule or the proposed activities, or incorrect expectations regarding educational technology2626.Oliveira AP, Cavalcante IF, Silva Gonçales R. O processo de evasão (ou desistência) no curso de Licenciatura em Letras espanhol ofertado pelo campus EaD-IFRN: causas possíveis. EnPED-Simpósio Internacional de Educação a Distância e Encontro de Pesquisadores em Educação a Distância; 2012..

In order to solve the problem of withdrawal and evasion, those responsible for the courses should develop a collaborative virtual environment, in order to bring all the agents into the process. It should be stressed that the CGDEP survey presented results from the first process of continuing education through the DE system, and facing a number of withdrawals from the process, actions will be taken seeking to potentialize the actions and bypass possible problems, such as scheduling issues for the webconferences, time for the development of the proposed actions, and monitoring of the team of tutors.

The effective monitoring of the team of tutors is an action that can contribute to the reduction of evasion and bring the subjects closer to the proposed actions and reflections, making the participation of the teacher-tutor more effective. The tutor focuses his didactic actions on the process of monitoring and advisement of the students and it is through this that questions are answered, and discussions and exchange of experiences in the forums are stimulated.

Regarding the subject of monitoring, upon questioning the teachers and monitors participating in the SHP about tutor monitoring throughout the process, 83% of the coordinators and monitors who responded to the survey evaluated the monitoring as good, affirming that the response was fast in relation to the questions and that the messages sent were sufficiently clear. Regarding the tutor/student interactivity, 44% of the participants evaluated it as good, since this always occurred throughout the process; 32% evaluated the interaction as excellent, discussing beyond the topics and questions, and transcending into the interventionary context. Of all the participants in the study, 22% rated the interaction as average, as the tutors were utilized very little, and 2% evaluated it as week, alleging that they almost did not interact with the tutors and the rest of the colleagues throughout the process.

An important point is that interaction with the tutor is a key element in DE, guiding the teaching-learning process according to the proposed themes. The tutor is responsible for monitoring, advising, and stimulating the participants in the development of a reflective practice2727. Emerenciano MS, Sousa CAL, Freitas LG. Ser presença como educador, professor e tutor. Rev. Colabor@a 2010;1(1):4-11.. However, the search for a tutor still takes place only upon moments of doubt, thus leaving a gap in the process as the constant interaction allows the student to consider other aspects outside the completion of the exercises2828. Pinto GMF. Hábitos de estudo de derivadas de uma função real em uma graduação à distância. Rev. Educ., Ciênc Mat 2014;3(1):68-72..

It is the job of the tutors to stimulate thought-provoking actions during the process, in order to ensure the attention of the students, generating curiosity about the unknown and interest in the research2929.Rodrigues CAF, Schmidt LM, Marinho HB. Tutoria em educação à distância. UEPG/NUTED, Ponta Grossa (PR); 2011.. In time, examples connected to situations in real life should be used, so that learning interacts with personal and emotional aspects, not limited to intellectual assimilation alone.

It is worth pointing out that a favorable motivational climate between the subjects involved can contribute so that the students trust the institution, the advisement provided, and develop the habit of contacting the tutor whenever necessary.

From the data collected, it can be observed that intercommunication and interactivity should be promoted throughout the length of the process; in the case of the SHP, it is necessary that the members of the CTs stimulate a breaking of the paradigms and mediate the process, facilitating the adoption of new procedures and formative actions. Tutoring is an activity that differs according to the structure of the teaching institution and the characteristics and needs of the groups with which they work, such that the teacher-tutor is responsible for mediating the learning process along with the human resources involved3030.Ruckstadter VFM. Tutoria e o processo de mediação EaD. Pós-Graduação - Especialização em EaD e Tecnologias Educacionais. Centro Universitário de Maringá - Núcleo de Educação a Distância. Maringá (PR); 2011..

It should be stressed that, according to Collins and Berge3131. Collins M, Berge Z. Facilitating interaction in computer mediated online courses. Retriev 1996;(15):2000-2015., the tutors’ functions can be subdivided into 4 parts: 1) pedagogical, since the tutor becomes responsible for fostering the participation and interaction of the student with the platform, and supporting and directing the established discussions; 2) social, making the environment friendly and sociable, encouraging human relationships around the learning process; 3) managerial, with the tutor’s job being to monitor the rhythm of the course in accordance with the outlined objectives; and 4) technical, transferring the mastery of the technology to the students and providing technical support when necessary. The tutor has a social function, directed towards facilitating education, stimulating human relationships, recognizing the contributions of the students, and supporting the learning process through the use of extra materials.

Subsequently, the teachers and monitors were questioned how they evaluated the complexity of the platform and its topics, and how they understood and developed the proposed activities (Table 01).

Table 1
Rating given to the platform, by the teachers and monitors in the SHP, in relation to the complexity of the topics and the understanding of the proposed activities

Of all the respondents, 52% indicated that the Moodle platform had an average level of complexity, followed by 40% of the students who rated it as easy to use. In this sense, the data demonstrate that the objectives intended by the platform were achieved; that is, it truly was easy to handle and work with the platform, even for those who had little experience with this modality of education. This is what was proved by the participants in the process developed.

Regarding the complexity of the topics proposed throughout the continuing education course offered by the SHP, 81% stated that the content was at an average level, 13% analyzed it as easy, and only 6% saw it as presenting a certain degree of difficulty. Regarding the level of understanding of the proposed activities, 68% of the teachers and monitors indicated it as average, 28% rated it as easy to understand, and 4% considered the proposed activities difficult.

A progressive increase in the complexity of content and proposed activities is of great importance in education courses within the DE modality, since this progressiveness will encourage greater inter-relating between the participants in the process. In addition to this, the content should be presented in small amounts, addressing aspects essential to the topics and the possibility of their application in the interventional context.

Considering these aspects, the need emerges for a collaborative didactic posture in the elaboration of activities, which should be:

[...] based on the resolution of problems, in the collaborative construction of models, in the development of individual and/or group projects, in the participation in discussions and debates, and even in the activities that include interaction with the work environment and providing significant experiences for the construction of knowledge3232.Raymundo GMC. Didática e prática de ensino em EaD. Centro Universitário de Maringá- Núcleo de Educação a Distância. Maringá (PR); 2011.):23.

Adopting a proactive posture during the process, the student seeks to improve their knowledge in a dialogic manner, and through peer discussion forms a collaborative network, valuing interactivity and autonomy, and transcending the vision of a subject limited to external knowledge and perceptions of feelings3333. Tavares J. Uma sociedade que aprende e se desenvolve: relações interpessoais. Portugal: Porto Editora; 1996.. If the proposed activities are well-discussed and understood3434. Prata CL, Nascimento AAA, Pietrocola M. Políticas para fomento de produção e uso de objetos de aprendizagem. Objetos de aprendizagem: uma proposta de recursos pedagógicos 2007;(1):107-122., an interpretation of the concepts will occur, challenging the students to resolve complex problems so that this knowledge can be utilized, reutilized, and combined with other objects, creating a rich and flexible learning environment.

Contribution of ICTs in continuing education and their possible outcomes in pedagogical practice

As presented, continuing education is a key element for today’s professional, contributing to an updating of knowledge and abilities, and their insertion and maintainence in the job market, since:

[...] no profession ages more quickly than that of the professor, precisely because it deals closely with the logic of knowledge. More decisive than collecting a diploma is keeping oneself updated with daily life. (3535. Demo P. Questões para a teleducação. Petrópolis: Vozes; 1998.):191

Given that the acceptance of the HRs participating in the SHP, and the fact that those who participated in the overall process displayed a good level of understanding and development of the proposed actions, as well as interactivity with the tutors, the teachers and monitors in the SHP were asked to rate the activities carried out through ICTS in relation to their own pedagogical practice in the daily reality of the nuclei. 52% of the participants stated there was a great relationship, and 45% classified it as excellent, which indicates the importance of the continuity of the process.

Zank et al.3636. Zank C, Waquil MP, Bizello A, Andrade CAS, Majdenbaum R. O curso de especialização em docência para a educação profissional: inovando para formar, formando para inovar. Rev Comp 2011;4(1):11-26., upon completing a study with the teachers of a specialization course, pointed out that the participants perceived the possibility of breaking down barriers and paradigms, after experiencing a didactic process focused on the action-reflection-action dynamic and, affirmed that, due to this experience, they began to change their pedagogical practices.

Continuing education proposals for teachers can encourage their reflection about their own pedagogical practice, allowing for more assertive actions in answering the demands of teaching practices.3737. Ferreira JB, Andrade MCM. Formação continuada de professores universitários: a experiência da primeira turma de pós-graduação em docência universitária do Uniaraxá. Evidência 2015;11(11):69-80. Continuing education proposals oriented and shared between teachers can reflect on more lasting learning experiences regarding teaching, in addition to provoking changes in daily pedagogical practice and stimulating innovative practices.3838. Junges KB, Behrens MA. Prática docente no ensino superior: a formação pedagógica como mobilizadora de mudança. Rev Perspec 2015;33(1):285-317. In this sense, investigations about pedagogical practice can be counted as formative experiences.3939.Luiz IC, Mello AS, Ventorim S, Ferreira Neto A, Santos W. Investigação, narrativa e formação continuada de professores de Educação Física: possibilidades para uma prática colaborativa. Rev Educ Fís/UEM 2016;27(e2721).

In the case of the present study, the act of transcending the content and exercises proposed, with the support of the ICTS for the interventional reality, resulted in a greater contribution to the process and the professional life of the coordinators and the monitors involved. In addition to this, upon working with theoretical content through interactive activities in the VLE, in the second stage of the training process, actions are chosen according to practical needs, strengthening the confidence and pedagogical action of the teachers and monitors. Based on reports of shared experiences, questions, and reflection during and about the action, a human network is created that favors the learning process of both the educator and the student simultaneously.4040. Prado MEBB, Almeida MEB. Formação de Professores: fundamentos reflexivos para o contexto da educação a distância. Educação a distância: prática e formação do profissional reflexivo. São Paulo: Avercamp; 2009; p.65-82.

We can affirm, that in terms of the structure presented here, that continuing education of teachers and monitors involved in the arrangements of the SHP adopts the “social learning” bias, as it combines the tools available in DE and social media with a new organizational culture, stimulating the continuous exchange of knowledge and opinions. It is possible to develop learning situations in the VLE directed towards reflection during and about the action, through the description of the practice that happens in the context of the performance, and discussion about the practice in synchronous and asynchronous communication spaces. In addition to this, the intervention of the tutor can help the coordinators and the monitors to reflect on and analyze the action.4040. Prado MEBB, Almeida MEB. Formação de Professores: fundamentos reflexivos para o contexto da educação a distância. Educação a distância: prática e formação do profissional reflexivo. São Paulo: Avercamp; 2009; p.65-82. As such, the pedagogical practices should include students in discussions that consider their own specific contexts, in order to stimulate the reflexive process for the incorporation of true knowledge.

As shown by the discussions, mediated by the ICTS, an inter-relating between theory and practice was made possible and experienced by the subjects, enriching their understanding about the content provided and the exchange of experiences between the professionals involved with the SHP in different Brazilian realities. In terms of the shared experiences, questions, and reflections during and about the action, a human network of learning is created, such that all those involved in the process learn simultaneously.4141.Almeida MEB, Prado EBB [internet]. A formação de gestores para a incorporação de tecnologias na escola: uma experiência de EAD com foco na realidade da escola, em processos interativos e atendimento em larga escala]. In: XII Congresso Internacional de Educação a Distância-ABED, Florianópolis: Abed. [acesso em 02 de fevereiro de 2015]. Disponível em:

Finally, it can be pointed out that the use of ICTS in the process of continuing education analyzed favors the interaction between the professionals involved and their pedagogical experiences, such that the knowledge and the daily reality of their actions are problematized, strengthening the resolution of problems within the proposal of educational sports and the Directives of the SHP.11. Ministério do Esporte [Internet]. Diretrizes do Programa Segundo Tempo [acesso em 23 ago 2016]. Disponível em:
However, for this to effectively take place, a joint effort between educators (the CT), teachers, and monitors is necessary, so that these moments of interaction and exchanges are not bureaucratized and instead seen as an opportunity for interaction between people who can make a difference and carry out the proposal, discussing topics that evoke and relate personal and collective anxieties, and daily difficulties. Therefore, the use of ICTS in the continuing education process of teachers and monitors promotes the interaction of those involved in this social sports program, and brings reflection to the practice, highlighting the needs for improvement and more dynamic and significant solutions to the process, potentializing and improving the pedagogical intervention.

It is assumed that Physical Education teachers and monitors participating in the SHP viewed the use of ICTS as something positive in the continuing education process, which is favorably reflected in the pedagogical actions of a social sports program that seeks to reach children and adolescents by providing for the practice of educational sports. Therefore, DE is seen as a key part of the educational process by facilitating and incentivizing the participation of those involved in discussions that promote learning about the reality and intentions of the SHP, enriching in this way the work of those responsible for the classes in the nuclei.


Continuing education of teachers in the DE modality in Brazil has been taking shape as an emergent tendency in order to meet the current needs and demands of the educational context, since in professional action, the subject is faced with multiple situations for which previously created answers aren’t found, that are not susceptible to analyses according to the classic process of scientific investigation. In the case of the teachers, interventional practice requires a process of dialoging with the situation, revealing the hidden aspects of a divergent reality, creating new references, ways, and perspectives on perceiving and reacting.

The results found in the Management Report allowed for the description and diagnosis of the initial landscape of the continuing education course offered by the SHP to the teachers and monitors, allowing us to confirm that the adoption of DE has proven to be a positive and productive tool, since this strategy favors reflexive practice and learning of concepts and procedures applicable to the daily professional reality of the participants.

Overall, the indications verified in the documentary analysis do not alone ensure that the reflexive actions will be achieved and applied to the daily reality of the nuclei of the SHP, as the survey was given only to those who finished the process; also, learning depends on the singular characteristics of each student, their experiences, life histories, capacities, and motivations, such that it is a singular and personal process. In this sense, it is important to consider the diversity of the arrangements and their realities as a structural axis of the continuing education process of the professionals involved in the SHP. Additionally, it is necessary that the subjects involved in the educational process understand their role clearly during the period of training and intervention.

In conclusion, it should be pointed out that this study is not an end in itself and neither does it answer the question completely; to the contrary, it serves to stimulate and provoke new studies that can dialogue with this study regarding the ways in which ICTS can contribute to the development and effectiveness of actions that are a part of social sports programs. In addition to this, the importance of maintaining reflexive vigilance about the continuing education process provided is notable, as well as the use of ICTS as a possibility for applying the proposal of the SHP and perfecting the actions in the daily reality of the arrangements.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    11 Dec 2015
  • Reviewed
    12 June 2017
  • Accepted
    05 July 2017
Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790 - cep: 87020-900 - tel: 44 3011 4315 - Maringá - PR - Brazil