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Journal of Coloproctology (Rio de Janeiro), Volume: 42, Número: 3, Publicado: 2022
  • The Prognostic Roles of PYCR2 and ZBTB18 Expression in Tissues of Colorectal Carcinoma and Non-Neoplastic Tissues: An Immunohistochemical Study Original Article

    Harb, Ola A.; Elfeky, Mariem A.; Wadea, Fady M.; Elsayed, Ahmed M.; Elshorbagy, Shereen; Amin, Ahmed F.; Oraby, Ehab M.; Amin, Mohamed Farouk; Almoregy, Abdelwahab S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background It is important to detect novel biomarkers responsible for the progression and spread of colorectal cancer (CRC) to better evaluate the prognosis of the patients, provide better management, and foster the development of therapeutic targets. In humans, pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 2 (PYCR2) is encoded on chromosome 1q42.12, and its metabolic activity has been linked to oncogenesis in many cancers. Zinc finger and broad-complex, tramtrack, and bric-à-brac (BTB) domain-containing protein 18 (ZBTB18), a zinc finger transcriptional repressor, has been found to have a tumor-suppressor role and to be methylated in CRCs. To date, the prognostic roles of PYCR2 and ZBTB18 in CRC patients have not been thoroughly studied. Objective To evaluate the tissue protein expression of PYCR2 and ZBTB18 in CRC and adjacent non-neoplastic intestinal tissues, to detect their roles in CRC carcinogenesis, progression and metastases. Patients and methods After applying the inclusion criteria, 60 CRC patients were included in the study. Tissue samples from the tumor and the adjacent non-neoplastic tissues were stained with PYCR2 and ZBTB18. The patients were followed up for about 30 months (range: 10 to 36 months). We performed a correlation regarding the expression of the markers, and clinicopathological and prognostic parameters. Results Upregulation of PYCR2 and downregulation of ZBTB18 were found to be higher in CRC tissue than in the adjacent non-neoplastic colonic mucosa (p = 0.026 and p < 0.001 respectively). High expression of PYCR2 and low expression of ZBTB18 were positively correlated with large tumor size, higher tumor grade, advanced tumor stage, presence of spread to lymph nodes, and presence of distant metastases (p < 0.001). High PYCR2 and low ZBTB18 expressions were significantly associated with poor response to therapy (p = 0.008 and 0.0.17 respectively), as well as high incidence of progression and recurrence (p = 0.005), and unfavorable overall survival (OS) rates (p = 0.001). Conclusion High expression of PYCR2 and low expression of ZBTB18 were independent predictors of CRC, progression, poor prognosis and unfavorable patient OS and progression-free survival (PFS) rates.
  • A Clinical Risk Analysis of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After Colorectal Cancer Surgery Original Article

    Hiraki, Masatsugu; Tanaka, Toshiya; Koga, Mika; Miura, Daisuke; Sadashima, Eiji; Sato, Hirofumi; Mitsumizo, Shinji; Kitahara, Kenji

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a frequent complication following colorectal surgery. The present study investigated the risk factors for PONV after colorectal cancer surgery. Methods A retrospective study of 204 patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer was conducted. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the clinicopathological factors associated with PONV. Results The overall incidence of postoperative nausea (PON) and postoperative vomit (POV) was 26.5% (54/204), and 12.3% (25/204), respectively. The univariate analysis showed that female gender (p < 0.001), no current alcohol drinking habit (p = 0.003), and no stoma creation (p = 0.023) were associated with PON. Postoperative vomit was significantly correlated with female gender (p = 0.009), high body mass index (p = 0.017), and right-sided colon cancer (p = 0.001). The multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that female gender (odds ratio [OR]: 4.225; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.170–8.226; p < 0.001) was an independent risk factor for PON. A high body mass index (OR: 1.148; 95%CI: 1.018–1.295; p = 0.025), and right-sided colon cancer (OR: 3.337; 95%CI: 1.287–8.652; p = 0.013) were independent risk factors for POV. Conclusion Our findings suggest that female gender for PON and a high body mass index and right-sided colon cancer for POV are risk factors after colorectal cancer surgery. An assessment using these factors might be helpful for predicting PONV.
  • Prevalence and Predictors of Functional Evacuation Disorder in Patients with Chronic Constipation Original Article

    Behera, Manas Kumar; Mishra, Debakanta; Sahu, Manoj Kumar; Singh, Ayaskanta; Pati, Girish Kumar; Agarwal, Shobhit; Narayan, Jimmy

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background Functional evacuation disorder (FED) is the second most common cause of functional constipation (FC) after constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. However, the data on FED is relatively scanty in our region. Hence, the present study was performed to evaluate the demographics of FED and to find out the predictors of FED in patients with chronic constipation. Methods A total of 134 patients with chronic constipation diagnosed according to the Rome IV criteria who were referred for high-resolution anorectal manometry (HRAM) were retrospectively enrolled in the present study. All FC patients who underwent HRAM were asked to fill a questionnaire and underwent anorectal manometry and were submitted to the balloon expulsion test (BET). Results The mean age of patients was 43.09 ± 9.32 years old, with a total of 76 (54%) males. The most common symptom was straining during defecation (87%) followed by incomplete evacuation (86%). The prevalence of FED, diagnosed by HRAM and by the BET was 39%. Patients with FED had a significantly higher percentage of straining and sensation of anorectal blockade compared with those without FED (96 versus 82%; p < 0.01; 81 versus 44%; p < 0.001, respectively). On the multivariate regression analysis, straining > 30 minutes (odds ratio [OR] = 3.63; p = 0.03), maximum squeeze pressure (OR = 1.05; p < 0.001), and balloon volume at maximal sensation (OR = 1.06; p < 0.001) were found to be significant independent predictors of FED. Conclusion Prolonged straining and sensation of anorectal blockade were significant indicators of FED in patients with chronic constipation.
  • Vaginal Distention Rodent Model for Fecal Incontinence: A Pilot Study on the Effect on Defecation Behavior Original Article

    Douven, Perla; Franken, Glenn; Debets, Jacques; Joosten, Elbert A.; Koeveringe, Gommert A. van; Melenhorst, Jarno; Breukink, Stephanie O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objectives Vaginal balloon inflation simulates the compressive forces on the pelvic floor during the second phase of natural delivery. The foremost use of this animal model of vaginal distention (VD) is to study the mechanisms underlying urinary incontinence. As damage to the pelvic floor during natural birth is a common cause of fecal incontinence, the present paper aimed to investigate the effect of VD on defecation behavior in adult rats. Methods Vaginal distention was performed in 8 rats for 2 hours, and in 3 rats for 4 hours, and sham inflation was performed in 4 rats. With the use of a latrine box in the rat home-cage and 24/7 video tracking, the defecation behavior was examined. The time spent in and outside the latrine was monitored for two weeks preoperatively and three weeks postoperatively, and a defecation behavior index (DBI; range: 0 [continent] to 1 [incontinent]) was defined. Pelvic floor tissue was collected postmortem and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Results Vaginal balloon inflation for 2 hours resulted in fecal incontinence in 29% of the animals (responders) whereas the DBI scores of non-responders (71%) and control animals did not change in the postoperative phase compared with the baseline score. A 4-hour balloon inflation resulted in fecal incontinence in 1 animal and caused a humane endpoint in 2 animals with markedly more tissue damage in the 4-hour responder compared with the 2-hour responders. Conclusions Vaginal balloon inflation, with an optimum duration between 2 and 4 hours, can be used as a model to study changes in defecation behavior in rats induced by pelvic floor damage.
  • Obesity and Physical Activity in Ostomized Patients Original Article

    Macedo, Keila Marcia Ferreira; Souza, Ana Luiza Lima; Almeida, Fabio Marques; Costa, Nayara Tamillis Gonçalves Cruz; Oliveira, Wagna Maria Araújo; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Oliveira, Ênio Chaves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction The relationship between obesity and physical activity is still unknown in specific groups, such as people living with ostomies. Objective To assess the prevalence of obesity and the level of physical activity in ostomized individuals. Methods A cross-sectional study with a population of ostomized patients in two hospitals of a Brazilian city. Obesity was assessed by the Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical activity, by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results The study included 148 patients (55.4% of men [82]), with a mean age of 58.5 (±17.8) years, with 56.1% (83) of the sample aged 60 or older. Colostomies were identified as definitive in 67.6% (100), there were 28 cases (18.9%) of obesity, 67 (45.3%) overweight patients, and 31 (20.9%) subjects were underweight. Sedentary lifestyle was identified in 40.5% (60) of the participants. The mean BMI was significantly higher in men (25.9 ± 5.1), and a higher proportion of men were overweight (28; 34.1%); the underweight group had a greater proportion of women (20; 30.3%). An association between physical inactivity and underweight (p = 0.003) was found. Conclusion Most patients with ostomies, especially colostomies, are men over 60 years of age who are overweight or obese. In general, underweight individuals are more sedentary.
  • Doppler Ultrasound Testing Suggests Hemorrhoids in Females may be a Consequence of Impaired Blood Flow Associated with Pelvic Organ Prolapse Original Article

    Enache, Traian; Soare, Diana Elena

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background It has been observed that there is a high incidence of hemorrhoids in female patients with pelvic organ prolapse. Also, in these patients, hemorrhoidal disease improves after the surgical correction of the pelvic organ prolapse. Objective Our hypothesis was that a cause-effect relationship between pelvic organ prolapse, and hemorrhoids might be the key. The objective of this study was to find an element which connects these two conditions. Study Design We conducted a pilot study which consisted of two parts. An initial part, in which we asked several patients with grades III and IV pelvic organ prolapse and hemorrhoids, who have undergone surgery for prolapse, to determine the impact of the surgical restoration of the prolapsed organs on their hemorrhoidal disease. For the second part, on several patients with uncorrected uterine prolapse grades III and IV, we determined the resistive index of the hemorrhoidal branches within the rectal wall before and after manual reduction of the prolapse. Results First, more than 50% of patients who underwent uterine prolapse correction described an improvement of their hemorrhoidal disease of over 50%. Second, the resistive index of the hemorrhoidal branches was significantly lower after manual reduction of the prolapse. We consider that obstructed veins due to pelvic organ prolapse might induce the dilation of the hemorrhoids. The direct measurement of the resistive index of the hemorrhoidal branches allows us to directly assess the increased resistance in the rectal vascular system. Conclusion Venous stasis and impaired vascular flow might be the pathophysiological explanation for the association between pelvic organ prolapse and hemorrhoids. In these patients, the pathogenic treatment should aim at the restoration of a normal blood flow (prolapse surgical cure) instead of focusing on hemorrhoids only.
  • Does Prophylactic Use of Postcesarean Section Laxatives Favor Bowel Movements? Original Article

    Corrêa Neto, Isaac José Felippe; Pizzo, Juliana Lazzarini; Robles, Amanda Gambi; Mauri, Leonardo; Robles, Laercio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction Chronic constipation (CC) is a highly prevalent disease in Western society. Chronic constipation can have a different etiology in patients who underwent a cesarean section and result from postoperative stress and metabolic response to trauma, analgesic agents, immobilization, and dietary restrictions. Chronic constipation may also occur due to puerperium-related psychological changes and to the stretching and weakening of the perineal and abdominal muscles after childbirth. Objectives The present study analyzes intestinal transit restoration after a cesarean section and the influence of osmotic laxative agents. Methods The present prospective, nonrandomized sample study used the ROME III questionnaire and the Bristol stool scale in adult women who underwent a cesarean section. We divided the subjects into 2 groups, each with 30 patients, to compare the effect of the prophylactic administration of an osmotic laxative. Results We evaluated 60 randomly-chosen pregnant women from the Obstetrics ward of Hospital Santa Marcelina, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, from October 2019 to March 2020. Their mean age was 26.8 years old, and the mean gestation time was 37.95 weeks. Ten patients (16.7%) presented with constipation before the cesarean section, and 38 (63.3%) had a bowel movement after the procedure. However, in 84.2% of these patients, the usual stool consistency worsened. After the cesarean section, 46.7% of the women who did not receive laxative agents had a bowel movement, compared with 80% of those who did (p = 0.0074). Conclusion Some factors, including those related to the procedure, may hamper intestinal transit restoration after a cesarean section. Osmotic laxative agents can facilitate transit restoration with no negative effects in this group of patients.
  • Campsiandra laurifolia Reduces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Rats with Ulcerative Colitis Original Article

    da Fonseca, Sandielly Rebeca Benitez; de Souza, Lucas Petitemberte; Fillmann, Henrique Sarubbi; Hartmann, Renata Minuzzo; Colares, Josieli Raskopf; Schemitt, Elizângela Gonçalves; Brasil, Marilda da Silva; Suyenaga, Edna Sayuri; Marroni, Norma Anair Possa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Ulcerative colitis (UC) affects the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. One of the mechanisms involved in its etiology is oxidative stress (OS), directly involved in the inflammatory process characteristic of UC. The Campsiandra laurifolia, known as acapurana, was described as possessing antioxidant properties. We used 24 male Wistar rats, divided into control (CO), control + acapurana (CO + A), colitis (CL), and colitis + acapurana (CL + A) groups. This study performed histological analysis, measuring anal sphincter pressure (ASP) and lipoperoxidation (LPO). The activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) levels were evaluated. The expression of the nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The statistical analysis used was the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test; values were expressed as mean ± standard error, and the significance level was p < 0.05. In the animals of the CL group, we observed the destruction of the crypts and the presence of mucosal ulcers, edema, and submucosal inflammatory infiltrate, as well as increased damage to the intestinal mucosa, reduced ASP, increased LPO and SOD activity, reduced GSH levels, and increased expression of NFκB and iNOS. The administration of C. laurifolia in the CL + A group was shown to cause regeneration of crypts, reduction of inflammatory infiltrate, reduction of damage to the intestinal mucosa, increase in ASP, and reduction in LPO with the restoration of SOD activity and GSH levels. The immunohistochemistry of NFκB and iNOS was significantly reduced. Therefore, the C. laurifolia aqueous extract appears to exert an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect in rats with AA-induced colitis.
  • Higher Symptom Score, Larger Residual Rectocele, and Lower Rectal Compliance Predict Failure of Improvement after Surgical Treatment of Rectocele Original Article

    Emile, Sameh Hany; Elfallal, Ahmed Hossam; Abdelnaby, Mahmoud; Balata, Mohamed

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background Rectocele is a frequent finding in women and is usually asymptomatic. However, it is sometimes associated with symptoms of obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS). While most patients with ODS due to rectocele respond well to conservative treatment, some may require surgical treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the predictors of failure of symptom improvement after rectocele repair. Methods The study included adult women with rectocele who underwent surgical treatment by transperineal repair (TPR) or transvaginal repair (TVR). The preoperative and postoperative assessment was done using the Wexner constipation score, anorectal manometry, and defecography. Results A total of 93 female patients with a mean age of 43.7 years were included. Among them, 65.6% of patients underwent TPR and 34.4% underwent TVR; 22 (23.7%) patients reported failure of significant improvement in ODS symptoms after surgery. The independent predictors of failure of improvement were higher preoperative Wexner score (odds ratio, OR: 1.4, 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.09–1.84, p = 0.009), larger residual rectocele after repair (OR: 2.95, 95% CI: 1.43–6.08, p = 0.003), and lower postoperative maximum tolerable volume (OR: 0.949, 95% CI: 0.907–0.992, p = 0.02). The predictive cutoff point for the preoperative Wexner score was 15. Conclusions Patients with a preoperative Wexner score higher than 15 and larger residual rectocele after surgery may experience little improvement in symptoms after rectocele repair. Although TPR was associated with a poorer relief of symptoms than did TVR; it was not an independent predictor of failure.
  • Serum Long-Noncoding RNA H19 and β-Catenin as Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer in Egyptian Patients: A Case Control Study Original Article

    Elshazly, Ayat Abdelrahman Abdelrahman; Desouky, Mohammed Nageeb; Diab, Iman Hassan; Ibrahim, Abeer Mahmoud Ali; Dwedar, Fatma Ibrahim

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death; however, its early detection can improve the survival. Colonic polyps are considered one of the CRC's major risk factors. Throughout many biological processes and malignancies, the non-coding RNAs have essential functions. Certain long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), including H19, were supposed to be CRC possible biomarkers. Also, H19 has been reported to play a role in regulating the activity of β-catenin, a protein that regulates cell-to-cell adhesion, as well as gene transcription. The current work aimed to investigate the potential significance of LncRNA H19 relative serum expression level by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) and β-catenin by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as noninvasive biomarkers to discriminate between colorectal cancer and colonic polyps. The statistical analysis of the studied factors revealed that the serum expression of H19 and β-catenin in cancer cases were substantially greater than colonic polyp cases and normal control. Conclusion The relative expressions of H19 and beta-catenin in the serum can significantly discriminate patients with CRC from those with polyp and normal controls, which could help when screening for CRC.
  • Argon Plasma Coagulation in Radiation-induced Proctitis Review Article

    Góes, Fernanda Machado de Araujo; Ribeiro, Rebeca Sadigursky; Portugal, Matheus Mascarenhas; Abreu, Glicia Estevam de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a non-tactile ablative therapy that helps to stop rectal bleeding in patients who have developed actinic proctitis after exposure to radiotherapy. This approach seems to be more effective than medications or surgical procedures. Objective To review the literature to verify the effectiveness of APC in the treatment of patients with actinic proctitis induced by radiation therapies. Methods A systematic search was conducted on the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. We identified 81 studies, and 5 of them fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Results In the articles included, a total of 236 patients were evaluated. Most of them were men (67.7%) with a mean age of 66.6 years. Prostate cancer was the main cause of actinic proctitis (67.3%), and control of the bleeding was achieved in 83.3% of the cases, after a mean of 1.67 session of APC. Moreover, 66 patients had complications with the treatment, and rectal pain was the most referred. Conclusions Argon plasma coagulation is a well-tolerated and effective treatment to control rectal bleeding in patients who underwent radiotherapy, and the number of sessions varies from 1 to 2, according to the case.
  • Colorectal Cancer: Comparative Analysis Between Two Series of Patients Separated by More Than Three Decades Review Article

    Djadou, Teresa Moreno; Rey, Antonio; Die, Javier; Lobo, Eduardo; Pérez, Juan Carlos García

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Aim This study characterizes Colorectal Cancer (CRC) incidence in the University Hospital Ramon and Cajal, Madrid, and analyzes variations over time. It establishes risk groups, aiming to discover whether diagnosis can be determined in less advanced stages of disease. Method Evolutionary epidemiological study of genetic and environmental factors contributing to the development of CRC in this district that enables the comparison of two cohorts of patients separated by 37 years: G1 (patients of current group) and G2 (patients of historical group). The main risk variables gleaned retrospectively were analyzed and the statistical association between cohorts was determined. Results The mean age of patients increased significantly from 64 to 71 along with the incidence of ascending colon cancer. G1 scored higher than G2 for: the incidence of colon cancer in men, detection of adenomatous polyps (48.1%), percentage of resectability with curative intent (80.4%), and Dukes A stage (34.1%) (p < 0.001). Conclusion Biological aspects of CRC have been compared against its profile three decades earlier. We can confirm the existence of concrete changes in the manifestation and staging at the time of diagnosis or following earlier treatment.
  • Streptococcus gallolyticus Bacteremia Detected in Apheresis Platelets and Its Link to Colonic Neoplasms Case Report

    Lemanski, Francisco Costa Beber; Barp, Anna Laura Duro; Hammacher, Gabriela Kohl; Cas, Martina Estacia Da; Wink, Cristine Moratelli; Voloski, Ana Paula dos Santos; Pasqualotti, Adriano; Araújo, Cristiane da Silva Rodrigues de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction Streptococcus gallolyticus belongs to theStreptococcus bovis complex, and it is a common bacterium colonizing the gastrointestinal tract. Its presence in the blood may suggest an underlying pathology such as a colonic neoplasm. We report herein a case of S. bovis bacteremia in an apheresis platelet donor, review similar cases in the literature, and suggest a flowchart for the management of similar cases in other blood donation centers. Case Presentation A 61-year-old subject presented to a Hemotherapy Service to make an apheresis platelet donation. On quality control testing, S. gallolyticus was identified in hemoculture, and the donor was called back for follow-up. At first, a new hemoculture was requested, and the patient was referred to the outpatient department of infectious diseases to further investigate pathologies associated with S. gallolyticus. A subsequent colonoscopy investigation evidenced a polypoid structure in the ascending colon. Pathology reported the resected specimen as a low-grade tubular adenoma. Conclusion Isolation of S. bovis in blood products requires further investigation and should be managed with precision by Hemotherapy Services. A standard protocol for the management of asymptomatic patients with S. bovis positive hemoculture, with the requests of a new blood culture, a colonoscopy, and an echocardiogram is crucial, as it may ensure early diagnosis and reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • Proctological Manifestation of Monkeypox Letter To The Editor

    Mungmunpuntipantip, Rujittika; Wiwanitkit, Viroj
Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil