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Traditional practices and sustainable development: local indicators of sustainability among caiçaras and quilombolas in Bocaina

Prácticas tradicionales y desarrollo sustentable: indicadores locales de sustentabilidad entre comunidades caiçaras y quilombolas en Bocaina


This article presents the methodology and findings of a study that proposed a set of local indicators for monitoring progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 in caiçara and quilombola communities in the territory of Bocaina in the municipalities of Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) and Ubatuba (São Paulo). The objective was to adapt a global and Brazilian national agenda to the territory level and to construct specific indicators to reflect that “localisation”. To begin with, 40 goals of Agenda 2030 were selected and adapted to conditions in the territory. Then a qualitative study of quilombolas and caiçaras identified local problems in achieving sustainable development and the alternative solutions developed to address those problems. On the basis of that study and secondary data from socioeconomic, environmental and public service information on those populations, 87 local indicators were constructed for the purpose of monitoring progress towards Agenda 2030 targets and goals in the territory.

Agenda 2030; sustainable development; local indicators; quilombolas; caiçaras


El artículo presenta la metodología y los resultados de un estudio que propone un conjunto de indicadores locales para monitorear la evolución de la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas 2030 en comunidades caiçaras y quilombolas en el territorio de Bocaina (municipios de Paraty, Rio de Janeiro y Ubatuba, S.Paulo). El objetivo fue adaptar una agenda global/nacional al nivel local y elaborar indicadores específicos capaces de aprehender su “localización”. Inicialmente se seleccionaron 40 metas de la Agenda 2030, adaptadas a las condiciones del territorio; luego, una investigación cualitativa con las comunidades identificó problemáticas locales para lograr un desarrollo sostenible y las alternativas desarrolladas para abordarlas. A partir de estos y de datos secundarios con información socioeconómica, ambiental y de prestación de servicios públicos para estas poblaciones, se elaboraron 87 indicadores locales, para monitorear las metas y objetivos de la Agenda 2030 en el território.

Agenda 2030; desarrollo sostenible; indicadores locales; territorio de Bocaina; quilombolas; caiçaras; prácticas tradicionales


O artigo apresenta a metodologia e os resultados de um estudo que propõe um conjunto de indicadores locais para acompanhar a evolução da Agenda 2030 do Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Organização das Nações Unidas em comunidades caiçaras e quilombolas no território da Bocaina, nos municípios de Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) e Ubatuba (S.Paulo). O objetivo foi adaptar uma agenda global/nacional ao nível do território e construir indicadores específicos capazes de apreender sua “localização”. Inicialmente foram selecionadas 40 metas da Agenda 2030 adaptadas às condições do território; em seguida, uma pesquisa qualitativa com quilombolas e caiçaras identificou problemas locais para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável e alternativas desenvolvidas para enfrentá-los. Com base nessa pesquisa e em dados secundários com informações socioeconômicas, ambientais e sobre oferta de serviços públicos para essas populações, foram construídos 87 indicadores locais com o objetivo de acompanhar as metas e objetivos da Agenda 2030 no território.

Agenda 2030; desenvolvimento sustentável; indicadores locais; território da Bocaina; quilombolas; caiçaras; práticas tradicionais


Since 1987, when the United Nations (UN) institutionalised the notion of “sustainable development”, integrating the environmental issue with a type of economic development that would guarantee a future for generations to come (UN, 1987), a number of global initiatives have been driving action in that direction. In 2000, the UN’s eight Millennium Development Goals associated action to combat hunger and poverty with implementation of policies for health, sanitation, education, housing, gender equality and the environment (UN, 2000).

In 2015, Agenda 2030 was approved by 193 countries at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, broadening the commitment and setting 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 169 targets and 232 indicators to monitor implementation in different countries (UN, 2015). Agenda 2030 takes as its point of departure the universal principle of people’s dignity and equality and, stressing human diversity, it acknowledges the practices, values and socioeconomic alternatives of populations living in specific territories (UN, 2015). In that regard, MOALLEMI et al. (2019MOALLEMI, E. A.; MALEKPOUR, S.; HADJIKAKOU, M.; RAVEN, R.; SZETEY, K.; MOGHADAM, M. M.; BANDARI, R.; LESTER, R.; BRYAN, B. A. Local Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The Lancet Planetary Health, v. 3, n. 6, pp. 240-241, 2019. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 13 May 2021.
) proposed a participatory, inclusive Local Agenda 2030 associating the SDGs with local sociocultural, economic, political and environmental contexts. Implementation would mean identifying local indicators and sustainability goals, as well as actions and pathways to attain them. Adaptation of the global goals to realities in Brazil was coordinated by the Applied Economic Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, IPEA), with the participation of technical staffs of other government agencies (BRASIL, 2018). This study is intended to contribute to the monitoring of Agenda 2030 at the local level, with a focus on the territory of Bocaina, which extends over the municipalities of Angra dos Reis, Paraty (coast of southern Rio de Janeiro State) and Ubatuba (coast of northern São Paulo State) and holds more than one hundred traditional caiçara, indigenous and quilombola communities (NASCIMENTO, 2019NASCIMENTO, V. O Fórum de Comunidades Tradicionais e o Observatório de Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Bocaina. In: GALLO, E.; NASCIMENTO, V. (Orgs.). O território pulsa: territórios sustentáveis e saudáveis da Bocaina: soluções para a promoção da saúde e do desenvolvimento sustentável territorializados. Paraty: Fiocruz, 2019. pp. 13-21.; GALLO, et al. 2020GALLO, E; NASCIMENTO V; ALVES, P. A; LAFETÁ, C; NINIS, A; CRISTO, C. O Observatório dos Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Bocaina (OTSS): territorialização e comunidades tradicionais no centro do debate sobre desenvolvimento sustentável. In: REPOSITÓRIO DE CASOS SOBRE O BIG PUSH PARA A SUSTENTABILIDADE NO BRASIL. Estudo de Caso. Brasília, DF: Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) das Nações Unidas, 2020. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 10 Jan 2021.
).1 1 - Caiçara is the name given to traditional coastal populations between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Paraná that practice a subsistence economy.Quilombolas are the equivalent of Maroons of the Caribbean; quilombos are their settlements.

The name “Bocaina Territory” (Território da Bocaina) was given by the Angra dos Reis, Paraty and Ubatuba Traditional Communities’ Forum (Fórum das Comunidades Tradicionais de Angra dos Reis, Paraty e Ubatuba, FCT) and the Observatory of Sustainable, Healthy Territories of the Bocaina (Observatório dos Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Bocaina, OTSS) to reflect their catchment area. The FCT brings together indigenous, quilombola and caiçara communities on various issues connected with defending that territory. The OTSS is a partnership between the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the FCT to produce combined traditional and scientific knowledge with a view to developing strategies for sustainable development, health and rights of traditional communities in their territories (NASCIMENTO, 2019NASCIMENTO, V. O Fórum de Comunidades Tradicionais e o Observatório de Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Bocaina. In: GALLO, E.; NASCIMENTO, V. (Orgs.). O território pulsa: territórios sustentáveis e saudáveis da Bocaina: soluções para a promoção da saúde e do desenvolvimento sustentável territorializados. Paraty: Fiocruz, 2019. pp. 13-21.).

Local communities in the Bocaina, including quilombolas and caiçaras, have been working to build sustainable development strategies that incorporate a great deal of their traditions in interactions with the broader context where they are embedded. These strategies include ecological sanitation, community-based tourism, differentiated education and agro-ecology (OTSS, Attaining SDG targets depends on these and other initiatives in contexts including institutions, relations between public agents and civil society, public policies, forms of governance and so on.

This article proposes a set of local indicators to enable Agenda 2030 to be monitored locally among quilombolas and caiçaras in the Bocaina Territory. The proposal resulted from a study with three components: adjustment of Brazilian national Agenda 2030 goals to conditions in the Bocaina Territory; data from a qualitative study that identified convergences and conflicts between, on the one hand, traditional caiçara and quilombola ways of life and, on the other, the goals and targets of Agenda 2030; and secondary data on the conditions of life of the communities in the territory.

Caiçaras and quilombolas in the Bocaina Territory

The Bocaina Territory lies between Brazil’s two major metropoles - São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - in the Atlantic Forest biome, where two of the largest continuous portions of Atlantic Forest are to be found (Figure 1). This forest is in a good state of conservation as a result of steep hillsides, which are unsuitable for agricultural activities (CEPF, 2001), and the large number of protected areas and traditional communities (MANSANO, 1998).

Since colonial times, the region’s caiçaras and quilombolas have engaged in manual fishing, plant extraction, small-scale farming, service provision and supply of produce to urban areas (MUSSOLINI, 1980MUSSOLINI, G. Ensaios de antropologia indígena e caiçara. Edgard Carone (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1980.; GOMES, 2005). The caiçara communities are descended from European (generally Portuguese), indigenous and black stock, and were originally formed by subsistence fisher-farmers in coastal areas between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Paraná (MUSSOLINI, 1980; ADAMS, 2000ADAMS, C. As roças e o manejo da mata atlântica pelos caiçaras: uma revisão. Interciencia, Caracas, v. 25, n. 3, May-Jun, pp. 143-150, 2000.).

Figure 1
Location of traditional communities of Ubatuba (SP) and Paraty (RJ)

Among the caiçaras, land occupation was based on family units that developed by providing agricultural produce to the large sugar estates and mining zones of Minas Gerais, (MUSSOLINI, 1980MUSSOLINI, G. Ensaios de antropologia indígena e caiçara. Edgard Carone (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1980.; ADAMS, 2000ADAMS, C. As roças e o manejo da mata atlântica pelos caiçaras: uma revisão. Interciencia, Caracas, v. 25, n. 3, May-Jun, pp. 143-150, 2000.). Communication between the communities, villages and towns was by boat or paths through the Atlantic Forest. The region’s caiçaras were distributed in more than 64 communities (OTSS, along the coast.

The quilombolas are remnants of quilombo communities from the slavery period, which formed peasant micro-societies that bartered or sold produce through non-slaves or even slaves on nearby farms, thus also forming interethnic interactions (GOMES, 2005).

The quilombos are quite diverse, depending on their history, location and place in the social and economic dynamics. At present, the quilombola issue rests on three main, interconnected components: territory, cultural identity and, more recently, racism. It is the State’s recognition of the group as quilombola that gives the right to occupy, and subsequently gain title to, the land as the collective property of the quilombo. There are eight quilombos in the Bocaina Territory, of which only Campinho da Independência, in Paraty, has gained title since 1999.

In the 1970s, the laying of the Rio-Santos highway (BR 101) and the territory’s transformation into a tourist hub has attracted land-grabbers and real estate speculation with a view to building luxury residential complexes and resorts. Sales of land for derisory amounts, expulsion of locals and migration to the region’s urban peripheries have been the most destructive effects on traditional ways of life, particularly among the caiçaras (DIEGUES & NOGARA, 2005; MANSANO, 1998; SILVA, 2016). The 1970s also saw the creation of the region’s first conservation units, including the Serra da Bocaina National Park, in 1972, and the Picinguaba Unit of the Serra do Mar State Park, in 1979. However, environmental legislation introduced over the decades up to the end of the twentieth century generally does not contemplate local populations when creating these protected areas, but applies a conservationism anchored in the nineteenth-century “untouched Nature” view, which defines the United States parks (DIEGUES, 2008). Where these units - and particularly the strict protection areas - have been overlaid on traditional territories, this has placed limits on real estate speculation, but has also prevented a number of traditional activities based on oral knowledge, restricting the communities’ social and symbolic reproduction and the reproduction of biodiversity.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the view that traditional populations’ ways of life contribute to environmental conservation and the reproduction of biodiversity gained standing in scientific circles (DIEGUES, 2000; CARNEIRO DA CUNHA et al., 2021CARNEIRO DA CUNHA, M.; MAGALHÃES, S. B; ADAMS, C. Povos tradicionais e biodiversidade no Brasil: contribuições dos povos indígenas, quilombolas e comunidades tradicionais para a biodiversidade, políticas e ameaças. São Paulo: SBPC, 2021.). From the closing decades of the twentieth century on, environmental and social movements, local organisations and an international agenda that acknowledged the value of biological and cultural diversity gave new status to traditional communities on the political, economic and environmental agenda, associating their practices with nature conservation and sustainable development (BARRETO FILHO, 2006). International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 169 of 1989 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, which has been in force in Brazil since 2003, acknowledged traditional peoples’ cultural and ethnic specificity and their right to land. Those communities’ knowledge of their problems provides the basis for them to develop sustainable activities and for the formulation of significant local indicators (MOALLEMI, 2019MOALLEMI, E. A.; MALEKPOUR, S.; HADJIKAKOU, M.; RAVEN, R.; SZETEY, K.; MOGHADAM, M. M.; BANDARI, R.; LESTER, R.; BRYAN, B. A. Local Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The Lancet Planetary Health, v. 3, n. 6, pp. 240-241, 2019. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 13 May 2021.
). That was the starting point for the local indicators proposed here.

Local indicators: methodological considerations

Local indicators can be of two types, quantitative or qualitative (REED et al., 2006REED, M. S.; FRASER E. D. G.; DOUGILL A. J. An adaptative learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities. Ecological Economics, v. 59, n. 4, pp. 406-418, 2006.; HOLMAN, 2009HOLMAN, N. Incorporating local sustainability indicators into structures of local governance: a review of the literature. Local environment, v. 14, n. 4, pp. 365-375, 2009. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 23 Jan 2020.
; BANATI; OYUGI, 2019BANATI, P.; OYUGI, J. Longitudinal research for sustainable development: Toward a policy-driven agenda. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, v. 227, n. 2, pp. 149-153, 2019. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 7 Dec. 2020.
). These types are associated with different approaches to data production, which may be top-down, practiced by experts who construct quantitative indicators generally with data from administrative bases and public statistics or from surveys, or bottom-up, generally qualitative, based on participation by populations, which point up local problems and priorities to be monitored by way of indicators (BELL; MORSE, 2001BELL, S.; MORSE, S. Breaking through the glass ceiling: Who really cares about Sustainability Indicators. Local Environment, v. 6, n. 3, pp. 291-309, 2001. Available at: <> . Accessed on: 10 January 2021.
; REED et al., 2006). Both have potentials and limitations, and it is possible to identify indicators that combine the strong points of each methodology (REED et al., 2006). While the bottom-up approach grasps specificities and perspectives of the local population, the top-down approach can introduce regularly collected administrative data and public statistics. The proposal advanced here combines these two types of data in monitoring progress towards the goals of Agenda 2030.

Another methodological issue involved in constructing local indicators based on qualitative research is generalisation. Is it possible to generalise findings and construct indicators for a set of communities from qualitative research conducted with an intentional - that is, statistically non-representative - sample?

Qualitative studies seek to understand what certain phenomena mean to their informants. How viable is it to generalise from them to construct indicators on the basis of the perceptions of only a few informants? Gobo (2004GOBO, G. Sampling, representativeness and generalizability. In: SEALE, C.; GOBO, G.; GUBRIUM J. F; SILVERMAN, D. (ed.). Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage, 2004.) showed that qualitative studies cannot be evaluated on the same basis as quantitative studies; e.g., that generalisation must be based on statistical representativeness and probability sampling. Generalisation in qualitative research is different from that based on statistical representativeness. Qualitative studies can generalise findings from one case studied in relation to a theory or to other contexts with similar circumstances (FIRESTONE, 1993FIRESTONE, W. A. Alternative arguments for generalizing from data as applied to qualitative research. Educational Researcher, v. 22, n. 4, pp. 16-23, 1993. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 13 Sept 2020.
; POLIT & BECK, 2010POLIT, D. F., BECK, C. T. Generalization in quantitative and qualitative research: Myths and strategies. International Journal of Nursing Studies, v. 47, n. 11, pp. 1451-1458, 2010.). Their data confirm and generate theories, explore social issues and produce new information. Qualitative data are both singular to a given individual and typical, because the experiences that characterise one situation can be found in other situations. This has been demonstrated by a number of qualitative researchers (FIRESTONE, 1993; LINCOLN; GUBA, 1986LINCOLN, Y. S; GUBA, E. G. But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Program Evaluation, San Francisco, v. 1986, n. 30, pp. 73-84, 1986. Special Issue: Naturalistic Evaluation. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 02 Feb 2021.
; DELMAR, 2010DELMAR, C. “Generalizability” as recognition: reflections on a foundational problem in qualitative research. Qualitative Studies, v. 1, n. 2, pp. 115-128, 2010. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 17 Jun 2020.
; CARMINATI, 2018CARMINATI, L. Generalizability in qualitative research: A tale of two traditions. Qualitative Health Research, v. 28 n. 13, pp. 1-8, 2018. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 10 December 2020.
; MORSE, 1999MORSE, J. M. Qualitative Generalizability. Qualitative Health Research, Salt Lake City v. 9, n. 1, pp. 5-6, 1999. Editorial.; GOBO, 2004GOBO, G. Sampling, representativeness and generalizability. In: SEALE, C.; GOBO, G.; GUBRIUM J. F; SILVERMAN, D. (ed.). Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage, 2004.; POLIT & BECK, 2010).

Gobo (2004GOBO, G. Sampling, representativeness and generalizability. In: SEALE, C.; GOBO, G.; GUBRIUM J. F; SILVERMAN, D. (ed.). Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage, 2004.) highlighted the difference between sample representativeness and generalisation of findings. What is important in qualitative sampling is to select the variation and sociological representativeness of the phenomenon in question. A group’s experiences express a social and economic history. The sample expresses a set of characteristics and not just the specific interviewees or the community to which they belong. Generalisation is possible when there are no significant differences among the sample units, when the study population is homogeneous. The experiences of the interviewees express structures and can be observed in other cases. The generalisation relates to social representativeness: more to overall structures than to singular social practices, which merely exemplify those structures (GOBO, 2004GOBO, G. Sampling, representativeness and generalizability. In: SEALE, C.; GOBO, G.; GUBRIUM J. F; SILVERMAN, D. (ed.). Qualitative Research Practice. London: Sage, 2004.).

These are the elements that lead to saturation in qualitative research and warrant halting sampling: the situations manifest in the data begin to repeat in other narratives and experiences. This repetition is a small sign of how more general structures and phenomena manifest in individual lives (BERTAUX, 1981).

The basis for the local indicators proposed here was given by identifying the major problems facing the communities, the obstacles to solution of those problems and the sustainable development options available. When a problem is defined, there are political implications, depending on who does the defining. What, to one group, is a problem may be a solution to another, depending on the interests and values at stake (KINGDON, 2011KINGDON, J. W. Agendas, alternatives and public policies. Updated 2nd Edition. Boston: Longman, 2011.). In this study, the problems and obstacles to taking social, economic and environmental options compatible with sustainable development were defined in view of the convergences between two perspectives: that of the traditional populations and that of Agenda 2030.

Methodology for constructing the indicators

How the indicators were constructed will now be described step by step.

a) Adjusting Brazil’s national goals to the Bocaina Territory.

Of the 169 global goals of Agenda 2030, the group coordinated by the IPEA selected 167 and added a further 8, totalling 175 national goals (BRASIL, 2018). Of these, 40 were selected as applicable to local conditions in the Bocaina and amenable to monitoring by way of qualitative research data, administrative data or public statistics disaggregated to the level of the study territory and populations.

b) Qualitative research

This research was intended to obtain information and perceptions from quilombolas and caiçaras as to: the obstacles to their pursuing traditional ways of life, and how the latter converged and conflicted with Agenda 2030; local sustainable development alternatives; access to public services; mechanisms for participation; and structures of governance.

Despite their specific distinguishing features, the quilombola and caiçara communities share common socioeconomic conditions and face similar problems in the territory. That was the basis for the social representativeness of informants from different communities, whose experiences express phenomena, processes and structures in common with other individuals belonging to similar communities in the territory. Data provided by informants from one community can be generalised to other communities, because the same social processes affect their ways of life and are manifest at the level of personal experience. Issues such as disputes for territory, legal conflicts over land, difficulty in accessing schools and lack of sanitation are common to quilombolas and caiçaras. Other problems are specific to certain communities, depending on their history and location in the territory. Data relating only to quilombolas or to caiçaras were differentiated in order to be expressed by indicators specific to each of these groups.

The field research was performed between October 2019 and March 2020. Communities and informants were selected during preparatory visits, local events and suggestions during the fieldwork (snowball sampling). Advance visits were made to the caiçara settlements of São Gonçalo, Ilha do Pelado (Paraty) and Camburi, and to the Fazenda (Ubatuba) and Campinho da Independência quilombos.

A total of 19 caiçaras (10 men and 9 women) and 8 quilombolas (5 women and 3 men) were interviewed. Of these 27 people, 6 were leaders (2 quilombolas and 4 caiçaras), who were active in the FCT, municipal councils, territorial management bodies, legal authorities and local associations. Two caiçara and two quilombola leaders were interviewed during an FCT workshop held at the Campinho da Independência quilombo and the other two, in the communities visited. While most of the leaders interviewed were men (5 men and 1 woman), women were a majority among the community members (12 women and 7 men).

Five communities - three caiçara, one quilombola and one mixed - were visited for the interviews with community members. The interviews of caiçaras in Paraty were conducted at Calhaus (3 men and 1 woman) and at the Pouso da Cajaíba (3 women); at Ubatuba, in Picinguaba, including a small area of its hinterland known as Cabeçuda (4 women and 2 men). The interviews of quilombolas were held in Ubatuba, at the Caçandoca quilombo (4 women and 2 men). At the mixed community of Camburi, Ubatuba, 2 caiçara men and 1 quilombola woman were interviewed.

Two semi-structured scripts were prepared, one for leaders and the other for the remaining informants, both with questions relating to the 40 goals of Agenda 2030 adjusted to the local context. The leaders were asked about the economic and political obstacles and alternatives as regards sustainable development. The other interviewees were asked about their conditions and ways of life, identity, access to public services, problems and future prospects. Plans to sample a larger number of communities and interviewees were prevented by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was approved by the research ethics committee. After authorisation by declaration of free and informed consent, the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed.

As a result of the type of development predominant in the region, the leaders pointed to disordered occupation of the territory, predatory tourism, environmental degradation and pollution of water resources. They also highlighted problems encountered with legal and government authorities they had dealings with, land disputes and conflicts with environmental agencies due to environmental legislation and relating to natural resource use, particularly in strict conservation areas. Quilombolas stressed that difficulty in gaining title to territory was a key problem in securing the conditions for their existence.

The interviews revealed that supply of public services (sanitation, refuse collection, transport, education and health) was precarious, particularly in communities accessible only by boat or dirt roads. Service provision is the responsibility of the municipal authorities and depends on the territory’s legal status.

Initiatives convergent with the SDGs that were mentioned included some already ongoing and in partnership with public bodies: Sustainable Use Authorisation Agreements (Termo de Autorização de Uso Sustentável, TAUS) between the traditional community and the Union Heritage Secretariat (Secretaria do Patrimônio da União, SPU), with the support of the conservation area’s managing body; differential education; community-based tourism; agro-ecology; ecological sanitation; and environmental education.

c) Secondary data collection

The qualitative research findings guided the search for public data relating to the problems identified and the 40 local goals. That search covered such municipal, state, federal, utility (water and electricity), conservation area management and civil society organisation data bases as contained regular records. Data was selected for the following attributes: sensitivity in expressing the phenomenon to be monitored, the periodicity, regularity and reliability of the records, and their levels of disaggregation and comparability over time.

Public agencies’ administrative data usually meet those requirements, but are not always sufficiently disaggregated to reflect local phenomena. Individual administrative records, such as personal data, are protected by information confidentiality laws, making it difficult to consult data bases disaggregated to the community level, even when available and not individually identifiable. Examples are the data of the federal government’s CadÚnico and the General Fisheries Activity Register (Registro Geral da Atividade Pesqueira, RGP).

Data posted for public access via the Internet were obtained on the community, micro-territory or municipality scale. The micro-territory is a sub-unit within municipalities and specified on the basis of the communities’ historical and sociocultural features. Data on a community or micro-territory do not always distinguish the groups - “quilombola” or “caiçara” - to which they apply. Nonetheless, as they do refer to the populations of specific areas, they were considered to refer to those groups.

d) Proposed local indicators

At this stage, the local goals were considered against the data from the research and secondary sources to ascertain the compatibility between the qualitative data, data from secondary sources and the goals and their attributes to be used as indicators. The administrative records constituted the main data source, whenever they satisfied the requirements of regularity and disaggregation as regards spatial scale and the groups being studied.

The smallest geographical scales attained by the indicators were community, micro-territory and municipality. Most of the indicators relating to the community were based on the administrative records of civil society organisations active in the territory. However, although these organisations generally engage with major interventions in the collective interest, they do not always record data or do so regularly. The indicators based on the qualitative research related to interviewees’ perceptions, and can be generalised on a broader scale. The indicators for the micro-territory were generally sourced from data in the records of primary care clinics and schools in the communities and adjacent areas. Communities close together and with small populations shared health and education services. At the municipality scale, the indicators were based on public administrative records, such as the CadÚnico, records of procurement of family farm produce and fishery records - and also on indicators relating to traditional fishing territories and surrounding areas, including oil spills, illegal fishing infractions, volumes of fish landed and monitoring of fishing activities.

Some aspects of the territory are not directly measurable, but are very important. These were monitored by resorting to proxies. For example, insecure land tenure is one of the main problems facing traditional communities in the Bocaina, and defending the territory is a key element of their struggles. In order to monitor the situation of the communities’ access to land and the evolution of public policies that contribute to attaining global goal 1.4, six indicators were proposed in relation to SDG 1 (poverty eradication). Two of these express advances towards this goal in the territory: “the percentage of quilombos with title” and “the number of actions to regularise land tenure of caiçara and quilombola territories: (a) the number of Sustainable Use Authorisation Agreements (Termo de Autorização de Uso Sustentável, TAUS) granted and (b) the number of Concessions of Real Right of Use (Concessões de Direito Real de Uso, CDRUs) granted”. For both, the smallest scale of disaggregation is the community and they are easily disaggregated. The former is readily available, but obtaining information on the latter entails a series of consultations.

For reasons of space in this article, in some cases, a single indicator aggregates the condition of caiçaras and quilombolas or supply of different services. Specific conditions relating to each of the social groups, or even communities and services, may be disaggregated to form more than one indicator.

Chart 1, below, shows the results of this work: that is, a set of 87 local indicators relating to the 40 local goals and 17 SDGs and developed for the purpose of reflecting progress towards Agenda 2030.

SDG / No. of the Selected National Goal / Local indicators / Source



1.3. Assure access to the social protection system for all, nationwide, by 2030, guaranteeing comprehensive coverage to the poor and to persons in situations of vulnerability.

No. of caiçara/quilombola beneficiaries of cash transfer programmes


Percentage of traditional communities covered by a CRAS in the territory


1.4. By 2030 guarantee that all men and women, particularly the poor and persons in situations of vulnerability, have access to social services, basic infrastructure, new technologies and means of production, information and communication technologies, financial services and secure and equitable access to land and natural resources.

No. of land tenure regularisation actions in traditional territories: (a) No. of TAUSs granted and (b) No. of CDRUs granted


No. of traditional communities in strict protection conservation areas with signed commitment agreements enabling them to pursue activities connected with their traditional way of life


No. of environmental licencing processes with prior consultation of the traditional communities affected

SMM, Ibama, INEA, FF and OSC

No. of positively resolved legal processes involving land use conflicts in traditional territories


Percentage of quilombos certified


Percentage of quilombos with title


1.5. By 2030, build up the resilience of the poor and those in situations of vulnerability, reduce their exposure and vulnerability to extreme climate events and economic, social and environmental disasters.

No. of local initiatives to reduce disaster risk in line with national strategies

Civil Defence



2.1. By 2030, eradicate hunger and guarantee access for all, particularly the poor and persons in vulnerable situations, including children and older adults, to sufficient safe, healthy and culturally appropriate food all year round.

No. of undernourished quilombola and caiçara children under 5 years old


No. of permits issued by conservation area managements authorising small-scale farming, implementation of production activity support structures and forestry management and exploitation.


Interviewees’ perceptions as to existence of hunger in the community

Qualitative research

2.3. By 2030, increase the agricultural productivity and income of small food producers, particularly women, family farmers, traditional peoples and communities, with a view to ensuring both these populations’ production for self-consumption and social reproduction and their socioeconomic development, by way of secure and equitable access to: i) traditionally occupied land and territories; ii) technical assistance and rural extension, respecting their culturally transmitted practices and knowledge; iii) specific credit lines; iv) local and institutional markets, including public procurement policies; v) incentives to association- and cooperative-building; and vi) opportunities for adding value and non-agricultural employment.

No. of caiçaras and quilombolas who participate in family farming programmes

Conab, Secret. Agric. Abast. SP, ITESP

No. of physical and legal DAPs granted to family farmers and traditional small-scale fishermen


No. of National Family Farming seals issued to family farmers and traditional small-scale fishermen, by modality


2.4. By 2030, guarantee sustainable food production systems by means of research, technical assistance and rural extension policies, and others, with a view to implementing resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and, at the same time, restore and conserve ecosystem services, so as to strengthen their ability to adapt to climate changes, extreme weather conditions, drought, flooding and other disasters and progressively improve the quality of the land, soil, water and air.

No. of organic produce certifications


No. of de agro-ecological projects in caiçara and quilombola communities


No. of initiatives in support of the socio-biodiversity production chain in caiçara and quilombola communities

ICMBio and OSC

2.5. By (2020) 2030 guarantee the conservation of genetic diversity of native and domesticated species of plants, animals and micro-organisms that are important to food and agriculture, by adopting ex-situ, in-situ and on-farm conservation strategies, including germplasm banks, community seed houses or banks and breeding units and other forms of conservation appropriately managed at the local, regional and international levels.

No of initiatives in support of creole seed sharing


No. of community seed banks in quilombo and caiçara territories




3.7. By 2030, assure universal access to sexual and reproductive health services and inputs, including reproductive planning, information and education, as well as the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.

No. of initiatives in health education and prevention of pregnancy in adolescence at traditional communities’ health facilities.


Percentage of schools in caiçara and quilombola communities that participate in the Health at School Programme (Programa Saúde na Escola)


3.8. Through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS), assure universal health coverage, access to essential services of quality at all levels of care and access to safe, effective, quality essential medicines and vaccines listed in the schedule of products offered by the SUS.

Interviewees’ perceptions of health service quality

Qualitative research

Percentage of calls answered by caiçara and quilombola mobile emergency care units

SAMU and Civil Defence

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with appropriate access to primary health care facilities

Qualitative research

Percentage of primary health care facilities with health agents and/or nurses in caiçara and quilombola communities




4.1. By 2030, guarantee that all girls and boys complete equitable, quality, lower and upper secondary education at the appropriate age by assuring free supply in the public system that is conducive to satisfactory relevant learning outcomes.

Interviewees’ perceptions as to migration of children and young people to continue their schooling elsewhere

Qualitative research

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with access to school transport


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with appropriate access (10 min. by boat or on foot) to primary schooling


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with appropriate access (10 min. by boat or on foot) to lower secondary schooling


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola schools with Internet access


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola schools with a library


Age-grade incongruence in the final two years of lower secondary school in caiçara and quilombola communities


4.5. By 2030, eliminate gender and race inequalities in education and guarantee equitable conditions of access, attendance and success at all levels, stages and modalities of education for groups in situations of vulnerability, particularly persons with disability, rural populations, itinerant populations, indigenous and traditional communities, adolescents and young people under supervision orders and populations on the street or deprived of freedom.

Percentage of boys and girls who complete lower secondary school at the caiçara and quilombola communities’ schools


4.7. By 2030, guarantee that all pupils acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation for cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.

No. of capacitation activities and courses promoting sustainable development that are offered in caiçara and quilombola communities

ICMBio, FF and OSC

No. of teachers at schools of caiçara and quilombola communities who receive continued professional development for differentiated education


Percentage of schools of caiçara and quilombola communities that offer differentiated education




5.5. Guarantee women’s full and effective participation and equality of leadership opportunities at all decision-making levels in the political and economic dimensions of the public sphere, considering intersections with race, ethnicity, age, deficiency, sexual orientation, gender identity, territoriality, culture, religion and nationality, especially for women from the fields, forests, waters and urban peripheries.

No. of caiçara and quilombola women with mandates on local councils


No. of caiçara and quilombola women on the boards of local (a) associations and (b) cooperatives


5.a. Guarantee women equal rights in economic resources, access to property, control of land, financial goods and services, inheritance and natural resources pursuant to Brazilian laws.

Percentage of TAUSs granted to caiçara and quilombola women.

SPU and ICMBio



6.1. By 2030, provide universal and equitable access for all to safe water for human consumption.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with access to drinking water


No. of actions to implement, extend and improve water supply services in caiçara and quilombola communities

Sabesp and Águas de Paraty

Interviewees’ perceptions as to quality of water for human consumption in caiçara and quilombola communities

Qualitative research

6.2. By 2030, assure access to appropriate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, and put an end to open defecation, with special attention to the needs of women and girls and persons in situations of vulnerability.

No. of sanitary installations in caiçara and quilombola communities

Sabesp, Águas de Paraty and OSC

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities connected to the sewage collection network

Sabesp, Águas de Paraty and OSC

6.6. By (2020)2030, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wet zones, rivers, aquifers and lakes.

No. of gallery forest restoration initiatives.




7.1. By 2030, assure reliable, modern, universal access to energy services at affordable prices.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with access to electricity

Enel, Elektro and OSC



8.6. Reduce the proportion of young people who are neither in an occupation, studying or in training by 10 percentage points by 2030.

No. of capacity-building and job creation initiatives for young people in caiçara and quilombola communities


Interviewees’ perceptions of the situation as regards young people with no occupation

Qualitative research

8.9. By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote responsible, sustainable tourism that is accessible to all and generates decent employment and work, improves income distribution and promotes local culture and products.

No. of community-based tourism capacity-building courses offered to caiçaras and quilombolas

SMTurismo, ICMBio, INEA, FF and OSC

No. of studies of the tourist carrying capacity of the caiçara and quilombola territories


No. of community-based tourism initiatives implemented in the caiçara and quilombola territories

SMTurismo, ICMBio, INEA, FF and OSC

No. of tourism management plans implemented in the caiçara and quilombola territories




9.1. Improve Brazil’s transport system infrastructure, with a focus on sustainability and safety in traffic and transport, levelling regional inequalities, promoting regional and cross-border integration, seeking least cost in passenger and cargo transport and avoiding losses, and increase participation by high-capacity modes, such as railways, waterways and pipelines, making it accessible and affording wellbeing to all.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities at 2km from access to a passable highway


9.c. Significantly increase access to information and communication technologies and strive to offer universal Internet access at affordable prices by 2030, seeking to guarantee data quality, privacy and protection and cybernetic security.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with mobile network coverage




10.2. By 2030, empower and promote social, economic and political inclusion for all, so as to reduce inequalities, independently of age, gender, deficiency, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, economic or other condition.

No. of positively resolved legal actions relating to community rights in caiçara and quilombola territories


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with protocols in place for prior, free, informed and consensual consultation in line with ILO Convention 169




11.1. By 2030, guarantee access for all to decent, appropriate housing at affordable prices and to basic services, and urbanise precarious settlements according to the goals of Brazil’s National Housing Plan (Plano Nacional de Habitação), with special attention to groups in situations of vulnerability.

Percentage of authorisations granted by conservation area managing bodies for renovation and building of homes


No. of caiçaras and quilombolas with access to housing programmes

Min. Desenvolv. Regional and SMHabitação

11.2. By 2030, improve highway safety and access to the city by means of more sustainable, inclusive, efficient and fair urban mobility systems, prioritising mass public transport and active transport, with special attention to the needs of persons in situations of vulnerability, such as those with disability and reduced mobility, women, children and older adults.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with appropriate access (10 min. walk) to a public transport system

SMTransporte and OSC

Average time taken by caiçara and quilombola communities to access public transport

Qualitative research

11.4. Strengthen initiatives to protect and safeguard Brazil’s natural and cultural heritage, including its material and immaterial heritage.

No. of initiatives to foster culture in caiçara and quilombola communities

MinTurismo, Secret. Mun. Cultura Paraty, Fundart and OSC

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with appropriate access (10 min. walk) to cultural facilities

SME, Fundart, SM Cultura Paraty

11.6. By 2030, reduce the negative environmental impact per capita of cities, improve air quality indices and solid waste management and guarantee that all towns and cities with populations of more than 500,000 have implemented air quality monitoring systems and solid waste management plans.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities served by refuse collection services


11.7. By 2030, provide universal access to safe, accessible, green public spaces, particularly for women, children and adolescents, older adults and persons with disability and other groups in situations of vulnerability.

No. of initiatives to foster sport and leisure in caiçara and quilombola communities

SMEsporte and Lazer and OSC



12.8. By 2030, guarantee that people everywhere have substantial information and are being made aware of sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature, in agreement with Brazil’s National Environmental Education Programme (Programa Nacional de Educação Ambiental, PRONEA).

No. of governmental or non-governmental events and productions on sustainable development


Percentage of caiçara and quilombola lower secondary schools that offer sustainable development as a subject


12.b. Develop and implement tools for monitoring the impacts of sustainable development on tourism that is accessible to all, generates decent employment and work, improves income distribution and promotes local culture and products.

No. of sustainable tourism strategies and action plans with monitoring and evaluation tools implemented in caiçara and quilombola territories


No. of pupils trained in community-based tourism courses




13.1. Strengthen resilience and adaptability to risks related to climate and natural disasters in all countries.

No. of local strategies to reduce disaster risk in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies

Civil Defence and SMM



14.1. By 2025, significantly prevent and reduce marine pollution of all kinds, especially pollution resulting from activities on land, including marine detritus and nutrient pollution.

Suitability for bathing of beaches in caiçara and quilombola territories


No. of records of oil spills in traditional fishing territories and adjacent areas


Percentage of coastal caiçara and quilombola communities where suitability for bathing is monitored


14.4. By (2020)2030, effectively regulate fishing, end over-fishing, illegal, unrecorded and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, so as to restore fish stocks as quickly as possible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics.

Volume of fish landed in (a) Paraty and (b) Ubatuba


No. of fish landing sites in (a) Paraty and (b) Ubatuba where fishing activity is monitored


No. of environmental infractions for illegal fishing recorded in traditional fishing territory

PM Ambiental, Ibama and ICMBio

Small-scale caiçara and quilombola fishermen’s perceptions of the quality and quantity of fish catches

Qualitative research

14.5. By 2020 (2030), conserve at least 25% of coastal and marine zones, particularly areas of special importance to biodiversity and ecosystem services, while assuring and respecting demarcation, regularisation and effective and equitable management, with a view to guaranteeing interlinking, integration and ecological representation in broader marine landscapes, in accordance with Brazil’s national and international legislation and on the basis of the best scientific information available.

Percentage of traditional fishing territory overlaid on conservation areas


14.b. Provide small-scale manual fishermen with access to marine resources and markets.

No. of fishing agreements signed with caiçara and quilombola communities


No. of caiçara and quilombola fishermen on the General Fishery Register (Registro Geral de Pesca)


No. of Extractive and Coastal and Marine Sustainable Development Reserves in caiçara and quilombola territories


No. of undertakings (Termos de Compromisso) signed for small-scale fishing activities by caiçaras and quilombolas regarding traditional fishing territories in strict protection conservation areas




15.1. By 2020 (2030), at least 30% da Amazônia, 17% of each of the other terrestrial biomes and 10% of marine and coastal areas will be conserved by means of the systems of conservation areas provided for in the Law of the National System of Conservation Areas (Lei do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação) and other categories of areas officially protected as Permanent Protection Areas (Áreas de Preservação Permanente, APPs), Legal Reserves (Reservas Legais, RLs) and indigenous lands with native vegetation, particularly areas of especial importance to biodiversity and ecosystem services, assuring and respecting demarcation, regularisation and effective, equitable management, with a view to guaranteeing interlinking, integration and ecological representation in broader terrestrial and marine landscapes.

Percentage of caiçara and quilombola communities with territory overlapping conservation areas


15.2. By 2030, eliminate illegal deforestation in all of Brazil’s biomes, expand the area of forest under sustainable environmental management and restore 12 million hectares of degraded forests and other forms of native vegetation in all biomes and preferably in APPs and RLs and expand the area of planted forests in alternative soil use areas by 1.4 million hectares.

No. of reforestation initiatives in caiçara and quilombola territories




16.6. Set up effective, transparent, accountable institutions at all levels.

Interviewees’ satisfaction with public services

Qualitative research

16.7. Guarantee the adoption of representative, inclusive, participatory decision making at all levels.

No. of caiçara and quilombola participants in public agency bodies




17.6. Improve regional and North-South, South-South and triangular international cooperation in science, technology and innovation and related access, and increase knowledge sharing in mutually agreed conditions, including improving coordination among existing mechanisms, particularly in the United Nations and by way of a world technology facilitation mechanism.

No. of cooperation initiatives with traditional peoples in other countries



  • CadÚnico  - Unified Registry System for Federal Government Programs
  • Conab  - National Company for Food Supply
  • CETESB  - Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo
  • FIPERJ  - Fisheries Institute Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  • FCP  - Palmares Cultural Foundation
  • FF  - Forestry Foundation
  • FundDart  - Ubatuba Art and Culture Foundation
  • ICMBio  - Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation
  • IBAMA  - Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
  • INCRA  - National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform
  • INEA  - State Environment Institute ( Rio de Janeiro)
  • INEP  - National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira
  • IPT  -APTA - Technological Research Institute- São Paulo Agency of Agribusiness Technology
  • ITERJ  -Land Institute of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  • ITESP  - Land Institute of the State of São Paulo
  • MAPA  - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
  • MP  - Public Prosecutor’s Office
  • CSO  - Civil society organizations
  • SPU  - Federal Properties Management Office
  • SABESP  - Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo
  • SAMU  - Mobile Emergency Care Service
  • SISVAN  - Food and Nutrition Surveillance System
  • SM  - Municipal Department
  • SMAS  - Municipal Department of Social Welfare
  • SME  - Municipal Department of Education
  • SMS  - Municipal Department of Health
  • SMM  - Municipal Department of Environment
  • TBC  - Community-based tourism

Final remarks

The indicators developed by this study are based on a specific context, the caiçara and quilombola communities of the Bocaina Territory. The challenge was to takeparameters, problems and objectives specified for broader, national and global scales and to translate and adapt them to the local level. It is hoped that this proposal will contribute to the theory and methodology of “localising” Agenda 2030 and will be applicable to other contexts, with the necessary adaptations to their specificities, demands and priorities, and consequently with a different mapping of data sources.

The methodology seeks to reflect the communities’ values and aspirations as regards the meanings of development and to accompany the evolution of local problems, the alternatives developed by the communities to overcome those problems and the supply of public services in the territory. The focus is on the sustainable social and economic development and environmental conservation of those territories. In addition, it has potential as information for evaluating these populations’ quality of life and their contribution to environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation.

The endeavour is complementary to that of adapting the global agenda to sub-national levels. In 2016, the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UNDP and UN Habitat alerted to the need to “localise” Agenda 2030 and present an implementation strategy.

While the SDGs are global, their achievement will depend on our ability to make them a reality in our cities and regions. All of the SDGs have targets directly related to the responsibilities of local and regional governments, particularly to their role in delivering basic services. That’s why local and regional governments must be at the heart of the 2030 Agenda (GLOBAL TASKFORCE OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS, 2016, p. 6).

Although praiseworthy, that effort needs a complementary endeavour going further still to arrive at traditional communities. As with other indigenous peoples and communities, they live on well-conserved lands where 80% of the planet’s biodiversity is concentrated (SHAKYA, 2021SHAKYA, P. Indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. In: United Nations/ Department of Economic and Social Affairs/ Division for Inclusive Social Development/Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch/ Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Rights to Lands, Territories and Resources. 2021. v. 5. pp. 149-176. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 16 May 2021.
), but which - in the case of Brazil - are not properly integrated into national statistics. Taking traditional communities in their territory as the focus of Agenda 2030 will contribute to filling that gap. To that end, it is fundamental that the local population, and particularly locally active civil society organisations, participate in the process. Their actions yield social and environmental gains that need to be recorded and reported. Localisation of Agenda 2030 is thus an opportunity to give visibility to the contributions and demands of these communities.


This study was made possible by the involvement of numerous actors who supported the research at different points: the quilombola and caiçara communities and leaders, the researchers of Projeto POVOS, the Observatório dos Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Bocaina (OTSS) and the Fórum das Comunidades Tradicionais. Although too numerous to mention by name, we would like to express our gratitude to them in the hope that this study may contribute to sustainable development in the territory.


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  • 1
    - Caiçara is the name given to traditional coastal populations between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Paraná that practice a subsistence economy.Quilombolas are the equivalent of Maroons of the Caribbean; quilombos are their settlements.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 Apr 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    17 Nov 2022
ANPPAS - Revista Ambiente e Sociedade Anppas / Revista Ambiente e Sociedade - São Paulo - SP - Brazil