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Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, Volume: 15, Número: 3, Publicado: 2015
  • Utilização de redes neurais para predição de volume em eucalipto Article

    Bhering, Leonardo Lopes; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Peixoto, Leonardo de Azevedo; Rosado, Antônio Marcos; Laviola, Bruno Galveas; Nascimento, Moysés

    Resumo em Português:

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a metodologia das redes neurais artificiais (RNA) para predizer o volume de madeira nos programas de melhoramento de eucalipto e na seleção de famílias comparando as RNA com modelos de regressão. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com 140 famílias de meios-irmãos, 5 e 4 repetições para 3 e 6 anos respectivamente, ambos com 5 plantas por parcela. Para o treinamento da rede, foi utilizado 2000 e 1500 indivíduos, e para validação foram utilizados 1500 e 1300 indivíduos, respectivamente, para 3 e 6 anos. Foi concluído que as RNA pode ajudar a melhorar a acurácia na medição do volume em árvores de eucalipto e automatizar o processo do inventário florestal. As RNA foram mais acuradas na predição do volume de madeira que quase todos os modelos de regressão.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the methodology of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in order to predict wood volume in eucalyptus and its impacts on the selection of superior families, and to compare artificial neural network with regression models. Data used were obtained in a random block design with 140 half-sib families with five replications at three years of age, and four replications at six years of age, both with five plants per plot. The volume was estimated using ANN and regression models. It was used 2000 and 1500 data to train ANN, and 1500 and 1300 to validate ANN for 3 and 6 years of age, respectively. It is concluded that ANN can help improving the accuracy to measure the volume in eucalyptus trees, and to automate the process of forestry inventory and were more accurate in predicting wood volume than almost all regression models.
  • Herança da tolerância da soja ao Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus Article

    Arias, Carlos A Arrabal; Almeida, Alvaro M R; Mituti, Tatiana; Kitajima, Elliot W

    Resumo em Português:

    A necrose da haste em soja é causada pelo vírus Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) e é considerada uma doença emergente e economicamente importante no Brasil. Apenas cultivares tolerantes foram identificadas até o momento, e o controle genético da tolerância permanece desconhecido. Para estudar a herança da tolerância ao CPMMV foram realizados dois cruzamentos para obter as gerações F2 e F2:3, um entre duas cultivares tolerantes (BRS 133 x BRSMT Pintado) e outro entre uma cultivar suscetível (CD 206) e outra tolerante (BRSMT Pintado). Análises qualitativas e quantitativas aplicadas sobre os dados obtidos nas avaliações em casa-de-vegetação mostraram que existem pelo menos dois genes maiores distintos, um na cultivar de soja BRS 133 e outro na cultivar BRSMT Pintado, determinando a tolerância ao CPMMV. Houve predominância de efeitos genéticos aditivos e herdabilidade, que permite a seleção eficiente baseada em médias, mesmo nas primeiras gerações após o cruzamento.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Soybean stem necrosis is caused by Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) and it has been recognized as an emerging and economically important disease in Brazil. No resistant, but only tolerant cultivars have been identified so far, and their genetic control is still unknown. To investigate the inheritance of soybean tolerance to CPMMV, two crosses between tolerant cultivars (BRS 133 x BRSMT Pintado), and between a susceptible (CD 206) and a tolerant cultivar (BRSMT Pintado) were carried out to obtain F2 and F2:3 generations. Quantitative and qualitative analyses applied to the data from greenhouse evaluations showed that there are at least two distinct major genes determining tolerance to CPMMV, one in the soybean cultivar BRS 133 and another in the cultivar BRSMT Pintado, with predominance of additive genetic effects and heritability levels that allow for efficient selection based on early generation means.
  • Crossability and evaluation of incompatibility barriers in crosses between Capsicum species Article

    Martins, Kellen Coutinho; Pereira, Telma Nair Santana; Souza, Sérgio Alessandro Machado; Rodrigues, Rosana; Amaral Junior, Antônio Teixeira do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objectives of this study were to estimate the crossability rate in combinations of and assess the occurrence of incompatibility barriers between Capsicum species. The species C. annuum, C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. baccatum var. pendulum, and C. baccatum var. baccatum were crossed and the number of hand-pollinations and of resulting fruits and plants was registered. The resulting hybrids were evaluated for their pollen viability and in the crosses that produced no hybrids, the in vivo germination of pollen grains was assessed. Some crosses generated hybrids, while others produced no fruit or, despite generating fruits, no plants grew from them. The crossability rate between species of the complex C. annuum and C. baccatum ranged from 2.2% to 3.7%, and was 14.6% between species of the complex C. annuum. A pre-fertilization barrier was observed in the non-germination of pollen grains, as well as post-fertilization barriers consisting of embryo death, lack of vigor and hybrid sterility
  • Base genética das cultivares brasileiras de arroz irrigado Article

    Rabelo, Hudson de Oliveira; Guimarães, João Filipi Rodrigues; Pinheiro, José Baldin; Silva, Edson Ferreira da

    Resumo em Português:

    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a base genética de cultivares brasileiras de arroz irrigado liberadas comercialmente no período de 1965 a 2012. As genealogias das cultivares foram obtidas com base em informações de folders de divulgação de cultivares, sites de internet, livros de registros de cruzamentos e artigos científicos. Os seguintes fatores foram calculados: contribuição genética relativa (RGC), contribuição genética acumulada (AGC), frequência (em porcentagem) de cada ancestral na genealogia (FAG), número de ancestrais que constitui cada cultivar (NAC), número de ancestrais responsáveis por 60%, 70%, 80% e 90% da base genética (NAGB) e número médio de ancestrais por cultivar (ANAC). As cultivares foram também agrupadas baseando-se no período de lançamento (1965-1980, 1981-1990, 1991-2000 e 2001-2012); para cada agrupamento, os fatores previamente citados também foram estimados. Um total de 110 cultivares foi estudado. Concluiu-se que a base genética das cultivares brasileiras de arroz irrigado é estreita.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic base of Brazilian irrigated rice cultivars released in the period from 1965 to 2012. The genealogies of the cultivars were obtained based on information from marketing folders, websites, crossings records, and scientific articles. The following factors were calculated: relative genetic contribution (RGC), accumulated genetic contribution (AGC), frequency (in percentage) of each ancestor in the genealogy (FAG), number of ancestors that constitute each cultivar (NAC), number of ancestors responsible for 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% of the genetic base (NAGB), and average number of ancestor per cultivar (ANAC). The cultivars were also grouped based on the period of release (1965-1980, 1981-1990, 1991-2000 and 2001-2012). For each grouping, the previously described factors were also estimated. A total of 110 cultivars were studied and it was concluded that the genetic base of Brazilian irrigated rice cultivars is narrow.
  • Combining ability and heterosis of relevant fruit traits of tomato genotypes for industrial processing Article

    Figueiredo, Alex Sandro Torre; Resende, Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Faria, Marcos Ventura; Paula, Juliana Tauffer de; Schwarz, Kélin; Zanin, Daniel Suek

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective was to estimate the combining ability of lines and heterosis in industrial tomato genotypes for the identification of those with good potential for breeding programs. Ten lines of industrial tomato, 45 hybrids derived from a complete diallel and two commercial check cultivars were evaluated. The combining ability of tomato lines and heterosis of hybrid combinations for fruit-quality related traits were estimated. Non-additive effects predominated in the genetic control of all traits. The parent lines RVTD-04, RVTD-10 and RVTD-08 had an exceptionally high presence of favorable alleles for most traits. High genetic divergence between the parents was observed, contributing positively to significant heterosis values. The above lines can be used in breeding programs to develop tomato hybrids with high performance for characteristics related to industrial processing.
  • Eficiência diferencial de transformação de variedades de arroz japonica desenvolvidas no norte da China Article

    Li, Dan; Xu, Hai; Sun, Xiaoxue; Cui, Zhibo; Zhang, Yuan; Bai, Yuguan; Wang, Xiaoxue; Chen, Wenfu

    Resumo em Português:

    A produção de arroz japonica no norte da China desempenha um papel importante na segurança alimentar para o mundo. Transferência de genes mediada por Agrobacterium está se tornando uma abordagem poderosa para gerar germoplasma e desenvolver variedades. No entanto, a eficiência transgênica das variedades de arroz japonica no norte da China tem sido completamente desconhecida, o que obstrui o desenvolvimento da criação de transgênicos e a exploração das funções dos genes. Neste estudo, as eficiências da transgenia de seis variedades de arroz japonica desenvolvidas no Norte da China são avaliadas. As taxas de indução de calo primário e secundário das variedades são semelhantes. Contudo, a eficiência transgênica e a capacidade de regeneração das variedades são bem distintas. Foi estabelecida uma plataforma para a transformação das variedades de arroz e proposta uma variedade adequada, SN9816, para transferência de genes. SN9816 pode ser aplicada como um germoplasma-elite para melhoramento transgênico e pesquisa básica de biologia molecular no norte da China ou em uma área na mesma latitude.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The production of japonica rice in northern China plays an important role in food security for the world. Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer is becoming a powerful approach to generate germplasm and develop varieties. However, the transgenic efficiency of the japonica rice varieties in northern China has been completely unknown, which obstructs the development of transgenic breeding and the exploration of gene functions. In this study, the transgenic efficiencies of six japonica rice varieties developed in northern China are evaluated. The rates of primary and secondary callus induction of the varieties are similar. However, transgenic efficiency and the regeneration ability of the varieties are greatly different. The results have established a platform for transformation of the rice varieties and proposed a suitable variety, SN9816, for gene transfer. SN9816 can be applied as an elite germplasm for transgenic breeding and basic research of molecular biology in northern China or an area in the same latitude.
  • Implicações da seleção precoce para resistência à antracnose no melhoramento genético do feijoeiro comum Article

    Pádua, José Maria Villela; Ramalho, Magno Antonio Patto; Abreu, Ângela de Fátima Barbosa

    Resumo em Português:

    É questionável se a seleção precoce para resistência ao Colletotrichum lindemuthianum reduz a eficiência da seleção para produtividade de grãos no feijoeiro comum. Para responder esta questão foi utilizada a população segregante do cruzamento entre duas linhagens de feijão: CI107 (suscetível) x BRSMG Madrepérola (resistente). A seleção para resistência foi realizada em F2 e F3, obtendo-se três tipos de progênies: não selecionadas (A), selecionadas somente em F2 (B), e selecionadas em F2 e F3 (C). As progênies obtidas foram avaliadas para produtividade de grãos e ocorrência do patógeno em experimentos. Na F3:5 foram utilizados 289 tratamentos (96 progênies A, 96 B, 95 C e 2 testemunhas (T)); na F3:6, 196 tratamentos (64 A, 64 B, 64 C e 4 T); na F3:7, 81 tratamentos (26 A, 26 B, 26 C e 3 T). A seleção de plantas resistentes à antracnose em gerações precoces aumenta o sucesso com a seleção para produtividade de grãos em gerações avançadas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It is questionable if early selection for resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum reduces the efficiency of selection for grain yield in common beans. For this, it was used the segregating population of the cross between two common bean lines: CI107 (susceptible) x BRSMG Madrepérola (resistant). Selection for resistance was carried out in F2 and F3, obtaining three types of progenies: not selected (A), selected only in F2 (B), and selected in F2 and F3 (C). The progenies obtained were evaluated for grain yield and pathogen occurrence in experiments. In F3:5, it was used 289 treatments (96 progenies A, 96 B, 95 C and 2 checks (T)); in F3:6, 196 treatments (64 A, 64 B, 64 C and 4 T); in F3:7, 81 treatments (26 A, 26 B, 26 C and 3 T). Selection of plants resistant to anthracnose in early generations increases the successful selection for grain yield in later generations.
  • Yield, market quality, and leaf spots partial resistance of interspecific peanut progenies Note

    Suassuna, Taís de Moraes Falleiro; Suassuna, Nelson Dias; Moretzsohn, Márcio de Carvalho; Bertioli, Soraya Cristina de Macedo Leal; Bertioli, David Jonh; Medeiros, Everaldo Paulo de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Development of leaf spots resistant runner peanut cultivars is one of the major demands in Brazil. In the 2009/10 crop season, 12 pre-breeding progenies (LPM) were selected out of 380 plants of an interspecific BC1F3 population for leaf spots resistance and agronomic traits. In the 2010/11, the 12 LPMs were evaluated for leaf spots resistance, without fungicide sprays. The recurrent parent (susceptible control) and all LPMs were susceptible; partial resistant segregating plants were selected. Some progenies had yield, pod and seed shape similar to the control. The 12, and the 5 LPMs selected in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 crop seasons, respectively, were evaluated under appropriate disease management. Differences were detected for pod yield and weight of 100 seeds. Seed/pod weight ratio, oil content and oleic/linoleic ratio were similar to the control. Individual plants were selected for pod yield and market quality. Variability detected in the first backcross generation for partial resistance and agronomic traits will be useful.
  • New sources of resistance to Myrothecium roridum and Podosphaeria xanthii in yellow melon Note

    Nunes, Elaíne Welk Lopes Pereira; Preston, Hailson Alves Pereira; DoVale, Júlio César; Aragão, Fernando Antônio Souza de; Antônio, Rafaela Priscila; Nunes, Glauber Henrique de Sousa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to identify sources of resistance toMyrothecium roridum and Podosphaeria xanthii. Initially, 86 inbred lines of the crossing AM-04 x Goldex, 91 inbred lines of the crossing AM-12 x Rochedo, and 75 inbred lines of the crossing ACP x AF-646 were evaluated. The trials were carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block design with five replications. Seventeen inbred lines were identified as resistant to M. roridum. These inbred lines, as well as the parents and seven differential cultivars (checks) were evaluated for the reaction to P. xanthii. Ten inbred lines were selected as moderately resistant to M. roridum and resistant to P. xanthii.
  • RB99395: Sugarcane cultivar with high sucrose content Cultivar Release

    Barbosa, Geraldo Veríssimo de Souza; Oliveira, Ricardo Augusto de; Cruz, Marcelo de Menezes; Santos, João Messias dos; Silva, Paulo Pedro da; Viveiros, Antônio Jorge de Araújo; Sousa, Antônio José Rosário; Ribeiro, Carlos Alberto Guedes; Soares, Lailton; Teodoro, Iêdo; Sampaio Filho, Francisco; Diniz, Carlos Assis; Torres, Vera Lúcia Dubeux

    Resumo em Inglês:

    RB99395 cultivar was developed by the Sugarcane Breeding Program at the Federal University of Alagoas, which is part of RIDESA. In 1999, seeds were obtained from crosses between RB867515 cultivar and pollen from an unknown genotype in "Serra do Ouro" Crossing Station. The process of selection and experimentation was carried out in three Research Stations of Alagoas. RB99395 cultivar was released in Alagoas in May 2010, and has a high content of sucrose throughout the harvest period. Planting is recommended in fertile soils and in environments with no water deficiency, a condition which results in high agricultural yields. It is tolerant most diseases that occur in Northeast, Brazil.
  • UEL 175: a novel lipoxygenase-free soybean cultivar with kunitz trypsin inhibitor absence Cultivar Release

    Carpentieri-Pipolo, Valeria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    UEL 175 is lipoxygenase-free soybean cultivar and has absence of the antinutritional factors kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI). UEL 175 presents high yield potential and good adaptation under no-tillage. It is resistant to soybean stem canker, brown stem rot, frogeye leaf spot, and bacterial pustule.
  • RB975952 - Early maturing sugarcane cultivar Cultivar Release

    Carneiro, Monalisa Sampaio; Chapola, Roberto Giacomini; Fernandes Júnior, Antônio Ribeiro; Cursi, Danilo Eduardo; Barreto, Fernanda Zatti; Balsalobre, Thiago Willian Almeida; Hoffmann, Hermann Paulo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    RB975952 is an early maturing sugarcane cultivar released for the South-Central region of Brazil. It should be harvested between April and May, and it is recommended for planting in environments with medium to high production potential. RB975952 has high resistance levels to the main diseases of the crop, it also has a good shoot development after mechanical harvesting, and high sucrose yields.
  • URS Brava - a new oat cultivar with partial resistance to crown rust Cultivar Release

    Federizzi, Luiz Carlos; Pacheco, Marcelo Teixeira; Nava, Itamar Cristiano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The cultivar URS Brava, obtained from a simple cross between the line 'UFRGS 995078-2' and the cultivar 'URS 21', shows high grain yield and stability, high grain quality, desirable agronomical traits and partial resistance to crown rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Fitotecnia, 36570-000 Viçosa - Minas Gerais/Brasil, Tel.: (55 31)3899-2611, Fax: (55 31)3899-2611 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil