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The role of Programa Bolsa Família in the food security of families in the Marajó Territory, PA, Brazil

Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the role that Programa Bolsa Família plays in the food security of the families in the Marajó Territory, located in the State of Pará, Brazil. Using a qualitative approach, we sought an understanding of the benefit of the program's influence in food, economic and social practices. A positive impact was observed in access to food and standard of living, providing well-being, better quality of life and development of credit practices, necessary to combat food insecurity in the region.

Key words:
social programs; eating habits; credit practices

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil