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National Common Curriculum Base and infocommunication skills: a correlation analysis1 1 Previous version of the article was presented at Lusocom - Lusophone Federation of Communication Sciences, in November 2018, in Maputo, Mozambique.


She holds a degree in Librarianship from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1997), a master’s degree in Information Science (2005) and is a PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture (2011), both at the Federal University of Bahia. She completed a doctoral internship at the University of Aveiro, Portugal (2010) and a post-doctoral internship at the Carlos III University of Madrid (2016). She is a permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI-UFBA) and the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCIN-UFRGS). CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship

Information and Media Literacy; Infocommunication skills; Life history; New Media Literacy; National Common Curriculum Base -Brazil. High school

Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM) Rua Joaquim Antunes, 705, 05415-012 São Paulo-SP Brasil, Tel. 55 11 2574-8477 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil