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Strategic challenges to the Catholic Church

The article examines the Catholic Church’s long term agenda, in the light of the II Vatican Concilium (1962-1965), historical event which tried to fit the institution for the challenges of modernity. In spite of the Conclave’s advances, the author thinks that, in the last forty years, a growing contradiction has taken place between the "external" mission of the Church - which has, at least partially, recognized the modern values -, and the democratic deficit of its internal structures and practices. The article also evaluates the 25 years of John Paul II’s pontificate and the prospects of his upcoming succession.

Catholic Church; the Vatican Concilium II; Catholicism and modernity

CEDEC Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea - CEDEC, Rua Riachuelo, 217 - conjunto 42 - 4°. Andar - Sé, 01007-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: (55 11) 3871.2966 - Ramal 22 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil